The Dark Side

The party.

The Boy had a wonderful time.

CM and I survived.

I need to credit Tip Junkie, as I got most of the Jedi Training Camp ideas from her amazing blog.

The party started with the boys signing in to Jedi Camp and receiving their standard training uniform (brown felt cut like a poncho with a rope belt).  They each received a sticker,  I had 2 of each and use that to divide them into pairs later for training.... as any good pmac director knows, divide and conquer is the way to go.

We had "The Empire Strikes Back" on TV and playing throughout the speakers in our house.

The boys then came outside and were briefed on the training camp and activities and behavior expectations.  

Then, in pairs, they practiced the different stations of the obstacle course.

Once everyone had practiced, they individually ran the course.  The last station was one on one dueling with Darth.  Once they completed it successfully, they received a darth rubber bracelet.

Then pizza, and a scavenger hunt for the cake and then presents.

We had 12 boys.  8 would have been a ideal number.

I had a whistle.  Which proved to be invaluable.

Some Highlights:

I went inside to pay the pizza guy.  When I came out, Darth Vader was backed into a corner by 12 boys chanting, "Kick him in the nuts!"  When I asked why CM didn't tell them to knock it off, he said he didn't want to take the helmut off and confirm their suspicions that Darth was him.

Got to love a man who commits.

At one point I said something like, "I am the kind of person who won't give you cake if you don't calm down."  This actually worked for a minute.

My camera was wacky, so I only got a few shots of  The Boy and CM dueling.  I am bummed I didn't get a picture of the 3 of us, as I was dressed too.. not quite Princess Leia, maybe her cousin.

I love this first one... notice the attacker from behind....

Here are a few more....


S Club Mama said…
HOW AWESOME! CM is a heck of a guy to put up with a possibility of losing his manhood!

This is possibly what I want to do for my next birthday party. I really do wish there was a picture of you, though! I bet you looked WAY prettier than Carrie Fischer (your pictures attest to that)!

As crazy as this probably was, I will almost guarantee this to be so special to the Boy. He will one day realize how much planning and love went into this. You're the best mom!
S Club Mama said…
PS Started Twilight today. :) !!!!!
I am so glad to hear that you survived. And I am most impressed with CM. But the boys?? Oy vey (had to throw that in there. Just. For. You.) - kick him in the nuts?? I must admit that this reminded me a little of that movie "Parenthood" with Steve Martin where he pretends to be the clown because a stripper showed up instead :-)
Ann Harrison said…
Poor Darth. He's totally being picked on! ("Busted!" little boy kicking him from behind :-> )
Heather said…
I feel The Force...
jori-o said…
That is so boy would have LOVED to be at that party! And he probably would have been the one to start the chanting when Darth was cornered. Your hubby is SUCH a good sport!
Kristin said…
That sounds like a blast. William wants to know if he can come next year. Probably just wants to have permission to kick someone in the nuts.
Anonymous said…
That sounds like SO much fun! I bet the boys had such a good time!! haha and that is one committed man! He was facing the ultimate kick for heaven sakes! Im glad you guys survived!!
Michelle said…
Well I am sure the boy's had a great time. How many drinks did it take after the party for the headache to go away!!
Erin said…
Glad you survived!!
Looks like tuns of fun!
I have my son's 2nd in 3 weeks.....
Connie said…
Your the Best Mom EVER ... well besides me! ;)
nikkicrumpet said…
OH man...we need to clone that hubby of yours...what a SPORT! And you deserve a medal for keeping that many boys under control while weilding sabers!
Anonymous said…
Jen said…
this is so absolutely cool. I can't wait until I have throw fun theme parties for Hayden and his friends. And I know who to come to for advice. ;)
Heather said…
You rock. So does CM.

This will be a party that every one of those boys will remember forever.

Especially your boy.

Darnit, I wanted to see a pic of you going all cousin of Princess Leia...
I have to show this to my SIL they are star wars freaks.

Found you on Sits and am now going to keep reading
Shannon said…
What fun... I have a nephew who would LOVE this!

And I too, had visions of 'Parenthood', LOL!
Mamarazzi said…
seriously coolest little boy party EVER!!

i heart Tip Junkie...i was featured there today...wooot!!
CaraBee said…
Wow, CM had a kickin' Darth Vader costume. Do I see a little Darth and Princess Leia action going on later? That party idea is awesome, btw. I'll bet every boy there remembers it for a long, long time!
Anonymous said…
Looks like an AMAZING party! Pat yourself on the back mom!
Susie said…
How much fun is that for a group of boys. Awesome!!
Looks like an awesome party! Man those boys were ruthless to poor Darth Vader!
Wep said…
OMG how cool!!!
Jenni said…
Bahahahahahaha! Kick him in the nuts! :::wipes away tears:::
Anonymous said…
You have got to be one of the coolest moms of all time :)
WheresMyAngels said…
Wow, that is so cool, lovin that costume (and the lil attacker from behind)

Wanna come throw me a party? I wanting a "George Clooney pushing Bissel Vacuum thru my front room" kind of party;)
Sydney said…
Okay, loving the life sized Darth Vader costume! AWESOME! But I'm an old-school Star Wars geek from back in the day. Seriously, I asked for Star Wars figures before I asked for Barbies. Looks like the boys had fun!
Unknown said…
Looks like a GREAT party. LMAO at the boys... OUCH! I don't even want to imagine.
Lori said…
okay, how crazy fun does that look!?
i bet darth was a little tired after battling the boys!

when my baby brother was young, he had a party and my (very asthmatic) aunt dressed up like spider man and surprised them...they tackled her in the bushes and were beating on her! she barely escaped before having a full blown asthma attack! eek!

i bet the boys had so much fun, and something they will always remember!
Party of 5 said…
Looks like everyone had a blast. My son's would of loved an invite but alas we don't live near you and even more you don't "know" me. ROFL
Lula! said…
Your men--both of 'em--are smoking hot. Oh yes, they are.

And the further evidence that you & I were separated at birth: I totally threaten little kids at my girls' birthday parties. I'm not afraid. Stinkin' brats...
OK-I can see him turning around and shouting "I am your fathuh"... LOVE it... by the way, don't me mad. I am not a stalker, I just like reading your blog. So, I tagged you in mine!! If that freaks you out or anything, I'll delete it! What a fun mom!! Jerri in KY
Scrappinfor3 said…
FANTASTIC idea! I was all impressed with myself for a football birthday party. . but this takes the cake! Maybe my 6 year old will approve for his 7th birthday in June??? He loves this kind of stuff. . . and it sure beats a kickball party, right?
Alison said…
Laughing so hard at the thought of CM committing to the role even when the family jewels were in danger. What a dad!

Things for me to remember in 6 years: 8 boys max, whistle, threaten to withhold cake. Got it.
Annikke said…
That looks like fun! What a great idea! And what a trooper CM was... I'm not sure I would have been that calm!
Ashley said…
What a great party! I bet this totally wins best birthday party of the year!! Wish we had of you!
Oh my goodness. I wish I were a fly on the wall at this party. Looks incredible! I've seen some crazy amazing party ideas on Tip Junkie too!
Anonymous said…
What a great party! Not sure my dh would be as committed as CM!
Anonymous said…
Your husband is such a sport! My dad used to dress up in costumes for my sister and my birthdays. He would be Big Bird and Kermit...but, never anything as cool as Dark Vader.
Anonymous said…
What an awesome party! I love it. Your husband rocks as Darth. I can totally see a group of boys cornering him and attacking. hehe
Live.Love.Eat said…
Ha ha. How cool. I love the costume and the little attacking kid! Sounds like it was a great time!!!!!!!!!!
Cherie said…
What an awesome party that had to have been!! Good for you for being so into it!!! That Darth costume looks great!!!
Jennifer P. said…
I feel safe leaving the future of our planet to these boys---we can be certain that they'll kick the bad stuff in the nuts!

You have THE bravest husband EVER! Period!
Anonymous said…
W-O-W!! CM is the best and you rock for putting on the most amazing birthday party The Boy could ever imagine. I can see the joy on his face and I want to squeeze him til he can let him know that. Miss you lots!
Kandi said…
it looks like you guys had a great party! the time flies after children are born!
Swirl Girl said…
I hear those light sabers can damage internal organs...the pizza guy could have hurled the large pies at them!

your husband is quite the (storm) trooper!

that, my dear, is the extent of my Star Wars references...
Anonymous said…
Your blog has officially been BOOED! Come over and get your BOO now!
Anonymous said…
Oh I love it!!! Your story...the pictures.....the fun! 8is enough.....good to know!
Sunny said…
sounds like a fun party! hope it didn't drive you to drink with 12 boys!
Ash said…
Oh my word - priceless! Absolutely priceless!

And here I thought only my boys enjoyed the "kick him in the nuts" chant. I see, it must be universal.

Suzann said…
oh my goodness this is priceless!!! LOL.
Anonymous said…
LOL! That first picture is hilarious-the sneak attack. Looks like the party was a blast-YOU deserve Jedi status for surviving that many boys-lol!
Anonymous said…
OMG! I just was laughing out loud here at my desk over the "backed into a corner" comment.... that is the best. Thank you for making my day!
Lisa @ Serah's said…
COOL! Looks like an awesome party!
Aleta said…
What a fun idea for a boy's birthday party! Love how he didn't want to give up the identity, that IS dedication!
Tonya Staab said…
Hubby is such a good sport for dressing up. Love that kid trying to kick him from behind.
Kally said…
OMG! I am cracking up over the little boys ganging up on poor Darth.

Sounds like the party was a blast.
Clippergirl56 said…
Looks like your son had a great will probably need several days to will CM.
Looks like a great party!!!!


thotlady said…
What a great party theme. I will have to pass this along to my brother-in-law. He is a hugh Star Wars fan and so are his two boys.
Jenny said…
What a great party! Love that your husband was game for the whole thing and even stayed in character at a crucial moment.
Cassie said…
Oh, I love the attack from behind! Kick and run! That was always our motto if under duress. What a great party idea!!
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
You're building memories!!! :-)
Jen Sue Wild said…
This party looked like it was outstanding!!
May the forse be with now that the party is over..
LORI said…
*~Annette~* said…
FOund you through SITS... But I'm sooo going to have to use this for my boy's bday party in May when HE turns 8!
Scary Mommy said…
Oh, so fun. Looks like one heck of a party!
Colleen said…
Such a great party idea!! I will be passing that along to friends with little boys.
Unknown said…
That looks like great fun! I am so glad to hear that the party went well. And I know your son is still smiling!
Denyse said…
What a great guy CM is and what a fun mom you are. Brave, too.
Heather said…
I love it when you talk about my "light".

You are just too sweet.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Anonymous said…
So great...looks like a ton of fun...I wish I would have had this kind of suggestion years ago for my ds...great pics...bravo to Darth!!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is just too funny. My hubby probably would have growled at them and threatened to cut their heads of with the light saber. That looks like such an awesome party. I will have to remember the whistle thing!
Aubrey said…
I got a good laugh at the boy and his sneak attack! Too funny. Looks like SO much fun!!

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