Boot Camp Diaries.

That's what I should call this blog.. since it's taken over my life.

Clearly, the whole pumpkin thing wasn't a huge and learn.

So I was at boot camp today. We got paired up to work out.

I ended up with a very nice, muscular woman who likes to push herself... great.  Even when I was athletic, I used to hold my breath and sit at the bottom of the pool to skip laps during swim practice.

So me and, we will call her Toni, start our workout.  Today, Josh has decided that we are going "heavy".  Awesome.  I pick up some 10 lb weights for should press... she tells me I need to use 15.  Okay.  Fine.

The workout is going along fine.  Toni is doing more weight than anyone else and really pushing me to do the same.  She tells me how she trained someone who lost 7 lbs in a month.  And how she hiked for 8 hours the day before.  Then she says this:

"Would you believe it if I told you I used to weigh 195 pounds?"

I responded, "Wow."  trying to end the conversation.  

Assuming I want to know more (wrong), she says, "In 3 months I dropped 60 pounds.  I went from a size 16 to a 2."

Again, I say, "Wow."

Then, she leans in lowers her voice and drops this little goodie:

"I was even bigger than you."

Wait.  What?  Did she just say she was even bigger then me?  


Trying not to laugh, I smile and say, "Really?"

Then she says, "Yeah, and my husband didn't even leave me."

I turned around biting the inside of me checks to keep from cackling.

What is wrong with people?  


Kori said…
Oh I so would have had to be ugly. I mean seriously what gives with this crazy workout lady? Anyhow also wanted to tell you that the pumpkins were the greatest. So cute!
CaraBee said…
Now THAT is tact. Well done Toni. What is it with people?
Anonymous said…
I have no idea what I would have said to that woman. The nerve!

You must have SOME husband if he hasn't left you (yet) because of your weight *read sarcasm*
Lauren W said…
Ummm... oh my goodness...
Sometimes I don't even understand people. I mean... first, who says that? I mean really, what went through her head? Second, the fact that she even connects her weight to her marriage makes me really sad for her :/ I mean, goodness knows if my marriage were tied to my weight, I would be headed for some serious problems!
Amy said…
Well Toni has some unresolved issues. That's about her, not you. Toni needs to learn some manners. And you are beautiful exactly the way you are. I can tell from everything you write. Screw her. :)
sassy stephanie said…
Drop a kettleball on her toe and blame it on being "frail".
Anonymous said…
some people definitely forget to use their filters.

Anyway, wanted you to know I have the pumpkins and the'll happen. My camera battery is dead, I will show them.
Lula! said…
She's going down.

I will take her down.

When I have her down, I will shove Twinkies, Ho-Hos, and Debbie Cakes in her mouth. Repeatedly. Until she barfs. And then I'll shove more junk in.

Wep said…
OH NO! I still am making my punkins! Is there still time to play with the Linky thing??? I need two more days ;) Please can I have an extension?

And what she meant to say is

"I know, and even though I have no tact and I'm obviously only interested in talking about me he didn't leave me"

That's what she MEANT to say.

Jen said…
I can't believe that. B*%$#. (I didn't know if I could swear of your blog.) I hope she pulls something for saying that. How awful.

I want you to know, I like the pumpkin thing, I just didn't do it b/c they wouldn't survive a minute over here.
I am sorry that your punkins did not take the internet by storm. In my post today, I requested people to ask me questions in the comments. 6 comments so far. And not a question among them :-)

As for Toni - there'd be a lot of divorces in this country if being a size 16 was a justifiable excuse. But, I can't believe she likened you to a size 16. Perhaps she lost her manners with her weight.
Angie's Spot said…
Clearly, you have much more restraint than I, for I would've clobbered that hussy with at least 1 of those 15 lb weights.

And I LOVED your pumpkin idea. I'm going to gather my supplies tomorrow and have some fun with the glue gun. LOL!
Melodie said…
The NERVE of some people! If she weren't such a work out junkie, you might have considered knocking her @$$ out! Oh, wait, she said you were really big, right? Maybe you should have just sat on her skinny butt until she learned some manners. LOL!

Kind of reminds me of those old Pantene commercials... "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. I used to look like you." What?! Did she just call me ugly?! Oh, NO she di'int!
I would have "accidentally" dropped that 15 lb weight on her... HEAD
amiable amy said…
Grrr! She belong to PINHEADS! How tackless she is.
Connie said…
And here I thought you'd end by telling us you so rightfully put that 15 lb weight where it belonged. You have way more strength than you let on girl! ;)
Alison said…
What the--? I CANNOT believe people! You took it so much better than I would have.

Your pumpkins are adorable. I am just betting that a lot of people were like me and didn't get theirs made yet.
Laura said…
She sounds totally desperate for someone to validate her. That is really sad. I have no idea how you kept working out with her and listening to that crap!
Anonymous said…
Any man who stays with a size 16 without complaining must be a total saint.

(Forget the fact that Marilyn Monroe was a 16, or that most of the centerfolds in PlayBoy are curvy girls, or that men love boobs and butts.)

I mean, if your not a size 2 and killing yourself at the gym, you just don't deserve love. Duh.

S Club Mama said…
Ok, granted I haven't seen many pictures of you but I will almost 99% guarantee you weigh less than me....and she was bigger than me. So (bad word) her. Does she think men only are in marriage when their wives are a size 2 (because I wouldn't have ever GOTTEN married in that case)?
Besides I know you are beautiful - inside & outside. And she must have some serious addiction to working out to talk like that. So unhealthy.
KatBouska said…
She was BIGGER than you!?! WOOWWWW!! What a bi-otch. You should have said:

"I know what you mean...I used to be ugly...even uglier than you!!"

Or you could have kicked her.

But you did what I would have just went home and blogged about her.

I can't wait to hear about what Toni does to you tomorrow...
KatBouska said…
Oh and I loved the pumpkin idea...I think people were just bein lazy is time challenge everyone to eat a donut...I bet you'll get plenty of participation.
Scary Mommy said…
Ugh! I hope you socked her with one of those weights. People are so odd.
suzspeaks said…
oh my word! Well good for her!! "and my husband didn't even leave me"... I think she felt threatened by you! Ha!

I went to buy my pumpkins today but my 3 year old had a meltdown...tomorrow!! I already have ribbon in mind!
Oh my gosh. I just almost fell out of bed. She said what? You were too nice to her. I would have asked her when she gained part of the weight back. Cuz she doesn't look like a 2 to me. :)
KimmyJ said…
Like my mamman used to say, you can't fix ugly (or stupid!) People slay me, they really do!
Don't you just love some people. They know just what to say. LOL Those are the kind of people I just want to smack. I would never but I want to. Much Love
Crazy Momma said…
You know how some people write "LOL" like ALL THE TIME and you KNOW they aren't really "laughing out loud"?


LOL! That was unbelievable!!
Anonymous said…
The pumpkins are way toooo cute! I am going to give it a try. I too LOVE ribbon!!!
Rhea said…
BIOTCH! Where is she? Let me at her!! I'll get her back for RUDE!!
Schmerica said…
Self-righteousness, fanatic working out and low self-esteem all rolled into one...what a real piece of work! Oh girl, she must be a very young soul.
Ashley said…
OH NO She Di-dnt! **3 snaps**

Wow! The nerve!!

'and he didn't even leave me' - What is that?
Anonymous said…
Oh no she didn't! Seriously? I would have kicked her. OK, maybe not...but I wouldn't had to try really hard not to kick her.
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday...100 things and being saucy was a lot of fun!! I'm wish I had seen Barry in person!! And my boy is definetly doing GREAT in Middle school...way better than me...whew.
Ash said…
Rewinding time for you (picture fog and mist opening to you and Toni sweatin it out)...

Toni: blah, blah, blah and he didn't even leave me!

Tiffany: Then he's an idiot.

(fade out)

I always think of the "right" things to say 10 minutes later. Good for you for holding your tongue. Toni definitely has a full set of luggage going on there.


P.S. I love, love your pumpkin idea!! But it's in '90s here - difficult to get into the Fall Harvest spirit.
Annikke said…
I totally loved the pumpkin idea. I just didn't have time over the weekend to make some but still want to!

People kill me. They say the dumbest things! You had more restraint than I would have!
Heather said…
No. she. di'int. Oh my stars and hearts. I have no words.
-Bridget said…
Her husband isn't going to leave because she's fat. He's going to leave because she's a clueless jerk.
Anonymous said…
Oh my! I'm speechless!

Boot camp,huh? My sis says it's kicking her butt! I love the pumpkins too...just haven't had time to do them...I'm room mom for both boys and doing lots of work at church! I will get around to it and let you know!
MO said…
Wow! People are so rude. You've got great restraint...others (such as me) would've beat her silly! People like her really irk me.

I enjoy your writing Tiffany, very nice blog!
The Nice One said…
I can't believe what some people think are socially appropriate comments.

No idea...None....
Swirl Girl said…
She'da been eating that 15 lb weight if I were there.

Dee said…
We dont have those pumpkins here,they are cute. I have a grey one that is about 10kg on my table!!!

Glad you could laugh at "Toni".
S Club Mama said…
I wish I could go to boot camp....sort of. I'd cry but it'd be worth it.
Susie said…
That's just unbelievable!! Some people are so wrapped up in their own crap, they don't even know what venom they are spewing!
Jennie said…
People think that they can say wahtever they want, no matter what... you should have told her to bite you in your apparently (in her eyes) fat a** !!!! Peolple can be just plain ol' ignorant to what they are saying out loud, no internal filter....
Unknown said…
Ummm ... excuse me! Did you accidently punch her in the face?
Just Lisa said…
I would have gotten totally snotty with that woman...

I thought your pumpkin idea was great! Perhaps it was just a little early in the season for pumpkins?
Mamarazzi said…
OH Hell-to-the-NO! she did not just say that!?


this is my first visit here..popped over from SITSahood where i am a newbie!

love this post. gotta add you to my reader so i can remember to come back and soak up more of this bloggy goodness!
Lisa @ Serah's said…
:O My jaw dropped when I read that she had the nerve to say that. Hold me back...hold me back! :)
Unknown said…

I'd have said "No he's probably too scard of you and shagging a cuddly girl on the side!"

Honestly how rude was that...
Unknown said…
Just catching up on some blog reading. I would have been in for the pumpkin thing , if I'd read it in time and if it had been next week when I was going to go pumpkin shopping !!

Can't believe she said that. With apologies to anyone reading this who has a size 2 backside ... most that are that size aren't much to look at and must be pretty uncomfortable to sit on !

What's this competitive thing that some women have about clothing size anyway?
Casey's trio said…
Just read your update to this post but had to chime in and say Toni needs her ass kicked!
Cristin said…
She was the kid who had to bribe other kids at recess with candy so they would play with her.
Live.Love.Eat said…
OMG. What you said, and then what Lula said. LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

That was not right. Some people have such nerve...........
-I tried the pumpkin, except our Wal-Mart didn't have the medium sized ones, so I used the small ones in a bag, and then I used 3/8" ribbon, because I have 100, 100 ft. rolls bc I make headbands. They were a hit! I posted a picture on my blog a day or so ago-
Now as for the exercise... I have discovered that I am an anorexic in remission. You know, I kicked it's butt... They walk by a mirror and think they're fat. I walk by one, and don't realize I'm as fat as I am! That's why I hate pix!! love the blog! Jerri in KY
Nikki said…
FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY! Please, Lord, tell me you are the most creative writer and YOU MADE THAT UP!?

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