Yeah, I'm Watching It.

So I am watching it.  90210.  I loved that show.  Growing up in 91301 was actually quite similar.

I remember the very first time I saw 90210.  

I was laying on my parents bed watching TV, and there they were.  So Cool.

Brenda, Brandon, Kelly, Dylan, Donna and Steve.  I was an instant fan.

What show most represents your growing up?  Roseanne?  Cosby Show? Hee Haw?


Unknown said…
I think that your question has led my answer a bit but I think hmmm, no. Let me think - I got nothing. OH wait, the closest thing I can think of is A Different World. Yes, I pick A Different World. Very much like my college experience.
Just Lisa said…
Growing Pains. Needed me some Kirk Cameron in a major way.
S Club Mama said…
90210 was definitely my show growing up (isn't that sad? my parents let me watch that - no my mom watched it with us after catechism every Wednesday, but they banned Dawson's Creek...what?).

Did you like this new stuff? It's too smutty for me, I think.

Oh and don't forget Andrea! She wasn't the coolest cast member but darn it, she reminded me of myself! But Donna was my favorite!!

Sorry to make this so long, but I did have some questions that maybe you caught the answers to:
Who's Kelly's baby daddy?
Where's Brandon?
Why is Brenda at Kelly's? They hated each other. Why is Brenda giving Kelly's man the eye...does she want to start the whole Dylan thing all over?
S Club Mama said…
Sorry, but did it also seem to you that these kids were UBER rich while in the 90s they didn't really seem so much?

Anyway...can you tell I need some adult conversation?
Summer said…
I knew when I saw your title, you were talking about 90210!!! ;-) I'm taping it to watch tomorrow during my boys nap. I can barely wait.

My show growing up, The Cosby Show! I loved that show, and my favorite episode was when they were teaching Theo was it was like to live in the "real world."

Aw memories...
Sandy N said…
I also would have to say my favorite was the Cosby Show!!! I still enjoy watching it once and a while when I come across it. They dont make TV shows like they used too.
Swirl Girl said…
I'm a 70's girl all the way.

Mary Tyler Moore and Rhoda and Laugh In and Flip Wilson and Carol Burnett and Partridge Family and Love American Style....I am dating myself here - aren't I?
WheresMyAngels said…
Square Pegs! That show was me to a tee!
Tinabean said…
For me I would have to say Gilligans Island, brady bunch, I dream of jeanie & bewitched!
I loved all of those shows.
But I definitely watched 90210 back in the day!
Amy said…
I also loved the Brady Bunch. My brother and I knew every episode by heart. I think every once in a while a good Brady quote still comes out. "Mom always said, don't play ball in the house." "Oh my nose." :)
CaraBee said…
I watched 90210 back in the day but couldn't bring myself to watch the new one. It looked a little too Hills-y for my tastes. There weren't any shows that were like my screwed up family, but I loved Family Ties, Cosby Show, Etc.
90210 was "the show" my hubby and I watched!!! After all we were around their age...but married with a kid. We watched the new one and loved it!
By the way...I finally started reading Twilight....Oh my I'm soooo hooked. I went out and bought the other 3 books. I am not a fast reader though.
Melissa said…
Silver Spoons used to be one of my favorites. What ever happened to that dad? He had that one show and his career was ov-uh.

We used to call ourselves Boca Raton 33432. My senior class video yearbook actually used the theme song from 90210 as the opener.
Caroline said…
I would also have to say Growing Pains. Maybe you were in my episode! There are three kids in my family, only we had two girls and one boy (the youngest). Similar in some ways, very different in others.
Heather said…
There is a grand trifecta...Dukes of Hazzard, Love Boat, and Fantasy Island. Da plane! Da plane!
Jill said…
My life most closely resembled 7th Heaven. The similarities are actually rediculous.....

My fav shows to watch were My so- called life, 90210, The Wonder years, Growing Paines, Full House, Family Ties (my brother wanted to be Alex P Keaton) and the Cosby show. Yeah, I watched a lot of TV.
sassy stephanie said…
Hmmm...don't know what represents my growing up really. It was too ordinary to really make for good TV.

I loved 'em all. Except maybe for Hee Haw. Never really got into that one.
Anonymous said…
I'm with Heather....I loved The Love Boat & The Dukes of Hazzard. I also watched the Cosby Show and Roseanne. HA..I even watched Hee Haw sometimes because my mom liked that show. I was, and still am, a tv-aholic!!!
Unknown said…
Ummmm, HELLO.
Little House!
Sadly, I'm gonna have to go with Roseanne. :)
thotlady said…
I guess for me it would have to be "The Wonder Years", even though I didn't watch the show very often.

Now the popular..."That 70s Show" was the decade I was in high school.

Shh, don't tell anyone how old that makes me. I really don't look it...well maybe in the morning before I get the crew in to work on my face.
Rhea said…
I really loved 90210 also. I missed the new premiere this week though. I'll have to find it somewhere.

I don't know which family represented my childhood the best. I'm so a way, the Cosby show did a little, because my dad is the laid back doctor and my mom the more uptight attorney and my dad had six kids (although some from his first marriage), but we weren't black or half as cool as the Costbys.

I wanted to be IN Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. I thought she was the bomb. She looks like my mom...

I'm rambling now...
Live.Love.Eat said…
I watched 90210 last night & have to admit it was a very nice escape from reality & will definitely be watching it. Rob Estes is a hotty and his daughter seems real. I LOVE that she is a nice girl but didn't let anyone take advantage of her. No one was overly typical except the drunken has been grandma who likes to cause trouble!
Kori said…
I don't think there is one.

You still haven't sent me your address. What's the deal pickle?
Anonymous said…
I'm with Swirl Girl....Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, Room 222, Love American Style, Carol Burnett, Happy Days, All in the Family...

Yeah, I'm THAT old...
Maternal Mirth said…
I love that I am not the only person to say "The Dukes of Hazard". That and "Dallas" but by the time that came on, I was usually being shuffled off to bed.
I loved 90210! I acutally grew up with a bunch of rich snobby brats! lol So I think my life growing up would most likely be Fresh Prince! (My best friend growing up was so Will Smith's character! lol)
Jen said…
Sorry, I really didn't like the show but I do love your new signiture.
I remember watching 90210 as well as Melrose Place growing up. I just recently met Heather Locklear and when I told her I loved Melrose Place, she probably thought I was weird, considering that I'm only 22. But growing up I loved watching all the older shows, I Love Lucy, Dick Van Dyke and Full House...who didn't have a crush on Uncle Jesse?
Sherri said…
I loved 90210!! I recorded the new one but I haven't watched it yet!
Am I that old that I didn't watch 90210? Or just that out of touch? I didn't watch Melrose either. Or 30 something. But my roommate in college watched them all. So I watched vicariously.

And like Amy...I know every word to all the Brady Bunch episodes. Loved "Little House" and Cosby and Roseanne. And I loved "Life Goes On."
Like Tinabean, my mind first offered up Gilligan's Island. But to be honest, I think Twilight Zone better represents my "growing up."
Lula! said…
I graduated with the West Beverly Highers...AND the Bayside gang! Gooooooooo class of '93! Dylan Walsh and Zack Morris...I believe I've made my point.

And you know I'm totally DVRing the entire season of the new 90210. Hello...that second, a "job" on network TV? Wow, times have changed.
S Club Mama said…
Oh Lula! You made me remember my first television love...Zach Morris. However, I did love Growing Pains, too. I wanted to be Winnie.
S Club Mama said…
Now for my 19th comment for you today. ha

Be sure to check out your award
Wep said…
Blossom. I SO wanted to be Six.
KatBouska said…
Punky...then Full House...then The Real World.

What can I say. I'm classy like that.
Angie's Spot said…
Oh, how I loved 90210. Those were my peeps. The characters were my age and I was so the Brenda of East Tennessee. And my BFF's were so Kelly & Donna. It was kind of creepy.
Growing Pains, The Cosby Show, and I did love Love Boat & Fantasy Island......there were so many really.
Aunt Julie said…
Oh, there were so many. One of my all-time favorties, though, that spans the generations and is still in multiple re-runs, is I Love Lucy. I started watching Lucy's re-runs when I was a wee one, and haven't stopped since! She's got the kind of humor that everyone "gets." You know what I mean?
Missy said…
Love Boat at night, Laverne & Shirley during the day.
And I associate the theme song from Cheers with going to sleep, because my folks watched it after I'd gone to bed!
Amy said…
I watched the 2 hour episode the other night and loved it! I loved the original in the beginning. Eventually I lost interest. I hope it doesn't happen again. As far as the good ol' days... gosh I watched Threes Company, Growing Pains, Who's the Boss? and the Cosby show.
leezee52 said…
Thanks so much for visiting me on my special day when I was the featured blogger at SITS…I could hardly sleep the night before I was so excited!

Lee :)
Ann Harrison said…
I watched the new one too. I feel a new guilty pleasure coming on!

I loved (still do) t.v. while I was growing up.
I had to watch The Brady Bunch everyday. I would have a contest with myself to see how fast I could figure out which episode it was with it's opening scence. (Pit-ti-FUL, I know!)

So Tiffany, I'm having another "Virtual Girls Night Out" this weekend. Come on over if you can!
emily freeman said…
I was a closet 90210 watcher. Like, literally I had a tv in my closet when I was in the 9th grade. It got one channel and I got lucky. I wasn't allowed to watch though, so of course I did. In my closet. Sitting real close to the screen because so I could hear.

And that was the extent of my teenage rebellion.
Anonymous said…
I honestly didn't watch television as a teenager -- I was way, way too cool for that commercialized stuff. However, EVERYONE watched Dawson's Creek, and so I will admit with some vague nausea that it most likely comes close to representing the years of growing up.

But really? My house was probably more like Roseanne. Very, very matriarchal, very busy with lots of friends and family coming and going, with a male presence only sort of existing in the background.
cricketphx said…
I didn't watch a lot of TV growing up, but do recal liking Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley. But, I LOVED the original 90210 (and still do). The new one, not so much.
Anonymous said…
Like you, T, growing up in 91301 as well. I remember watching it at Jessica's house when it was on on Thurs. nights - how crazy is that! I haven't had a chance to catch the new one...but I should tivo it!
cyndi said…
we just switched from dish to direct. I totally called and complained. I am so bummed we don't get the CW. Luckily I get gossip girl on itunes. SO now I get to go call itunes to see if they will show 90210. . .okay this mom might be a little ocd, but
I love watching my shows when I am crafting in the wee hours of the night.
Kimmie said…
What did you think of the new 90210? I wasn't pulled in as much as I thought I would have been being such a diehard fan of the original.
I blogged about 90210 past and present last week. I was such a fan back in the day. Not too much of a fan of the new one, but I do want to follow the old characters. I just wish they would lay off the horribly sleezy story line with the young kids on the new show.

Great blog you got here! :-)

Laura said…
I grew up on 90210. I get attached to characters so I am totally watching it. Mostly to find out about Kelly etc...
Connie said…
Ummm ... I went to the bar. Way better acting there!
Kaza said…
I agree on 90210. I still cannot accept that it was that long ago. It's funny, I can't remember my L.A. zip code growing up! I'll have to look it up.

I missed the premiere last week, so I'll have to catch up, but I've got it programmed in my DVR for this week!
Lex the mom said…
I think many old tv shows would represent my growing up. The one I have to say stands out the most is The Cosby Show. We all used to watch that show together. The Thursday night line up, actually. Cheers, too.
Michelle said…
Yup, grew up in 91750, so it felt like home! I didn't watch the new 90210 though. I just couldn't.

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