
The Boy: "Mom, what do you want to do on Sunday?"

Me: "I am not sure, its too hot to play outside, maybe a movie?"

The Boy: "Well, I know you have to blog."

Really.  Geez.  That can't be good.  


Heather said…
Umm...yeah, my kids are starting to make suggestions for my posts on mine. And Gabe wants to watch his debut video on my "flog" everyday.

I'd say that's an addiction (but I don't wanna quit!)

So, obviously you blogged. What else did you do with your Sunday?
Unknown said…
Lord does that sound familiar....
Rhea said…
hehehe What was his tone of voice when he said that? Sarcastic? matter of fact? Serious? Laughing?
Insane Mama said…
My kids too! They are on to me. I may have to delete certain posts and just let them I know I have a blog.
Vicki said…
Like Heather's kids, my oldest says, "Mom, you've got to blog about that." Or, "Please don't blog about that!"

I'm trying to pare my blogging working real well yet. :)
Aunt Julie said…
I know! My family has accused me of being a Blog Addict. When College Girl sees me on the computer, she just walks by, chanting "Blog, blog, bloggity, blog!"
Anonymous said…
Hah! Now see, I have my blog listed on my Facebook and yet my husband seems completely oblivious to it. Nevermind that I have had an editing window open when he comes home for the past three nights -- not a word has passed his lips about it.

If my chihuahuas could talk, they'd be like "did you write about me today?!"
Jen said…
I see no problem with that. He just knows what you need to know. You know cook, clean, laundry, blog...
Amy said…
Right there with you. I am always getting asked if it's "blog worthy." It makes me laugh.
It's probably a good thing that my kids don't realize when I'm on the comuter I'm blogging!
Angie's Spot said…
Yeah, I know I have a problem when my little ones tell my hubby that I had time to take them to the playground after I was on the computer all morning. Sigh.
Jenni said…
LOL! At least he knows what your priorities are! ;-D
Alison said…
Ha! He's got your number!
CaraBee said…
Sounds like my husband.
Swirl Girl said…
My kids actually do goofy things on purpose - trying to goad me into posting about them.

Like I need the goading.
Mine want to be the subject of the blog. But usually what I end up writing...I don't want them to read :-)

It's okay...we all have things to do. Blogging is just one of them.
Unknown said…
Very familar. Taylor is now beginning to say things to me like 'Nana, are you going to put that in your blog?'.
Cristin said…
My kid is on to me too... As he watches TV downstairs I'll tell him I have to go to the bathroom and run upstairs to do a little blogging.. when I come back down he always says..."All done computer Mom?" ... totally busted...
scargosun said…
Did you read about my new addiction? I blame you.
S Club Mama said…
Oh how hilarious is that?! I'm glad Moose is too young to even realize what I'm doing on the computer, except not playing (that's not good, right?).

And thank you so much...again and again, your comments are just so sweet. Are you sure you don't live near me? :)
S Club Mama said…
Oh how hilarious is that?! I'm glad Moose is too young to even realize what I'm doing on the computer, except not playing (that's not good, right?).

And thank you so much...again and again, your comments are just so sweet. Are you sure you don't live near me? :)
Amy said…
Super funny! He's telling it like it is. Smart boy:)
WheresMyAngels said…
Since my youngest was two, she has talked about how much time my husband and I spend on the putor when we are home. Yikes. At least her older sisters are raising her! ha ha
KatBouska said…
My kids aren't on to me yet...I'm not ready for them to learn the word "blog"...we'll have plenty of years for that.
Anonymous said…
Ha Ha! My husband asked my 8-year old what mommy does all day - his wonderful answer- "She blogs" - lovely!
Jennifer P. said…
My two year old plays the piano, typing on it like it's a keyboard and says: "I blog!". :)

Just read all the way to the end of your page. I've been on blogcation for a week and it's felt good to catch up. I'll try and catch all the good SITS stuff tomorrow!

90210 and My 2 Dads were my "growing up" shows.

Your story on China was a heart-ripper. Love places where your right to choose has been replaced by the government's right to choose for you.....

And I'm probably too late for Angie's giveaway--but that sure is purdy!

happy week :)!
Mindy said…
That's hilarious! I knew I was in trouble when my daughter started saying things like, "take a picture so you can put it on your blog!" :)
Kori said…
Oh you too.

The other day Jacob did something that was terribly embarrassing for him. And he turns to me and says...

"Mom you can NOT Blog about that. I mean it No Blogging about it"

Of course I promised.
Lula! said…
So I'm assuming y'all did do a movie...'cause you never responded to my text about our teams. Girl...OUR TEAMS are #1 and #2. We must discuss this futher.

And I love The Boy...he's so gonna be my son-in-law...and then he and Libbey can blog together.
That was to funny! My thirteen year old just tell me don't put that picture on your blog! Much Love! me. Today's you're lucky day.
Um......make that your lucky day. Sorry.
Janiece said…
just popping in to say hi from SITS
have a wonderful day
Anonymous said…
What a thoughtful lil boy he is.

Z just comes over and shuts the lid on my laptop. That pretty much says it all.
It's pretty sad when people you barely know say,"Please don't blog about this..." let alone your kids.

Blogging, an addiction? NOT. You're just appeasing your hungry fans.
S Club Mama said…
Just wanted to let you know the gift card arrived safely today. Thank you so so so so so much.
HILARIOUS! I just know that my baby's first word is going to be 'blog' -- lol

Rachel said…
my kids too make suggestions for my blog; even my 3 year old wants to post things on her blog...i didn't know she had one LOL
Jenn said…
I can't stop thinking in blog post... It is sad but I think the kids are enjoying it to at least so far as they are a major feature. I soooo need a lap top it would make this so much easier. I am actually borrowing a lap top for BlogHer Boston. Its going to be a weekend away...whooohooo.... DC was closer but Boston sounds more fun.
Being Honest said…
How well our children know us! What's crazy is...they REALLY listen when you think they're not.
Tena said…
At least he knows you have really important things to do!! HA HA HA!!!
None of my kids are old enough to get the whole blogging thing yet!
Heather said…
That's so funny. E said something similar the other day. She has her own blog. We will invite The Boy to read and comment.
Live.Love.Eat said…
Too cute! My little guy asks me why Daddy doesn't have a blog.
Ashley said…
Hahaha! I love it!
Unknown said…
LOL! Yep I think my hubster might have something similar to say. I also get catty comments all the time from my mum back in the UK, about all the things I could be doing when I blog!

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