I Got Nuthin'

My girl Kori emailed me today asking if I was okay....she mentioned I hadn't posted in 5 days.

FIVE DAYS. How can this be?

Well, first of all, I have really stepped back from spending so much time in bloggy land.

I know this sounds crazy, but I have been taking this liquid vitamin and mineral supplement and I feel great.  Like so great that I want to get my a$$ out of bed and do something besides blog.  Who knew?

Some of my bloggy friendships have crossed over into real life, and now I am emailing and im'ing, and talking on the phone, making plans to meet them...

So, I am here, I am alive and I will announce the winner.  In a minute.

SITS is my first priority and I love doing it, so that is where I'll be.

I'll be here too, just don't know when and how often.  Right now, I don't have anything to say.


The winner, chosen by The Boy himself is........

Mamarrazi.  He gets his head "shaved" weekly and thought it was SO funny that she thought he wore that!

Love you guys.


See...I thought you just knew how far behind I am in my reader. And you just didn't want to add to my burdens. I am trying to hard to figure out the balance. I LOVE all my new readers...but I don't think I'd ever leave this chair if I add them all to my reader...
Alison said…
I understand--real life should always take precedence over blogland. Just don't leave completely, pleeeeease!
S Club Mama said…
I have to agree with HR, please don't completely leave. Wish I could meet you in real person...darn living in different states!
S Club Mama said…
I totally have missed hearing from you though.
WheresMyAngels said…
At least this way I can keep up with your blog ;)
Rhea said…
I'm so glad to hear from you and so glad Kori went asking about you!
KatBouska said…
I love that you let him choose the winner...that WAS a good one!!

What is this getting out of bed business? What vitamin are you taking??
Anonymous said…
I was wondering why you hadn't posted myself. I need a vitamen to get my ass off this chair.

Congrats Mamarazzi! Did I tell you Mini TMM sent a letter to her daughter J? For good mail. She's sooo excited.
Michelle said…
Y'all have fun next week, Y'hear.
Connie said…
Funny how life gets in the way ...
So what's that vitamin cocktail you are taking? I need something to motivate me besides coffeee and sangria.
Anonymous said…
Isn't it great to realize there really is a whole world outside blogland? ;) I'm right there with ya...
Besides getting out 'there' gives us all kinds of blog fodder to come home and type out!
Jen said…
I was wondering about you and about Heather. It am glad that you are alright. You go and get stuff done!
Heather said…
I cannot wait to hear about, well, you know.

And whether you blog once a week or once a day, I'll still love you.

Yep, I said the L word. Lula's rubbing off on me.

Get your mind out of the gutter right now.
Susie said…
I don't know how people can keep up with more than one blog. I think it is completely understanding.
Paige said…
for sure I need the hookup on magic vitamin that will make me want to get out of bed.

hook a sister up
Ash said…
I'm so glad it was just real life getting in the way.

I've heard rumor it's very cool!

Lesley said…
It's so hard when the real world comes a callin isn't it....sigh.....
sassy stephanie said…
Oh hell. I can't believe you can keep up with SITS much less SITS and real life.
LORI said…
cricketphx said…
You MUST share what this liquid supplement is because I NEED IT! Exhausted does not begin to describe me!
Lula! said…
I want nachos at 2 AM.

See? I got nuthin' too.

Except for nachos. And love.
Mamarazzi said…
woooooooo hoooooooo! your kid is AWESOME!!
I hear ya! I've been slacking on my blog lately too. Sometimes you just run out of ideas...
Debbie said…
Oh Tiffany I hear you. I didn't post for two 10 day stretches..and this week I posted three days straight...I wasn't intending to...I just did...I find it very difficult to make regular rounds right now and live my life...so don't sweat it...we'll still be here!
Anonymous said…
That's awesome that you're feeling high energy!
Oh yeah for Mamarazzi, she has the funnest blog & a fun "Favorite things" swap going on right now...yippee!
Ashley said…
Awww... I'm glad he got to choose! Ha! We'll be here!!
:) Came over from SITS! Have a great weekend! :)
Live.Love.Eat said…
Good to hear you're doing well!!! Can you let me know what liquid stuff you're taking. I need to take a new approach to my bod. I feel like it's breaking down on me. Thanks!
I find myself doing the same thing......it is nice to hear that the absence of posts is for GREAT reasons. You wERE missed though!

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