Tiffany R 101

I am so glad you came by my little piece of bloggyland.

I began blogging in 2008 and was immediately smitten with the idea of my words being read by the universe.

Comprised of my rants and raves about everything from Advice to New Moms to Tampons, my style is short and sweet.

I consider myself a talker who writes and I love comments, so please, talk back!

Want to chat more? Find me on Twitter or Facebook

Here are few FAQs.

Q: Are you the Tiffany of SITS and Bloggy Boot Camp?
A: Yes. Me and her are one in the same.

Q: What is your cool job other bloggers refer to?
A: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Although, it has been alluded to in a few posts, so if you really want to know, start reading. Muuuuhhahahahahaa.

Q: Whose blogs do you love?
A: I have a few blog requirements: (1) Must have font size at least "normal". (2) Must have paragraph indentations. (3) If I have to scroll down for more then 5 seconds to see the end of the post, you've probably lost me. Having said that, see my blogroll.

Q: Can we send you a product to review.
A: Unless its something super-fabulous, probably not. However, I DO have fabulous opportunities for brands to connect in a REAL way with bloggers as a sponsor for Bloggy Boot Camp- you can get that info here.

Q: What is this "Fishful Thinking*" you are always talking about?
A: An absolutely fabulous program that inspires Parenting through Possibility. With the "ingredients of Optimism, Emotional Awareness, Hope, Resiliency and Empowerment, FT's message is vital to today's youth. I encourage you to check it out the hands on techniques for real life. Currently serving as 1 of 10 moms nationwide serving as faculty for the program, I am thrilled to be part of such a wonderful initiative.

Q: Can I email you with promises of gifts and book deals?
A: Yes.

*I am a brand ambassador for the Goldfish® Fishful Thinking℠ program and may receive material or payment incentives for my involvement.


jeanine p said…
well duh .... thanks for replying on my blog . I get it now . I coulda' had a v8 ! I'll do better next time :) Thanks for stopping by - and did you see the SITSta button ? I JUST finished my button 2 days ago so I'm just starting to get grabs from it . If you have any recommendations on doing that I'd love to hear it !
bookieboo said…
Yeah, Tiff! I found your blog! Fight On!
ok - so I follow your blog but was directed here again because your house smells good and somewhere you tell us how you do it.......can you help a girl out? :D
Coretta said…
Are you from Louisiana Tiffany?
Married Tacoma said…
This blog is very informative.

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