Say Cheese!

You guys know how I love taking pictures, right?

And how Pioneer Woman got me all addicted to Photoshop. Photoshop Elements that is, Version 6.

See, PW does these amazing things with what she calls "actions". Basically, you push a button and it does all the technical stuff for you. Sounds great, right?

Well, if I had sprung for the $600 professional version of Photoshop, these actions abound. But, to keep my marriage intact, I went for the less expensive Elements version and just prayed that one day there would be some "actions" for us cheap chicks.

Well, ladies, this weekend, I found some!

I even figured out how to install them on my Mac.

My favorite action is "Acid Washed"

Took this regular picture:

And made it into this:

I just opened by picture in Photoshop E and pushed the Acid Wash button. Amazing.

Here's another beauty.


Look at those freckles pop! I just love the gritty, bright colors.

Then, I ran the "Porcelain" and "Rustic Charm" Actions on a picture from my girl, E's bridal shower:
Don't you just love the look? Reminds me of I Love Lucy.

So, if you have Elements, you can now do actions!!! You can buy them a la carte or a whole set, like I did. EZ Actions is where I got mine. I bought the whole set, but you could definitely get away with just the "Photoblast Wow" set.

Now I am off to look for more.

***UPDATED****  Apparently you can buy the real Photoshop on Ebay for a great price (read the comments).  I highly recommend going this route instead of Elements, as PW and others give our FREE actions.  So put the money toward the software, not the actions!


Heather said…
I'm thinkin' that would be a good thing to ask Santa for.

'Cause you know I'll be sitting on his lap at the mall.

We have HOT Santas here in Ohio. Straight from GQ.

Okay, I'm kidding. Kind of. They are actually from Senior Citizens GQ, but they're still great. And I have sat on SC's lap when the kids wouldn't do it otherwise.

I'll do just about anything for a photo op.

Where was I? Oh, yeah...your pictures look great. I really love the bridal shower one.
Wep said…
That's AWESOME! I have Photoshop and I love it :) But you can do a lot of cool effects with iPhoto too :)
Jen said…
I love playing with photos too. I am a Piciasa girl, myself.
Kelsey said…
So I Think I need this!!

I love the bridal shower pic, so cute!
Alison said…
Very cool. Someday I will get Elements and learn how to do stuff like that. (I guess it should be on my bucket list!)
jori-o said…
My mama is getting PSE for me for my birthday...I can't wait! Love how your photos turned out!
Kristi said…
Hey Tiffany,

I stalked on over from Dai's blog...just wanted to say that I got the full blown photoshop off eBay for $300. Still alot but at half off retail (or better) it's not bad if you really want to get into actions! I am just starting to learn the program, but have downloaded all PW's actions and it's great! If anyone is thinking about buying Elements, check out eBay first...
Tiffany said…

Great advice!

I think I will move on up to photoshop soon, and will definitely go to ebay first.

I want those PW actions somethin' fierce.
Vicki said…
I have a friend, she's actually Lula's friend too, who creates her own actions. Try

Anonymous said…
Um...I can barely take pictures and download them on to my computer.

Think I'd fry my brain if I tried that. But I still want to win the photoshop your giving away!!

D says if I win it then you can come over to our house and drink all the beer you want. For a cover charge of course.
larkswing said…
Oh to win photoshop - but having Santa deliver would be just nifty too!
Cecily R said…
I don't use Elements (I use Light Room) but I AM totally addicted to photo editing...I love LOVE making an ordinary pic something WAY cooler with a new tint or funky effect. SO fun!!!!
Lula! said…
I want this for Christmas. Please be the little birdie who whisper's in Scott's ear.
Looks like you are having all kinds of fun with your new toy!

And, Heather up there...I'm heading to Ohio this December for some of that hot (Senior) Santa lovin'!
Mamarazzi said…
so cool. it's most def going on my wish list!
I love photoshop. And the entire reason I have the big girl version is because of PW. And the only thing I know how to do on it is push those actions buttons.

The current version of photoshop is the CS3. Well...I bought the CS2 off ebay for under a $100. New. Sealed in the box. With full warranty, tech support, and everything.

I am waiting for Javier the photoshop pool boy to pour me a Coke Zero and whisper to me about the magic of photoshop...
WheresMyAngels said…
My husband has the expensive version. I say my husband because he has it on his lap top. It was for me, but it made me crazy trying to figure it out. With my ADHD, I just can't handle all that stuff at one time. So when I need to crop something or change it, I go to photobucket edit!! lol
Casey's trio said…
Hmmmm...I have Photoshop version 5. I'll have to see if I can find the "actions." Looks pretty cool!
Amy said…
Very cool. I had never heard of acid wash. I love playing photos. I need to check that out.
Anonymous said…
Love your blog!

I've found several free sources of actions for Photoshop Elements. Coffeeshop's are great, and there are some from OptikVerve Labs and Graficalicus. There are links on my blog at

I am definitely copy/pasting this link for my hubby. This blog thing has finally gotten us to buy a real camera, now we just "need" some real Photoshop. :)
Heather said…
I need to just make the investment already.
I am addicted to Photoshop, but would highly recommend the Fun Effects in Kodak's Easy Share photo-editing software. (Fish eye, coloring book, comic book, etc.) There are color adjustment settings, too. (Sunset, forest, portrait, etc.) Best of all, it's a FREE download, and you don't need a Kodak camera or even to purchase prints unless you want.
sassy stephanie said…
Never Photoshopped before. Or Elemented. Or Actioned. Well, I've actioned, but not the type you are discussing here. Veddy veddy cool.

Hey, E, those cute undies look like they are going to be WAAAY to big for you...send 'em my way.
Girly Stuff said…
Good pictures! I like how the freckles popped out too!
S Club Mama said…
I do like the I Love Lucy look....cute!
I'm banking on winning the Photoshop Elements from SITS. Just putting it out there.

And I'm so glad you're feeling better and not sounding like eight year old smoker.
Love the pictures -- I love playing with my pictures!

Much Love
Jeauxdi said…
GREAT job...I'll be sneakin back to see more! Have a giggly day!
Anonymous said…
I want photoshop sooooo bad! But alas, the budget says no ma'am, you'll have to make do! So i will live vicariously through your photos until one day we get there! The pictures look great!!
nikkicrumpet said…
UH OH...I sense the beginnings of a photoshop junkie! Great pictures though!
Great actions!

Have been wanting photoshop forever, def. plan on checking out ebay, first.
CaraBee said…
I am a photoshop junkie. Love it. At my old job, we had PS, of course, and I loved working with it. At home, we have Elements, which does a passable job as long as you're not doing anything fancy. I still keep trying to talk the hubs into buying the full version, because I totally covet it.
Annikke said…
I am just figuring out photoshop and am still not very good at it!
Lula! said…
Commenting on you again...'cause the SITS girls told me to, and I do EVERYTHING they say.

Love you!
Ash said…
Yet another reason why I miss my Mac...sniff.

That acid wash effect is so awesome. All those details you would have missed. And boy, does it make teeth white!

Michelle said…
Oh WOW!! I love the color effects!!!!!

That's awesome. I should play with it more. My hubby just bought some new version. He's the one that uses it the most. I might have to make it MY hobby now.

Michelle :)
Thats AWESOME! I need to invest into a PS. LOVE what everyone does with it!
BTW I just realised your in Socal... where about are you? Maybe we need to have a blog meet up! lol Angie at 7 clown circus just moved out to socal too!!
I've got this on my Christmas list. Great manipulations!
Rhea said…
I have Elements, so thanks for the link and info! I like the photos a lot. Those actions look great!!
Michelle said…
I found these easy actions last month and totally forgot about them. Thanks for the reminder.
Anonymous said…
So cool! I have photoshop but I'm still learning how to use it. Guess I should play around with it.
I love how your photos turned out!
suzspeaks said…
awesome pics!!

I'm going to download ez actions now!! never posted your art...I wanna see!
Susie said…
Those are great pictures. Thanks for the tips:-)
Hannah said…
I LOVE playing with photos on Picnik!!

that [engaged] girl
Anonymous said…
Hello Master Tiffany,
Can you stop by when you have a chance? I know you're busy saving Padawans in distress and all, but I think you'll like it?
Fifi Flowers said…
New toys are soooooo much FUN at any age!
S Club Mama said…
Well, I don't know about Him speaking through me...I mean, I hope He does. I just know He speaks to me and sometimes it's so beautiful what He has to say, I feel like I have to share it.

It's a lot easier online than in real life, though. I wish that wasn't the case.
Preston said…
Those pics are great. And do you really think Lucy and Ethel had underwear like that?
I found you through Tattooed Minivan Mom.
Debbie said…
I bought Photoshop Elements with my Costco rebate last I basically got it for free and have played with it a little...It takes so much time and patience...but I love the change in the look of the pics you took. Fun stuff!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Who wouldn't like some EZ action ?
:) The photos came out beautifully!!!!!!!
Kimberlee said…
i love photoshop! those pics look great!
Sandra said…
I so have to get photoshop.

I would love to be able to write on my photos
Cassie said…
Okay, I'm off to ebay for some photoshop hunting. Just pricing it...ahem...
Anonymous said…
Off to find the photoshop that I know I have but didn't know what I had when I got it. I thought it was something else I already had! Oops
Anonymous said…
Wow - I think we have Photoshop on our computer....never knew such things were possible. Can't wait to get home tonight and play with it. Thanks for the insight!
Anonymous said…
The pictures look freakin schweet girl! I need some copies of those shower pics. Oh and Stephanie, I have a little more junk in this trunk than meets the eye!!!!


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