
Apparently, I spelt "vehclempt" wrong.  

For the record, it's not in spell check.  

I love any Yiddish terms I can get my hands and use properly (we call naps, schluffs over here), so I want to make sure you are all aware that the correct spelling is actually "Verklempt" (thank you Swirl Girl and Kat).  

Now go talk amongst yourselves.

So The Boy was super chatty tonight, and as usual, he did not disappoint.

TB: Mom, today I played handball with the girl up the street.. what is her name?

Me: Jensen.

TB: Oh yeah.  Jensen.  I don't think she recognized me because I don't have my spikes anymore. (We shaved his head this summer and he is so stinkin' cute, it's stayin' that way.)

Me:  I'm sure she knows who you are.

TB:  Probly cause of my freckles right.  They haven't moved at all.

The logic of a 7 year old.   It really can't be beat.


Anonymous said…
I think my boy looks cuter with a shaved head too. Cause he looks younger that way. Too grown up with long hair. The mohawk is a happy medium.

Freckles really don't move around? Like the notes on Tom's music sheet when Jerry dumped a bunch of ants on it?

Okay, totally should go to bed now.
KatBouska said…
God he's adorable!!
Dee said…
He is cute, and very wise - freckles don't move, love it
Suzann said…
I have a 7-year old too and just posted one of his special tales and his latest joke on my blog.
I just love their logic!
CaraBee said…
How cute is he? Love it!
Jen said…
Kid logic is just so, so, funny.
Amy said…
Well, thank you, now if I ever have to write that word I can refer back here and find the correct spelling. I love those words but I always use them wrong! And my husband is Jewish.
I love the freckles comment, that's adorable.
Anonymous said…
Aww too cute! :)
Lula! said…
He's special, that one. I dig him.
I don't believe I have a drop of Jewish blood in my history...but those German and yiddish words are so part of my vocabulary. Like tchatchke (which are things that I can't stand!), or shlep, or kvetch, or kibbitz, or chutzpah, nosh, or shlep, shmaltzy. I wonder how on earth all these terms got to be part of my lexicon.

Now was that just the most pedantic post ever?! Maybe you can add a line to the trophy you are making me :-)

And the boy. And his freckles that don't move. Too cute. But not schmaltzy. ;-)
Kori said…
Oh Tiffany you have nothing to worry about with that one. He's got it all figured out.

It's all in the freckles.
he's right.. never thought about that..
if your freckle does move,you should be concerned
S Club Mama said…
My freckles don't move either! ha! Love this.

And do Yiddish words have actual spellings?
Live.Love.Eat said…
Hah!!! Too priceless!!!!!! I didn't know how to spell verklempt yesterday either so I googled it before writing it and it gives you the right spelling by saying DID YOU MEAN _______?
Shannon said…
Yeah, 7 year olds logic is pretty darn funny.

Logic from a 5 year old can be even funnier.
Crazy Momma said…
Too cute! Love the logic of boys - period. No matter what age boys can have the silliest logic!
Heather said…
He never fails me. And thank goodness about the freckles. Seriously....
scargosun said…
OMG. These are the things that make me want to have a kid.
Annikke said…
I love that! Too cute!
Heather said…
Man, my mind was totally in the gutter, 'cause I was wondering where you were going with the playing handball thing.

Boy am I glad the conversation was about freckles.

And I didn't even notice the mispelled word...course, I'm not yiddish.
Anonymous said…
cute! freckles are the best!
Rhea said…
So stinkin' cute.

Who names their daughter Jensen? That's weird. (I know, I have a weird name too, so I can say these things. hehe)
Lump said…
ok now that is cute! :)
Carrie said…
Man, every time I walk outside, I get a million new freckles!! Especially since I was pregnant. Aaaack!

Lucky boy!
Donn24g said…
That is just too cute!!

And thanks for visitng my blog:)
S Club Mama said…
I was looking through this packet thing I have from this event and the word of the day was "veclemnt" that's how they spelled it!
Anonymous said…
I stump spell check all the time and I am not even writing yiddish!

Love your boys logic. Gave me a good laugh today.
Susie said…
That is great stuff!!
Anonymous said…
That is so cute. I love kid logic.
sassy stephanie said…
That's too cute!

I shaved my Trouble's head this summer and I CRIED! He looks like a boy now instead of a babe!
nikkicrumpet said…
Now if you can just keep him that small and cute. They grow up and when they hit 30 the stuff they say just sounds dumb lol. Tiffany I just have to say thank you thank you thank you. I have had the best day ever! My email was coming in so fast and furious that my hard drive melted...and I DON"T EVEN CARE! I had over 400 emails when I got home from work tonight...and people are still visiting! I'm gonna get back to each and every one of them unless my fingers fall off..and if they do I'll learn to type with my toes. Thanks bunches for featuring me. It was beyond cool!!!!
Kally said…
How funny. I love that kiddie comic relief.
amiable amy said…
he is just adorable as usual...
Ash said…
Oh, aren't we lucky!? Not a single freckle to be found on either side, and out pops The Oldest - heavenly sprinkles all over the bridge of his nose - love it! And he also managed to score some major dimples and long lashes - ladies, lock up your daughters!

Anonymous said…
Ok, I never knew how to spell verklempt either...I'm not even sure I did just now....I think I've already forgotten and I'm too lazy to scroll back up to see.

TB is adorable....

I keep thinking one day my freckles will all clot together and I'll have one heckuva tan...
Jennifer P. said…
yes--moving freckles should be seen by a dermatologist :)!

very cute post mashugela (I know I just butchered the spelling of the yiddish term---no I feel all verklempt ;)!)
LORI said…
WheresMyAngels said…
Going off to talk among myself, however I can do that.
Kelsey said…
That is the cutest quote ever! I'm loving his logic.

Thanks for the sweet comment earlier, it really meant a lot to me!
Swirl Girl said…
Thanks to Mike Myers (from SNL's Linda Richmond character) for re-popularizing (is that even a word?)
the ever onomatopoeiac Yiddish language!

take that Kat!!
Anonymous said…
Oh holy freckles! SO CUTE!
Anonymous said…
Logic...not lost on a 7 year old. Too funny!

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