We Lost a Great Lady.

It is with a heavy heart that I post today.  3:00 AM on Wednesday morning, our world got a bit dimmer.

A wonderful women, and beloved member of the R Family passed away after a hard fought battle with cancer.

Diane was larger than life.  A red head with a spirit to match. Funny, kind, outspoken and truly the life of the party, she will be greatly missed.  She leaves behind a husband, two sons, two grandchildren, and a host of friends and extended family that will miss her parties, phone calls and crazy comments.

Although we were a generation a part in age, I always felt a strong bond with Diane.  We both married into the R family on July 25th.  We both delivered a son into the R family on October 26th.  We both loved to socialize, laugh and drink margaritas.  

I am going to miss her more than I realized.  

And, while I know that she was greeted with open, loving arms and is cracking the angels up with her antics, I'd be lying if I said it didn't seem too soon.

© 2008 The R Family Diaries.  All Rights Reserved.


Insane Mama said…
I am so sorry, as you may know, my grandma passed recently and I was very close to her. The missing part start around three months later when you really do miss. It take so much time. to get over the los of a loved one. Go hug your kid and your husband and drink a margarita in her honor.
Insane Mama said…
Maybe I am the one that is drinking Margaritas, I should have spell and grammar checked that one!

suzspeaks said…
I'm so sorry for your loss...
Just Lisa said…
Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. I can tell you thought higly of her. Hope you feel better soon.
Lex the mom said…
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of a wonderful person. It's hard to lose those we love, even harder when we don't realize how much we'll miss them.

My best to you & your family.
My dad's birthday was October 26th. And we lost him way too soon. I picture him in heaven, in the library. Reading books and explaining life to everyone.

So sorry for your loss.
Unknown said…
I am really really sorry.
Celebrate her life by living yours to the fullest and offer a silent ching with every margarita :)
I am sorry for your loss.
Tinabean said…
I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
Cancer just sucks!!! (I lost a husband to cancer 4 years ago, he was 34 years old).
The hardest part will be in about 3 months when everything starts to go back to normal, that's when you'll really feel it.
My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry for the loss of your family member, who was obviously also a good friend.

Amy said…
I'm sorry for your loss. She sounds wonderful. My best to you and your family.
My heart is with you, Tiffany, and the rest of the family. I hate that so many of us know the pain of loss because of cancer.
sassy stephanie said…
Sorry to hear about this. Never easy, especially when you two had such a bond.
CaraBee said…
She sounds like one heck of a woman and friend. My heart goes out to you and your family, Tiffany.
Lula! said…
Oh, Tiffany...

Prayers & hugs from me...we'll drink margaritas with her one day.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my Mother a few years back. It is so hard.
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry that you lost someone so cherished to you...be thankful for every moment with her...
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry. Its wonderful that you have so many great memories of her...praying they will bring you and your family comfort.
S Club Mama said…
Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I think it always seems too soon, but we don't realize the intricate stitching in God's big design. It's so wonderful the great memories you seem to share.
Jenni said…
I am VERY sorry for your loss...
This gave me chills. I'm so sorry about the loss of Diane. Thinking of you.
Heather said…
I know what you mean about thinking it's too soon; none of us are ever ready to lose a beloved friend (or family), even if we know that things are better for them on the other side. It sucks to be the ones left behind, missing them like crazy and trying to carry on while we have this big hole in our lives that can't be filled.

You and your family are in my prayers.
Jen said…
She sounded like a wonderful friend and even though you know that she is now happy, it still sucks being left behind.
you have my deepest sympathy.
i am so sorry.
Swirl Girl said…
Once again, my deepest sympathies to your family.

Maybe, she can meet my dad 'up there'. He could use a laugh right about now.
Scary Mommy said…
I'm sorry :(. She sounds like a special lady. I'll be thinking of you...
Caroline said…
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. She sounds like a great lady, and a redhead too - that makes her even better!
Teri said…
My thoughts go out to you and your family at this difficult time. Thank you for sharing great memories of this special lady. Take care.
Unknown said…
So sorry to hear about your loss. Thank you for sharing this piece of your life with us.
Shannon said…
I'm sorry for your loss... my thoughts are with you.
Kaza said…
SO sorry you are in mourning. Big hugs to you.
Amy said…
My condolences. I lost my mom last December, it is very hard
Amy said…
My condolences. I lost my mom last December, it is very hard
Crazy Momma said…
Sorry for your loss.
Sunshine said…
I'm really sorry. (hugs)
~Sheila~ said…
So sorry for your loss.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry...
Mr Lady said…
Oh, dude. My condolences to your whole family.
swilek said…
Pass on my sympathy to you and your family...sorry for your loss.
Natalie said…
Hey Tiffany...what a great honor you did for Diane by sharing just a bit of the person she was with all of us. With just those few words, we too can appreciate the life she lived, feel sorry about the battle she and the family had to face, and offer our true heartfelt condolences for someone we would otherwise never have known about.
Take care, you're all in our thoughts and prayers today.
Debbie said…
Hey Tiffany...I am so sorry, and what a sweet sweet tribute to her this is.
Heather said…
You spoke of her fondly. I know you and CM will miss her terribly.
Casey's trio said…
I'm sorry for your loss. Diane sounds like a great lady who left her mark on many people's hearts.
Peggy said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband to cancer, so I know the pain very well. Rejoice in her life!
Alison said…
I'm so sorry. She sounds like a wonderful lady.
Rhea said…
I'm so sorry about Diane. It sounds like she will live on in your memories in a wonderful way! I'm sending you a cyber hug. :o(
Live.Love.Eat said…
I'm so sorry Tiffany. It seems too often these days I hear of someone losing another & it reminds me how precious this all is. In fact, I'm hearing of loss so much I automatically wake up being thankful. I'm just sorry it takes so much loss in other people's lives to make everyone else realize.....
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Your entire family will be in my prayers.
WheresMyAngels said…

Sorry for your loss.
Anonymous said…
Good for people to know.

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