My Favorite Month

I love me some October.

Yes, the boy was born in October.  The 26th.  That day was not only the anniversary of the day I become a mother, but of the day the hell that was my pregnancy came to an end.  

Many reasons to celebrate.

Anyway, you already know that I broke out the pumpkins.  Which, by the way I will repost, so please feel free to send your links if you haven't already.

Now, I'd like to show you some other October decor.  Most of which was $1.  

So that's my front door.. I thought about sweeping, but really, we are all friends here right?  (I mean it's not like I am posting pics with a bunch of junk all over and a sheet thrown over the window.)  

See the wreath?  Oh, no, not a $1.  Got that in the Pottery Barn clearance section a few years ago.... good deal, but more than $1.

I know.  The ribbon.  You love it.  Me too.  

I "designed" it myself.  With hot glue of course. And, the Halloween glitter goodness?  .99 Cent Store baby.  

This is one of my favorite Dollar Store finds......

And then we have these:

Again with the $1.  Target, .99 Cent Store... I love you. Cat is from OSH, a bit more than $1., but totally worth it.

On to the kitchen.

The sign?  $1.  The Spider? $1.  Oh, there's more. On the mantle.

Let's get a bit closer.. shall we?  Cause the black glitter goodness...$1.

And, if you went by SITS today, you know all about this baby.

And finally, the piece that really says who I am.

Happy October!


Anonymous said…
What dd birthday is on Sunday...after that the halloween "stuff" all comes out...
Anonymous said…
Absolutely brilliant shopper and tasteful, too. I think you could give Martha a run for her money. Congrats!
Anonymous said…
You decorate how I hope to decorate one day LOL :) Maybe next year I'll be able to finally break down and buy some real fun holiday things!
Gaspegirl said…
Tiffany you can come and help me decorate anyday girl ... you rock!! I have to stop by the Dollarama tonight and see what I can find!!
Wep said…
OMG it's gorgeous. Can you PLEASE come and decorate my house???

off topic, do those things peel off the walls easily?
Heather said…
Clearly, the dollar stores in CA are much classier than those in OH. I want me some of those glittery signs! I love 'em!

Your house makes me want to dress up and holler trick or treat right now! Gimme some candy!
Dina said…
awesome! I never give the dollar store enough credit...for some reason I have an aversion and I either never find anything or when I do I bring it home and it breaks or something that would happen to something thats a $1..but you have proved me wrong!
Nikki said…
gotta love the dollar store. The decor may not last from year to year, but it sure is darling!
Great job!
S Club Mama said…
My mom really loves Halloween so your decor really gives me some ideas on what to get her for Christmas (yes I get her Halloween stuff for Christmas so I can get it marked down the day after Halloween).
The craft/decorating gene was on the potty when talents were being distributed to me.

But, I did pick up a huge bag of mini pumpkins at Sam's yesterday. I put them in this cool square copper bowl on my dining room table. And well, this morning, several of my pumpkins are missing. Madalyn thought they were cute, so she wanted to sleep with them. And in the night, one of the kittens stole one. I don't know how they carried off a pumpkin. But they did.

Oh, and my dad's birthday was October 26th :-)
Rhea said…
Love, love, love the Halloween decorations!!
Heather said…
The "spooky" banner is QUITE delicious.
I think your favorites would be my favorites too.
Summer said…
I am so inspired to make my front porch cute now. =) And I think I will love October like you, it means this hell of pregnancy is over!!! (will be soon....)

jori-o said…
So cute. You have a lovely home!
April said…
cute blog, congrats on being a SAUCY gal!
sassy stephanie said…
Love it love it love it. My fave month too, and my fave holiday. I would totally leave the decor up all year if people didn't come over and think I was possessed or Goth or something.
Live.Love.Eat said…
Simply awesome!!! I will be right over with some Pumpkin Roll & spiked apple cider :)
Ronnica said…
Cute decorations!

Thanks for featuring me on SITS and making me a very happy Kansas Girl!
Schmerica said…
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Schmerica said…
Your house looks awesome. I wish your decorating skills could rub off by osmosis or something, geez!
Unknown said…
The house looks great. One day I will grow up and decorate for the holidays too.
Lula! said…
You are fabulous. FABULOUS!

p.s. I love that my son-in-law's b-day is October 26...and Caroline's is the 27th. Even though it was 5 years apart, we were in the hospital at the same time. Tender, precious memories.
Anonymous said…
I love October too! Wonderful decorations!!!
Alison said…
Your decorations are adorable. I'd never guess they are mostly from the dollar store. You have a great eye!
Connie said…
Just took the kids to a farmers stand a half hour away from the house because the dummies closer are not ready yet. Spent quite a bit on pumpkins, gourds & stalks and still need to get a wreath. I love your front door. I am a symmetrical decorator thou. One wreath would have drove me crazy (absolutely no sleep) until I broke down and got another.
Michelle said…
I love October too! I don't have any decorations up yet as I need to get my hubby to get them down for me. I don't do ladders!!!
Soulflower said…
cute, cute, and more cute! I'm inspired and ready to break out my stuff and then make a trip to Michaels!
Susie said…
Those decorations are great! And the price is right! Total score!
Swirl Girl said…
You'll spend more on candy for the trick or treaters than for your decor!

Good for Boo!
Cecily R said…
Your decorations put me to shame AGAIN. My kids don't even want to be associated with me around this time of year because I am so home decor lame....maybe I need to go shopping at the dollar store more often...
Jess NBP said…
AWESOME DECOR!! We started decorating this wk and well we've had some wind and so the tombstones did stay in the ground.
Aubrey said…
Ok. I'm lovin' me some (of your) October too!
I gotta get to the $ stores more often!
Rachel Ann said…
Well...I got a little sidetracked as the post you had for free handbags made me do a little wandering the world wide web!

I love your Halloween decorations...this is one of my favorite holidays to decorate for. We are having a party this year and my Brother-in-law has graciously given permission for me to hang a black christmas tree from his front living room and a coffin in his dining room...exciting!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your October wreath!
Jen said…
that is some great stuff. I love it all. You house just looks amazing.
I too am an October baby. Yippee for us!
Elizabeth said…
Love all the Halloween Decorations, how fun and such great ideas for a bargain!
WheresMyAngels said…
Cute decor, I just wonder where everyone stores all this stuff. Wait, I know the answer as my mom has a ton of decor for every holiday. It's all under your beds, in your closets and garages.
Ginger said…
That so puts me in the mood for Halloween candy and cookies and costumes and trick-or-treaters! Love the October decor. Awesome!
Natalia said…
Everything looks great! And the prices...perfection! Enjoying your blog bunches.
Sydney said…
Okay, you've inspired me. I'm off to the basement to dig out all my Halloween stuff... especially my super-cool collection of random tea-light holders. pumpkins and witches and spookies, oh my!
Anonymous said…
Are you saying you're a witch?

Um...I didn't have time to leave Halloween decorations out for my mom to put up while I was gone. Wanna come do mine? (That totally sounds perverted, but I didn't mean it to)
Peggy said…
Beautiful decorations! I'm not talented in this area, but my husband pulls out a few skeletons and black cats.
Jaime said…
Love all your decorations. I love October too. I saw one of those black cats at Michael's craft store, and almost bought it, but didn't. I think I need to go back because yours looks great. I made the pumpkins and will be posting the pics on my blog this week.
Heather said…
love your october decorations!! they look great...i really need to put some of the inspiration i've found to good use!
April Kennedy said…
So I finally get to meet the Tiffany of SITS! I don't know why it took me so long to figure out the link on the side bar..DUH. Love your halloween decorations, but love some of your decorating too...I recognize a lot of it...some of the same stuff at my house...large letter from Ballard Designs? small R from anthro? I right?! I am definitely going to have to go find myself a $1 store here in my town. Happy October and thanks for doing what you do!
Whitney Crane said…
Oh my!~ Loving the Halloween stuff! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I don't get many visitors:)

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