I Love LA.

No, I did not take that picture, but I was there.

Saturday night we watched the Dodgers sweep the Cubs at Dodger Stadium to win a post-season series for the first time in 20 years.

It was awesome.  The crowd was alive.  The crowd was electric.  

We were high fiving and hugging strangers.  We were eating hot dogs, drinking beer and swinging our Dodger hand towels as we chanted, "Let's Go Dodgers. Let's Go."

We watched on the big screen as they played montages of photos of Tommy Lasorda, Fernando Valenzuela and tons of Dodger moments from the 1980s.  All set to the tunes of songs like "Don't Stop Believing".  


We stood for everything.  We cheered like crazy.  We stayed with 56,000 others to watch til the very end.  And then stayed and cheered some more.  The players came back out of the locker room and jumped into the stands.  People were high fiving each other as we walked out.

Horns honked the entire drive to the freeway.  For one night, we were all neighbors.  For one night, LA was a small town backing our team.

We had a few Cubs fans sitting behind us, poor guys.  They were making comments about how LA fans are not true fans.  They only show up when an LA team is winning.

I can see how people think that.  But, being born and raised in LA, I can tell you that is just not that case.  TRUE Angelinos are fans of the LA Lakers and the LA Dodgers, no matter what.

It's the transplants who jump on the bandwagon... and believe me, LA is full of transplants.  

I don't have anything against transplants, heck, I was a OK, UT and CO transplant.  Never could get behind one of their sports teams whole heartedly.  Sure we went to Rockies games.  But was I a fan?  No.  

So, to all you people who think LA fans are fickle.  We're not.  We're just mixed in with a bunch of people who live here, but don't have LA in their blood.

Don't even get me started on my Trojans... who back to winning by the way.

What are you a freaky fan of?  (Besides Twilight.)


Cecily R said…
Wow! What a thrill to be there for that game! My husband would be GREEN with envy if I told him!!

I don't know if I am a freaky fan of any team (well, other than my son's football team), but I am a freaky fan of photography. Does that count?
Anonymous said…
I'm so bummed. We're Yankee fans (D from Connecticut) and Torre was ours! Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!

I'm happy for you though...Torre's a good guy and deserves to be in post season.

Amy said…
Well fun night! I am a total band wagner, I admit it. I don't care about sports until they're doing well. Even then I don't care to much. Right now our baseball team seems to be doing pretty good. That's nice. A freaky fan of? Weeds. The show. Is that wrong?
sassy stephanie said…
I'm not much of a sports fan. Hockey is fun, but I'm not a die hard. I did enjoy the Rockets though when they were on a winning streak in the mid 90s.
Anonymous said…
Wow :) It sounds like you had a great time. You have a wonderful blog & are a great writer :)
Lula! said…
I am a Twilighter. Oh, you mentioned that one already. OK...

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAWGS, sic 'em...woof-woof-woof-woof!!!"

You know where my loyalties lie. Georgian by birth, Bulldog by the grace of God. Amen.
Stephanie said…
I LOVE to watch sports live...on the tv it's just not as good! The electricity and the excitement of actually being there is amazing! I am a college sports fan! Virginia Tech Hokies football, BYU basketball and football (especially when we play the utes) and Richmond VA Braves!
Ash said…
Congratulations! Looks like fun.

If I understood baseball, I would completely appreciate your experience, but sadly, my heart belongs to the Fightin' Texas Aggies - and we haven't had a good football season since I graduated, in '93.

Em - aka: lover of losers
S Club Mama said…
Honestly? The ONLY team I follow are the Huskers. And I'm not a freaky fan either. I wouldn't probably watch unless I was with friends & my husband. WHO by the way, was on ESPN during the Husker game! You should have watched & seen my hottie hubby! ha!
Meaghan said…
LOVE going to games. Glad you had a good time :) Love your page too.

cricketphx said…
I am right there with you girl! I grew up in LA too, and it's true, the Dodgers and Lakers (and yes, USC for me too) get into your blood! I am also a huge fan of the Texas Longhorns (hook 'em horns!)
Crazy Momma said…
NKOTB. Freaky. Seriously.
Rhea said…
My kids' sports teams. I'm a HUGE fan. And when they finally won a game, after getting creamed all season, it brought all the parents together.
Wep said…
As much as I am SO not a fan of ESPN, it is amazing being there when it happens. I went to a college bowl game a few years ago and it was AWESOME.

YAY you!
Live.Love.Eat said…
I SO wish I was a fan of a certain team like you are. I could FEEL your spirit through my computer screen. I'm so boring!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heather said…
Hmmm, since I live in Cincinnati, I have always been a Reds fan, and my son loves the Bengals, so I guess I do, too, a little.

I'm more of a freaky fan of the kids' teams...flag football at the Y, Little League baseball (my absolute fave), Upwards basketball. I am one of those moms up screaming and cheering the whole game through.
Unknown said…
Ummmm ... funny thing, I just did a post, this mornng about what I'm a freaky fan of.

NASCAR and Dale Earnhardt Jr in particular :-)

I'm also an All Blacks fan, but since Fox Sports stopped showing rugby games, I rarely get to see them play...
Nikki said…
congrats, from an admitted "fair weather fan" of the Diamondbacks...who did not even make it to the post season this year... so, heck... I would have been cheering on the Dodgers, too (If I was there)
Jenni said…
How AWESOME that you got be there!

Gooooo Red Sox! :-D
S Club Mama said…
I hadn't had a chance to look at my comments & just moderated them, but I deleted that one from the wrong account.
jori-o said…
Yay for you! It is SO exciting to be a part of something like that!
Jen said…
We don't go to a lot of sporting events. But when we do, I like to cheer for the winning team. Yes, sometimes I have to switch mid way through the game.
WheresMyAngels said…
I went to a Royals game a few weeks ago (hadn't been in over 20 years). They were playing the White Sox. Scary thing is, I don't think their would of been anyone in the stadium if it wasn't for the White Sox fans.

I'm a freaky fan of the Sue Grafton's alphabet book series. I would of named my last child Kinsey but the Child Husband wouldn't let me. Course I am also a freaky fan of the Janet Evanovich number series. I have fantasies about Ranger. I know I am not alone cause my MIL does too. I would get rid of my husband in a second to have one night with Ranger.
Anonymous said…
Awesome! What an amazing game!

I'm not sure I'm a die hard fan of any sport...but when it comes to movies...I'm the dork that loved Lord of the Rings (book first, then the movies). I know, I know. Totally geeky.
Soulflower said…
I'm a freaky fan of Sunday football, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Prince, The Beatles and old school hip hop! All that stuff sends me...honest it does.
I couldn't agree more.....:)
Susie said…
How fun is that? Our team (Brewers) made it to the playoffs for the first time since the 80's too. I was like 12 but I still remember how a team victory unites a stadium and a city. It's great!
DL said…
I hope the Dodgers go all the way...now that my Angels are out - I was hoping for a Freeway Series!
Jennifer P. said…
Judge Judy---is that freaky enough ;)?

Hey! Guess what? I just booked tickets to So.Cal. for Jan. 15-18. I'm going to go meet a certain blogger friend (www.kamandfam.blogspot.com), and also a certain man friend in Placentia (www.jonmcferson.blogspot.com) Hee hee. Wish me luck. I'll have to see if LA is as great as you say. If I haven't burned out all my money taking taxis between Corona and Placentia (and Laguna Beach---one more person to see there!), maybe we can meet up at the Applebees :)
Kaza said…
I am SO f-ing homesick now. I mean, I was already homesick, but after reading that? Come ON now. I am a Dodger (AND a Trojan, btw) by birth, and I am just SICK that I am not there while this is going on. And I REALLY miss the Dodger dogs. No one here believes me about the amazingness.

I'm hearing Vin Scully in my head right now... Srsly.
M.Gunn said…
I am your rival right now....if you check out my blog, you'll see I'm a PHILLIES fan!!! Let's go PHILS!!!! Heehee :-)

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