A Love Letter

So, a few weeks ago I received an email.

It was from the husband of a fellow blogger.

Her birthday was coming up and the one thing he knew she would love is for everyone to post on her birthday. 

Is that love or what?  He went through her blogroll and emailed each of us asking if we would participate.  

What a thoughtful, kind and amazing gesture.

So Jen.  Happy Birthday.  Getting to know you through blogging has been an extreme pleasure. You are a talented writer.  Funny and honest.  I love that you share your journey as a working mom with 4 kids, 3 of which are triplets!

I wish you all the happiness in the world... you've clearly already got all the love of a good man.

Please go wish Jen a wonderful birthday, she is one amazing lady!


cherry said…
Going right over...
Mamarazzi said…
FUN!! i will try and get something up!
Unknown said…
What a wonderful hubby, Jen has!!!

Thank you so much for all the work that you and Heather put into today's Blogathon. It was so much fun and much appreciated.
Amy said…
This is so sweet. You're a good blogger!
Scary Mommy said…
How sweet is her husband? Such an awesome idea.
Tiffany said…
What an awesome hubby! I just got back from wishing her a Happy Birthday. Just wanted to thank you for yesterday. You pulled off an amazing event via bloggy blogville! And I'm ever so happy to know that you received your box of my favorite things AND that you liked them. There were so many other things that I contemplated sending but just wasn't sure. It's really hard because even though they are my favs, I still didn't want you to receive anything you would hate. Ya know?
It's so much fun seeing all the tributes to Jen all over the internet. Happy Birthday Jen. Again!
Suzann said…
Jen is a popular gal. I just wished her a happy birthday after seeing her on two other blogs.
Heather said…
Yeah, if only we could all get a husband like that...

Hope Jen has a great surprise party here in blogland!

What a great idea!
Rhea said…
Jen has the best hubby. Mine would have no clue how to find my blogroll, much less come up with this idea!

It's awesome seeing all the birthday love around today.

Tiffany, yesterday ROCKED. And I saw you everywhere. I bet you and Heather are exhausted today!!
jori-o said…
Isn't Jen great? =)
Lula! said…
Girl, done beat ya to it.

But I did use proper grammar on her site!
Kori said…
Already wished Jen a Happy Birthday. Her hubby must be some kind of wonderful to do that for her.

Also thank you for just being here for me. I appreciate it beyond measure. Love you.
Anonymous said…
LOL Awwww ;)
S Club Mama said…
Fun! I'll have to get in on this fun, too.
Awwwww. Happy Birthday!!
Anonymous said…
What a sweet husband! Happy Birthday Jen!!
Jeff said…
Thanks for taking the time to help make Jen's birthday so special. Especially with all of the blogathon festivities. I know Jen enjoyed it, but I wonder if now she wishes she worked yesterday instead of today...
Heather said…
Jen is a very lucky lady indeed!!
Jen said…
Oh I saw your post earlier and in the complete shock that is today I forgot to say thank you.
Thank you Thank you Thank you! Not only for today but also for yesterday! It was an awesome day and so is today, if I do say so myself.
Live.Love.Eat said…
Oh yes, a special hubby indeed. I couldn't say no to him either :) Great tribute to her and thank you for yesterday!!!!
black betty said…
that is awesome! he is such a wonderful hubby!!!

i'm new to SITS, but thank you for everything yesterday. i really enjoyed myself last night after a long day of work.

you gals ROCK! :D
Susie said…
Wasn't that the sweetest thing?? I loved being part of Jen's special day:-)
Susie said…
Wasn't that the sweetest thing?? I loved being part of Jen's special day:-)
Michelle said…
This is so cool! :)
Anonymous said…
She sounds amazing! I'm going to say hi right now.
ps Thanks for the awesome SITS blogathon, it was SO much fun!
nikkicrumpet said…
WOW what a guy!!! I think that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard!
Momma Chae said…
Jealous, jealous! A husband that really knows his wife! And is so thoughtful!

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