Circa 1990.

So I was doing a little organizing today and came across something from my past....

I know.  Hysterical.  It's a head shot.  From 1990.  Everyone in LA had one.  (Kim and Mel, stop laughing.)

Sorry about the bad quality, I just held it up to the camera in my mac and took the a picture of the picture... hence, the backwards name and the weird lighting.

In my head, I still look like this.  Like this, but with more manicured eyebrows.  And maybe a few more fine lines.

So, I took a picture of myself with my computer, to force myself to show you all what I really look like. No fancy photoshopping, no awesome magic camera.    I do have to tell you how hard it is not to have a double chin using your laptop, the thing is looking up at you... scared me to death when I first showed up....

Almost 20 years later... TWENTY YEARS?   How can that be?

I look like that chicks mom!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Stephanie said…
You were gorgeous in 1990 and you are now!!
Susie said…
I think that you look great in both pictures:-)
super cute haircut and great eyebrows.. Heck ya!!!
Dude, you look hot, deal with it.. Who wants to be that young again, we all wanted to know more, now we do, now, just pick your butt up (alright, that was for me) and go strut your stuff.
Anonymous said…
That chicks mom my butt!!

You look beautiful!
Finding Normal said…
I think you look gorgeous, and I much prefer your haircut now!
Tiffany said…

You are much braver than I BUT after seeing your before and after shots, you don't need to be brave! You look great! But isn't it funny how fast times goes by? My 20 year reunion was a few months ago and I can't grasp that I've been out of high school that long already. I didn't go but saw some old friends photos online- OMG! They look so old. eeks! I can't help but wonder if others think that when they see me. another eeks!

Have a great weekend and let me know when you get your goodies!
Dee said…
You look great!
cricketphx said…
Tiffany, you are a hottie!
Some people look better with age. And you, my friend, are one of those people. Give me a day to pout.

(And why have I always pictured you as a blonde?)
Unknown said…
You're still beautiful. But, I also, hate finding those cute little high school and college pics. Am I really that old?
Jenni said…
Lovely then and now!
Rhea said…
You look great!! I'm so excited to have a face with a name, finally! Your hair looked much BIGGER in 1990. lol You look great!
Kori said…
Beautiful then and now.
Jen said…
Ok, I am not going to lie you are older but not any less beautiful. I guess what they saw is true, the beautiful people really do live in CA.
Way to go and de-mask yourself. Nice!
Wep said…
You TOTALLY still look like that, but with better hair and eyebrows :)

When did plucking and waxing become a necessity? I know someone who doesn't and I keep wanting to whack the caterpillars off her face :(
larkswing said…
Both pics are good! And no! you do not look like that chicks mom! - Sister, but not mom!
Vicki said…
Well, Lula outed me as to what I looked like in 1993. And I posted a not so flattering shot of myself in the summer...and several others recently. But none were quite the closeup that you've done. Then again, there's nothing to worry about with you. You look really good and I like the color of your hair. You made me laugh though with the comment about being the mom to the girl in the first picture. Well, I laughed and then started crying, because that could be me too. I don't want to grow up and actually look all grown up!
Heather said…
Of course you are beautiful in both photos.

But I am cracking up at your last sentence. So I can't write anything sweet and sentimental. Because I am about to pee my pants. Next time, warn me, okay?
S Club Mama said…
You so do not have a double chin. You are chic! Very beautiful!! And yes, your eyebrows are way better now...although you can pull off the full ones, too.
I do not believe for a second that you are past 30, and I'm serious. Wow, I really hope I look that good 20 years after my head shot (note to self: get head shot).
Anonymous said…
You're too funny.....and you STILL look great!!!
KatBouska said…
Daaaaannnngg be lookin' HOT!

And I LOVE your glamour shot you little starlet you.
CaraBee said…
Its so funny you post this because I was just at my 16th high school reunion, which is a whole other story, and we were looking through pictures from high school. I commented, and several of my friends agreed, that we all still feel like we look like that person despite the pounds and years. At least your old picture looks good.
Lula! said…
Were you in YM or Seventeen back in our day? I swear you were. In a Bonne Bell ad or something. Or did you date Kirk Cameron after your guest spot on his show? Maybe you were a model for Clearasil, with your perfect skin. Because that first picture is screaming "TEEN FASHION MODEL" to me. And I love it.

I love you.

And your sassy purple shirt.
Insane Mama said…
I'm with Kat you age well! Looking good! I love the 90's head shot as well, I have one too!
Tinabean said…
I really believe your only as old as you feel.
So that would make me ummmm 28!!!
You look amazing.
Amy said…
You look like her sister who has some kick ass eye brows. You both look awesome.
KimmyJ said…
Ha - I have the head shot too - like any good southern girl - did you go thru Barbizon school of modeling too?

You are adorable and I want to steal your eyebrows!
Anonymous said…
Hey, you still look great! Imagine if you had known the secret of sculpted eyebrows back then, huh? :)
Meaghan said…
Both GREAT Pictures. Isn't it fun to find stuff from the past. Where does the time go??

sassy stephanie said…
Stop it! You do not! You are beautiful!!!

My 90 do was the same style!
Michelle said…
You still look awesome! My little icon picture was taken with my Mac. My kids love playing with Photo Booth and sometimes set it to log on at start up. Let me tell you, it has scared the crap out of me on more than one occasion. Nothing like looking up and have you looking back at you!

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Amy said…
You look great, then and now!
Heather said…
The hair is Sass-E, girl!! I love it. It's really grown! Her teeth really are that white, people. Naturally. She's so lucky.
Anonymous said…
You look great! I love the old headshot...exactly how I remember you back in the day! We've all been posting old pics on should go check it out- it's been fun looking back! You look fantastic!
Live.Love.Eat said…
AWESOME!!! I have been wanting to put a face to all the wit!!! And there is NO double chin there. I know, all mine with double chins get deleted so I am always looking out for them and even know how to put my face so it doesn't show up :)
S Club Mama said…
kat, i always pictured her blond too! Sorry, Tiff...I think it's me. I am blond therefore so is everyone else.

Story: The lady we've been talking with at our dream job, I thought she was blond. Nope, she's African-American. Oops.
That's awesome! But you do NOT look like you could be "that chick's mom". Nope. You've aged well.

Hmmm... I must be the only one in L.A. who's never had a headshot. Maybe I should go get one. ;)
Kori said…
Lula mentioned YM magazine. Oh I so loved it and I had to beg my Daddy for a subscription. But oh yes I got it.
Anonymous said…
Both photos are beautiful! NO WAY do you look old enough to be "that chicks mom"!
WheresMyAngels said…
You suck, you look the same age, just with a different hair style! I hate you!

You know, I think I have said the "I HATE YOU" thing alot to you!! lol Stop making me jealous!
Alison said…
Oh no you do NOT look old enough to be that girl's mom. You look beautiful and just think how much wiser you are now. ;-)
suzspeaks said…
beautiful pictures!
Caroline said…
You're so beautiful! Your big reveal! And that picture of the younger you is so precious. I agree with Lula that it totally screams Seventeen magazine. You should take pictures with your computer more often!
Unknown said…
You sooo could not be your own mother... ; ) you look awesome... less hair, thinner eybrows... but you look pretty much the same...Pretty..
Jennifer P. said…
Both BEAUTIFUL pictures! You've got NOTHING to complain about :)!

So were your ears burning yesterday? I was talking to a friend of mine in Newport Beach yesterday and was telling him about how I knew a blog friend who'd been in an episode of Growing Pains. What was funny, was that he said: yeah. Must be a California thing. I was in an episode of Mama's Family when I was 9.

I think Growing Pains with Brad Pitt beats playing "young Vint", but, still....

You cool California kids you :)!
Debbie said…
All these months that we have been blogging together I thought you had light brown hair and blue eyes! First of all, you don't have a double chin, your eyebrows are to die for as are your pearly whites and this is a beautiful picture! Now stick that on your avatar missy!
Ginger said…
I concur with all of the above. Gorgeous then and now. And I also just remembered talking about this on Saturday night...
Well, that first chick sure has a HOT mom! You are beautiful!
Unknown said…
You look great lady! Thanks for posting your picture, I know how difficult that can be. So nice to see you.
You're crazy! I think you look great! NOT at all like that girls mom- and I promise I'm not feeding you "feel good" lines!
Jenny said…
Cute pics! I think you look younger now then 20 years ago! I'm serious, you look great!
Rayna said…
How cute the brook shields look, eyebrows, hair, etc..
Then we grow up and become gorgeuos women!
I've spent years trying to lose weight(I lost 55lbs over 5 years), I have no current photos of myself.
You look great!
You've inspired me to get some photos done!
Soulflower said…
you know part of my mission in life has been to display that picture and share it with the masses whenever possible. This makes my millenium...did i spell millenium right?
Connie said…
Lookin' good babe ~ lookin' good!
Maggie R said…
Oh to be that young and beautiful.....I wish!!!!
You're not getting older you're getting better my dear....
Glad you got through your surgery ... and that handsome baseball player.... I bet he has big dreams of the major league as he throws that ball!!!! Enjoy your blog and now I'm off for more surfing..
Anonymous said…
Oh... I love this. Girl you have not changed a bit!! I kept scrolling up and down trying to see any difference. You've aged well!! ~Jill :)
Peggy said…
Tiffany, you look lovely! Isn't it wonderful that 20 years passed for everyone?
Anonymous said…
You are a brave women....close ups happen to be oh so scary, but in your case....shucks, you make the rest of us (what am I saying...I can't clump "rest of us") feel UGLY!!!! nah...JEALOUS!!! nah....NEVER SHOWING MY FACE AGAIN ON HERE!!! nah....JUST KIDDING.... you are too cute and should be very proud. Twenty years and truly you are very pretty, gorgeous, beautiful...and what am I betcha...I'm wishing i looked like you!

Merry Christmas
LeLe said…
ummm... I would say you look more like her hot older sister, not her mom. There definitely doesn't look like 20 years between the 2. What great genes you must have to age the way you do... Jealous!
Leslie said…
This is my very first SITS commenting day. How cool!

Oh, and girlfriend, you were gorgeous then and you're gorgeous now.

- a SITSta
nelsoneroni said…
I love both photos! You look great. And hey, at least you didn't have the "Farrah Fawcett" wings that I had....whenever a wind came up, my entire shellacked head of hair would lift up as one piece.


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