To My Boy.

I can't believe it's been 8 years since you arrived.

I remember every minute of the night you were born.

Holding you all night, falling totally in love.  

Thank you for being exactly who you are.

Every freckle.  Every Giggle.  Every Scowl.

You are a wonder.

Magic in motion.

My heart walking around outside my body.

The reason I was born.

Happy Birthday, sweet prince.

Being your mom is the best gift and the biggest honor.


Heather said…
Does this mean you survived the party?

No light saber scars?

Oh, good, 'cause I was worried about you!

This is such a sweet post.

What a great mom you are!
Ash said…
Great post. My husband thinks he's the love of my life - well, he is, just the third in line. Boys are a special gift.

Happy Happy Day for Mom!

jori-o said…
Happy birthday to your boy--and happy momma birthday to you! Love this post. Perfect words for a tender sentiment.
Jen said…
you are so right, "my heart walking around outside my body." That just says it all.
nikkicrumpet said…
They grow so very fast!! Happy Birthday to him!
Shannon said…
So sweet! Hope he had a great birthday :)
Ann Harrison said…
You are quiet the mom.
Happy Birthday! to you son.
And Congratulations to you!!!
Lula! said…
He is the handsomest 8 year old in the wide world. And my future son-in-law.
Anonymous said…
Yup. Your a mom. A very good mom.

Happy Birthday "The Boy"!
Mc Allen said…
awww, what a sweet bpost... You are a wonderful mom and he is a blessed boy! happy Birthday!! Leah
Summer said…
I love how you wrote "my heart walking around outside my body." I've always told Tay the same thing....

KatBouska said…
"magic in motion"


so sweet.

so true.

so growing up too fast.
Anonymous said…
great blog some how i found you when i was looking for stuff on our son and his birth defect on esophageal atresia such a great blog site you have i wish you all the best.
Happy birthday to your son! What a sweet post!
Soulflower said…
Tiffy....can you hear meeeee? Happy Birthday, Boy. May the force be with you always! Love ya lots, your Jedi pals

Llenahs and Nived (our Star Wars names)
CaraBee said…
So sweet! Magic in motion, indeed.
Suzann said…
So sweet. My big boy just turned 18 and my baby boy turns 8 in December.

Treasure every single moment of him now - they grow up entirely too fast.
Michelle said…
Thanks for the comment. Happy Birthday to "The Boy". I love how you call him that and I bet you loved Jedi Training Camp!
Lindsay said…
Aww, so precious! He's such a cutie and I love this picture!!

Also, thank you for your kind words on my blog about our friend Dane!
Rhea said…
What a wonderful, sweet, loving post! Cute photo of the boy too.

I can't wait to hear about the Jedi training party.
Susie said…
What a beautiful tribute to your son. I hope he has a very happy birthday:-)
Dorkys Ramos said…
This is such a sweet post! I hope he had a blast at his birthday party and that you haven't suffered any permanent damage :)
I love love love birthday posts - so great.

Sherri said…
What a great birthday post!! Time Flies!!!
Jenni said…
What an aweseom picture!! Happy Birthday to him!
Lump said…
so sweet! cute pic as well.
S Club Mama said…
Happy birthday, Boy!

And Mom, great poem!
Unknown said…
What a great photo! Happy birthday to your little man.
Anonymous said…
aww! Happy Birthday to the boy!! That was a beautiful post!
Alison said…
Happy birthday to your boy!

On some level, I think that all my blog posts about my kids are love letters to them. This is a beautiful love letter.
sassy stephanie said…
Ahhhh. Happy Birthday, Boy. What a fun pic!
My heart walking around outside my that.
Happy bday sweet blessing!
Casey's trio said…
Happy birthday to your boy!! I hope the party was fantastic.
Aw, trying to make me cry?

Hope you all had a fun weekend partying!
black betty said…
happy burfday! LOVE the pic.
KimmyJ said…
Mama's with boys are so blessed!
Jen Sue Wild said…
Great pic!!
I hope your boy has a very happy birthday!!
Swirl Girl said…
Now you can unwrap your Princess Leia braids and relax.

Happy Birthday !!
Annikke said…
I'm guessing you must have survived the party. Hope Jedi training was fun for all!?

My oldest turns 8 in January and your post made me a little teary-eyed thinking about it!
Cecily R said…
Perfect birthday post...he is adorable and you are one great mom!!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Sweet mommy! Happy birthday to your boy!!!!!!
Michelle said…
Ah, that is such a touching post!
So sweet, sent here by SITS. I write letters to my girls on their birthdays every year. Someday when they are grown and have children of their own I hope they will see how much they've brought to my life.
Heather said…
I remember the chubby cheeked little boy and how "smitten" we were. We miss you!!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE THAT BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said…
Very sweet post. I love hearing how much other mommies love their kids!!!
Clippergirl56 said…
belated happy birthday to your son. That was the sweetest post.
Jenny said…
What a great note to your son. It is an honor. They teach us so much.

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