15 hours With No Food.
How sad is it that 15 hours with no food sounds absolutely preposterous?
I am having surgery on Monday and apparently this fasting is protocol. Ugh.
It's no big deal. I have a growth on my left vocal cord, and while my voice is very deep, raspy and "sexy", some days I will wake up with no voice at all. I can't even read out loud anymore without losing my breath.
So much of my work entails talking, and everyone is always asking if I am sick.
Anyway, no eating or drinking (not even water) after midnight and my surgery isn't until 2.
I am not worried about the surgery, I have had surgery before. It's the talking for the first time after that is freaking me out.
My voice has always been really distinctive. People always comment on it. I know the hoarseness has gotten worse, significantly worse, over the past 3 years and I know I need a voice that works.
But I have this nightmare that I will wake up and sound like Janice from friends.
So, think of me on Monday. Not sure if I will post between now and then.
If not, I'll miss you.

Keeping all my fingers crossed for you!
I'll be thinking about ya... hope everything goes well.
Good luck with your surgery. Maybe you will get your goodies today and they will take your mind off it. Good thing I didn't send a lot of food. hee hee
AND I don't think calories count just before surgery SO you should eat whatever you want.
And how come, when they tell you that you can't eat is when you'll probably be starving for the final 8 hours leading up to the event you can't eat for?? (Did that sentence make sense??) I'm sure I've gone without eating for longer than that and not noticed.
And BTW, I finished Twilight, I'm beyond stoked for the movie and I just picked up New Moon. You've converted me :)
Take care, think happy thoughts, it will all work out!
TIFF--Bye-bye Phone Sex.
HA! That'll get people talking.
You know I tell everyone that you sound like a phone sex operator. And because I know you, I know you'll still sound FOXY even after surgery.
I'll call and read aloud to you...and also to The Boy. That's what friends are for.
I wonder what would happen if you had voice-recognition technology? How would you get it to work again?
(sorry, I had to delete and retype. Damn typos!)
Take care of yourself after, don't push yourself. Call me if you need me! I'll be thinking of you!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers on Monday.
I'm sure you will have a great voice... hope it all goes smoothly for you.
Lee :)
Oh, where have I been? Don't even ask. Work, work, and more work, and two health scares, and now just trying to catch my breath and not catch my kid's cold.
think about Fran Drescher...
Where has this voice gotten you...well you do have a blog followed by many admirers...
Think of where the change may lead?
I loved Lula's comment. No more phone sex for you!! lol
I'll keep you in my thought, Tiffany! Is it an outpatient surgery or are you staying overnight?
How scary this surgery sounds though. I'll say some prayers for you. I'm getting my tubes done that day also. I didn't think they were going to put me under for it, but guess they are. I have never been put under before so that freaks me out.
I'll be thinking of you.
Love & Kisses!
Hang in there!
Much Love
I'm Chris - nice to meet you, I'll be back...