Fun with Vinyl.

I decided to put up some new vinyl lettering.  Did you know I sell vinyl lettering?  Yep, my two girlfriends and I own Such Sweet Serendipity

You remember the wall of plates?  Well, I added this:

Then, in the wake of USC's loss, I decided to put good thoughts into the universe.

Isn't that Awesome!  It's the wall of our new loft (I'll post all about that soon).  Yes, that is an actual basketball hoop on the wall.  And, yes, basketball playin' goes on.  All the time.

Here is where they keep score:

See that window in the back?  Total Mistreatment.

Did all 4 windows for under $35 with a glue gun and some tacks.  More to come on that.


Wep said…
SO cute :) I made more punkins this weekend! I'll post pics soon!
S Club Mama said…
Tiff, this is SO cute! How do you make the letters? Do you use a Cricut? I don't know anything about doing vinyl lettering but it's adorable & I want to when we move.
CaraBee said…
Soo cute! I love the Halloween cat, too!
Jen said…
I just recently got some vinyl phases as well. I can't wait to put mine up.
KimmyJ said…
OMGoodness - that is so cute. Gone to check out your other site.
Rhea said…
You and Heather have been so CRAFTY lately. hehe
cricketphx said…
You so totally rock! I absolutely love the basketball net! I need some of your creativity to rub off on me!
sassy stephanie said…
Ha ha...that post title immediately made me think of you standing in a vinyl outfit with a whip in your hand.
Swirl Girl said…
What is up with all this crafty home decorating thing lately?

You been having coffee with Martha?
Becky said…
How stinking cute! I love the lettering. I am totally checking our your other blog that shows all your stuff on lettering.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Anonymous said…
Summer said…
I love decals! I'm totally going to have to check out your site.

You are seriously talented!!!

Ginger said…
Beautiful! I especially love your FIGHT ON words! Sign me up for words just like that in April when I have walls of my very own!
Unknown said…
I love THAT!
I'm clicking on the link to go check it out RIGHT NOW!
Tiffany said…
Love the vinyl letters! And I have that same black cat! She sits on our front porch railing during the Halloween season. How 'bout that? And you and I share the same first name! And guess what else? I have YOUR name in Kat's swap? How's 'bout that???? :)
Jayne said…
Looks fantastic!!!
Lula! said…
I plan on spending the big bucks at Such Sweet Serendipity. But only when its owner can come to my house and help me slap it on as many walls as possible. Please.
I didn't know you did vinyl. I might come a knockin in the next few weeks!
I love the lettering will have to check that out! Can I come and play basketball, I so love playing. Wish I had a court in my house.
Heather said…
I just put some up in my house this weekend too. I'll take a picture and post it. It turned out sooooo cute!!
Anonymous said…
Adorable cuteness!
Cecily R said…
You ROCK! And I totally want a basketball hoop on my wall.
Teri said…
Those letters are really cool. Easy to change?
Alison said…
Looks great! I am going to use some vinyl lettering in our new playroom (when it's actually done, of course) and I'll buy it from you!
Sherri said…
I love vinyl letter!!
KatBouska said…
I have fallen madly and deeply in love with you. Is there anything you CAN'T do!?!

Please tell me you have a full basketball court in your home!! Please say it's so...please tell me you're going to be featured on CRIBS soon and that you're married to Lebron James...
Amy said…
Your vinyl lettering looks great. I'm a big fan of the mistreatments too. You are such a talented chicky mama.

Oh I don't know if you've had a chance to check, but you won the random prize on my blog. Congratulations:)
Love those vinyl letters. I have some in my house too.
Sandy N said…
I love how you used the Vinyl! I need some new ideas
Debbie said…
That does look so cool Tiffany! And on behalf of the students and alumni of Penn State, I would like to thank USC, Florida, Georgia, and Wisconsin for losing this weekend...we are now ranked #6 and in the mix of it all. Yahoo!
Oh I love the vinyl lettering! I'm visiting via SITS, but have been meaning to check out your blog since "Lula" referred me.
Michelle said…
My dad owns a company that makes signs/vinyl letters. Who would have guessed those letters would make their way off the sides of vans and onto the walls of people's homes!

Totally cute by the way!
Soulflower said…
Yay SSS! Can't wait til I have more walls and Kendra moves into her dorm! Yeeeeee!
That looks great! I just got some of that vinyl lettering & we're going to put it up at the new house. I hope mine looks as good as yours!
Sunshine said…
I am *loving* this!
thotlady said…
You know I love this lettering. It is right up my alley. I went over and took a look at your on-line store. I love the fonts you have.

I will definitely be back to buy in the future.

A am having a give-a-way on my blog, it you get a chance you might want to take a look.
Jen Sue Wild said…
Fun stuff!! Love the wall ofplates..
S Club Mama said…
Thank you for your sweet comment. Always makes my day!

And I went by your shop, very cute. If/when I get a real house, I hope to be calling (one of those things the hubby will have to ok)...unless I win on SITS tomorrow. ha!
Anonymous said…
Hi Tiffany! Where do you crafty people come up with this stuff? I'm going away this weekend and I'm leaving my Halloween stuff out in hopes my mom will put it up for me cause I suck at decorating :( Thanks for reading and commenting on all my posts. Appreciate the support!
Very stylish. I'm impressed.
Unknown said…
I love the lettering I think it looks great. And an indoor basketball court? How can you stand the noise?
M.Gunn said…
Love your lettering!! I have to think of something to do in my son's bedroom ;-) now I am off to look at your Total Mistreatment...tx!

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