What the Hell is Wrong With You?

Beverly Hills Plastic surgeon on Dr. 90210, what the hell is wrong with you? When you were shopping at the nursery for toy balls for your unborn son and said, "I just want him to like what he is supposed to like." What?

Mother of 2. When your husband left you TWO MONTHS ago with 2 tiny children, for another women, you asked for 2 things. "A bed and a tummy tuck." WHAT???? Then, after your tummy tuck, you had the man who just left you and your 2 small children for another women, as your care taker. Surprised when he wasn't helpful? What the hell is wrong with you??

Bubbly suburban mommy who thinks she can talk about everyone else, spreading gossip like wild fire, hurting feelings and breaking hearts. Acting like everyone's BFF, and them stabbing in them back. Perpetuating Poison. What the hell is wrong with you?

Little League dad, yelling at your 8 year old from behind the backstop. Heckling ass. Walking by the other team, mumbling words, "this team sucks." What the hell is wrong with you? Too bad we beat you 4 to 0. That was my husband out there high-fiving each of the kids. Offering encouragement, making baseball fun. Watch and Learn, you miserable hack.

Somebody stop the madness.


Ann Harrison said…
This is so needed!
(This could easily be a weekly contribution, unfortunately.)
Kori said…
Amen Sister.

I have so many things I could add to this list. But I want.

Have you bought your ticket for our next Summit yet? You need to.
Anonymous said…
S Club Mama said…
I'm so confused...balls for his unborn son????
Anonymous said…
Ahhh one of my guilty pleasures... Dr. 90210. It always makes me feel so much better about myself, knowing that I am blissfully normal compared to most of the population of L.A.!!!! :)
Were all of these scenarios on reality TV? I knew there was a reason I didn't watch it....then I can pretend it isn't happening. :)
Jen said…
As Jeff would say, he is not a big people person, just kill them all. Stupid people!
jori-o said…
I'm not a big fan of stupid people either!
Alison said…
Yes, we have enough stupid in this crazy world of ours.

I cannot STAND Dr. 90210. I get so angry at that idiot Dr. Rey and the women who have nothing wrong with them but want bigger boobs anyway. GAH!
Ginger said…
I like this "what the hell is wrong with you" game!

Lady at starbucks with your two young kids wearing a veeeery low cut-off sweatshirt with boobs hanging out - what the hell is wrong with you?
Swirl Girl said…
if it were that easy....
Lula! said…
This is exactly why I tell people, "Do not mess with my friend Tiffany. Or she will take you. She will take you DOWN!"

I love you soooooooooooooooooooo much.
Natalia said…
I didn't realize that show was still on!

And other parents give me the heebie jeebies when attending sporting events. Most are great but there are always those bad eggs that suck the fun out of it like goodsportsmanship dysons.
next your going to tell me it's not 1960 again..
Maternal Mirth said…
Seriously ... some people's kids... makes you wanna write a rule book for inconsiderate morons, eh?
S Club Mama said…
Hey! My cousin's wife just started a blog & wants to meet some other bloggers. IF you have time (and want to), would you stop by and say hi to welcome her to the bloggy world?
CaraBee said…
There's no way to sugarcoat it, people are absolutely bonkers.
Anonymous said…
Aww that's too bad about the dad saying that crap to the team! I'm glad that so far we haven't run into that with the stuff we put the girls in!

Dr. 90210 cracks me up. I saw both of those episodes (yay DVR)- the dad CLEARLY doesn't get that his kid won't like balls (of any kind *ahem* - sorry) for several years. What a moron, right? And OI VEY! I wanted to smack that divorced mom. The bed and a tummy tuck?? Really? That's it? Moron.
Anonymous said…
Oh and since we're on the topic of 90210...is it just me or is Hayley Ray like a total b@#$%?? UGH she drives me nuts!
"I just really need a bigger house!" Even though she can't take care of the one she has without her MOMMY! GRR ;)
Heather said…
isn't it so true. i wonder about people nowadays...quite often...

thanks for stopping by my blog the other day!
Amy said…
I'm glad the nice coach teams won.
Some people are just haters.
Why is that doctor shopping for balls???
Michelle said…
You tell 'em girl!!
Jen Shults said…
No kidding. Someone sent me a facebook flair button once that said, "We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart." Now that's what I'm talking about.
Anonymous said…
Must know who "bubbly suburban mommy" is....better not be me...

I hate it when dad's are dicks to their kids! They need another daddy to ram a foot up their ass...
Csn we add the boys who are bullying my son (daily!) to that list??? He came home with his lip all cut up because one of them threw a pinecone - at his FACE. Little jerks! Guess I'll be talking to the principal tomorrow - again!
Anonymous said…
WORD! Don´t crap in the water that you drink, or whatever that saying is. Why would one choose to make their own environment so toxic by perpetuating gender stereotypes, anger, selfishness, etc. Like my mother always said "Cria cuervos y te sacaran los ojos" translation: "Raise crows and they will peck out your eyes"

Caroline said…
Was that cathartic for you to type that? Seems like it would be. My favorite is the mother of 2 - that is so sad. And the "other" woman, what makes her think that her new man won't leave her the way he did his ex-wife? WTH?
Ronda's Rants said…
Maybe it is a good thing that I have no idea what you are talking about...I stopped watching TV! :)
Heather said…
I'm not sure if you know this or not, but there ain't no cure for stupid.

Except maybe a lobotomy. Or shock therapy.

Even that is not proven to work.

The one that pisses me off the most? The Little League dad. I've met a few of those this past year, as Elijah has started playing in the older boys' sports. Wow, people really amaze me, and not in a good way...
Unknown said…
It is such a shame that people are so silly. I would use another word but I will leave it at that. I agree that the madness needs to stop.
Heather said…
I have decided that people are mean and crazy. When you find one that's nice and sane, hold on for dear life!!
ooooh great post and so true! I don't know why we can't all just take a note from Sesame Street and try to be nice to one another!


Aleta said…
The sad thing is that some people's lives do reflect the soap operas of the day. I think people start believing soap lives are how it's supposed to be. Yikes!
Nina said…
I hate those hecklers. Someone needs to tell them the game is for fun.
Anonymous said…
Bravo Tiffany! Well ranted!

But doesn't it make you wonder? We all seem to be in agreement that all the scenarios you described are Whaaaaa?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say....

I don't think we see when WE are guilty of this kind of behavior.

Not that I would ever....


Excuse me, motherhood calls.
sassy stephanie said…
You go girl. I cannot stand when someone does that at kids games.

My girls were cheerleaders in a youth league (ages 5-12) last year. We were in the playoffs and this GRANDFATHER starting yelling the F word at the ref!
KimmyJ said…
Let it all out SITSta! :)
Connie said…
Stupid is as stupid does. Can't he just implant balls for his unborn son ... oh wait he is actually admitting he's not God. Rey freaks me out especially when he laughs. Ewww. Have you tried those underware he has out on the market ... like $50 for one ~ right ~ I'll just grab me a whole weeks worth and support yet another dumbass episode.
Denyse said…
Amen and thank you!
nikkicrumpet said…
There is so much of that "what the hell" stuff out there. You nailed the biggies! great post!
SuZ said…
Exactly... exactly.

Well said.
Live.Love.Eat said…
Wow. Now I'm angry!!!!! But go you, let it out. Breathe. I don't know how some people live with their own stupidity or ignorance. Tell 'em their momma's womb called and wants 'em back.
Michelle said…
Makes you wish it was ok to slap people!
Mama Dawg said…
So, is this gonna be a weekly post? And if so, can we submit to it? Cause I got loads of examples.
Aunt Julie said…
Some of us are too consumed with ourselves to pay attention to the Real World...and I don't mean the MTV show!
Jennifer P. said…
Remind me not to get on your bad side :)!
Lori said…
oh, this would make a GREAT weekly post...inviting others to do the same...i have some doosies!
good day!
Soulflower said…
You want me to kick the bubbly subburban mommy's ass? I'll stop the madness. And then give her some rocks....so she can kick 'em.

I hate miserable hacks.
Crystal Rae said…
GOODNESS, people... LOL. But i'm with Lori this could be a weekly post, LOL.
Anonymous said…
What's a day without a few stupid people...
Rhea said…
Oh, man. Sheesh. It kills me when I see parents acting like this. UGH.
Tonya Staab said…
I the words of my husband

"I don't like people".

What is wrong with people that they have to be so stupid and so mean. Seriously.
Ash said…
My favorite bumpersticker of all time:

"Mean People Suck."

I think that just about covers it.

GRRRRRRR...they all need to be slapped...many many times...
Rebecca Jo said…
I know exactly the show you are talking about ..... yeah - all I can say about half the people on there - OH MY!!!!!!
Unknown said…
Hi I am a new friends from SITS :) This is great, I completely concur! Captain obvious needs to slap some people in the face or the ass!?

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