Politic Free Zone?

So I won't be telling you who I am voting for.  I am actually very interested in politics and follow them closely.  Always have.  As a registered independent, I don't vote by party.  I vote by issue. By who I really think will do what is best for Americans.

And, issues that are important to my family, may not be on your priority list.  That's a okay with me.  

I have been quite surprised how heated and well, aggressive, people become over the candidates. There isn't one that I love.  And, honestly, there are things I like and dislike about both tickets.  I will make my decision closer to the election, and after the debates.

But this blog isn't a place to discuss that.

It is however a place for us to laugh.  And this cracked me up.  Is Tina Fey amazing or what?


Wep said…
OMG this cracked me up too :)
Jen said…
I saw this on another blog and it was funny there and oh so much more funny here. ;)
Swirl Girl said…
Satire rings the bells of truth...no?
Amy said…
Very funny. Those women are so funny.
Anonymous said…
very funny!
Heather said…
I watched this last night, too. I was cracking up. The first time I saw Sarah Palin, I just knew somehow Tina Fey would end up doing something with that uncanny resemblance. She even had that accent down.

Too funny!
WheresMyAngels said…
Sara, posing was the best part of this!

I also can't believe my father sent me one of them dang emails with her face on a naked body!! lol
Alison said…
Thanks for the clip! I knew Tina Fey would do a great job impersonating S.P. but I didn't get to watch it last night.
We watched last night. And the resemblance. The voice. It's uncanny. And oh so funny. Now, the rest of SNL last night...not so much.
Anonymous said…
I am one of those people that is very passionate about politics. But at my core, I honestly feel this way: as long as people are paying attention to the issues and then taking the time to get out and VOTE, no matter who they are voting for, I support that person. It's the very least we can do :]
CaraBee said…
Tina Fey is so awesome. Her SP impersonation is dead on! Thanks for posting this since I haven't stayed up late enough to watch SNL in like 4 years.
Amy said…
Oh that was funny!
Angie's Spot said…
Tina Fey is comic genius. Love her!
Anonymous said…
I saw this last night. They are both brilliant! Amy doesn't even look pregnant there!
Tracy P. said…
Oh, my husband and I were just howling! I'm so glad you posted this.

Thanks so much for coming by on my SITS day! How about if I send you a little of our fall weather to go with your decorations? I will have to break mine out soon--the summer stuff is not fitting so much anymore!

Have a great week!
Anonymous said…
The resemblance was amazing. This was so funny, I am glad I actually stayed up and tuned in to watch this.
Jennifer P. said…
Tina Fey for president! No--wait--Tiffany for president! We need someone with Fall decorating skills running our country :)!

I know there are about a million blogs out there devoted to politics, and I guess if people are fully interested in that, they'll find them. But a little peek into your opinions on certain issues or candidates isn't bad either. Shows you care and that you're intelligent :)

Loving from one independent to another!
Unknown said…
I love Tina Fey and that was a crackup!! Thanks for posting it :-)
KatBouska said…
Amy Poeller was hilarious in this too!! SO funny. :)
Alecia said…
"You just have to want it."

I get all my political views from SNL. Thank god for SNL....without it, I would be politically retarded.

And thank God for Tina Fey. I'm in love with her.
That was so funny! Wanted to let everyone know I opened my new site http://queenbeecreations.blogspot.com -- Much Love hope yall check it out!
This bit was hysterical. Right on the mark. Yea for Tina Fey!!
KimmyJ said…
I stayed up late to watch that one - it did not disappoint.
Lula! said…
Have you been to Lulaville today?

Separated at birth. You and me. In our respective USC shirt and UGA hat. Yep.
Rhea said…
My husband DVR'ed this, and we watched it yesterday. That opening bit was hilarious and Tina Fey did an AWESOME job as Sarah Palin.

I vote by issue too and don't side with one party or the other.
Summer said…
That is pretty dead on, huh? ;-)

Summer said…
That is pretty dead on, huh? ;-)

Cecily R said…
I'm still freaked out at how spot on her impression is...and I'm with you on politics. I save it for the voting booth.
Schmerica said…
Freaking awesome! They are comedic queens and it brings tears of joy to my eyes to see them back together on SNL.
Anonymous said…
I love it!
It's nice to see women spotlighted for once....
Anonymous said…
Tina Fey can always crack me up..
Heather said…
That was so funny. I have it DVR'd and I have to watch it.
Anonymous said…
It was hilarious! Missed in on SNL - but glad you posted it!
Debbie said…
I missed SNL, but saw the you tube clip on Lula's this morning. It is pure genius. Tina Fey is in fact Sarah Palin.
Live.Love.Eat said…
I like the way you think re: politics. Can't wait to watch this tonight. Haven't had the pleasure yet.
Anonymous said…
Seriously funny stuff!
amiable amy said…
hilariously awesome! :-)

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