The Secret to Success is Support

Today is the blogathon over at SITS. If you don't know that that is, get over there now! Not only is there a prize every hour, it's a place of acceptance and support!

Here is my SITS experience.... I have to say, it's a bit emotional to write.

I started blogging back in March after following Heather's blog to keep up with her and her family after I moved from CO to CA.

Once I began, I was addicted. 

Addicted to comments.

She had been blogging for 2 years and was only getting a few comments on each post.

We both wanted more.

One day I called her with an idea.

A blog that's sole purpose would be to get all the bloggers like us together for some serious comment love. She and I hashed out the details and SITS was born.

I know it must sound silly to say, but it has enhanced my life in a way I could have never imagined.

We have received the most touching emails of thanks, blog tributes and awards, and most importantly, a new circle of supportive, funny and caring friends.

To each of you, I say THANK YOU.

Thank you for supporting my dream and making it bigger and better than I could have EVER hoped for. I am so grateful, and totally choked up.

I love something about all the blogs I read, and have a long blogroll. Some of the blogs that I am so grateful to have found through SITS (yeah, I went over 5, sue me.) are:

Rhea's Texas Word Tangle. Rhea is such a smart, funny, honest blogger. She leaves comments like no body's business and has become a friend.

Heather's This is the Day. Heather has such a light around her... sounds strange, but that's the best way I can describe her blog. She is so someone I would love to meet in real life.

Randi's S Club 3. Randi is such a doll. I adore her. She is working so hard to be the best mom and wife she can be, and I love watching her journey through mommyhood. Her posts often rival any good sermon in inspiring and uplifting her readers.

Kori's My Life as a CF'ers Wife. Kori's strength, courage, deep and abiding faith in God and love for family inspires me daily. I am so grateful to her for sharing the highs and lows of the journey her family is on. Richard is an incredible man, and both of them are so lucky to have one another.

Jaci's Ravings of a Mad Housewife. This chick cracks me up. She is such an incredibly talented writer. Her honesty is refreshing and I just love her blog. She is an all or nothing kind of gal, and I so get that.

Now, there are the bloggers I read BEFORE SITs.  Bloggers who have now become friends. Bloggers who I correspond with regularly.

Heather. Girl. You are one of my closest and dearest friends. This blog journey has been amazing. I cannot begin to tell you what it means to have you in my life. I trust you completely and know that we will always be in one another's daily life. A friendship like ours is such a gift. I love you so much.

Lula. Girl. Your friendship may be the best thing that has come out of my blogging. The coincidences between us are scary and I am thinking that a Litton/R Family union is quite possible. Your humor kills me daily and you're the kind of friend everyone should have. I love you! Here is to drinking beer on the beach watching our grand kids and loving life.

Kathy. Girl. You are so crazy talented. When Heather emailed me your blog and said, "Start reading, she is the next Pioneer Women... with an edge." I knew I was yours. Your sense of humor and ability to convey it in your writing is inspiring. You have such a beautiful family and blogging with you has been such a pleasure. It never gets old. CWU.

Jennifer P. I found your blog when you were on the rockiest part of your journey. I was so touched at your courage to share, and the way you used words to express your heartache. Since that time, I have fallen ever more in "bloggy love" with your hysterical sense of humor, creative talent and the strength that I don't think you even know you had. I feel like I have had the privilege of watching a butterfly emerge from its cocoon.

Kat. Your blog is funny, smart and always stimulating. I would totally meet you at Applebees!
Your warm personality and intellect comes shining through and you are so on my IRL list of people to meet.

Hairline Fracture.  Your blog has been on of may favorites since the beginning.  Your courage to be honest about the ups and downs and highs and lows is so inspiring.  I love the passion we share for reading and you're such a talented writer.  I love getting your emails off the blog and I am so coming over when the playroom is finished.. built ins by your husband... sheesh.

Tattooed Mini Van Mom. I am so glad you finally joined the bloggy world! I love that someone I see everyday at The Boy's school now understands blogging and enjoys it as much as I do. You are such a wonderful women and getting to know you has been a pleasure. I am looking forward to some BUNKO fun!

Now get over to SITS and win some PRIZES...cause I can't enter... wahwahawaaaaaa


Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for starting SITS! You and Heather are great and I'm so thankful for the blogs I've found thanks to y'all!

Keep it up!
Aubrey said…
Thank you Tiffany & Heather! You truly have created a bloggy community full of love!

Props to YOU!
Anonymous said…
It's amazing what happens when you share your ideas and passions with close friends and you move on it! Look how many people have been able to connect with all these amazing blogger!
cherry said…
Glad the voice is back! Your guys site rocks. cherry
Anonymous said…
Thank you!! I look forward to getting to know you in person even better!
Kelsey said…
I can't thank you enough for your great idea of starting SITS!!
I had been looking FOREVER for a community of woman bloggers who weren't just mommy bloggers (not that I don't love them, I do!) and then I found SITS!
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!!!
Anna Lefler said…
Omigosh, it's been, what, a week(?) and SITS already has changed my whole view of my place in the bloggy world. I'm SO glad I found you both and the amazing thing you've started.

Congratulations and THANK YOU!


WheresMyAngels said…
Thank you so much for SITS! It was a wonderful idea that you stuck to and you are assisting people in making friendships around the world.
Shannon said…
Today is going to be a blast!

Thank You Thank You Thank You for starting SITS!
Anonymous said…
What can I say? You're AMAZING! You have helped create a place for women everywhere to feel support and friendship!
Thank you SO much!!!
Tiffany said…
Thanks for SITS, Tiffany! Can't wait to check out your favorite bloggers!
Personally, I think today should be a national holiday. Who do I write about that???

Happy Blogathon Day!!!

KatBouska said…'re getting ME all teary eyed now!!! You are so sweet and I love this way of shouting out the bloggy friends you've found and love. Blog world is a great escape for me...and blog friends are the BEST!! Thank you!!
Michelle said…
Thanks for starting SITs! It has made my blogging experience so much more enjoyable!
Unknown said…
Wonderful post, Tiffany !!!

I'm so glad thatyou and Heather dreamed this up..

Thankyou to both of you..
Thank you for SITS! I love the supportive atmosphere, and all the love-spreading that goes on there. It's truly awesome!
Mamarazzi said…
I am soooo excited to have found SITS and become part of the SITStahood!

the WHOLE reason you started SITS is the exact reason i feel so glad you did!

OH Heavenly Day i love comments and i love making peoples day by is so nice to be in good company!

THANK YOU for creating such a FABULOUS playground!
Heather said…
I have a light around me? That is one of the sweetest things I have ever heard. I am beyond touched that you included me on your list. You already know how I feel about you and this awesome community you have built with Heather. The two of you are unbelievably generous with your time, love and many gifts. Thank you.

Can I come sit on the beach, too?
Laurel said…
Yeayy for you Tiffany - I join the others to THANK YOU!!!
Unknown said…
SITS has been a blessing! I have met so many great women and have a great time discovery new blogs. Your moment of inspiration has changed to life of so many of us. And SITS just keeps getting better. Thank you!
Denyse said…
You, my friend, are incredible. I have been so blessed by SITS in the short time I've been involved. Thanks so much for all you do bringing women around the world together.
Unknown said…
I can't begin to tell you how blessed I am that you started SITS and let me barge on in. I am going to check out every one of the blogs on your list after I go through everyone who signed up with Mr. Linky...
Thanks so much for sharing your vision with so many of us.
Jen said…
I am so glad that you guys hashed out the details and developed this wonderful thing.
Heather said…
You know how much I think you and Heather rock, and because of you, my blog gets more than 5 views a week! :D

Now, please, along with my unending gratitude for creating SITS, promise me one thing - Don't drool too much on the George Clooney picture because I don't want it all smudgy when it arrives at my door! Hee!

Thanks again for all your hard work and effort!! Cheers and HAPPY BLOGATHON DAY!!!!!!!!
Lula! said…

I am crying.

Then I'll be dancing my happy jig. I love you BIG TIME!!!!!
Stephanie said…
Your blog and SITS has been so much fun!! Thanks so much for all you do!!
Tracy P. said…
Glad the surgery worked. Have a fun day today--I hope reading all the good stuff from the giddy SITS girls will make up for the no prizes! :-)
Casey's trio said…
The SITS site is amazing and brings so many people together. Thanks for being part of the mastermind behind it! And glad you've got your voice back.
Kori said…
Your are such a blessing to me. And thanks alot for making me cry first thing in the morning. I love you none the less.

Just so you know I really want that basket. So Lula will love me even more. lol
S Club Mama said…
You 'bout made me cry. Maybe I should live in CO...
I am thinking that Applebees needs to put me on retainer.

Thanks so much for putting me on the list. This listing of blogs is so very validating. And I am finding out that people have been reading me that I had no idea were reading me.

I love all the connections I have made through sits...and I am so very glad that you guys launched your project!
Rhea said…
Thanks for the shout out and the love, Tiffany! You and Heather are just BRILLIANT! And AMAZING! And I love your blog and I love SITS. I'm so happy to be a part of it, because I think its just MAGNIFICENT!!
I'm sad you can't win any prizes!! Maybe someone will share theirs with you. :) Thanks for starting SITS. It's obvious it's meant a tremendous amount to so many who want a platform for their voice. So cool.
Celine said…
Have fun during Blogathon Tiffany! :)
Celine said…
Have fun during Blogathon Tiffany! :)
sassy stephanie said…
Thank you girls for taking SO much time to start and manage SITS. I too am a SAHM and moved in May from the hood where I grew up. Knew everyone. Moved to the country an hour and a half away where I know hardly anyone. SITS has been so much fun and has been a great form of entertainment for me as I get to know my little town. It has help keep me from being lonely in a new place. I L.U.V. you girls.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for linking to me! You are so sweet. I figured you and Heather would be linked to by EVERYONE. :)

Awe, you're going to make me cry. (But don't stop! Keep the loving coming!)
Wep said…
YOu guys are AWESOME!
jori-o said…
Thank you for SITS! It's such a great community!
Ronnica said…
Thanks for sharing the SITS story. I wasn't exactly sure how it started. But I've loved it since I've joined it, as I've met some wonderful friends. And who doesn't love comments?
koopermom said…
I am new to SITS and sooo glad I found it! Thanks!
Natalia said…
Wow. I had no idea! Thank you, and happy blog-a-thon. Sorry about the no prizes...(not really cuz it helps my chances...did I just type that out loud? lol)
Tara said…
Thank you, thank you, thank you for having the great idea that is SITS!! I've found so many cool blogs and great gals who keep me laughing, make me crafty and give me great tips and tricks!! You Rock!
Debbie said…
I think we all need to thank you! So thank you!
TisforTonya said…
ACK! If we make it a national holiday Hubby may divorce me! Well... maybe if it were like Thanksgiving with a "floating" date - second Wednesday of October... y'know!

Thanks so much for the idea and for all you do day in and day out! (and especially the middle of the night!)
Jen Sue Wild said…
Thanks for make such a Fab blog for us all to hangout at!!
Pa I love all your dollar store creations. I also gave you some love onmy blog..
lovely blog!! nice to meet you --from sits :)
Crazy Momma said…
We are all so lucky to be part of such an amazing community!!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Tiffany, this was an awesome post!!!!! I think it's amazing to have come up with such an idea. Your tributes are great ones!!!!

And now I know where Tattooed Mini Van comes from. She's been a great read!!!
Lynda said…
I love everything about SITS - thank you so much!
Jennifer P. said…
Thank you so much Tiffany! I just got done telling Heather how I'm a day late on this post---I can't wait to have my list of favorite SITS-tas up tomorrow....:)

You know you're among my favorites too! Love you and love this fabulous community you've created!!!
Heather said…
Now I'm bawling my head off. You always said there was a reason God made us neighbors.
Melodie said…
Thanks to you and Heather for such a great idea! It's really enhanced my life.
Lump said…
I love SITS! Thank you Thank you!
Sigh - I am in comment heaven..... :)
Marrdy said…
This is a great idea!!! And such fun.
Unknown said…
Happy 'thoning from a fellow blog sitsah!
Rayna said…
well I found your SITS site through a friend, Diamonds, fur and laundry. I posted the link but I've been trying to figure out how to leave a comment on the SITS site. It goes to a window that shows me comments but no where for me to add my comment. I'm probably having a blonde moment (I'm not blonde, ha)! I added my email, though.
I have struggled with keeping my blog because I haven't had many readers until 3 weeks ago when my Mom passed away. Then everyone was reading because they heard I was writing about our difficult time.
I know my blog probably isn't that interesting but I'm trying.
Thanks for what you've done for the blog world!
Jen said…
thank you both for starting SITS. what a phenominal idea! I am totally hooked!
Karol said…
Thank you so much for making such a new blog addiction! I love it!
Bebe said…
Hi Tiffany!

I am so enjoying this wonderful blogathon and being a part of the whole SITStahood!! There are over 200+ blogs now on Mr. Linky, so I'm sure I'm going to visit all of them today. :) Well, maybe this week, anyway!!

You and Heather did a great thing when you started SITS! Obviously there is a great enthusiasm for it and I am thankful that I found ya'll! :)

Lots of hugs, Bebe :)
You're my hero! Happy SITS day! Cheers~ KDLOST!
Just Lisa said…
Thank you for SITS!
Alison said…
You are such a sweetheart, Tiffany! There are people who, for lack of a better term, are "includers"--who are always inviting others to join their circle of friends--and you are an includer! I'm so happy for you (and Heather) that SITS has turned out to be exactly like you hoped it would be.
Thank you so much for starting SITS! I'm loving every minute of it!
What A Card said…
You guys are awesome! Thank you!! I'm having so much fun today :)
Sarah said…
Thanks for the SITStahood!
You guys rock! This is a crazy fun day - woo hoo!
Aleta said…
Alrightly, I've seen this SITS stuff all over the place and I must admit to be curious but a little lost. I went to the SITS site, but hmmm. What exactly is it that I'm looking for and where do I find the blog sites to visit? Is there a link to the membership?
That's funny! I've been reading your blog for weeks, never knowing that you were THAT Tiffany! I just thought yours was another blog I stumbled across, never knowing you had any connection to SITS.

Shows you how clueless I am! I've been a SITS girl for about a month now and I love it. I've found several new blogs that I like. What a fun idea you girls had!
Mom said…
Happy SITSathon!
Amy said…
Happy Blogathon SITSta :D
Becky W said…
I have had so much fun today! Thanks for thinking of the idea and putting it into place!! I have loved being a part of the group and can't wait to meet more SITSers out there!
Kally said…
Today has been a blast!

Thank you so much for creating SITS. Without we would be a bunch of lonley *sisters* and now thanks to you and Heather we can all be Saucy SITStas! Thanks a thousand from the Kally Casa. Without SITS I would drive the Mr insane. :)
Finding Normal said…
Happy SITS Day! What an amazing brainchild!
Anonymous said…
I'm so thankful that you and Heather started SITS and that I was lucky enough to find you!!!

Jennie said…
thank you for helping to start the SITSta movement!
Anonymous said…
Hey Hey Hey!
Happy Blogging! :)
SuZ said…
Happy Blogathon Day!!!!
Stopping by to say Happy SITS day!
CaraBee said…
I'm a little late making my rounds, but just wanted to be the 80-somethingth person to say thanks for SITS. It, and blogging in general, have been such a wonderful thing for me!
Megan said…
Thank you for all your hard work!!!!

Happy Blog-A-Thon Day!!!
Maggie R said…
Gee what a fun day with the SITSas
it's going to take awhile to visit everyone... but what a great way to see all these new blogs, Yours is really "cool"
Fifi Flowers said…
This was a great idea! We all want blog love! Only thing is... what happens when you get over 500 comments a post... how do you respond? I guess you get a staff?
FUN site! GOOD work!
Khadra said…
Thank you for bringing us SITS!! I have been to many amazing blogs today!! I love being a part of this group.

The Blogathon has been a lot of fun. I feel like we are all participating in some secret little holiday lol!!!

Happy SITS day!!
Dee said…
Thanks Tiffany, to you and Heather for starting SITS, I have met some great women through it. Thanks for the BLogathon too, even if I did have to sleep though 6 prize hours!
Finally getting to join in on the fun!!! Glad you are feeling better.
katylinvw said…
congratulations on an amazingly successful blog-a-thon day! thank you so much for all the work you guys do to keep our fabulous community up and commenting :)
Anonymous said…
I saw you had 89 comments and couldn't resist the urge to push you up to 90.

Thanks for hosting such a great day! It made work a lot of fun.

Now, have fun counting up all those comments and entries. Gah!
lynn said…
Thanks for starting SITS and for hosting today's blogathon. It's been fun!
Becky D said…
Thank you for hosting such a fun day! I loved it! My goal is to comment on everyone that linked. It'll probably take me a week. But I'm gonna do it!
Stitchinwitch said…
I just had to stop by and say thank you. I joined SITS today and already I'm feeling all snuzzly warm inside. I have comments :) I think though I'm gonna have to get broadband as lets face it Dial up just takes too long
Susie said…
Thanks for starting SITS. It's a great way for us to support each other. Just brilliant! It may be your "get into Heaven free" card:-)
Meaghan said…
Thanks for SITS! Thank you for the opportunity to share my story with so many women. When I survived cancer I decided to do everything in my power to help prevent other women from having to fight cervical cancer. You have allowed me to reach so many more women than I could have on my own!

I can't thank you enough!

Anonymous said…
Thanks for starting SITS! You've helped enhance my blogging life! What a great day this has been!
Jen Sue Wild said…
I love your blog It is a fun and cheerful place to be!! Plus I love all your dollar store creations!!

Thank you for all that you do to make SITS run smoothley every day!!
Swirl Girl said…
I just got back from vacation and have so much catching up to do!

I missed the whole blogathon thingy do..

must compete...must compete!

hopefully I will have time get this blog rollin' tomorrow.
Tonya Staab said…
Just sending my west coast SITSta some comment love. You girls are fabulous.
Maki said…
You both have no idea how much you've been appreciated!!! What a great way to support each others! Thanks so much!

Happy Blogathon - don't stop blogging, yay, yay!!!
Amber@OneMamma said…
I stumbled apon the SITS site today through Skip to My Lou's post. I'm so glad I did! What a fun idea~thanks for seeing it through!
A huge thanks is in order for starting SITS......and for being such a great person.......I've been so blessed by bloggers I've met through you! :)
Charlie said…
Yeah for SITS!! I love it!
Carrie said…
I am definitely joining. Jennifer P and Kat were talking about it and led me to SITS, as well as your blog. I am always so sad when I get one or no comments. Jennifer P is the one that comments. She is so sweet, and even though I thought I started it for me, its fun to get comment love. So, even though I am not sure I am SITS blog worthy, I will definitely join in the comment love and role call fun, and send in my blog one day.
Aunt Julie said…
Just wanted to say thanks so much for the Blogathon! I had so much fun!! I know you're probably still crashing from all that work, but give yourself a hug, hon, for a Job Well Done!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for starting SITS and thank you for the Blogaton it was lots of fun! I hope that you had a lovely SITSA day!!!!!

P.S. How do I claim the prize that i won yesterday?? (new to winning anything)
Unknown said…
Thank you for sharing this and creating SITS. How cool is that? I am off to check it out and get involved. Thanks for the opportunity.

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