Joy. It connects us all.

I did this post a while back.  

When I thought about what I wanted to post in regards to Optimism, this was it.

Seriosuly watch it. It makes you feel so happy and joyful... thrilled to be living and looking towards a fabulous future.

Makes the world feel a bit smaller.

I actually got quite choked up.

It's worth it.  Hit play.  NOW.

Even if you've already seen it.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.


Anonymous said…
Ok seriously, I straight up cried. And laughed at the same time. I LOVED THIS VIDEO. It amazes me how the internet connects people and how we all love the simple things in life. LOVED IT. Thank you so much!
Heather said…
Okay, I am sitting here with goosebumps down my arms and a big stupid grin on my face.

I have never even heard of this guy. That is so freakin' awesome! And exactly what I needed at the end of this crappy day.

I love Lula. I love Heather. I love Tiffany. Watch out, "Big Love", here we come!
Anonymous said…
Mrs. de Miranda told me I had to watch this.

At 1st I sat here waiting for something else to happen. What's it leading up to? What's the message?

And they just kept dancing. Everywhere. They were just being silly and dancing. That's it.


Makes sense to me. It's what my kids do. Kids are smart.
Lula! said…
Oh, but this made me happy. When I so needed to be happy.

And now I will go to bed smiling...seriously. Thanks, Girl.
Suzann said…
What a happy thing to brighten my evening. Thanks. I'm going to share the love at my blog too.
Tiffany said…
I just watched it with The Boy... he loved it.

He wants to go to Madagasgar now...
Casey's trio said…
Love this video...saw it a couple of months ago on another blog. So amazing that he traveled to all these place. Just breathtaking!
Swirl Girl said…
I have seen this- it's very heartwarming, indeed.

jori-o said…
Isn't it so great?? I've watched it several times today and it just makes me smile right out loud!
nikkicrumpet said…
I saw this video awhile back...and it made me hubby just didn't get it...but there is just so much joy!
Mamarazzi said…
LOVE it! stealing it. embedding it. posting it. spreading the JOY! i can't think of anything better to do this evening...this is awesome!
Jennifer P. said…
I'm with Jori---smiling out loud!
Maternal Mirth said…
Every time I see this video I think just how small we are ... how small, how similar, how BEAUTIFUL we are.

God ... yeah, he done good.
WheresMyAngels said…
It is hard to believe he is kinda of a Bum now. A techno nerd turned dancing geek. Makes ya smile.
Andrea said…
I had this posted on my blog awhile ago and cry every time I watch it.
Crazy Momma said…
Beautiful! I am stealing it! Thanks for sharing!
KimmyJ said…
Ok - not sure why I am crying!! LOVED IT!
sassy stephanie said…
Why? Why? Why do you make me cry so early in the day?
Unknown said…
I had seen this video last gave me shivers too. And I almost cried...but I work in a jail so I have to pretend to be all tough and shit:)
Cherie said…
That was awesome. Thanks so much for sharing!! I'm full of so many emotions right now.
Have a blessed day!!
Ashley said…
I just love this video. It makes me smile. :)
Cecily R said…
I just watched this on Mamarrazzi's blog and I LOVE the pure joy of it...the world really CAN be a big happy place!
Alison said…
Isn't it great? I thought so the first time I saw it!
Gaspegirl said…
What a great video.. thanks for sharing it!

Make it a great day!
Anonymous said…
I loved this video the first time I saw it. And the cool thing is he has continued his journey and his dance all over the world. It is amazing how something so simple can link so many. Thanks for reminding us!
KatBouska said…
Awesome. I love this! I would totally post it, but everyone who would watch it on my blog just commented. :)
Ash said…
What a great demonstration of how we're all just human beings who just want to be.

Except for that guy in the Demilitarized zone - I think he's dead inside.


Michelle said…
Loved it!

Thank you.
Christy said…
ok what is it about this movie that makes me tear up??????
Susie said…
I have seen this all over the blogosphere and it is very uplifting:-)
Casey's trio said…
I am reading The Hunger Games and am loving it. I kept daydreaming from work how much I wanted to come home and read it today:)
Caroline said…
That is awesome. My day will be better because of this post! Thanks for sharing!
Lesley said…
ooohhh I lvoe this video...I saw it the other day on "The Phrase Working Mother is Redundant's is soooooo amazing.....I'm so glad you posted it too.....I think everyone should see it....
Rhea said…
I've seen this before, and it makes me happy and smile every time I see it. WONDERFUL.
I saw this a while ago. Can't recall where. Or why I didn't do what you just did and make a post out of it!

I need to go and check out his website and find out how he is doing all that traveling...
Shannon said…
Awesome! Loved the field of tulips in the Netherlands... and when he was joined by dancing kids!
Anonymous said…
What a great video, how the heck did he get to all those places and then get everyone to dance.
Nice. inspiring.
Anonymous said…
Definitely put a smile on my face! Thanks for the uplifting post!
teacakebiscuit said…
I saw this a couple of months ago, and I still love it as much today as I did back then!
Christy said…
2nd comment, I know, but thanks for giving me comment love today!
Nicole said…
I have seen it bfore and it is just too funny.
Nicole said…
I have seen it bfore and it is just too funny.
Jewel Allen said…
Cute, huh? Makes me want to travel all over the world and dance. :-)
That's a freaking awesome video! Truly inspired.
Diva Scrapper said…
Super cute..who doesn't want to just dance, dance, dance...thanks for sharing
Donnetta said…
I don't know that my words can express how this touched me. Our eldest chicklet is 16. I want to tell her to finish high school, go to college and then just travel and DANCE. Have fun. Listen to your heart. Listen to the hearts of others. Be young with no worries. Smile. Spread joy. Be an inspiration. Light a fire. Make an impact. Dance.
Anonymous said…
Okay I'm not sure why but that made me cry........and laugh......
And just as I had composed myself, and settled in to type in my comment, I read Donnetta's reply to it and I cry again.
Wonderful video....
Hope everyone has a beautiful day....
Alex the Girl said…
"On July 22, 2008 NASA featured Harding's 3rd video on their APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day) website, titled "Happy People Dancing on Planet Earth", making claim of humans worldwide sharing a common love of dance. The website states that "few people are able to watch the above video without smiling"

I had to google it and see why he made the video, but that isn't really important, is it? But the claim that humans worldwide share a common love of dance...couldn't be more true, huh?

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