Gag Me With A Spoon.

I went thrift shopping today.  It totally stunk.  What is it with the inflated thrift shop prices? It's "junk", right? 

Anyway, I walked into one and was looking around when 4 teenage girls came in.

Why is that I always realize how old I am around 16 year olds?  I swear, I was 16 like yesterday.

These girls had been invited to an 80's Theme Party... apparently they are all the rage.

One of the girls picked up a turquoise sweatshirt with a neon, southwestern wolf print on it. 

They broke out into hysterical, cackling laughter.  

The girl says to her friends, "So, I will cut off the sleeves, cut it short and wear a tank top under it.  That's how they wore it back then, right?"  Yeah, she wasn't kidding.  She honestly seemed perplexed.

I snort laughed out loud.  

"Back then"?  "Who is they anyway?  The people from 2 and a half decades ago with zero style?

I felt like saying, "Listen girly.  Ton Sur Ton, Esprit, Jag and Guess were hot.  Like so hot that even though my family couldn't afford them, I would wear fake ones (you know the guess jeans with the triangle upside down) or the "rejects" sold at the swap meet.  That ugly sweatshirt is not a symbol of the 80's.  Contempo would have never sold that crap."

The look they gave me when I laughed was priceless.  Not quite "crazy old lady", more like, "Ew.  She snorted and laughed.  And, she's alone. Gross."

Kim, if you are reading this, you need to send me those pics you have of us from the 80s.  I think in one of them I have on an over sized Esprit sweatshirt with a light blue leaf print and the cotton pencil skirt in a dark blue leaf print.  With a blue beret of course.  Eighties done right.

Can this post qualify for Kathy's assignment?  

Don't forget to come back on Monday and link up to the Pumpkin Parade!


Ann Harrison said…
Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God!!!!!
I've had this happen.
Horrible children! (And yes, that was once ME!)
Oh dear Lord forgive me.
When did I become Retro?
(*Heavy Sigh*)
Well, I've created my version of a blog award.
Come by and see!
Unknown said…
I've never had this happen but it could since I too am a child of the 80s ahem. Cheeky little children.
Some of the girls I work with throw 80's parties and talk about the style as if they're some sort of authority. Only they have it all wrong! I just quietly giggle.
Dee said…
ahh, the 80's remember them well, even have some fashion still around.
Tinabean said…
As bad as I'm probably gonna sound...........
I Loved the 80's I loved everything about them.
That was good times, friends & tons of good memories!!!
Those stupid little 16 year olds (My 16 year olds included) don't have a clue.
We were Hot back then anything flew back then it was great.
I miss the 80's sort of, I wouldn't want to be 16 again though!
Amy said…
I totally love that you referenced Ton Sur Ton. I want to have an 80's party now. I just had to locate an old Forenza sweater. :)
My daughters, both in college, go to 80's parties all the time! They show me some of the pictures and it's hilarious. My girls. though are always dressed the correct 80's way cause their momma didn't throw away ANY of her high school clothes from the 80' they raid my closet!
Jayne said…
oh no.....I hope someone back combs their hair for them and I hope it hurts when they try to get it down again! lol now THAT was the 80's!...
Jen said…
I know what you are saying But I want to know when in the heck did this happen to use. When did I become the person with the mini van full of kids instead of the sporty car filled with friends?
SabrinaT said…
AHH, the 80's. Tight rolled jeans, and TONS of aquanet. Those were the days. Like they probably didn't even have dates.
my2boyz said…
The tight rolled jeans looked HOT with my Benetton Rugby! Fashion at it's best! Oh and the Banana yellow Rebok hi tops just made the outfit!
Lula! said…
You mentioned Contempo.

I'm mentally making out with you right now.
Cracker Scraps said…
I must confess that I have gone to the thrift store for halloween and theme party clothes!

As for the 80's! I think all I wore were maternity clothes! Now, Tif! That should make you feel a little younger!
Kori said…
I am a child of the 90's. Oh yeah weighing less than a hundred pounds wearing my skin tight Bongo jeans and a body suit with all my flat chested-ness. Well at least now I have boobies with all my plesantly plump-ness. lol

Thank you so much for the kind words yesterday. Ya know I think you're amazing. So glad your liked your gifts. I was a little nervous about that. I don't know why.
KimmyJ said…
Don't you leave out the Bongos - and we could have owned stock in Aqua Net. That's right, I said, Aqua Net.
Heather said…
Between Lula's flashback to the 70's and yours to the 80's, I am totally feeling like a teenager again.

Or maybe I'm feeling like you did, standing next to those 16-year-olds.

I can't decide.
Lauren W said…
Hahahaha! I love this! I mean, I'll admit, I was too young in the 80s to really stake my claim there. I do, however, have photographic proof that my mom was totally down, and dressed us to the 9s 80s-style.
Gosh, I am glad it didn't end with you jumping her in the parking lot and pulling that from her while singing bad Madonna songs! :D

Ok, done with Twilight series twice.. need new Crackliture...
cricketphx said…
Jag - OMG - I loved my Jag jacket!!
Ash said…
I always wanted a Benetton rugby - sigh.

I love that my mother had enough sense to refuse to buy Guess Overalls for me. I am spared those vintage pictures of me with "overall butt."

Hand on a Bible, I think I still have an Outback Red sweater around here somewhere.

Nasty, mean girls. I'm sure belly baring fashions and low slung jeans will always be hip. Losers.

Live.Love.Eat said…
Hah! Snort laughed out loud. I was totally picturing that.............
Angie's Spot said…
Those poor, misguided little girls. They wouldn't know true 80's fashion if it hit them in the head.
-Bridget said…
Ah, the 80's. I remember how cool I thought I was with TWO Swatches on my arm, my flowered Limited jean stirrups (it should be a crime to type all of those adjectives together), and sporting my Benneton sweater and Ciao hot pink high tops while watching Family Ties.

Those were the days...
Ashley said…
Hahah! This is too funny. Through college we frequented the thrift stores often for our theme parties but I always felt bad. I would try to keep our group calm and not loud and obnoxious b/c you know lots of people shop there and we just go in and laugh at all the things that people are buying. I don't know - there is a certain tact with which I think we should observe while thrift store shopping. Uhm, Like - Does that make sense?
CaraBee said…
I was just looking through our Raven's football "official" team book that my husband gets as part of his season ticket and almost all of the players were born in the 80s. That made me feel old, but it will be even harder when they start being from the 90s. Oy vey. And I loved Outback Red and Benneton.
scargosun said…
They must have watched Flashdance or something for research. ;)
S Club Mama said…
No worries...I wore onesies in the 80s!
Becky said…
Of Coarse the stir-up pants!!! I had forgotten about those!

Was it only in this area.?..but I can remember it being HUGE to pin the ankles of your jeans. I can remember being mortified that I didn't have enough safety pins and trying to bum them off people in school!
Ahhh, my Guess jeans, $70 Coke a Cola shirt and Le Sac bag are fond memories. It WAS just yesterday....sigh.

And yes, the days of "thrift" shopping seem to be over. Our thrift shop here is so overpriced I don't even go in and look any longer.

WheresMyAngels said…
Ok, I think soon, I'm going to hold an 80's day and we have to post our 80's pics (those of us whom are ancient enough). I love my 80's pictures, cause those were the only years that I looked good!! lol

I was lucky that I had a friend whom was wealthy and let me wear her clothes, so I could wear all those Esprit stuff. But actually back then I would shop at DEBS, it was over an hour away from our town. People thought I dressed rich in my 10 dollar outfits lol

Ohhhhh I forgot about the pumkin thingy!
KatBouska said…
No. It doesn't qualify. But thanks for the linky love. :)

And I am so with you. When did the people working in these stores turn in 12 year olds...they used to be WAY older than me.
Jennie said…
Don't forget tight rolled jeans w/ slouchy socks, Bongo, Z. Cavaricci, The Limited was in its hey day back then, popped up collers, and who can forget the high top Reeboks with the 2 velcro straps.... a couple years back for my birthday we had an 80's theme, it was great, because most everyone there had actually experienced the 80's and remembered what to wear and how to wear it, not like todays teens who have to get it from John Hughes movies like Sixteen Candels, which ,is like, the most RAD movie ever....
Any self respecting girl who lived during the 80's could have told those young un's that Guess Jeans are a must. If they have zippers at the ankle, EVEN better. And bangle bracelets and aqua net. I don't know when I became so old. Sigh. :)
Momma Trish said…
We were doing some cleaning up around the house, and I found my old banana comb!! My husband wanted to throw it out, but I wouldn't let him. '80s trinkets are far too precious.

Silly girls. But I must have looked similarly ridiculous when I was trying to get ready for '50s themed parties and had no clue!
M.Gunn said…
I totally hear I too am a child of the eighties. I even wore pink hi-top chucks (converse)! How embaressing is that!? LOL
swilek said…
when did the 80's become retro eh?!!:) i love your moment in the thrift store:)
Ann Harrison said…
Hey Tiffany,
I'm having a Virtual Girls Night Out on my blog. If you feel like joining me, come on over!
Wep said…
Um hello, they wear Crocs. Like they would know a sense of style if it walked up to them and smacked them on the back of their little heads.
jori-o said…
I am LOVING that the 80's are back in style! Although there are some things that should hubby saw a teenage girl wearing big ol' shoulder pads a few weeks ago...!
Jennifer said…
Hi Tiffany--I'm stopping over from Ann's GNO to party on your blog!

Wait a minute--aren't the 80s back in fashion? I hope so because I've been rockin' these leggings and oversized tops! I love the
Nikki said…
Oh my gosh! Can I just tell you that this is me, too!! It is not right!!
You know what I hate... that the "80's are coming back", where did they go? I have loved that music all along? It is horrible. I am turning into my mother... the sad thing is... this trend will pass and come back again - and the next time... I will be a GRANDMA!
polkadot said…
Well, I loved the 80s, so they can sneer all they want. Stupid girls. Remember Chemin De Fer jeans (sp)? Gawd I wanted those. We wore dittos. My sister had every color.
amiable amy said…
what an experience....Lol! well, i remember the 80's fashion hahaha...and the cool
Kaza said…
I know, right? Because their fashion always makes sense and all. SNORT! Just imagine how we made our parents feel with our 60s parties.
Hi Tiffany! Came over here by way of Ann's GNO party. I can't believe that 80's parties are in now! I feel so old!
Rhea said…
I snort when I laugh sometimes. I never used to do that before. What's up with that?
Don't forget Generra! Oh, Esprit...I loved you.
Solei said…
OMG! At least it was total strangers that made you feel old. My daughters do that to me!!! And I'm only 28! (They're 10 & 7) They always refer to my younger days as 'back in the days'. like hello, i'm not that old!
Oh my gosh! I forgot all about Contempo! Enjoyed reading through your blog!
Sunshine said…
I totally feel you with the swap meet clothes (I think I might've discussed that in therapy...ha, not seriously)!

And I'm SO going to GoodWill today.

See how I am?

And we WERE 16 yesterday.

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