I Couldn't Help Myself

Nikki won the printer. Go say congrats!

I did it.  I started putting out the Fall decor.

I know.  It's 100 degrees, but I can't stand it.  I.LOVE.FALL.

I filled these apothocary jars with mini pumkins and cute fabric pumpkins.

I was going to use gingham ribbon, but the polka dots won out....love the sass.

Here they are from a bit further out:

That's all I have done for Fall.  Baby steps, right?  Otherwise my Christmas stuff will be out before Thanksgiving!  

Here is a little something I just did:

See those gold plate hooks?  Those things ROCK.  I love them so much, I am using them to hang all my pictures.  Everything hangs nice, even and flush to the wall.

Plates are such an inexpensive way to take up a large wall space with something classic and clean.  All of these are from Marshall's and Home Goods.  This blue color is all over my house.  LOVE IT.
Yes, I know that top row looks uneven, I think it's the angle, cause they look just fine in person.

And, for you nosey people, yes, that is a picture of the boy and me...from a few years ago.

Can't wait to show you guys my favorite Fall Project... get some ribbon and a glue gun.


Insane Mama said…
I love the plates on the wall. So simple and cute. And don't get me started on FALL it is my favorite time of year
Unknown said…
Love the plates. Who'd a thought plates hanging on a wall would look so good.
WheresMyAngels said…
100 degrees? Not where I live. lol I love our decor. I'm horrid at hanging things though, you should post a tutorial of how to hang the gold thingy, and then how to hang the plates. Some people like me need that!

You are so lying about that picture, it is the same one in the frame I have that I haven't put a picture of mine into yet ;)

I also want to see the full picture of the table you have your pumpkin decor on, it looks very interesting!
Aunt Julie said…
Yeah, it's gonna be 96 here tomorrow, and Fall is right around the corner! I'm in the mood for a seasonal change, though. You've inspired me--time to start rootin' around in the basement. Now, where did I put that beautiful Autumnal Wreath?
Cristin said…
Fall is my favorite too... Can't wait to go apple picking next weekend.

The plates look just fine, not crooked at all..

I only decorate for Christmas... I'm so lame... I need to branch out a bit....
Unknown said…
Those look really cute.

What do those gold plate hangers look like and where did you get them?

Not lame at all. Last Thanksgiving, I expected to be in NZ, so I gave away all my Thanksgiving decor. So I just hauled out all my Xmas stuff....
Unknown said…
That blue is my FAVORITE color!

Don't feel bad about putting out for fall, I've already started doing things around the house too.
As soon as the mornings get crisp and the evenings get cool I'm on it!
Teri said…
I love those plates. The blue is beautiful. And fall is really great here in Atlanta. I actually saw a few colored leaves today...in the 91 degree weather.
Just Lisa said…
I've got my ribbon and my glue gun-- let's get started!
Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the change in the weather. But here in the burbs of Atlanta, I have what seems like forever to wait for it. In the 90's today. And we probably won't cool down until Halloween. Maybe. It's hard to get into that fall mood when you are still wearing shorts and tank tops. Well. I am not wearing tank tops. That would be scary. But my kiddos are.
Alison said…
Very nice! I should get to thinking about what to put up for my fall decor (that the kids won't mess up!)
Amy said…
Oh my goodness I love these decor photos! The polka dot ribbon looks great, never would have thought to use that with pumpkins. Also, I am completely in love with the blue plate color. I would love to see the rest of your home decor sometime. Can't wait to see the rest of your holiday decorations. Thanks for sharing.
Scott said…
I love the pumpkins. I'm ready to start decorating myself. I like the Fall candles....those smells are awesome!
CaraBee said…
The plates look fantastic, especially with the black and white of the table and accessories! I haven't really started my fall decorating, such as it is, yet, but it is my favorite season.
John Deere Mom said…
OOh, ooh...I LOVE fall too. It's my favorite season, hands down. I got the itch to start decorating because we had a few fall-like days but now it's freaking hot again so I decided not to. Love the pumpkins in the jars. Super cute!
Anonymous said…
Very nice decorations. The polka dots are quite sassy with those pumpkins. I can tell you don't have cats with all the cute stuff sitting around. :)
Jen said…
I never knew that you were so crafty. What an awesome idea to decorate with plates, those are beautiful! I am going to have to remember that in a few years when I can decorate with our fear of stuff getting ruined by little hands.

Also, I like have a picture of you to go with the words. :)
I love your plates! And a pretty face to go with the blog--yea!

I adore fall, too, but, really, is it already here? Well, time to whip out my fave boots.
Lula! said…
Oh my head...I am e-mailing you NOW (in between texting you--I hate Ohio State!) so that I don't fully embarrass myself here.

Separated at birth. Me and you. Yep. I should never be surprised...not one bit.
Jacki McHale said…
Love the plate idea! I could do that but those 99 cent bright plastic plate from IKEA just would be quite as nice as yours...

Swirl Girl said…
Love the look of the plates.

I was never one to decorate seasonally - but I have to admit, your lil' punkins are too cute!
Shannon said…
Oh, I LOVE the collection of plates... very pretty!

And the apothecary jar craft looks cute and super easy to do!

I can't wait for fall to get here!
Tinabean said…
Fall is my favorite season also.
I love decorating for halloween though it's my favorite holiday.
I've already started slowly putting stuff out as well.
By the way I've got the ribbon & glue gun on stand by, ready & waiting!!!
Cindy said…
Girl, you know summer doesn't end in Texas until a few weeks before Christmas!
Unknown said…
I love the look of the plates. What a wonderful idea - I might just steal it!
Cecily R said…
FAll is my FAVORITE. The decorations, the smells, the feeling outside, the colors...all of it. I look forward to it every year.

Love the plates. Totally cool effect!
Ann Harrison said…
I actually went to JoAnn's Fabric's today to pick out material for my daughter's Halloween costume. (Thank goodness my lovely sister is a seamstress!)
I was getting so-o-o excited with all of there fall decor at 30% off!
OH! And a coupon!
Portland is going through a heatwave so that held me back a bit, but I know it's there.
I'm excited!
Anonymous said…
I envy people who can decorate. Being raised in a pink, green, and orange house stunted something in me -- yes, I am blaming my mother for that, too!

I need a Candace Olsen or a neighbor like you!
Cracker Scraps said…
Love love love plates! I especially love Homer Laughlin plates and have quite a few in my collection.

Then, I started scrapbooking and collecting antique plates became secondary! I've got so many plates I don't know what to do with them all but just can't part with them! KWIM?

We've got a fellow SITS Sista named Kris who is from Clearlake, TX right down by Keemah. Her town home is flooded on the bottom floor about 18 inches. When I talked to her she seemed a little in shock and perhaps denial as to what she needs now and in the future!

She has been a great mentor to me in this world of blogging and other such online matters!

Here's the link to her blog:


Is there any way you can spotlight her so that she gets lots of SITS lovin'! I know they don't have power now but one day soon, I hope she'll be back online!

We're all just so glad that she is safe. She had just put in new wood flooring and redecorated her downstairs of their town home! I just wish I knew what I could do for her. Time will tell!
Live.Love.Eat said…
OOOHH, you're getting me soooo excited for Fall. I am just over the FL heat. Maybe it's because I am older, maybe because it's been hotter this summer, or maybe because I miss getting outside and watching my son actually play in the yard, but I cannot wait for Fall. I have to throw this in but I was at the bookstore yesterday buying Eclipse and was still sweating from just walking from my car to the store. Ahh, Eclipse!!!!!
S Club Mama said…
So sad the contest is over - I had so much fun answering all the comments. Thank you again.

I'm so glad to see a picture of you. I knew you had a lovely heart but *whistles* you're so gorgeous! I guess God wanted to match your insides and outsides!

I really like those plates. Someday when I am in a house I want to be in (not an apartment ha), that will be a fabulous idea. And I don't think they look uneven.

I also love the pumpkins. That's a neat idea. I bet the rest of your home is just as beautiful.
Live.Love.Eat said…
P.S. It was nice to see that picture of you with your little guy!!!!
Summer said…
I think I may need to copy the plates, that is just too cute...and that blue is all over my house too!!! ;-)

I also think the polka dots are way cuter than gingham. Good choice!

I love decorating!

TJDKG said…
those pumpkins are awesome. I want to decorate for fall but probably wont get to it. I will decorate the kids, at least the girls in some cute fall outfits that i've made.
Angie's Spot said…
The Fall decor is brilliant! I need to break out some stuff at my house this week. The leaves are just starting to change a bit here and I actually caught a hint of a Fall breeze yesterday. I'm hoping to take the kids apple picking next weekend so we can really confirm that Fall is here!
Anonymous said…
That's a great idea with the plates! I wish I could come up with something that creative!
Rhea said…
I love the plates on the walls and the little pumpkins in the jars, but I LOVE, love, love that photo of you and the boy. I don't think I've ever seen a photo of you before. Beautiful!

And, congrats to Nikki!!
Love your plates.....I'm cracking out my fall decor as well. The picture of you and the boy......so cute. Congrats to Nikki. The contest was WAY fun for me! :)
Anonymous said…
Hey SITS! Just swung by to check you out. You're blog is just adorable! Thanks for sharing your cute fall decor. I am itchin' to get started on a little of my own. Keep on rantin' and keep on ravin'
What A Card said…
Oh boy, that's adorable! And I don't think it's too early for the fall decor...I just stuck a smiley ghost in my front garden today!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today (and for deeming me "saucy" :)
Meghan said…
Awesome decor.
I mean, AWESOME!!!!!!!
Ah, yes... The Martha Stewart gene. You've got it bad, dearie!!
Mom said…
I love fall. Fall colors, scents, decorations I wish it could be fall year round. I can't wait to see your projects.
Sass said…
I just ended up with some of my grandmother's china, and am struggling with storage space as it is. I'm soooo loving this idea of the plates on the wall!

And I've really enjoyed reading your blog!

Can't wait to see more

Heather said…
Yeah, the plates are great BUT WHAT A CUTE PICTURE OF YOU AND THE BOY!!! I miss him. Oh yes I do.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE FALL too! I've already started decorating too. I want Fall to start now!
My daughter's birthday is next week and she wants to have a Halloween party. It's WAY too early for a Halloween party but I'm letting her have one anyway. Did I mention that I love Fall?
sassy stephanie said…
No apologies! I love fall too. Esp halloween. I buy more fall decor that Christmas decor.

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