Just Do It?

So, I did it.  I rejoined the hell that is Boot Camp


I had to go back.  

Summer is over and if I don't Boot Camp, my ass will be the size of Alasska (hahahaha).  

Today Josh gave us some eating guidelines.  


So, not only do I have to subject my body to push ups, crunches, squats, planks and medicine balls, but now I can't eat after 7 PM.  


We did a "light" workout today. 

 A 2 or 3 on a scale of 10, Josh said.  

Then why can't I get up from the toilet after I pee?  


WheresMyAngels said…
That is wonderful!! I need a trainer to get me going! If my husband would assist me with burning calories more, I might not need a gym;)
Maternal Mirth said…
Oh hon ... just invest in some of those old lady bars to put in your bathroom :-)

Honestly, in two weeks, you will feel like a million bucks and have the energy of a 5 year-old jacked up on soda and marshmallow fluff.

Amy said…
Good for you. Listen, it doesn't matter how "bad" you think you did. If you're there and not sitting at home then you're winning. Good luck!
Jill said…
yay for getting out there and getting it done :) I hope it gets easier for you
Lula! said…
I'll do boot camp with you. Is there a tattoo at the end of this ordeal? 'Cause that would keep me motivated. I don't want my boo-tay to be flabby for the inkin', you know.

"Alasska." Girl, you crack me up. Get it..."Crack?" Hahahaha!
Jen said…
Good for you. I am just going to keep giving my fingers a workout but typing.
S Club Mama said…
Oh honey! That can't be good, right? Sorry to laugh at your plight...I do feel for you; especially not eating after 7...what will you do? Eat ice cream for dinner? ha that's what I'd do.

You have something to send me? That's very sweet but you most certainly don't have to. But I'll try to be gracious and just tell you that Moose wears a 2T (in pants & shirts; I just don't know how long the shirts will be that size).
sassy stephanie said…
Oh I love bootcamp. No, seriously. I do. I totally dig an ass kicking workout that test my limits and gives me an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment.

Hang in there girl. Just think about how extra fine you will be when you meet Edward!!
Kori said…
Oh I would so go to boot camp with you if I could. My backside is looking a little alaska esk. lol
Liz said…
I just signed up fot SITS and have been leaving as many comments as possible everywhere I read. But I just can't think of anything more to say. You are so funny and the comments left here make me laugh so hard! Not exactly a work out but we'll get there!
Unknown said…
Maybe you'd feel better if you had a Pop-Tart and a Yoo-Hoo and just covered your mirrors...
Heather said…
I need a workout friend. I would so do boot camp with you and wallow in the pain together...with wine and chocolate...
Crazy Momma said…
Oh man, going from sitting to standing (or vice versa) has got to be the WORST after a "good" workout...

I so hear you!

Gotta tell you that when I read the title I thought you were going to tell us that you and hubby had decided to embark on a "100 days" journey...having read the book "Just Do It" and all. :)

If/when you do decide to do that, please keep us all abreast (haha) of the happenings...I would love to live vicariously through someone else's 100 days journey...
Unknown said…
Man - I love being a couch potato! But I guess I need to get my ass out the door and start doing something - my flexiblity sucks!
Being Honest said…
OOOO....oooh. I know that feeling!
Summer said…
Look at you go girl! Although I can't say my thighs and butt are jealous. =)
Live.Love.Eat said…
This sounds like something I need because my usualy motivation is not doing it for me. In fact I have no motivation. Good luck and hang in there!!!!!!
cyndi said…
Oh I so need to do that myself.
Rhea said…
I hope he slowly increases those workouts...and doesn't jump from a 2 to a 10!! Peeing's overrated, just get a depends for a while. hehe

Good for you though for doing it. That's awesome, and it feels good when you're done...before the soreness sets in, of course.

AND, CONGRATS on your win over at 7 Clown Circus! That necklace was beautiful, and you totally deserve to win something after all the amazing SITS giveaways.
Schmerica said…
YES girl!! Work that thang! I am also not a fan of the no eating after a certain time, but 7pm seems waaay too early. I always heard 9pm. Considering what time you go to bed, not eating after 7pm is plain and simple torture.
scargosun said…
I am waving to you from my couch.
Insane Mama said…
Old lady handles HAHAHA

I started my workouts yesterday also... I'm so sore
CaraBee said…
I've always wanted to do one of those, but just couldn't drag my heinie off of the couch to do it. Good for you. Let us know how you feel in a couple of weeks.
Ashley said…
Good luck with your boot camp! My body is feeling very much the same - but I hardly ever eat dinner before 7 so this might be a problem for me!
Alison said…
As my kids say, "Ouchywawa!"
Anonymous said…
But, its a "good" hurt though, right?

Good for you!
Am I the only lazy arse out there that thinks boot camp sounds dreadful? Just wondering. :)
Aunt Julie said…
I've thought of doing this. Both Presidential Candidates are pushing change, so I think I need to, too. In the Caboose Department!
Angie's Spot said…
I did bootcamp with a slave-driver for the first 3 months of this year and while I got results, it was torture. I finally had to quit when I couldn't take his regimen anymore. Hope you see amazing results and have fun! Ok, maybe not so much fun as I hope it's not misery.
Tena said…
good for you for getting out there, that alone is more than half of us do! Hopefully this time next week getting up from the potty will be much easier!
Wep said…
Ugh! Hang in there.

On an aside, so that popsicle I just had at 1030 was a bad idea? Crap. But it was fruit! CRAP CRAP CRAP!
KatBouska said…
It's nine.

I have a date with mint chocolate chip.

I'll let you know how that goes.

...no worries...I'll dance it off later.
I think I am in bootcamp everyday. My 2 year old keeps me on the go from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed. Then I have to oldest 2 I homeschool, along with keeping up with the house and our dog. I would never have time for a work out. Much Love
Anonymous said…
Thanks for swinging by my blog!

I just joined a gym -- which is a little less of a boot camp, particularly since I'm expecting -- but I really do hope this works out for you! the post that you link about this Boot Camp ends on a really positive note and it'd be great (for your sake & your son's!) for you to be able to return to that mindset and find some pleasure in working out.

And when I make my first post bemoaning how sore I am and how much I hate working out, I give you full permission to come snicker ;)
Unknown said…
Oh, I so feel your pain...

I biked to and from school today...

And the gears got stuck so I had to really push it...

And I was running late so I had to bike fast...

And I've been sitting in this chair for a couple of hours now, because it bloomin' hurts to get up!!!

I'm getting back on that bike tomorrow though...
Cracker Scraps said…
I think I'm the youngest one at 53 in my water aerobics class. I work it hard for an hour+ It doesn't seem that bad, until I try to do something like well, let's say, get off the toilet!
thotlady said…
I can't do crunches or push ups. Those days are over. I give you kudos for doing this.

I walk that is the extent of my exercise. I try to lift weights, three pound dumbbells to strengthen my arms. 'Try' is the operative word here.
I went for a six mile hike yesterday. By myself. I don't hike. Today, I'm like, "Why does my butt hurt so badly? OH YEAH. Probably because I hiked six freakin miles yesterday!" I feel your pain, a pain best remedied with ice cream.
G. said…
Boot Camp. They make it sound so appealing. :) Actually, I could use some of that right now. Good Luck!
Cristin said…
Better you than me sister. Good luck.
Ann Harrison said…
Oh my gosh Tiffany!
I wrote something similar to this yesterday.
I'm so tired of hurting! Why isn't this getting any easier?
Heating pads and Ibuprofen are becoming routine, ugh!
S Club Mama said…
Congrats on winning the 7 Clown Circus giveaway for the Twisted Silver. I'm so excited for you! And it's ok I didn't win bc I was going to send it to you anyway!
Oh mercy! I wouldn't last but one day in that class! lol I think it's fabulous you are going...go for me, too, while you're at it, K?

Connie said…
Thanks. Way to remind me my febble attempt at walking 30 minutes each morning isn't enough ... :D
Love ya anyway!
Great blog! MAN, you're motivated! I have always wanted to do that, but somehow I am scared! :) Someday I will muster up enough courage... Anyhow, good work!
Aubrey said…
Kudos to you! Gotta love that work out pain. LOL

I wish I had the motivation to get going because looking at my booty, I'd say it's starting to resemble Texass. And you know how everything is bigger there! Sorry, I couldn't help myself!
Anonymous said…
Good luck with the bootcamp! I'm thinking I need to do something like that because I am just so OUT OF SHAPE! My booty's as this country--I don't think a state actually defines it's size!
Unknown said…
I need to join you at bootcamp! But I think I will just get a dvd workout instead. Not being able to get up from the toilet after peeing sounds frightening!
Frizzy said…
I really need to join you in boot camp too. Get off the toilet? HOw bout the floor after playing with your little one? That must really be a challenge after a good workout.
-Bridget said…
Oh, I remember those days. I need to get my hiney back to one pronto. I remember when I first started, a good day was one where I didn't feel like I was going to barf afterwards.
Vicki said…
A friend mentioned starting boot camp and it made me think of this post. I admire you bunches, 'cause I never have the self discipline to exercise and am too cheap to have someone motivate me...
Jennifer P. said…
Just hobble your way through it.... :) Your butt will thank you later!

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