15 hours With No Food.

How sad is it that 15 hours with no food sounds absolutely preposterous?

I am having surgery on Monday and apparently this fasting is protocol.  Ugh.

It's no big deal.  I have a growth on my left vocal cord, and while my voice is very deep, raspy and "sexy", some days I will wake up with no voice at all.  I can't even read out loud anymore without losing my breath.

So much of my work entails talking, and everyone is always asking if I am sick.  

Anyway, no eating or drinking (not even water) after midnight and my surgery isn't until 2.

I am not worried about the surgery, I have had surgery before.  It's the talking for the first time after that is freaking me out.

My voice has always been really distinctive.  People always comment on it.  I know the hoarseness has gotten worse, significantly worse, over the past 3 years and I know I need a voice that works.  

But I have this nightmare that I will wake up and sound like Janice from friends.

So, think of me on Monday.  Not sure if I will post between now and then.  

If not, I'll miss you.


jori-o said…
Good luck! And I'm sure your voice will still be sexy and unique--NOT janice-esque!!
Ann Harrison said…
You'll be in my thoughts Tiffany.
Jennifer P. said…
nothing about that sounds fun---except the getting back your voice part!

Keeping all my fingers crossed for you!
cherry said…
Awww I will def. think about ya and pray you come back with your old voice..the one you want and def. NOT Janice....CHANDlerrrrrrrrrr Bingggggggggg cherry
Shannon said…
15 hours?!? Yikes. I get all crabby when I go just a few hours without eating.

I'll be thinking about ya... hope everything goes well.
Ann said…
Sending you some good vibes!
KatBouska said…
Oh scary!! I'm sure you'll be fine...I can't imagine that removing a growth could change your entire voice! Either way...I'll be drinking for you, I mean THINKING of you. :(
Anonymous said…
Good luck with your surgery! I don't think you can go from Demi Moore to Janice.... :)
Amy said…
Best of luck. I hope you end up with a sexier voice then before!
Tiffany said…

Good luck with your surgery. Maybe you will get your goodies today and they will take your mind off it. Good thing I didn't send a lot of food. hee hee
KimmyJ said…
My son had similar surgery for what they called "screamers nodules" on his vocal cords. I was so nervous, but he did fine and his voice is the same, only not quite as raspy.
Stephanie said…
Ok, the Janice comment made me laugh, so then I had to explain why I was laughing and since my co-workers did not know who Janice was(I know!!) I had to imitate her voice...and scarily enough, i sounded just like her. I will be praying for you!! Im sure you will be fine and your voice will be perfect! Good Luck!
Unknown said…
Sending warm wishes & prayers your way... You will do fine!
Anonymous said…
Good luck on Monday....I'll be praying for you that your voice comes back just as good if not better.
Anonymous said…
Good luck...and here's hoping maybe you can get some ice cream out of the deal! ;)
sassy stephanie said…
Oh Sweetie, best of wishes. I will say a little prayer for you. I am surprised they didn't schedule the surgery first thing in the morning.
Summer said…
You'll do awesome, and you'll sounds sexier than ever!!! ;-)

Kori said…
I'll be keeping you in my prayers. And don't worry I'm sure you will sound fine who know maybe even sexier. Oh what will the poor hubby do if that happens. lol
S Club Mama said…
Oh dear! I didn't know you were having surgery! You will most definitely be in my prayers! And your voice will be just beautiful (even the actress that plays Janice from Friends doesn't really sound like that).
S Club Mama said…
And, if I were you, I'd set an alarm for 11:30pm and wake up to eat before midnight. I think 15 hours is a LONG time with no food...but that's just me.

AND I don't think calories count just before surgery SO you should eat whatever you want.
Tami said…
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers :)

And how come, when they tell you that you can't eat is when you'll probably be starving for the final 8 hours leading up to the event you can't eat for?? (Did that sentence make sense??) I'm sure I've gone without eating for longer than that and not noticed.

And BTW, I finished Twilight, I'm beyond stoked for the movie and I just picked up New Moon. You've converted me :)
Susie said…
My thoughts are with you. And, in my experience, your voice will stay the same. I had a coworker who had several surgeries for the same reason and she always sounded the same. I mean, sometimes she sounded less scratchy but it was still her.
Crazy Momma said…
Thinking of you, Tiffany!! Think of the weight you will lose :) Man, THAT'S what I need, a good vocal surgery to take off those extra pounds :)

Take care, think happy thoughts, it will all work out!
Lula! said…
Here's what I wrote on Oct.13 on my calendar 2 weeks ago:
TIFF--Bye-bye Phone Sex.

HA! That'll get people talking.

You know I tell everyone that you sound like a phone sex operator. And because I know you, I know you'll still sound FOXY even after surgery.

I'll call and read aloud to you...and also to The Boy. That's what friends are for.
Good luck. I know surgery is a pain (literally), but hopefully it will fix the problem and then you won't have to worry about it any more. And I'm sure you won't sound like Janice.
Ash said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ash said…
You'll be in my thoughts. Don't worry about the Janice thing, unless the doc slips and gives you an accidental rhinoplasty, I think your new voice is going to sound like silk.

I wonder what would happen if you had voice-recognition technology? How would you get it to work again?


(sorry, I had to delete and retype. Damn typos!)
Anonymous said…
I was thinking the same thing as Jaci...from Demi to Janice...don't think that'll happen.

Take care of yourself after, don't push yourself. Call me if you need me! I'll be thinking of you!
Jenni said…
Good thoughts coming your way! Good luck and speedy recovery!
Anonymous said…
Good luck, Tiffany!!! Hope everything goes well....and that you still have a sexy voice come Tuesday! :)
Wep said…
Aw, hang in there! That does stink. I always think they should make those surgery's first thing in the morning. You'll do great. I'll be thinking about you :)
Jen said…
oh I hope all goes well and I will let you in on a little secrete. You can have water until about 4 hours before your procedure and food about 8 hours before. But you better listen to your doctor. *wink, wink*
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers on Monday.
Alison said…
I'll say a prayer for you. It really is sad that most of us feel deprived going without food for that amount of time. Oh, and I'm sure your voice won't be like Janice's. I'm pretty sure you'd have to grow up in Joisey for that to happen!
Jayne said…
I hope it all goes well and as comfortably as possible....how exciting to have a new voice!! You'll be in my thoughts :)
Unknown said…
I can't help giggling at the Janice reference. Definitely not a voice one would choose.
I'm sure you will have a great voice... hope it all goes smoothly for you.
Anonymous said…
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery, lack of hunger, and that you do not sound like Janice or Minnie Mouse when you start speaking again! ;-)
leezee52 said…
Wishing you a speedy recovery after surgery!

Lee :)
CaraBee said…
I'm sure everything will be fine, you'll be back to your sexy voice in no time. I second the suggestion that you get up and stuff yourself at 11:30.
John Deere Mom said…
Sending lots of love and positive thoughts your way. Good luck!
Kaza said…
Oh sweetie, even if you DO sound like Janice, we'll still love you! ;) But srlsy, that isn't gong to happen. All will be most well.

Oh, where have I been? Don't even ask. Work, work, and more work, and two health scares, and now just trying to catch my breath and not catch my kid's cold.
Nikki said…
Think of it this way: "Janice" (or that actress rather) has made a mint on her voice alone!
think about Fran Drescher...
Where has this voice gotten you...well you do have a blog followed by many admirers...
Think of where the change may lead?
I can't read aloud either. My voice just goes completely. But I didn't get a sexy voice out of the deal. Will be sending good vibes your way.
And because I live under a rock...and have NEVER seen an episode of Friends...I am going to now have to find out who Janice is and what she sounds like...
Aunt Julie said…
Good luck to you! And have the family go shopping for you--tea and honey would be lovely for your recovery!
Rhea said…
I really hope you don't end up sounding like Janice from friends. That has to be so weird to know your voice is going to change.

I loved Lula's comment. No more phone sex for you!! lol

I'll keep you in my thought, Tiffany! Is it an outpatient surgery or are you staying overnight?
WheresMyAngels said…
Janice wasn't so bad, she had the best laugh! lol

How scary this surgery sounds though. I'll say some prayers for you. I'm getting my tubes done that day also. I didn't think they were going to put me under for it, but guess they are. I have never been put under before so that freaks me out.

I'll be thinking of you.
Just Lisa said…
Good luck Tiffany! I hope you record before and after vocals! I'm sure your new voice will be just as sexy, just in a different way!
Tinabean said…
Good luck I hope everything goes well & your recovery is fast!!!
Love & Kisses!
Jen Sue Wild said…
Good luck with the sugery..
Debbie said…
Oh no! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending up shooting prayers for you during the day!
Thinking of you and praying all goes well today!
If you sound like Janice, not gonna lie... I think it'd be awesome for a stint. I hope your surgery goes really well, that your voice heals up quickly, and that you enjoy the first amazing meal you have after surgery. Hopefully it includes ice cream. Lots of it.
Denyse said…
Praying for you, Tiffany. Hope the surgery is successful and recovery is speedy quick
Tracy P. said…
Praying for you today, Tiffany. You will have lots of reading to do while you are going easy on your voice tomorrow! And I love your pics--you were beautiful then, and beautiful now! I'm sure your voice will be, too.
Beth said…
Thinking of you and praying for you today. I know everything will turn out just fine and you will still have a sexy voice. ;)

Hang in there!
MommaDJane said…
Good luck in surgery. I found your blog through SITS and wanted to some show blog love.
Hope all goes well -- keeping you in my prayers.

Much Love

Nina said…
Since it is Monday past 2:00 I wont say good luck. Instead I hope everything went well and you didn't wake up with Janices voice. That would be painful for anyone....
Anonymous said…
Hope you're recovering and the surgery went well...

I'm Chris - nice to meet you, I'll be back...
Unknown said…
Best of luck for today. Will be thinking of you !!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Yikes, they should have made your surgery sooner in the day. Good luck and I know everyone is sending their very best of wishes!!!!!
Casey's trio said…
Hope you are home and recovering nicely!
WheresMyAngels said…
Hope your doing well. I know your home and done writing your tuesday post cause I can see it's title on my blog roll!! lol It is funny how blogger brings those up without them being available yet!
PAC said…
Hope you're reccovering well!

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