The Let Down

I saw it.


I actually whispered to Lula, "I am going to the car." twenty minutes in.

She made me stay.

What happened?

Where was the love story?

Why were tons of easy details left out?

Why the HELL did they go to the eco-farm and skip the scene with the blood typing?

What happened to the Port Angeles dinner... the most pivotal point in the book?

And don't even get me started on the meadow. When did 1,000s of prism-like diamonds become gold glitter?

Why did people laugh out loud during the biology class scene? Edward should be in physical pain from the ache, planning how to kill everyone so he can feast on Bella's blood...instead, he looked like he was trying not to puke.

I had hopes people. High hopes.

I thought Robert did well. Kristen, okay. Katherine (the director), not so much.  

There were glimmers of the Twilight I love... but not enough.

Don't answer any of these questions. I just needed to vent.

Lula and Heather are here, we are having an absolute blast. Tattooed Minivan Mom (my neighbor) hung with us too!

Wine tasting and tattoos tomorrow..... pictures to come.


Swirl Girl said…
Now I am maybe not so left out for having not read the book or not planning to see the movie ...

but - you're having a party in my 'hood' and didn't invite Swirl Girl??

Summer said…
Oh no!!! Thats the problem with amazing books. A movie can never ever do it justice. I can't tell you how many movies were ruined for me.

At least you had fun with the girls!

Lula! said…
I know, honey. I know.

'Cause I'm right there with you. Can you IMAGINE how Stephenie is feeling right about now? She needs us to be her friend. And to hug her.

For the record, I still want to know what lipstick (stain, whatever!) Rob wore in the movie. 'Cause it was hard rockin'.

Enjoy your weekend with Heather and Lula. Can't wait to see the tattoo pictures!
Rebecca said…
UGH! You just sealed the deal for me not see the movie. I have been on the fence. Books are always better. I guess I will wait until it comes out on DVD.
Amy said…
Yes Tiffany, the movie sucked with a capital SUCK. I wanted to leave too but my friend wouldn't let me either. It was painful. I laughed at the Biology scene, I laughed when they showed Carlisle (he just looked bizarre) I basically laughed my whole way through it.)
I'm just so glad Lula is there with you! Hi Lula!!
Have an awesome weekend you guys!
Jen said…
I know!!!! And you forgot to mention Jasper. What the heck was his problem? I am so disappointed with this movie. The potential was great, but they did not deliver. I feel your pain.
Jewel Allen said…
Mmm, it's been a while since I read the book, maybe I'll forget what they left out...?

That's cool that you made this into a happening, though!!
Anonymous said…
seriously this is the hard part about reading the book. The movie is NEVER the same. And for those lovers of the book versions, the movies are always a let down
Gaspegirl said…
Isn't that always the way :( Sorry you were disappointed!
S Club Mama said…
I still want to see the movie, but I'll let my expectations down because I totally trust you. I wondered how good the meadow scene was going to be.
Heather said…
Oh, I'm wishing I was there with you. I'm so glad y'all are having fun!

Have a great weekend!
Mamarazzi said…
at least you are getting in a little girl time!

i have heard more bad than good about the movie.
I felt soooo bad yesterday morning after I got home and people were calling, emailing, IMing me to ask how it was. And I didn't want to say anything bad.

I wasn't ready to walk out. It was okay. BUT...Edward looked constipated through the whole thing. And yes. That biology scene where he looks like he wants to upchuck. They should have used that bit out of Midnight Sun where it mentions him clawing the table because of his pain.

And the glitter. He looked like he had some horrible disease. What was up with Jasper's startled look?? And the special effects...oy vey. are there with Lula and Heather. It was worth it! Ya'll have fun. And I can't wait to see pictures and hear about the rest of your weekend!
Suzann said…
You are the second negative review I've seen. I haven't read the books, so I wasn't planning on seeing the movie either. My daughter (age 14) read the books and saw the movie yesterday and she loved both. Of course, she's 14.
Happy Wine Tasting! Perhaps it will be so good you'll forget all about the let down.
Kori said…
I have to say I'm kind of glad I stayed home and had chicken and dumplings and watched Forrest Gump instead. lol

Love you girls and I am so incredibly jealous!
Anonymous said…
No! Don't tell me that! I'm seeing it tonight!!!!
Anonymous said…
PS-you need to put the "follow me" gadget up on your blog bc I'm 'slow' and that's the only way I know how to follow ppl!
Erin said…
I hear ya. I agree with everything you said- but I still liked it. I think I am forcing myself to cause I love the books.
My theature laughed at the bio scene too! I just figured they hadn't read Midnight Sun-
My hubby says the 2nd one will be better cause they will have a bigger budget.
Anonymous said…
So you guys went home and blogged huh?

Have fun getting hammered at the wineries...I mean tasting...

I told D all about last night and he can't wait to see what happens tonight. He said "see, if you looked at a group of me and my friends hanging out you'd think all kinds of bad stuff, and if you looked at you and your friends hangin out you'd never guess what they were talking about."

That's right baby, that's right. You in the jungle now baby.
cricketphx said…
I couldn't have said it better myself. I went to the midnight show on Thursday night because I was so excited to see this movie. I so wish I would have just stayed home and went to bed instead.
Mariah said…
That's WHY I'm not sure if Iwant to see it
Oh my gosh, you should have read all the stuff I did. I should have shared. I heard the story of the meadow, and to be fair it sounds like they REALLY tried to make it work. Everything you mentioned I had already read about. I am such a geek...seriously. I am reading number 4 for the second time. I already read the other twice, and that's been since October of THIS year. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

It's okay. Just get the books out and start reading again. You'll feel better:)
This comment has been removed by the author.
my blog said…
I went in with very low expectations...and I haven't read the book for, I don't know a year? And I only read it once. So I really enjoyed the movier! I knew it wouldn't be as good as the book (movies never are), so I wasn't disappointed.

But Edwards lipstick bugged. Blot that stuff off, dude!
I am always disappointed by movies based on books.

In a way your review isn't surprising to me, although I'm still going to see the I'll just know so I"m not too disappointed! :)

P.S. When I read Lula's review and she said she'd cry I thought in a good way, not a bad one. Boo hoo! :)
my2boyz said…
BUMMER!!! I had a feeling it ws not going to be as true the book. I did not see it but now think I will wait for the DVD.
Queenie Jeannie said…
You forgot something....the WHOLE STORYLINE of Bella & Jacob, and the werewolves!! HELLO?? They needed to make this a 3 hour movie, with a real director and a real makeup team.

Very truly sad, pathetic work. And let me just say Edward is soooo much more beautiful in my mind. Truly.
Perksofbeingme said…
So glad to know I was not the only person very dissapointed. I really like the book, but about 30 minutes in I told my friend (who hasn't read the book and liked the movie) that I was bored and wanted to take a nap. She told me I had to stay awake but it was such a disappointment.
Tabitha Blue said…
So wish I could be there with you all as well!! I'm actually in San Francisco right now... all the way from Michigan, so I'm not too far off now :)

I've been wondering how the movie was even going to compare with the book. They never seem to match up! Well, I'm sure I'll still see it anyway :)
That sucks. I remember being so disappointed when I saw the Flowers in the Attic movie. Ew. Why did my mother let me read that book???

Glad you chicas are having fun otherwise!
Dana said…
I haven't even read the books yet and I refuse to see the movie first. From the sounds of it, the books are something to look forward to and I should add the movie to my Netflix. Sorry you were so disappointed. That's just the worst!
Live.Love.Eat said…
I guess I didn't have too high of expectations because I knew no movie was going to make me feel like the book did. And I expected to laugh when I should have been moved because I read that. But I still FELT something when I saw it and I guess that was just good enough for me. I loved it for what it was. But I certainly cannot argue your points at the very same time. Ya know?
Casey said…
Hi Tiffany - I agree with all of your valid points, but do have to say I still enjoyed it. We really enjoyed meeting you and your friends yesturday also! It's amazing how a great book can bring so many people together!
Debbie said…
Glad to hear you all are having fun and was bummed to hear that you didn't like the movie. I haven't seen it yet...I am dragging my husband to see it on Tuesday while the kids are in school, and he has the day off. Wait, isn't Julie with you guys, too? I don't see her doing the tatoo thing...Can't wait to see the pics of you guys!

USC and PSU in the Rose Bowl????
i heard from some others it was not good like the books...but since i haven't read them, maybe i'll still like the movie...sorry it sucked! i still wanna see th pics...and drink lotsa samples of the'll make the movie seem so much better. :)
swilek said…
say hi to the girls:) so glad you were able to hang together...i'm hearing bad reviews too..enjoy your day tomorrow together!
Laura said…
I loved the movie. I went into it knowing that they could not recreate what I loved in the book. My only complaint was more. More romance, simple things were left out.

I still loved it. I was prepared. Most of the books I love and read do not translate the same to the big screen!
Connie said…
Yeah ~ as soon as I seen all the bad reviews I thought of you. Sorry. Perhaps after all the bad reviews another director will take up the series ... one can hope right.
sassy stephanie said…
You'll always have your books, girl.
CaraBee said…
I was so afraid of this! I'll still go see it, because how could I not, but ugh.
Ash said…
Oh, I'm sooooo sorry!!

Then that's that - I'm sticking to the book. Lots of screaming teenage girls makes me very nervous anyway.

Go read the book again to wash the experience out of your memory.
Melissa said…
Loved it, but that's just me. I definitely went in with low expectations. I think that made a huge diff. I know if I had not read the books, I would have probably been clueless, though. There was so much more to it than the movie can communicate.

Overall, I though Robert delivered (minus the bio lab scene).....
Just Lisa said…
Ugh! This has been my fear all along. My girlfriends and I have plans to see it in a couple weeks... I'm scared!
The Rambler said…
I'm stopping by to say Heeyyyy, and also thanks for putting me in the Saucy blog section (Me, wiping tear)...

So, are you saying you don't like this movie? :) could you leave out freaked out looking Jasper or Jacob? How did Jacob get cast? How, how, how?

PS I have a bone to pick with you! :)
SuperCoolMom said…
EXACTLY! but I'm still gonna see it again and try to overcome my prejudice. Plus, I want it to make a ton of money so they can do the next one right!
Pseudo said…
I really need to read teh book, so I can see the movie, so I don't feel like the alien old bag who doesn't know where the party is.
KatBouska said…
I still want to see it.

You totally should have called me. I would have watched the movie with you...and when it started getting bad I would have grabbed the back of your head...pulled you deep into my loving embrace...and made out with you true Edward/Bella style.
Jen said…
I was wondering about this. I am sorry that it was such a let down.
Jess NBP said…
Sorry you were let down. I saw it last night and LOVED IT! Yeah some of it was a bit too much from the book but that was kind of expected for me. Toni though might disagree with you.. LOL from A Daily Dose.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
I will HAVE to go see this 'cause son & wife saw it and LOVED it ... but of course, they didn't read the book either. So I can go ignorantly in and watch, I s'pose...
S Club Mama said…
You really hated it that much? That's so sad.

I've heard such contrasting thoughts on the movie.
Rhea said…
I haven't seen it yet, the movie, I mean, but I know it's not going to be as great as the book, so I'm prepared...I think.

I can't wait to hear more about the tattoos and the girls...
Aunt Julie said…
Did Stephenie Meyer have anything to do with the screenplay, or did they go solo on it? That's the trouble with the movie-ized versions of good books. They almost always disappoint! The only films I know of that have really stayed true to the books were Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz!
I really have to read that book and go to that movie? Any order you suggest?
LenaLoo said…
I don't have my hopes up too much, but I am looking forward to it... I didn't get to go opening night because my friend was impatient and went without me... Sad...
LORI said…
Fifi Flowers said…
Can't wait to see the FUN photos... I will wait for DVD for that movie.
ENJOY your week!
Toots said…
Oh Tiffany, I'm so with you!!! I was soo disappointed!! And I saw the movie with my much younger cousins, 17 and 11, and they were disappionted too . . . I wish I could remake the movie . . . The details they left out and added were just not necessary . . . oh I could go on and on . . .
Heather said…
i haven't read the book yet. my hubby decided he wanted to go see the movie last night because he loves vampire movies. he was wasn't really vampirey. :) i must admit, that watching the movie, did not make me want to read the book...but i bought it and plan to read it anyway.

it seems that whenever you read a book before the movie you are always disappointed in the movie. you want it to be the same. at least that is how i feel with pretty much every harry potter movie since the first 2. i know it is hard to fit it all in to a reasonable length...and they have to do all the explaining...but...there has to be a better way!

thanks for stopping by my blog the other day!
Crazy Momma said…
I dragged my poor DH to this movie. What a trooper.

I was SO disappointed. SO, SO, SO.

But then I thought, there is NO WAY they could have made a movie as wonderful as the books were. It just couldn't happen. There is no way there is a human alive that is half as beautiful as I pictured Edward in my mind. There is no director that can put on film the feelings that ensued me...just couldn't happen.
Ashley said…
I liked it... but there were definite questions I had. I'm sorry you are disappointed though. And - tattoos? I'm intrigued. Can't wait for those pictures.
Rebecca Jo said…
They did do the dinner in Port Angeles - with the mushroom ravioli? That was in there....

But I too said I wished the blood typing thing was in there - wanted to see him carry her off - with Mike tagging behind jealous!

Yeah - they messed up a bit - but I still loved it - just to see Edward in action.... OH MY - he was adorable!!!
Alison said…
Well, now I don't feel like I should have gone to see it this weekend. I'll still watch it, but thanks for the heads-up so I can keep my expectations low. I have never liked a movie as much as the book.
Sissy said…
You said it and I totally agree. If you haven't read the books then you have no idea WHY she would love him. The blood typing thing showed how much he cared for her well-being.
Jenni said…
I SO agree with everything you said. Did it not feel sorta like a spoof of the book?? A little too much cheese for me. So sad. . .
AndreaLeigh said…
I feel the exact same way! The scene where he first smells her is TERRIBLE! ugh.
Unknown said…
I never have high hopes for movies after reading the books. They can never live up to the imagination. I felt both Bella and Edward looked very awkward. Edward was so stiff so much of the time. When he finally smiled I was happy. Anyhow, been there done that. Cute cameo of Stephanie.
jennifersusan said…
I absolutely loved the books and the movie was disapointing. I still liked it and try to treat it as a completely seperate thing. I wondered how they would be able to capture the love story between Edward and Bella, and they didn't. I missed the banter and all sorts of other things. I wonder how the second movie will be. I've reread the book twice since the movie, just to erase the movie images from my head. ;p
Ashley said…
The books were so amazing and filled with such ..well sexual tension that movies just never do it justice! In defense at least Robert was nice to look at!

I love you blog..keep rock'n!
We saw it.. the only thing I am not disappointed in was the mini Charleston Chews I snuck in from walgreens!!!
sigh.. I posted.. a little... oh it's just so sad.. where's the crackliture love?
Jen said…
I totally agree with your review. I am really glad that Catherine Hardwicke is not going to be directing New Moon. Hopefully, they will get it right!

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