One Hundred.

So, this is my 100th post.  It's time to C.E.L.E.B.R.A.T.E.

One hundred rants and raves.  One hundred laughs.  One hundred memories.

I am actually feeling a bit sentimental!

In honor of my 100th post, I am having a contest.

$100 American Express Gift Card.

To win?  Leave me a comment telling me which of my posts is your favorite.

Want an Extra TWO Entries?  Post about the contest on your site.

Nothing wrong with getting a little Birthday love, right?

Contest ends Friday, 8.29.


my favorite is your Crackliture post, got me hooked on Twilight.. dang it!!
Rhea said…
I love your Marketing Geniuse post, the open letter to Tampax. lol I love the idea of chocolate with my feminine products.

Congrats on your 100th post!! That's totally awesome, and celebrating with a contest is a great idea. hehe
Amy said…
I love the post that you answered questions, those are always so much fun. :D
Insane Mama said…
I like the one about your OB/GYN that may have been the first thing I read of yours.
Sydney said…
I really like the one where you broke up then didn't with your personal trainer! Cracked me up! I'll post about your contest tomorrow! (seriously... i already posted today).
Live.Love.Eat said…
Congrats!!!! I like "my word is bliss."
Amy said…
I have to say my favorite post was also about Twilight because then I read and loved them.
Anonymous said…
Oh that's not fair..pick on fav?? the tampon letter totally had me hooked!!

Congrats on 100!!
WheresMyAngels said…
I liked the Tampon one also, but I think your TV Debut was my favorite!!

Give me til tonight and I will have a post up talking about your contest cause I want to be a winner. I could use a 100 card to go buy alot of duct tape to keep Mercede from hiding all my stuff. Wait, I'll need a staple gun also, but I think I can only use the duct tape on her ;)
WheresMyAngels said…
Oh forgot to add, you know what post I HATE don't you?? Seeing that dang beautiful ring :0 Anyday you want to trade men, just let me know!
Kori said…
My fave post is the one where you took the little guy panty shopping with you.
Jen said…
Wow! That is some contest. Count me in. Do you know what was my favorite? I can't really remember the post but I think it was when you were talking about the Twilight series and some people did not like how the whole thing ended. I really like you you said about how those people who did like the ending really did not the true love that the book talked about.
That is one of my favorite things about the Twilight books. It brings back all those memories about when Jeff and I first fell in love. It is good to remember that.
I just think that you hit the nail on the head. I have not finished the series yet but I am getting close.
cricketphx said…
My favorite post was the story of the crazy book club lady - actually it was several posts! Scary but humorous the way you wrote it! I'm gonna post about your contest on my site! Hope someone sees it!
The Mom Jen said…
Oh yeah Snickers in the Tampax...and a large pizza in addition goes well with periods and chocolate. Just sayin', I love the open letter to the Tampax people!

Thanks for the chance!
Alison said…
Definitely the crackliture post. I knew you had coined an important term for my vocabulary!

Thanks for having the giveaway. I'll let you know when I get a chance to put a post up about it.
Anonymous said…
after sifting back through your entries, i must say i loved the surprise propsal ring on your tenth anniversary story!! how sweet and romantic! i love it!

and i hope i win :) we're in your "eating spaghetti for a year" phase as newlyweds!

and be sure to swing by The Pink Potpourri...we're having a giveaway too! and also hosting a favorite things swap!
Heather said…
I'll skip on the prize, but I couldn't stand NOT leaving you a comment on your 100th POST!!! WOO HOOOOO!
KatBouska said…
I too enjoyed the letter to tampax...I think that's about when we first fell in love with each other. After that I just can't pick a favorite...I love them all.
polkadot said…
congrats, my favorite post is Breaking Up is Hard to Do!
sassy stephanie said…
Man, and I thought you were generous before the $100 offer!

I love your Q&A, your hot ob/gyn stories. But honestly, I love this week's post supporting our troops. Those things are so easily forgotten. I need those gentle reminders every now and then and I shed a tear this week reading that post and watching the video.

Contest is posted on my site!
Congrats on your 100th post! My favorite post was one of your Friday fives - the one about the top five list. It was just fun. And was one of several inspirations for me to do my Friday Follies - which has since morphed into Weekend whimseys...
S Club Mama said…
Congratulations! I absolutely love your New Moms Must Read post (and I especially love that when I asked for advice, it was ready and waiting for me).

But this one:
is a hoot, too.
I'll put this contest on my sidebar, does that count?
Ann Harrison said…
Since I have two children I've learned the phrase "I don't play favorites".
However, I do like contests! And in the interest of THIS contest I will say a favorite is when you were telling us about Crazy Shannon. I just loved it! I laughed, I screamed at the monitor, I ran scenarios in my head of what I would do.
It was great.
I'll say "Laugh Out Loud. The Final Installment".
So there you have it.
And CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post!

~Ann (The Nice One)
*** Alright, that's the last time I do that ***
Ann Harrison said…
Wait a minute!!!
I had no idea that Mrs. S chose the same-exact-post!!!
I'm not copying, I promise.
I better go visit her blog. We seem to like the same things.

(And another thing...
I like your empty playlist on the bottom. So peaceful. So Zen ;-> )
Party of 5 said…
OH my goodness I can't pick just one. Why would I continue to come if I didn't like them all. LOL

I love your accounts of bookclub, schooling me on Twlight (which I am reading - on bk3 and um I just started reading them on Wednesday...LOL), and your answer session to name a few.
Only 100? Man, it seems like you've been around much longer than that! You seasoned pro you.

I think the first post of yours that I read was about Big Lots...don't know how I landed on your blog back then. But I thought you were funny...and you did love the OU library! I think about you, Tiffany, everytime I pass BL.

I received my WS giftcard yesterday--THANK YOU! How fun will that be?

Happy 100! Here's to many more FABULOUS posts!
CaraBee said…
The first post of yours I read was the Big Lots one. I knew we could be great friends! My favorite, though, was the book club series. That broad was a major kook.

Congrats on the 100th post!
Lula! said…
You had me at the beer goggles. Or, the "cupcakes," as my future son-in-law called them. Yep--that was waaaaaaay back in the day. Like months ago.
Amy said…
I love your post review on Breaking Dawn. It brought me to tears. In fact it brings me to tears every time I read it. It was beautifully written. You have such a gift for writing. I share your post with everyone I know who read the book. I even posted a link to your post.
Unknown said…
I like the posts where you answer the questions, not so much for the actual answers, but for how you write them. I love your style!
Just Lisa said…
I loved the 10th anniversary trilogy! So romantic!

Congrats on hitting your 100!
Dee said…
I am only new to your blog, but I loved the New Moms Must Read one, (new dads should read it too!)

Congrats on your 100, I hope to get to read them all eventually.
Anonymous said…
Congrats, Tiffany! I too like the Crackliture post....because it too got me hooked on Twilight....that and your many other refernces to Twilight....dangit!

I posted today about this contest.....I was going to do it last night but I stayed up too late reading New Moon...AGAIN...and fell asleep!
Peggy said…
Congratulations on 100! We should be giving you a prize.
Shannon said…
Congrats on the 100th post!

I'm not original... 'cause I think my favorite post is about Twilight, too.

The first post of yours I read was "Vamp Love"... I had not heard of the Twilight books so this post had me intrigued. Then the next day I got that copy of EW in the mail and was like, so this is what Tiffany was talking about! I went out the next day and bought Book 1. Then bought Books 2 & 3 within the next week! And then could not wait for the final book. So thanks for "introducing" me to Bella & Edward :)
John Deere Mom said…
Happy 100!!! My favorite post? Even though it sparked a jealous rage...I loved your special weekend post with the Candy Man at the swanky resort and um, oh yeah...THE BIG OL RING!!!
Sherri said…
Yeah Tiffany!!! Post #100!!!

My favorite post of your was the book club series!!!

I posted about your giveaway on my blog!!
~Sheila~ said…

I'm with insane mama. The one about the OB/GYN was one of the first ones I read too!
WheresMyAngels said…
Ok, got it up on my blog, almost forgot because I enjoyed my favorite drink last night and then started thinking what a dork my child husband is, when it comes to gardening and got all blogged up at a rant at him ;)
Anonymous said…
I am a newbie here, but gotta post for this contest. WAHOO! It's a great idea.

I personally loved your ode to Big Lots. I too have love for Big Lots. Our "picture wall" is centered around a fabulous plaque that reads "FAMILY All because two people fell in love" Cheesy, yes, but the perfect colors and centerpiece for our pictures.
i love the tampon post! your blog is great!
Scott said…
Congrat's on your 100th post!

I have to say that I agree with allot of others and that letter to Tampax post is pretty darn funny stuff!

I disagree on one thing though....I think we the period havers should get the hotel stay (a weeks worth of course) and the men can stay home with the kids! :)
Scott said…
I just posted a blog about your contest on my site!
Monogramchick said…
I too, love the Tampa letter but I also love the OB story and that you actually told him that he needed to put crossword puzzles on the ceiling--classic!
Cristin said…
Crackliture for freaking sure. I'm so hooked on the Twilight series, I think my husband might be planning an intervention...
amiable amy said…
my fave is " I love our troops " ... i have a friend assigned in Afghanistan and i made my share of blogging about them...was just touched by the video you posted....

congrats on your 100th posts...and the prize is tempting...can anyone just let me win....? i need it for my greencard... :-) i added your site...can't resist your thoughts... with humour and highly sensible
Heather said…
My favorite, hands down, is the surprise weekend three-post series you did in July. You kept us all hanging...I could barely stand the suspense. Brilliant.
Ann Harrison said…
I've mentioned your generous contest on my blog.

~Ann You know how to celebrate. I think my fav archive post is the letter to Tampax, and my fav. recent post is about crackliture and how the term was coined. I'm going to post about your celebration on my blog tomorrow!
Jennifer P. said…
I think I was lured here by the smell of money....ha! ha!

You know I've read just about every one of those 100! Ever since you showed up on my blog and said something to the effect of: read my blog please. You've been making me laugh ever since! I loved the picture of you in the beer goggles, and of course the idea of putting a crossword on the ceiling as an "icebreaker" for hot ObGyn :).....

Happy 100th post!!!
Laura said…
I have never been to your site. I spent a half hour reading and loved every post I read.

The one where you broke up with your personal trainer (and the came back) totally sold me. I loved it!

I also loved your Twilight post. All your posts were so funny! I'll be posting a link on my blog tomorrow.

What a great contest!
I can't believe I am just now finding my way to your blog! D'uh, me.
Since I haven't been around long I haven't seen many posts, but I do like the Shirley Temple post. It's sweet and reminiscent.
Happy 100th Post!
Bunny B said…
I like the post where you were on TV at 14. Although I couldn't watch the video :(

Happy 100th post! Woot!

bunnybx at gmail . com
Bunny B said…
Blogged for additional entries! Thanks!

bunnybx at gmail . com
Anonymous said…
kee hee hee. Just got done reading Ah, Motherhood; An Ungrateful Child.

"Do you realize, young man" a phrase frequently used here. This summer we ran him all over creation, ensuring he got to see all he wanted to this vacation (WE certainly didn't care to go on a ROCKY tour in the bowels of Philly)!
A few days ago he said "Mom, next summer, can we really GO somewhere?"

And that's my favorite!
Found you from 7ClownCircus; I LOVE this blog!
Mommy Dharlz said…
I like the two G's to a happy life,

I believe in random acts of kindness too, and I salute you for your gift, the giving gift, that is....

anyway, congratulations to your 100th post, and more power...

yeah, i will definitely blog about this spot and add your site to my links too...

care to exchange links? cheers...
Mommy Dharlz said…
i forgot to give the link of my blog post for this it is:
Cheryl said…
I love your open letter to Tampax. That was hilarious. I mean, really, if I'm standing there trying to decide between all the brands and one has a Snickers bar... no contest.
Cy said…
I hadn't thought of Shirley Temples in forever. They too remind me of nice dinners- mostly when visiting my dad.
Lynda said…
Congrats on 100 posts! I, too, loved the Tampax post and the OB/GYN - I see a theme here...
Aunt Julie said…
Happy B-day to you! I really loved your riff on the Anonymous commentor who couldn't even spell. Some people...
Anonymous said…
I would have to say that this is my favorite post, because you are giving away money and I am destitute (not really but I'm getting there!) so anything that has $100 in it, is my favorite post!!!

Congrats on reaching 100!!!
Swirl Girl said…
I love 'My Word is Bliss'. You manage to capture what so many of us are kind of sheepishly embarrassed to do; Admit that our lives are pretty good, even though we like to be sarcastic and snarky - thanks for that.

I'd so totally buy your book...and read it too!

Swirl Girl
Unknown said…
Congratulations! You know I am around here all of the time and even though it is close - my favorite post is the Crackliture one. It is so true I heart the Twilight series!
Anonymous said…
T- I have to say your "To Live My life As..." was my favorite. It made me really think about my walk as a mother...I want to live my life as a woman that my daughter could become or my sons could honor and marry someone like someday! It was beautiful and touching! Congrats on a 100 are so much fun to read! I am looking forward to being better about reading...summer has gotten the best of me and I've been lagging on the comments! Anyway, congrats, again!
GoteeMan said…
I have two -

first, for a serious post, "My Word is Bliss"...

and for a funny post, "My Hot ObGyn" had me rolling in the floor...

TinaJewel said…
I loved your anniversary post titled A Decade! I subscribed to you with my Google RSS feed reader and linked to you on my Giveaway Blog, too.
ohhollyf said…
I Love our Troops, my BIL just got back this spring......
Abby said…
I loved your Twilight Post!


ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
Abby said…
I posted about your contest on my blog!
Unknown said…
I loved your OB...No, not another tampon post. There's nothing like a hot OBGYN! I'm linking your contest to my rants blog. Thanks!
Heather said…
Oh, I totally love your Dr. McHottie post. I wish he could be my dr.
Shelley said…
I totally loved the answer to the question about if you heard your parents having adult time.. Puking is a good reaction.
Mandy said…
My favorite was probably the post about your hot OB. (not another tampon post:)). Crossword on the ceiling? Smooth, very smooth. :) The whole thing just cracked me up.
I'm a new reader to your blog. Looks like you've got some fun stuff going on here. My favorite (so far) is the post with the Mission Statement. That was powerful!
Salty Incisor said…
i am new here. I found you on Angies circus. I read all the past rants on your sidebar plus a few more and I liked the one about Gratitude at Trader Joes right after 9/11 the best!
Michelle said…
Congrats on the up to 100 post. I think I actually read the majority of them. I wouldn't want to miss the "best" one, after all! I do think that my favorite one is panty shopping though....
I really like your Gratitude and Generosity post. The Master Bates is funny too! I was laughing very hard when I was reading that.
MaricrisG said…
what else is best but your 100th post! Congratulations on reaching this milestone.
mama dialogues said…
Yay for your 100th post!

My fav post is your previous "troops" post. My husband is currently deployed but after a terribly long wait, he'll finally be home soon! I couldn't make it through the whole video without crying.

Thank you for that post.
emily freeman said…
I think your Note to Moms post was one of the first I read and said "Amen" after all of your tips. Great thoughts and advice!

And by the way..Congrats on your 100th post and for the love of all one hundred of them: PICK ME!!
Lynda said…
It was Generosity and Gratitude for me - just beautiful!
HaddockTeacher said…
OB McHottie!!OMG I almost wet myself! crossword on the ceiling? personally my thought was a flatscreen tv but hey! anything is better than nothing right? I'm putting you on my favs! Great blog
Kaza said…
Happy 100th post! I'm sure I'll miss mine, as I seem to remain oblivious to all of this stuff.

I can't pick one, because my fave (so far) is the whole book club series about Crazy Shannon (that was her name, no?). Those cracked me up. I know you quoted email a lot, but even so, you retold the drama perfectly, and had me on tenterhooks waiting for more.
Anonymous said…
Monday, May 12th made me feel very connected to I have had to deal with the same kind of thing time and again! Love those kids...Love 'em Love 'em Love 'em...'cause if I didn't I'd...well, I can't say that out loud.
(We too are a no spank family...though our poor oldest DID have to endure for a few years until we were enlightened to a new 'WAY')
Mommy Dharlz said…
hey girl, thanks for the comment on my blog... and thanks for the additional 2 entries--- i've added ur site to mine... thanks and more power...
Sarah said…
I'm new, but I read the Ob post - classic!
Mike said…
You know that breakin' up is hard to dooooo =)
Laurie said…
Well I have two favs! The Master Bates and the letter to Tampax. I would have lost it too if hubby came home and told me my sons instructor was a man with that name. Yes, an unfortunate last name, but oh so funny!!!

Congrats on 100!!
Unknown said…
I blogged about your contest - yeah! 2 extra entries.
Anonymous said…
I posted about your contest here:

Thanks for the giveaway!

Jenelle said…
Okay, I confess, I just came across your blog, so I guess this is my favorite entry! I'll have to read through some and chose another.
I just had my 100th post too, but your contest is way better than mine! I'm just giving away a book, but come on by for a chance to win!
Debbie said…
Hands down my favorite post is STILL the one about your husband and the hand sanitizer on his Cops debut. I still laugh about that whenever you talk about him. That's when I decided I needed to "hang" out with you....
-Bridget said…
Congrats on 100! You have so many cute and funny posts: the letter to tampax, the ob/gyn, the personal trainer. You are a hoot to read!
Casey's trio said…
Hooray for 100 posts and an awesome giveaway to go along with it. Well, I am fairly new to your blog, but I love kid stories so my fave so fair is your son talking about PDA at the "street fair!"
Rachel said…
Congrats on 100! May I make it their with your humor.
Sydney said…
I finally posted a link to your contest in my blog!
Sarahviz said…
I'm a fan of your open letter to Tampax!
LaQuintamomof3 said…
I think your post about Boot Camp might be my favorite. Since I have not opted into the Crackliture series yet... I know I will someday. (Still workingon Harry Potter series with Michael).
Hope the summer wrapped up well.
Sorry I have been away for so long- crazy busy right now!
The kids go back next Tuesday.
we have to try to get togthe this fall- seriously!
Anonymous said…
I like this one. I haven't been reading you for long, but I read everyday now!

Mama Dawg said…
Oh, the open letter to Tampax...hands down. That was HILARIOUS!
Mama Dawg said…
congrats on the 100th post, btw.
Being Honest said…
Congratulations! 100 posts! That's awesome!
Glenda said…
I like the post on generosity and gratitude. I love what you did in Trader Joes! I love that the man you were buying the $3 protein bar hugged you. LOVED IT!
Melissa Lester said…
I appreciated your advice to new moms. I commented on that post back in June and still remember your words of wisdom. Congrats on 100 posts!
The Avid Reader said…
Breaking Up is Hard to Do... laughed through the whole post. :)
Kristen Andrews said…
congrats on hitting your 100th post! I love your post where you answer questions, your answers are too funny! LOL
Unknown said…
OK ... I just read one of the funniest posts I have ever read, "OB ... No. Not another tampon post." I actually even read it to my husband. It cracked me up.

This is my first time to your blog. I came by way of SITS. I just wish I had more time to read.

OK ... I'm bookmarking you for now and will come back later when I have more time.

Nice to meet you.
Anonymous said…
Well, crackliterature was fun and the Tampax letter had me cracking up. Then there was the whole LOL series...

Too hard to pick just one I think...

And I just posted on the blog about it...
Amy Plumb said…
My two favorite post -
I Love Our Troops and this one of course you're giving money away!

Glad I found this blog!
Dana said…
Master Bates cracked me up! Could be because I am absolutely surrounded by nothing but boys and boy humor here!
Dana said…
Master Bates cracked me up! Could be because I am absolutely surrounded by nothing but boys and boy humor here!
Em said…
My favorite is your son and the panty-shopping excursion. I just laugh and laugh when he ask's "those are for YOU?!" LOL, can not stop!
Em said…
P.S. I am newer blog attendee, and just love your humor! Keep it coming!
Unknown said…
They are all so good, But I think the tampon story wins it for me.
thotlady said…
This one of course. Gotta love those contests.
Sarah said…
my fave is "Master Bates". seriously??? you couldn't make stuff like that up!
Finding Normal said…
Hmm. I don't know. Tough question. I think I found you around the tampon letter, and that was hysterical. I also loved your vacation with the hubby and the psycho book clubber.
Anonymous said…
I blogged about the big bash giveaway and everything else under the sun today!
Well, this is the first post I've read but now I have to go back and read more. Apparently your Twilight post and tampon post are popular...
Anonymous said…
Well I just hopped over here from Lulaville- but please let me participate-because I am a TWILIGHT lover too!
I Promise I'm gonna start readin ya though!
Tracy P. said…
Congratulations on 100! My favorite is definitely the New Moms post. Wow, I wish I could have read that about nine years ago!
Cecily R said…
Three words: Letter to Tampax. In fact, as I was fishing tampons out of the toilet after my toddler got hold of a box, I thought of you.

Congrats on your 100th post!!!!
Scary Mommy said…
Happy 100th!!!!!!

The Tampax letter got me too! But, really, you are one of my favs all around!
Jami said…
Wow you are soo funny, I am loving your website just found it and can totally relate. CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post. I just barely started and hopefully I will have as much fun as you ! I am in S Utah too!
Anonymous said…
My favorite is actually the one you just wrote called BLAAAAAAAG. I can totally relate to everything you said in there and I'm not happy that I can. It's all just so on point. I feel your pain.
Tena said…
I enjoyed reading about the entry with the OB/GYN!

Here's too many more entries for you!
serra said…
i loved the soldier video. I completely support our soldiers and love them and this video made me cry! Thanks for sharing it, we can all use the reminder.

Congrats on the 100th pOST! You rock!
scargosun said…
Yea!!! 100!

Since I am a lover of ALL books, your Cracklit post is my fave. Like my Crackberry, you have captured the feel of a good book or series. :)
Trish said…
Whoa, I can't believe I almost missed this!!

My favorite is definitely Master Bates..........I childish like that!

Congrats on 100 posts, it has been fun reading along.
Michelle said…
Master Bates is for sure my favorite. I laughed until I cried and then laughed some more.
Unknown said…
My Ungrateful Child Was my Favorite because I can picture MY son saying this exact line:

TB: "You mean you just wasted my time and now I can't even watch cartoons?"

cathyhall said…
Hilarious site -your bogs remind me of carrie Bradshaws if she had childre -no offence intended.

However, I LOVE the hot ob Gyn blog. Hilarious. i have to say that I am having the same thing, but with my RE (fertility doc).
- the way he calls you 'Mrs" - to remind you of your marital status.

Now, I'm not a professional in any way, But I think you could publish a book on theses blogs. -They are fantastic. -thanks for the chance at teh contest.

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