The Voice!

It's back! I can't tell you how happy I am to be able to talk without losing my breath!

While the raspy, sexy sound is gone, I no longer sound like an 8- year old smoker.

And, now the guy at the drive thru will be able to hear me!

Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers.

I am feeling good and resting up.

After all, there is a blogathon tomorrow.

JUST ADDED:  I really wrote 8 year old smoker?  BWHAHAHAHHAHA.  Obviously, I meant 80... I think.


Stephanie said…
So glad to hear you are doing well!!
Amy said…
I'm so glad to hear (no pun intended) that about your voice!
And yes, loved the hunger games.
What's a blogathon?
sassy stephanie said…
OMgosh! I was just about to shoot you an email to see how everything was going.

Glad to hear it went well. I am surprised you can already hear the difference.
Susie said…
I am so glad that you are feeling better:-)
Alison said…
So glad everything went well. I'm sure it's much better to be able to talk without losing your breath.
CaraBee said…
Yay! See, all that worrying for nothing. So glad you're feeling better!
Anonymous said…
Yay! You don't sound like Janice!

Seriously though, does it hurt? Do you need anything? Magazines? Books? Jell-o? Soup? BEER?

I'm glad you're feelin good :)
Wep said…
YAY! Glad you are feeling better :)
jori-o said…
I'm happy everything went as planned. And an 8 year old smoker seems much more descriptive (albeit tragic) than and 80 year old one!
Ann Harrison said…
What a relief!
I'm so happy to hear that you're doing well!
So glad to hear it all went well!

So funny, because when I read about the 8yo smoker, I thought: wow, she must have had a raspy high-pitched voice! :)
April Kennedy said…
I am so glad your surgery went well and you will up to hosting the blogathon tomorrow. It should be a blast!

And I read it as an 8 year old child that smoked....Just kidding!
Shannon said…
I was laughing at the "8 year old smoker"... then saw it was a typo...

Glad to hear you are doing well :)
Unknown said…
I was wondering about the 8 year old smoker comment. It made me think that you have a high pitched voice that sounded even stranger while hoarse. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Jennifer P. said…
I didn't even catch the 8 year old smoker thing...I think my mind just automatically translated that to 80!

Soooooooo glad you're doing alright! Continue to have a happy recovery :)!
Jen said…
I am so glad that you are well and everything went as planned.
I was curious about the 8 year old smoker, I mean really how many 8 year old smokers do you know.
But I do wish you could hear the voice in my head b/c it is hilarious.
Kori said…
So glad everything went well. And yeah I don't think I've ever come across an 8 year old smoker.
great to see you doing so well!
I see your giving something away on SITS, thats awesome!
WheresMyAngels said…
Glad everything is going so well! Although, I did sorta like picturing you with one of Marge Simpson's sisters voices. That would of been interesting and you could get into TV again!
Laura said…
So glad to see your doing well. I got a real smile about the 8 yr old smoking too :)
Good for you! I'm sick right now and have lost my voice and it is so frustrating. I know what you mean about losing your breath trying to read!
Tiffany said…
8 year old smoker? I was wondering what that was about! hee hee

Glad to know you're feelin' better and can't wait to see how the blogathon goes tomorrow (or today).

The Pink Tiffany (as Rhea calls me)
S Club Mama said…
I'm so glad things went well. I really was worried :S (that's what I do).
Rhea said…
8 yr old smoker. hehe

I'm so glad your voice is back! WOOHOO!!!
Debbie said…
I am so glad to hear that all went well!

8 year old smoker...that is really funny....
Anonymous said…
So glad to hear it all went well!!!

8 year old smoker...HAHAHAHA
Ash said…
So happy to see you are doing so well!

And a super sincere thank you! thank you! thank you! for my Crackliture Basket!! I'm so excited to finally find out what everyone is talking about (that's a constant problem in my life, sigh).

You ladies really are incredible.

Congrats on a hugely successful SITS Blogathon. Next time, I'll remember to stock up on 100 Calorie Cokes - Whew!

Ginger said…
Great to hear that you're feeling good after the procedure! I'm sure the voice is still sexy...

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