
Yeah, I am a P.O.O.P.I.E.  What are you gonna do about it?

So, I have some "faux-liage" as it's been referred to by The Nestor.

I'm joining in a showing it off.

Take a look.

This is a little arrangement on a side table in my living room.

Not bad, right?

Then, in my Family Room... I used Three... yes Three topiaries. They are "faux".

I keep meaning to paint that orange pot black.. it's making me crazy...

Here are some closer looks....

And, all faux-liage needs a fat, somewhat blurry, baby bee to buzz around.

Wanna play?  Go HERE.


Debbie said…
I have been slowly removing my FAUXliage because they are dust magnets....I need to go read her post..after i dump the ficus tree in the trash ;)
Unknown said…
It looks great! Do you do this seasonally or is a permanent fixture? I need all of the interior design tips I can get!
Swirl Girl said…
If there is one thing I am not a poopie about - it's real greenery.

I have a green thumb and orchids are my specialty!

I do fake nails and the (sadly) the occasional fake orgasm....but real plants.
WheresMyAngels said…
No poopie here. Opps, I forgot about the fake vine hanging along the top of my cabinets. Yikes wonder how many billions of dust mites it carries.

Do love your decor though. Wanna come decorate my home? Now you also have to be maid too. I can't have a cute home without a maid (not a topless maid).
CaraBee said…
I only have one little faux Christmas tree that I bring out otherwise I am fauxliage free (ff). I do like the topiaries, though, so my house may not be ff for long.
Huh? What's a Poopie? Now I don't know if I am one or not. If it's about life plants, it's not me. I am silk all the way. If it doesn't meow around here, it doesn't get any attention.
Tinabean said…
It all looks wonderful but my favorite is the Chubby little Bee!!!
Anonymous said…
I can't find Poopie in my dictionary. But you really got a nice decoration. Cool and relaxing.
Britt said…
Your decorating is fabulous! I love your color choices :o)
S Club Mama said…
what a cute bumblebee...much cuter than the one flying in my car yesterday.
Loved all your decorations and the baby bee picture my favorite. What a cuttie. Much Love
KimmyJ said…
I do have some faux-liage - but tasteful - like yours. I lke the intials - great touch.
This is hilarious. I only have two fauxliages in my house. But, in my defense, I had to have one because the area "called" for a plant, but there is absolutely NO sun there. Love your mantle with the fleur de lis and accompaning "R" and bumblebee. Very cute.
Jen said…
Faux-liage is the only kind of 'plant' I can have. I kill the other stuff.
Cecily R said…
I think I might even kill the fake stuff. I got nothin'. Actually, that's really weird, and I never noticed until now...we didn't move with ANY of my foliage:real, dried or fake. Maybe I need to fix that so I can be a POOPIE too...
Live.Love.Eat said…
You may be a poopie but you're a nice poopie head. Great pics. You make being a poopie look good!
Anonymous said…
Faux greenery is the only kind I can keep alive..and I even have a fake fern thats looking kinda wilty...sad huh? lol
Lula! said…
Look at my future son-in-law...he's so delicious. Both then and now.

I say topiaries are FAIR GAME in the world of P.O.O.P.I.E. I have them in my kitchen...on the mantle in my bedroom...2 on the mantle in our living room...one on a side table in the living room. All are varying shapes, sizes, colors, heights, etc. I love them. I refuse to get rid of them. I also refuse to get rid of some of my very chic and tasteful "faux" plants--you know, the kind with peacock feathers, artichokes, berries, and the like? 'Cause they rock, too. (And they weren't cheap. So there.)

But I do have more live plants than faux. That should count for something. Right????

p.s. There's the Big Lots fleur de lis pot...with baseballs. I. Love. You.
Alison said…
The fauxliage looks great! It's the only kind I can have too--I can't keep a real plant alive no matter how hard I try.
Jaime said…
I wish I had some faux-liage to show off, but alas, I do not. Love the picture of your little munchkins, ours was a bumble bee last year for halloween.
Rhea said…
What an adorable bumblebee!!
That adorable little bee sets of your faux-liage just perfectly!
Soulflower said…

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