Freakin' Hysterical.

Okay.  I stole this from Blarney, cause I peed a little watching it.  It's that funny.  


I knew that I could count on my bloggy buddies to show me the best parts of SNL so that I don't have to wade through the other crud. This is just hysterical. Tina Fey is my buddy...
Amy said…
This is really funny. The three of them are so funny. I loved the whole thing.
S Club Mama said…
As much as I like Sarah Palin, Tina Fey is HILARIOUS! I love this....I tried to stay awake for SNL...instead I turned it to re-runs of Scrubs!
Nikki said…
I love that you love SNL!
Please keep the clips comin!
Connie said…
I'll allow the stealin' love ... it's too damned funny not to share!
Jen said…
I am so glad you shared. I must have burned 1000 calories from laughing so hard. No pee though, but lots of tummy work.
Heather said…
Tina Fey was made to impersonate SP...what a riot!

I totally missed SNL last night, between coding patients and clueless resident doctors...

Thanks for posting this!
Susie said…
Thanks for posting that! I missed SNL too. I think it was the best 12 minutes I spent this weekend.
Stephanie said…
I LOVE Tina Fey, I have been following her renditions of Palin and it is hilarious everytime! My favorite is the one with Hilary though!! Thanks!!
Ash said…
Oh my word! I'm developing a serious girl crush on Tina Fey. I can't see Palin now without thinking how Fey would act out the same scene.


Wep said…
OMG did you see the Katie Couric one??? That one was awesome too. That Tina Fey is certainly a maverick.
Lex the mom said…
That. was. fabulous! Tina Fey is Sarah Palin.
cherry said…
Tina Fey RAWKSSSSSSSSSSS. Loved this...I missed it last night..too tired to stay up so thanks for posting it. I saw the last one Palin/Clinton..that was hysterical too. cherry
Soulflower said…
she's got maverick moxy!
Unknown said…
Oh yes, after the debate I could not wait to see what Tina Fey was going to do and I was not disappointed. She captured Gov. Palin exactly. Too funny.
Lula! said…
Tina Fey is my friend. Because she graduated from UVA. Just like Scott. So it's 2 degrees of separation for us. Yep.

I heart Sarah, too. HUH-larious.
Biden's mommy-in-law died. Sad.
Anonymous said…
I think Tina Fey does Sarah Palin better than Sarah Palin!
Cecily R said…
I laughed all the way through that skit last night...holy crap she does a mean SP!!
WheresMyAngels said…
Whew, thanks for the heads up. I emptied my bladder before watching.
Summer said…
Oh. My. Word. That was perfect!!! =)
Michelle said…
That was pee in your pants funny!
Heather said…
I loved this. Tina Fey does Palin to a T.
Jenni said…
Tina Fey is awesome, isn't she???
Anonymous said…
LOVE this! Tina Fey is AMAZING!
Anonymous said…
I love SNL during political years! It's hilarious!!!
Unknown said…
LOLOL thanks for sharing.

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