Some Answers.
Wow! You guys came up with some good ones! Today was the first day of school for The Boy and the first weekday back at home, so I am crazy busy. Therefore, I am splitting it into two posts and will answer the second half tomorrow!
Angela: Do you make up reasons to go see your hot obgyn?
Tiffany: Sadly, we moved away from the HOT OB. Thanks for the memory....
Ann (the Nice one): How is your book club going? Also, After finishing Twilight series, do you feel a sense of mourning?
Tiffany: Book Club is going well. I couldn't attend it this summer, but am looking forward to September's meeting! Yes, I feel a huge sense of mourning. That's why I cried. However, I wouldn't trade the ache for anything. It's magic when you can feel that way about people who aren't real. That is the magic of reading for me.
Insane Mama: If you, as a teenager, heard your parents having "adult time" would you knock on the door and hush them?
Tiffany: No. I'd be too busy vomiting.
Tina: What would you say is your greatest accomplishment besides the obvious kid and husband.
Tiffany: My career. I have grown a business and it's reputation to the point that we don't need to advertise, and have a waiting list.
Swirl Girl: If you could be reincarnated as an animal, what kind would you be and why?
Tiffany: Are you drinking wine again, SG? I guess a Hawk? Or maybe a dolphin.. I love the water. If Tatum Channing or Morris Chesnut have a dog that they cuddle with and kiss a lot, that wouldn't be so bad....
Karen: So what do you think of the hair style on the front og L'Oreal Feria, #41?
Tiffany: LOVE. IT.
Jennifer P.: I want to know if any of the celebs whose children you entertain have ever made a pass at you. Or been really rude?
Tiffany: Sadly, no. None of them have ever hit on me. sigh. And, I have to say, they are always very nice. Once in a while I will come across a snotty assistant, but that's about it.
Angie: What is the single most annoying thing to you that some bloggers do?
Tiffany: I have two pet peeves. First, pretending to be a celebrity and blogging as such. Second, leaving mean comments as "anonymous" makes me livid. Step up and put on your big girl panties. Geez.
Angela: I have one more serious one, after some thought...How do you balance home life, your work and keeping up the blogs? Do you get up early? Go to bed late? Because I don't seem to have enough time!
Tiffany: Well, I only have one child....and he goes to school. That alone give me like 50 more hours a day then you have available. Plus, I don't create amazing vegan dinners for my family while perfectly decorating TWO homes. Does that help? :) Seriously, I delegate and share. Heather and I share SITS, my husband and I share the housework. Both of us work from home and that makes life really easy.
Mummy: What do you enjoy doing most as a family?
Tiffany: Anything and everything. Especially if it ends in laughter. We are three peas in a pod.
Mrs. S: Why do you call your husband Candy Man? How did you meet Heather? What is your favorite outfit?
Tiffany: I call him Candy Man after the Christina Aguilera song. My husband is totally hot and charming... "He's the one stop shop makes my panties drop. He's the sweet talkin sugar coated Candy Man." So there you have it. Heather lived across the street from me for the year we were in Colorado. We were meant to be friends. I love to wear anything that makes me look less fat. And, I LOVE comfy sweats.
Dawn: What is your favorite meal?
Tiffany: Salmon Sushi. Or seared Ahi tuna.
Heather: Where did you get the idea for SITS? How long ago did you come up with it? Did you ever think it would attract so many people? Or did you think it would attract more?
Tiffany: Heather and I were on the phone talking about how to get more comments, and about some of the blogs we know should be seen by more people. The idea just evolved between the two of us. It is way bigger than we expected!
Angela: Do you make up reasons to go see your hot obgyn?
Tiffany: Sadly, we moved away from the HOT OB. Thanks for the memory....
Ann (the Nice one): How is your book club going? Also, After finishing Twilight series, do you feel a sense of mourning?
Tiffany: Book Club is going well. I couldn't attend it this summer, but am looking forward to September's meeting! Yes, I feel a huge sense of mourning. That's why I cried. However, I wouldn't trade the ache for anything. It's magic when you can feel that way about people who aren't real. That is the magic of reading for me.
Insane Mama: If you, as a teenager, heard your parents having "adult time" would you knock on the door and hush them?
Tiffany: No. I'd be too busy vomiting.
Tina: What would you say is your greatest accomplishment besides the obvious kid and husband.
Tiffany: My career. I have grown a business and it's reputation to the point that we don't need to advertise, and have a waiting list.
Swirl Girl: If you could be reincarnated as an animal, what kind would you be and why?
Tiffany: Are you drinking wine again, SG? I guess a Hawk? Or maybe a dolphin.. I love the water. If Tatum Channing or Morris Chesnut have a dog that they cuddle with and kiss a lot, that wouldn't be so bad....
Karen: So what do you think of the hair style on the front og L'Oreal Feria, #41?

Tiffany: LOVE. IT.
Jennifer P.: I want to know if any of the celebs whose children you entertain have ever made a pass at you. Or been really rude?
Tiffany: Sadly, no. None of them have ever hit on me. sigh. And, I have to say, they are always very nice. Once in a while I will come across a snotty assistant, but that's about it.
Angie: What is the single most annoying thing to you that some bloggers do?
Tiffany: I have two pet peeves. First, pretending to be a celebrity and blogging as such. Second, leaving mean comments as "anonymous" makes me livid. Step up and put on your big girl panties. Geez.
Angela: I have one more serious one, after some thought...How do you balance home life, your work and keeping up the blogs? Do you get up early? Go to bed late? Because I don't seem to have enough time!
Tiffany: Well, I only have one child....and he goes to school. That alone give me like 50 more hours a day then you have available. Plus, I don't create amazing vegan dinners for my family while perfectly decorating TWO homes. Does that help? :) Seriously, I delegate and share. Heather and I share SITS, my husband and I share the housework. Both of us work from home and that makes life really easy.
Mummy: What do you enjoy doing most as a family?
Tiffany: Anything and everything. Especially if it ends in laughter. We are three peas in a pod.
Mrs. S: Why do you call your husband Candy Man? How did you meet Heather? What is your favorite outfit?
Tiffany: I call him Candy Man after the Christina Aguilera song. My husband is totally hot and charming... "He's the one stop shop makes my panties drop. He's the sweet talkin sugar coated Candy Man." So there you have it. Heather lived across the street from me for the year we were in Colorado. We were meant to be friends. I love to wear anything that makes me look less fat. And, I LOVE comfy sweats.
Dawn: What is your favorite meal?
Tiffany: Salmon Sushi. Or seared Ahi tuna.
Heather: Where did you get the idea for SITS? How long ago did you come up with it? Did you ever think it would attract so many people? Or did you think it would attract more?
Tiffany: Heather and I were on the phone talking about how to get more comments, and about some of the blogs we know should be seen by more people. The idea just evolved between the two of us. It is way bigger than we expected!
Come back for more tomorrow!!
I would be gifaffe. Because they are taller, and can see their all around, and don't have many natural enemies.
So , you are regal and intelligent and I am paranoid.
Oh, and I see that the question I asked answers the first question in your comments today...
Great idea for a post!
Let's talk about hot docs! I had the hottest family doctor and I finally had to stop going because I'd have issues to talk about but I would chicken out once in front of him. We wasted too many co-pays, so my husband suggested I get a woman doctor. ;-)
Seriously and honestly, are my kids not the most amazing little people you've ever met?
Allrighty.... for real. I'm a coach and every so often I want to take a parent out behind a shed and whoop them. I blanch when I hear them speak to their kids. What do you do when you hear parents being cruel to their own kids? When do you step in?
Those are some naughty Christina lyrics.
Oh, and, I think I might feel myself starting to bend a little to the Twilight peer pressure... ;) I just need to find time to read...something other than blogs!
Fun post!
And I'm with Wep on the big girl panties line. Perfection.
And do you plan on having more kids?
(I'm truly smiling!)
~Ann (The nice one)
P.S. "Twilight" will be arriving via Amazon tomorrow. I'm on my way!
Thanks for opening up & sharing with us!
here's one: How many times have you read Twilight?
(OK, so I know the answer--but you should share it with everyone else. If you'll admit, I will too.)
Fuuny Q & A session. Tonight your blog has made me both cry and laugh!!