Caption This.

Contest: $30 Target gift card for the best caption.  

Leave it in the comments, ends 11.11. at 11 pm.


Dee said…
Mum, this is NOT what Darth Vadar wore as a kid....
Mamarazzi said…
I know she must mean well but why should I have to wear this thing JUST to walk to dog?
Mamarazzi said…
seriously? all this padding for a haircut?
Toots said…
Mom, don't tell anyone, but I still had fun, even if we didn't win . . .
Ash said…
"I know I promised Mom I'd never grow out of being this cute...but I really, really want to drive a car."

S Club Mama said…
I don't have a caption but it's such a cute picture!
Kori said…
"Dear God, let them all hit the ball because I left my cup at home."

My son Jacob has said this prayer many of times. He hated wearing a cup so on the days he thoguth he could get by without wearing was the days he had to be hind catcher. lol
nikkicrumpet said…
I give up already...cuz I'm laughing at the "haircut" and the "left my cup at home" I can't beat those! He's a very handsome young man!
Bottom of the 9th, bases loaded and two outs - I KNOW I can do this!
Wep said…
I knew it. This makes me look fat.
Heather said…
This isn't a caption...he just looks sooooo much like Candy Man, especially with his hair cut like that. SB still thinks her bow joke is hilarious.
KatBouska said…
Why can't I stay home and play video games like other kids??
Rayna said…
Wow, it could be so many things. What about;
"Gotta get my head in the game"!
"Let's play ball"!
"Game Time"!

Love the pic!
Ann Harrison said…
"I meant to do that".

Oh man, I don't know. He just looks so disappointed! Poor thing.

I love the ones "All this padding for a haircut" and "Dear God, let them all hit the ball because I left my cup at home."

Funny ladies!
Swirl Girl said…
"you can't tell me this is how the major leaguers started"
KatBouska said…
I love the one, "why can't I stay home and play video games like other kids?"

Anonymous said…
That gosh darn ump needs to get his eyes checked. I had that guy out by a mile I should get my mom's bloggy friends to open up a can of whoop-bottom.

(I think I should get a $30 gift card just for not swearing. I couldn't make swear words come out of that precious little boy's mouth.)
Nikki said…
"mom, seriously, I would rather take another hit than let the kids at basketball practice see me in this thing again..."
Jen said…
It is not whether you win or loose, it is how well you play the game.

I know it kinda cliche but its all I got right now.
"A loaf of bread, a gallon of milk and a stick of butter"
Susie said…
" said this would help me impress the ladies...all I got for playing this year was a rock":-) A little Charlie Brown reference never hurt anyone:-)
Sunny said…
I know I'm like the happening'est thing around but why do I have to wear body protection just cause I broke up with a girl? What's with girls anyway? Stupid girls. My mom is the only girl for me.;)
WheresMyAngels said…
I don't want to live in Pleasantville! (show me the color)
Lori said…
haircut: $10
rawlings chest protection: $40
tagging that last runner: priceless
Lula! said…
"Aw, man...I ate too much chili on Halloween."

p.s. I am LOVING his shorter 'do. He's hot. Yeah, I said that.
Nina said…
Who picked me for this position, I wanted to play first base.
Connie said…
Un freeking believeable! would be my guess. Looks like the other team just pulled one over on them/him.
Rhea said…
I love Kori's caption. I'm trying to think up my own...
Rhea said…
"That so didn't taste like chicken, Mom."
Rhea said…
It was supposed to melt in my mouth, not in my pants.
cricketphx said…
Hmm.... I'm going to have to get hubby's input on this, he's the witty one in the family!
Party of 5 said…
"Man I really wanted that hot dog."
Soulflower said…
Catch your own damn ball
Caroline said…
Forget baseball...give me some Crackliture.
LORI said…
Unknown said…
stopping by from Sits to say Hi!

as for the caption
'if I gotta smell one more fart'
Anonymous said…
That's it, where's the Hubba Bubba?!
No caption for me. I'm voting for mamarazzi's haircut one. HIL.ARIOUS.
Michelle said…
Man I should have eaten my Wheetie's this morning...
Kimmy said…
"Oh please, please, please don't let that cute little red hair girl see that we lost this game."
Anonymous said…
I don't have one of my own...but it's a great photo. Not that I have a vote but I like Kori's caption.
The Thrill of Victory or the Agony of Defeat - you decide....

Great picture!
Kally said…
No caption from me but I think the photo is fantastic!

My vote is for Kori. Still chuckling over that one.
Merkley Jiating said…
"If I have to chase one more wild pitch I am going to scream."
Rebecca Jo said…
"Dang it - I got all padded up & now I have to pee"
"Oh man, I think I put my underwear on backwards...".

Anonymous said…
"Darn it, why did I vote Republican?"
Hi Tiff It's Emily long time. Sorry I have taken so long to respond the baby thing takes getting used to. that picture is so cute i am getting a little teared up too. how time flies by. I guess I am behind the times contest $30 gift card??? So your back to sunny CA wow. I am still here and doing good watching these girls grow fast.
Ashley said…
"Geez! I can't believe we lost! To make matters worse, Mom has got her camera out and you know this'll be all over that blog!"
KimmyJ said…
"Preparing to face my friends after Mom let it spill that I love watching, Hanna Montana - Thanks, Mom!"
Casey's trio said…

"Bald is beautiful!"
Anonymous said…
Great b&w shot
hey - everything ok over here? you seem to be MIA...
"Bummer! The losers have to shave their heads AND wear pink all week."
Jennifer said…
"All he has to do is throw the ball to my glove and not over my head...Is it to much to ask?"

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