Yet, more Answers....

Well, that was fun! I am back for round 2....

We left off with Jaci, who asked: What was your career pre-motherhood?

Tiffany: I do my best to keep my job off my blog. I run a etavirp yad pmac. That's backwards, so I can keep the blog off people goggling my name along with my blog. Make sense? I started working there when I was 19 and attending USC. When it came time to have a career, I followed what I love. It paid off. I also was a manager for Gap and Victoria's Secret. Waitressing may be my true calling....I am good y'all. Getting good tips was such a fun challenge!!!

Kori: What is your favorite color? Favorite Band? Favorite food/Desert?

Tiffany: I can't pick a favorite. I LOVE colors and the subtle nuances between them all. I would love a job naming colors. Favorite band.. hmmmm.. love the Go-Go's. Dessert: Pralines N Cream.

Sassy Stephanie: Why do yellow and blue make green? Were you one of the drunk girls in Heather's book purchasing story? How do I get my newly three year old to stop peeing his pants?

Tiffany: Cause God made it that way. No, I wasn't a drunk girl in that story...however, I have been the drunk girl in many of Heather's other stories. I live in CA now. Heather is still in CO. I am the mom who pushed potty training and then had to back off... he was 3 and 4 months when he decided he was ready. We've never looked back. Otherwise, bribing works well for me.

Sydney: How do you guys keep getting all the fantastic items to giveaway on SITS? What is your next bookclub read?

Tiffany: Um, will you die when I tell you Heather and I funded the Six Weeks of Summer prizes? Yep. We love giving things away. And, apparently, we love buying things for total strangers. Again, I am a fan of bribing. The Saturday Spotlight prizes are graciously donated by the shop we spotlight. This months book was of course, Breaking Dawn. I just finished a book called "Barefoot" about three friends who spend the summer at the was my one night stand after the end of my relationship with Twilight. After reading something like the Twilights, you have to have crazy, meaningless book sex before you can move on.

Bobbi: What is your most useless bit of trivia?

Tiffany: Being a History major in college leaves you with all kinds of tidbits... hmmmm... Ann Boleyn had a sixth finger on her right hand? (I could totally see Henry finding that hot, by the way).

Lula: If you could put anyone in prison who would you lock up?

Tiffany: All child predators. And then I would burn the prison down.

Vicki: What dream/wish/desire you've had remains unfulfilled?

Tiffany: I don't think you mean "dreams and wishes" as in sexually, so I will go with "dreams and wishes" as in aspirations...I would LOVE to host on HSN or QVC. This may very well be my second true calling, after waitressing, of course.

Rhea: Without naming names, what unbelievable stuff have you put up with from wealthy or famous parents? What color are your toes? If Aliens landed in your backyard and wanted to take you to their home planet for a week, who would you take with you?

Tiffany: I don't put up with unbelievable stuff. And, I have a waiting list, so on to the next person if your are rude and unreasonable. Contrary to popular belief, wealthy people are average people with extra-ordinary jobs (or luck). Sure, they can get crazy about their kids (can't we all?), but 99% of our families are FABULOUS. I did have one celeb who took a tour and then asked if he could drop his kids off everyday an hour late. I said no, and he didn't sign up. My toes are flesh colored, but I think you mean toe nails.. pink. If Aliens come, I am not going.

Mama (There was no blog link.... whose alter ego is this?): What age of raising kids has been the most difficult? What do you miss about your life before kids and marriage? Are you still friends with the girls you were friends with in high school? What's your greatest passion? What other hobbies do you partake in? How many men read your blog? Why did you take the anonymous option off of your comments? What is something Candy Man can do that is sure to irritate you?

Tiffany: Let me catch my breath. Okay. I have only raised one child and he is only seven. I would say 3 to 4 was most trying, but my son is really easy. Now, professionally, I see kids from 4 to 14. I am frightened for 12 on. I miss eating ice cream in my underwear watching a VHS of Seinfeld episodes cause my roommate and I couldn't afford cable. I also really miss my body pre-stretch marks. Yes, I am still friends with my girls from Agoura High! Greatest passion: living well. Hobbies: friends, family, reading, wine, food. (Boot camp, but only because I have to.) Men reading this: I am gonna go with ZERO. Dropped anonymous because people were misusing it. CM irritates me when he tries to make me laugh after he has really pissed me off.

Z's Mom: Are you a real person?

Tiffany: Yes. I really am real. Maybe. Definitely Maybe.

Kat: Now that that Twilight saga is over, what is your new source of crack? How many books do you read per month? Do you read others beyond what your book club suggests?

Tiffany: My new source of crack is yet to be found (unless you count COACH as crack). Now that summer is over and I have 5 months off, I will read 5 to 6 books a month. Yes, I read beyond book club, as I am a freak and finish most books in 1 to 2 days.

Okay, ladies, I am gonna have to ask you to come back tomorrow. I know you've got other things to do today, so we will pause here....


Jen said…
Great post. I love all the q & a. Its an awesome way to get to know one another.
Amy said…
This was good. I too can not stand for a man to piss me off then try to make me laugh. Not good.
Live.Love.Eat said…
I loved your honesty about burning down the prison filled with predators. I often say I would like to shoot 'em in the knee cap so they could suffer for awhile. And great statement about reading a one night stand in between your major book :)
Anonymous said…
I'm really anxious to hear what you newest crack fic is going to be because I desperately need something and I keep coming up short. Twilight has ruined me on books. GAH!
Swirl Girl said…
You are for sure a real person. A real HOT TAMALE!

love these Q and A's.
krissy said…
You are funny! Love this one!
sassy stephanie said…
"I would say 3 to 4 was most trying"
KatBouska said…
Ohhhh good stuff. I make Pat mad when I try to make him laugh after being a brat. I really identify with CM.

5 months off!! I suppose you earned it...but still...I'm jaylous.
KatBouska said…
Ohhhh good stuff. I make Pat mad when I try to make him laugh after being a brat. I really identify with CM.

5 months off!! I suppose you earned it...but still...I'm jaylous.
KatBouska said…
Ohhhh good stuff. I make Pat mad when I try to make him laugh after being a brat. I really identify with CM.

5 months off!! I suppose you earned it...but still...I'm jaylous.
KatBouska said…
It's not my fault. Blogger made me push the publish button three times. It had a gun. I had to do it...
Carrie said…
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my saucy blog--and maybe for making it saucy??!!

Too funny!! I can't wait to read more!
cricketphx said…
I love learning more about you all the time! This is great! Yay - you found my blog! I owe it all to you sister!!
Just Lisa said…
I kept waiting for a shot of Natalie Portman's hands during The Other Boleyn Girl!
Anonymous said…
Those were great answers!!!

Ok, you got me hooked on Twilight...I read all 4 books and now I'm starting over again...trying to read them much slower this time.

I guess I should branch out and try other books.....someday...
Melissa Lester said…
You got some great questions, and I enjoyed learning more about you. You lead a very full and interesting life.
Unknown said…
I am really enjoying reading the answers to these questions. Please keep posting about books you like. I always want book recommendations.
Cecily R said…
Great answers. AGAIN.

I am a crazy reader like you. Only I am a notorious skimmer. Sometimes it gets me into trouble when I realize I don't know what's going on, but most of the time I am reminded that authors (including yours truly) can be major windbags! :)
-Bridget said…
I love hot seat days. I get to learn so much about people. And for the record, COACH is not crack. We can stop any time we want to. No, really, we can. *snort*
I hope you drag this out quite a bit longer. I'm loving it.
Rhea said…
Thanks for answering my questions, and it's been so much fun reading all your answers. It's a Tiffany crash-course!!

I love your book one night get over Breaking Dawn. lol Hilarious way to put it.
Being Honest said…
Pralines and's my favorite too!
Fun to learn more about you!
Ann Harrison said…
Ladies and Gentlemen,
"Twilight" is in the house. I repeat "Twilight" is in the house.
Now I'll go see what it's all about.
Unknown said…
That was fun!!!

And yes, 12 yrs and onwards scares the pants off me as well !!!! There were times when putting them in stasis pods seemed a really cool idea!!!
emily freeman said…
What does it say about me that it took approximately 8 minutes for me to decode your current job?
Unknown said…
Hehe really enjoyed reading this- have to say though that you are much nicer than I am. I can tolerate most things but I think child predators should have their things cut off and crammed down their throats and be choked to death and I am pretty sure I could be the one to do it without an ounce of remorse or guilt.
After spending a while as Bubba (with the big arse schlong)'s B*tch, of course. ;)
Unknown said…
One of my greatest aspirations is to be a host on QVC, too!
Anonymous said…
So much fun that you're answering these questions! I hope there's a Part three.

Your answers are great - but I'll have to admit that 1/2 the fun is looking at what kinds of questions people came up with!

Have a great weekend :)
Mrs4444 said…
just lurking today...

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