The Let Down
I saw it.
I actually whispered to Lula, "I am going to the car." twenty minutes in.
I actually whispered to Lula, "I am going to the car." twenty minutes in.
She made me stay.
What happened?
Where was the love story?
Why were tons of easy details left out?
Why the HELL did they go to the eco-farm and skip the scene with the blood typing?
What happened to the Port Angeles dinner... the most pivotal point in the book?
And don't even get me started on the meadow. When did 1,000s of prism-like diamonds become gold glitter?
Why did people laugh out loud during the biology class scene? Edward should be in physical pain from the ache, planning how to kill everyone so he can feast on Bella's blood...instead, he looked like he was trying not to puke.
I had hopes people. High hopes.
I thought Robert did well. Kristen, okay. Katherine (the director), not so much.
What happened?
Where was the love story?
Why were tons of easy details left out?
Why the HELL did they go to the eco-farm and skip the scene with the blood typing?
What happened to the Port Angeles dinner... the most pivotal point in the book?
And don't even get me started on the meadow. When did 1,000s of prism-like diamonds become gold glitter?
Why did people laugh out loud during the biology class scene? Edward should be in physical pain from the ache, planning how to kill everyone so he can feast on Bella's blood...instead, he looked like he was trying not to puke.
I had hopes people. High hopes.
I thought Robert did well. Kristen, okay. Katherine (the director), not so much.
There were glimmers of the Twilight I love... but not enough.
Don't answer any of these questions. I just needed to vent.
Lula and Heather are here, we are having an absolute blast. Tattooed Minivan Mom (my neighbor) hung with us too!
Wine tasting and tattoos tomorrow..... pictures to come.

Don't answer any of these questions. I just needed to vent.
Lula and Heather are here, we are having an absolute blast. Tattooed Minivan Mom (my neighbor) hung with us too!
Wine tasting and tattoos tomorrow..... pictures to come.

but - you're having a party in my 'hood' and didn't invite Swirl Girl??
At least you had fun with the girls!
'Cause I'm right there with you. Can you IMAGINE how Stephenie is feeling right about now? She needs us to be her friend. And to hug her.
For the record, I still want to know what lipstick (stain, whatever!) Rob wore in the movie. 'Cause it was hard rockin'.
I'm just so glad Lula is there with you! Hi Lula!!
Have an awesome weekend you guys!
That's cool that you made this into a happening, though!!
Have a great weekend!
i have heard more bad than good about the movie.
I wasn't ready to walk out. It was okay. BUT...Edward looked constipated through the whole thing. And yes. That biology scene where he looks like he wants to upchuck. They should have used that bit out of Midnight Sun where it mentions him clawing the table because of his pain.
And the glitter. He looked like he had some horrible disease. What was up with Jasper's startled look?? And the special effects...oy vey. are there with Lula and Heather. It was worth it! Ya'll have fun. And I can't wait to see pictures and hear about the rest of your weekend!
Happy Wine Tasting! Perhaps it will be so good you'll forget all about the let down.
Love you girls and I am so incredibly jealous!
My theature laughed at the bio scene too! I just figured they hadn't read Midnight Sun-
My hubby says the 2nd one will be better cause they will have a bigger budget.
Have fun getting hammered at the wineries...I mean tasting...
I told D all about last night and he can't wait to see what happens tonight. He said "see, if you looked at a group of me and my friends hanging out you'd think all kinds of bad stuff, and if you looked at you and your friends hangin out you'd never guess what they were talking about."
That's right baby, that's right. You in the jungle now baby.
It's okay. Just get the books out and start reading again. You'll feel better:)
But Edwards lipstick bugged. Blot that stuff off, dude!
In a way your review isn't surprising to me, although I'm still going to see the I'll just know so I"m not too disappointed! :)
P.S. When I read Lula's review and she said she'd cry I thought in a good way, not a bad one. Boo hoo! :)
Very truly sad, pathetic work. And let me just say Edward is soooo much more beautiful in my mind. Truly.
I've been wondering how the movie was even going to compare with the book. They never seem to match up! Well, I'm sure I'll still see it anyway :)
Glad you chicas are having fun otherwise!
USC and PSU in the Rose Bowl????
I still loved it. I was prepared. Most of the books I love and read do not translate the same to the big screen!
Then that's that - I'm sticking to the book. Lots of screaming teenage girls makes me very nervous anyway.
Go read the book again to wash the experience out of your memory.
Overall, I though Robert delivered (minus the bio lab scene).....
So, are you saying you don't like this movie? :)
PS I have a bone to pick with you! :)
You totally should have called me. I would have watched the movie with you...and when it started getting bad I would have grabbed the back of your head...pulled you deep into my loving embrace...and made out with you true Edward/Bella style.
I've heard such contrasting thoughts on the movie.
I can't wait to hear more about the tattoos and the girls...
ENJOY your week!
it seems that whenever you read a book before the movie you are always disappointed in the movie. you want it to be the same. at least that is how i feel with pretty much every harry potter movie since the first 2. i know it is hard to fit it all in to a reasonable length...and they have to do all the explaining...but...there has to be a better way!
thanks for stopping by my blog the other day!
I was SO disappointed. SO, SO, SO.
But then I thought, there is NO WAY they could have made a movie as wonderful as the books were. It just couldn't happen. There is no way there is a human alive that is half as beautiful as I pictured Edward in my mind. There is no director that can put on film the feelings that ensued me...just couldn't happen.
But I too said I wished the blood typing thing was in there - wanted to see him carry her off - with Mike tagging behind jealous!
Yeah - they messed up a bit - but I still loved it - just to see Edward in action.... OH MY - he was adorable!!!
I love you blog..keep rock'n!
sigh.. I posted.. a little... oh it's just so sad.. where's the crackliture love?