You Guys Are SO Funny.

Reading your comments about "Toni" the boot camp witch has me cracking up.

I am actually someone who has no problem asserting myself.  (Heather can vouch for me on that one.)  

I wasn't really offended.  I thought it was hysterical.  Afterall, I consider myself smokin' hot on the right night, in the right light.  With the right jeans and great boots. 

The ironic thing is, had she said it to one of you, I would have kicked her size 2 ass.  And, then rolled on the floor in a fit of laughter.

So, thanks for having my back.  Even if it is HUGE.  (bwahahahahahaha)

Love you guys.


Amy said…
Go get 'em Tiffany. I know you're not afraid, I still remember that awesome book club story. I think I miss that girl, was her name Sharon? We just wanted to point out, that given the chance, we might kick her ass too! Have a great day.
Rhea said…
We always have your back!
Caroline said…
I totally got pulled away yesterday when I was reading the post about Toni, so I had to return to it this morning. Oh No She Di'int! She just "ain't got no couth" as Cicily Tyson would say on Diary of a Mad Black Woman!

I mean, seriously? I'm so sorry. I guess the only redeeming thing about that workout was that you worked really hard to get it over with!
Julie said…
Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog I love your blog and you have such cute ideas! Yes we are Buckeye Fans and alumni. We have a couple of boys on the team from my husbands team so we are even more crazy about them. Have a great day and thanks again for the sweet comments come over any time:)
Heather said…
It's true, people. Tiff has NO problem asserting herself. She's actually participated in several peace negotiations. True store. I've witnessed it.
KimmyJ said…
Saucy SITStas Stick together!
I got your back girl! Call me if you need me -- I'll hold her down and you can kick her. Much Love
Excuse me while I go read all the comments for kicks.
Crazy Momma said…
:) crazy biotch doesn't know how lucky she was to survive...
amiable amy said…
Hahaha...funny indeed. I am totally on your side though...
suzspeaks said…
This whole inicdent and comments and your post today makes me laugh out work!! Thanks I really needed that today!

I can't wait to see your art project!!!
Lula! said…
I have your back. And your front. Because you know how I feel about some boobs.

I totally said that. Yes, I did.
Susie said…
If you "got back", we got your back:-) Hee, hee, hee.
Wep said…
Aww we love you too!
Schmerica said…
Ok ladies, when are we gonna gather our posse to the corral for some serious a$% whooping?? Damn, we can roll deep!!
-Bridget said…
I completely understand this post. I would be feeling the exact same way right now. Cause you know, "I used to be even bigger than you!" Oh, wait. I AM bigger than you. I better go lock my husband in a closet until I get skinny again.
S Club Mama said…
PS she also needs to change her name from Toni...that makes her sound like a big man, right? She needs a name like....I won't say because I'll end up offending someone with that name, I know it.
Connie said…
You know us Irish ... anytime ~ anywhere!
Annikke said…
Thanks for having our backs too!
Unknown said…
I just don't believe her claim that at 135 lbs she's a sie 2. Maybe in her dreams...
I was pretty sure that you would gladly speak up for yourself. Or at least send a scathing email. But...really...for her to even think that about husbands leaving their wives...ack!
Anonymous said…
She was a piece of work.
And I remember seeing your wedding are smokin' hot!
larkswing said…
I tagged you! :)

Now I have to catch up on reading this weeks comments!
Alison said…
You ARE smoking hot. After all, it's all about attitude--and style, and you've got both!
Kally said…
OMG, I just read about Toni and couldn't believe someone could actually say that. I think she has some issues. Glad that you were able to find the humor in the situation.
cricketphx said…
Tiffany, you are such a hottie!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Hah! I love it, on the right night, in the right light, with the right jeans........... Beautifully said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tabitha Blue said…
LOL, That is too funny. Great post... nicely put. I think she should get on here so we can all give her a piece of our minds :)
Who is this woman? Obviously, she's still a size 16 a-hole.

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