
My kid is huge.

 What the heck have we been feeding him?  He weighs 76 lbs.  76 LBS?  How can that be?

Somebody stop this madness.  This "growing up" thing.  I can't take it.


Anonymous said…
hehehehe, but he's so cute!! All 76 pounds of him!!!
Anonymous said…
That's sooo funny. D was at flag salute on Friday and saw your son and was all, "Where do I know that kid from?" and then realized it was from reading my blog and going to your page. He was like, is that kid in the 2nd grade too? And I was like, yep. And he was all na-uh. And I was like uh-huh...Love his T-shirt btw.

My kid is huge too.

It's weird that I know the other people in that picture too.
Lula! said…
He's Candy Man Junior. I love it.
WheresMyAngels said…
How old is he?

My daughter is bigger than most of her age peers, she is both taller and wider!! lol

He is a cutie!
nikkicrumpet said…
LOL....the growing up thingy is almost as painful as child birth!
Mamarazzi said…
ah growing pains...sometimes it hurts us more than it hurts them.

speaking of your awesome kid...the kid who chose ME to win the Taget you need my address?

send me an email. never2pink at yahoo dot com
jori-o said…
My kids are tall fact, they've heard it so much that they often introduce themselves by giving their age or grade in school and stating that, yes, they are tall for their age.

But he is a cutie patootie!
Dana said…
What a cutie. Are his feet bigger than yours yet? That was what killed me! I now have 2...almost 3 who wear bigger shoes than me! I feel so little!
Wish we could average our kids out. Mine is seriously tiny! People keep asking me if he's 7 or 8 and he's 10! Geez!

On the whole, for boys, I think bigger is better. My older boy was always the tall one, especially after he hit puberty and he always got a lot of positive attention for being tall.
Jennifer P. said…
I've heard illegal drug use can cause rapid weight loss....and I bet your hubby could get his hands on some pretty easily :)!

I kid, I kid....

I put a new post up but your updater thing isn't showing it.

Ah well...

Love ya!
Michelle said…
Daaannng, second grade. Can you say "football".
Anonymous said…
Look at him! He's a head taller than those other kids! What's in your drinking water?
larkswing said…
Ahhh, what a cutie! Beautiful smile!

Last Sunday my 12 year old was singing with all the other mid high kids at church. He needs a growth spurt - there was over a foot difference between him and the kid next to him - I knew he was shorter than many, but not like that!
Unknown said…
Wow, kids grow up fast these days. I know time goes by quickly but whenever I read about the children of my bloggy friends I realize how fleeting youth really is (mine, not my child).
S Club Mama said…
That is EXACTLY how I feel when I tell people Moose is 16 months and they look at him and me and say "16 MONTHS?!?!" Yes, he is a big boy. jeez.
Heather said…
He's only in the second grade?

Must be all that California sunshine. My oldest is in fifth grade, and just broke the 70 pound mark, much to his dismay. He hates being so small. 50th percentile since he was born. Poor (little) guy.

Maybe we should move...
But he's super cute. And he rocks! At least that's what his shirt says. But I'm sure it's true.
sassy stephanie said…
I keep telling my soon-to-be 8 yr old we are going to put a big rock on her head to stop her from sprouting.
Katie is 10. Right at 100 pounds. And 5'2. She likes to call herself freakishly tall. She's going to be taller than me before we know it. We already wear the same shoe size. At least you won't have to share your shoes with him :-)
Crazy Momma said…
But he's happy! :)

I think they grow while we have our back turned...I am always shocked when I notice!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Soon, he's going to come over to you and give you a hug and your head will be at his chest. How proud you should feel!
KatBouska said…
You might want to scale back on those "vitamins" you've been giving him...
Jenni said…
What a handsome boy!!!
Swirl Girl said…
Your boy is not a giant - the other kids are just teeny!

Go Flintstones chewables!!
Caroline said…
Nothing wrong with being the biggest. The other kids don't mess with you. The redhead is quite tall as well for only being 2, but his dad is 6'4" and I'm 5'7", so he gets it honestly.

The Boy stands out in a crowd - in a very pleasant and handsome way. All 76 lbs of him.
Anonymous said…
I feel the same way about my boy. Plus, he eats me out of house and home...what I want to know: where does it all go?
black betty said…
does he eat butter yet? my brother would eat stick butter (when going thru a grow spurt in high school) b/c there was nothing left in the house...

btw, he is a cutie! :D
KimmyJ said…
Tellm e about it - mine is huge - we call him Jethro - he is growing so fast AND eating us out of house and home!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's nice to meet you. Your son sure does have a wonderful smile!
Rhea said…
good nutrition, muscles from sports and lots and lots of love will do that to a growing boy. :o)

You're doing something right.
CreativeMish said…
Wow! He is a big boy! I love this T-shirt! It's Rockin!
Kaza said…
I cannot even imagine my kiddo at 76 pounds. I don't think she'll get there until junior high!

Just stopping in to say hi. Sorry for being MIA at SITS and here... it's been a crazy few months at work and I've now been sick with one virus after another for over a month and the kiddo has been sick too. Things are still crazy so it might take me awhile yet to be back regularly, but I will be back!
Alison said…
Aw, Mom, he's a growing boy! (Love his smile, too.)
Aunt Julie said…
I ran into a family we've known forever at the market tonite. I hadn't seen their "little boy" in ages. He's now 15 and 6 foot 2! And to think, it was just yesterday...

BTW, I'm celebrating 150 Posts with an Award and a Pop'rs Giveaway...please come visit soon!
Susie said…
He is pretty tall:-) No one will mess with him on the playground:-)
AWWW he is cute! :)

Follwed you from SITS!
He's a cutie-- and wait til he's 14 or 15 and eating more than an adult! My teens are eating me out of house and home. LOL
Jewel Allen said…
My middle child is as tall as his older sister, and sometimes they get mistaken for twins.

Wouldn't it be nice if we can squish them smaller sometimes so we can keep them li'l forever??
Too funny - they get too big too fast - my first grader is 6 going on 16
Gaspegirl said…
hehe... we grow 'em big too! I wish they could stay small forever but alas this is not the case!

Make it a great day
Heather said…
Candy Man is not a slight individual. The Boy comes by it honestly. It will serve him veeeeeeeery well later in life.
Lindsey said…
He is so adorable! He will be a strapping man when he gets older...the other poster is right....FOOTBALL! Or a weight lifter...
Unknown said…
Okay, the boy is certainly good and healthy...but onto more funny stuff. I totally laughed (very loudly) re your previous post on "Would you rather"...the one that got me was the "discharge from a cat's eye, or spit from a teachers mouth". Jebus. I had to skip over the toenail hair thing. I am actively avoiding the thought. Thanks for the sucks eggs today.
Debbie said…
76 lbs!!! Are you getting him ready to play Linebacker at USC???
My 8 year old daughter is barely 57 lbs. But that's a good thing for girls...
cherry said…
I know Tiffany....I stoopped feeding mine several weeks back...but didn't help..he stilled turned 11 on me sigh..............Yours is a sweetie! Hope things are well with you. cherry
Heather said…
I left you a little somethin' somethin' on my blog today. Don't feel like you have to pass it on; I'm sure it would be very hard to choose in your shoes. Or, you could just give it back to me and Heather and Lula, and that would be just fine, too :)
Anonymous said…
What a handsome boy who is growing up! My kids is tall and skinny like his daddy (barely 60 pounds) and he broke his arm playing football with some friends! Proud Mama's have a hard time with their growing boys! Hang in there, mama!
DiPaola Momma said…
Thanks for stopping by my open letter and giving the boobies some well needed support.. if in spirit only:-)

And thanks to SITS for the prod into the open letter.

This kid is gonna be Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome.. that or the best darn linebacker in the league! GOOD JOB!!!!!!!

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