Wordful Wednesday

He looks cute.  

Even Sweet.  

Looks are deceiving.  

He'd throw his momma under the train if he thought it could get him some sympathy.  And a call home.

So I got a call from the school nurse today.

Apparently the boy came by the health office with a stomach ache.  

It was right before lunch, so she told him to go have some lunch and see if that helped.

He says okay.  And reappears a minute later.

Nurse, "I thought you were going to try some lunch."

TB: "Well, I forgot to tell you something."

Nurse: "Okay.  What is it."

TB:"My throat hurts.  And, I am tired cause my mom had her book club and they kept me up all night."

Nurse: "Oh.  I see.  Well, let me give your mom a call.  I know how those book clubs can be."

That sucker. Sellin' me out to the nurse.  Fortunately, she is also in a book club and knows that a group of women and some wine can interfere with a 7 year olds sleep habits.

Go play Wordful Wednesday with Angie!


Wep said…
That is AWESOME. I wish you lived in my neighborhood :)
Lula! said…
There's my son-in-law! I just love him.
Swirl Girl said…
at least he didn't tell her it was because mommy and daddy had a date night and kept him up all night!
Definitely a frame worth photo. Wait.......he's already promised to Lula's daughter? Figures. :)

I'm so glad you played along.....

My daughter sold me out just tonight.
Rhonda said…
I have so gotta' find me some book clubs! I have never been in one, but they sure sound like fun!!!
Rhonda said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Oh, he is so cute..
Funny story..TFS.
He truly does look sweet & innocent! My stepson loooves going to the clinic and sucking up to the nurse. lol
Anonymous said…
Good evening Tiffany. Kept your boy up all night did you? I'm absolutely appalled!... That you were sober enough to drive him to school the next morning...shame on you for losing a buzz that quickly!
Jennifer P. said…
Holy cow! I've missed a lot of posts! Who knew you had so much time to blog what with all your late night book clubbin' :)!

That face is awfully precious though!
Anonymous said…
Curse those wild and crazy book club nights! Now everyone knows what a bad mom you are. :)

The book club kept me up. That's got to be a new one!
Mamarazzi said…
so funny! and clever!
Amy said…
That's a cute picture. I love the story, what book ya reading for your book club?
Rhea said…
Little stinker!!

Sounds like you had a nice bookclub meeting though. hehe

Is he ok?
Kori said…
What are you thinking keeping that precious boy up all night? I mean how dare you to have fun mommy time. Shame on you. lol

You know I love you and this so made me laugh. Calob would do the same thing.
AutoSysGene said…
LOL! Oh, he's a smart one, huh?
Heather said…
I get sold out daily. I love that the school nurse could identify!
Live.Love.Eat said…
With a face like that I may give him anything too. He's a cute sell out!
S Club Mama said…
that's so funny that he's blaming it on you! what book are you guys (gals) reading?
Heather said…
Oh, I love it! And that face! And those freckles! How can you stand it?

Thanks for the headsup on the handbags. I am so going there!
sassy stephanie said…
That's so funny! Cute pic too!
Joy said…
That is so funny and such a great thing to do, those poor school nurses must hear the greatest excuses!
Don't you just love when kids say things. My little girl is bad about that. Thanks for sharing -- he is to cute --

Much Love
CaraBee said…
That is hysterical. I'll bet the nurse gets the old "the book club kept me up" excuse ALL the time.
Jen said…
So that is what I have to look forward too, my kids selling me out. Nice.
But on the other hand, he does look so cute.
tiarastantrums said…
oh, that was so funny!!
Connie said…
Mine is selling me out right as we speak. She wanted to basically dress like a clown for school today because I don't do laundry often enough. Yeah ~ that went over real well.
Connie said…
Mine is selling me out right as we speak. She wanted to basically dress like a clown for school today because I don't do laundry often enough. Yeah ~ that went over real well.
Simply AnonyMom said…
How cute!

How funny he sold you out. I am fearful that will happen to me soon... My son id the same way...
Cristin said…
What a stinker! Really cute pic!
Nikki said…
That was hysterical!
I got my printer (that I won at SITS) today!
I cant wait to try it!
You guys are too great!
Anonymous said…
Look at that...we go through misery to bring them into the world and at the first chance, they rat you out! Hee-Hee! He is a smart boy though and cute too...it's a good thing!
Laura said…
Great photo. That is the funniest story I have heard all day! Just plain hilarious! Thanks for that.
S Club Mama said…
thank you! I guess we do enjoy Moose. I enjoy them both. How couldn't I with those big ol' baby blues?!
Heather said…
Okay, I am so psyched that I am on your friends list! You've been on mine for awhile, but you're like, famous.

You are just so sweet.
I saw you over on the S Club 3 blog and thought I'd stop by to check out your site. Cute design! And... that is hilarious about the book club! I think all the babes in blogland can relate to that one LOL.

Glad I stopped by for a visit. Hope you have a happy first day of October!
Soulflower said…
so did his tummy hurt, his throat hurt, was he sleepy or just wanted to come home??? In any case, why don't you and your rowdy book clubbers keep it down at night? I've been kept up many a night by people like you...enuff is enuff - won't SOMEBODY think of the children!
Jenni said…
LOL! Keep it DOWN mom. Geez!
MO said…
LOL! Great post, great blog!
Okay...so the reader in me must ask - what book were you discussing???

That's like my Madalyn. Who comes down to ask me if she can have a cough drop. Cause her throat hurts. And she coughs a little for effect. And I say fine. That they are in my drawer. She leaves the room, starts to walk up the stairs...and I hear the cough drop hit the hard wood floor...
Mom said…
Great picture!

I would love to be a part of a book club. I need to see if there is one around me.

I'm on first name basis with our school nurse...lol! Hope he is feeling better now.
Aunt Julie said…
The photo melted my heart and the story gave me a giggle. Thanks!
The Blonde Duck said…
That's so sad your kid sold you out!
WheresMyAngels said…
Too funny!! I'm so glad that two of mine had some speech difficulties that when little, prevented them from being able to tell on me!! ha ha
Anonymous said…
What a great post! At least he's honest.
KatieZ said…
Too cute! I am glad that mine are not the only ones that are cute but decieving. LOL
amiable amy said…
Lol! clever and cute!
C said…
Tooooo funny!! About like my now 33 yr. old son who tried to tell the principal his mother was Lebanese...you can guess what he said.
Schmerica said…
We got served by an almost 8 year old...dang he's crafty!
Cecily R said…
He's a brilliant little sucker, isn't he? Oh, you are so screwed when it comes to teenagerness...(and I am right there with you!)

And that pic? I totally agree with Angie. A framer for sure!
Ginger said…
That's so hilarious! And I love that story paired with the precious, angelic pic of the boy. Funny stuff, Tiff!!!
Jason Pfeifer said…

I was surfing today and stumbled upon your posting regarding book clubs. I'm one of the founding partners of Booksprouts.com

We are an online book club site that is free to join, and allows members to create a club, invite friends, create meetings, and to choose and read books together online. The service is still fairly new, and we are interest in getting feedback on it, as well as getting the word out to people that may be interested in the service. We welcome you to trying out the service free of charge, and welcome to you blog or write about it - good or bad - we appreciate all feedback that helps us improve the service for our members.

Thank you, and we hope you enjoy Booksprouts.com!

Please contact me directly with any questions or assistance.


Jason Pfeifer
Community Manager

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