
There is a passage from one of my favorite books, The Red Tent, by Anita Diament, that perfectly sums up what I want to say to you as we end this year and begin another.


"I am so glad that you have come. I will pour out everything inside me that you may leave this table satisfied and fortified. Blessings on your eyes. Blessings on your children. Blessings on the ground beneath you. My heart is a ladle of sweet water, brimming over."

All My Love.


cherry said…
That is I want to read that book! I am reading " THe Shack" right now. cherry
Unknown said…
I love The Red Tent! I should re-read it. What a wonderful quote. Thank you.
Shelley said…
I loved the Red Tent too. Blessings to you and yours as well.
mommytoalot said…
Perfect quote
Blessing to you and yours
Amy said…
That's lovely. Blessings to you and your family too.
Rhea said…
Sweet. I love it.
Ash said…
Thank you. Blessings to you as well, sweet lady.

CaraBee said…
What a lovely quote! Very deep, girl.
Anonymous said…
Aww...I need to read that book - I've had it recommened to me a few times but haven't taken the time.

Hope your weekend and the holiday is perfectly shaped for you and yours ;)
Lula! said…
This is exactly how I feel about you...

"I'm so glad you have come..."

Anonymous said…
That's such a sweet blessing!! Thanks!!
Lesley said…
That is a wonderful blessing...I love the heart is a ladle of sweet water...brimming over....many blessings to you and yours...
KimmyJ said…
One of my favorite books, ever! Beautiful Blessings, thank you, my friend!
Rachel said…
what a great book and quote! gives me warm fuzzies this morning. thank you tiffany!
Susie said…
That was just beautiful! I wish the same for you:-)
Tenakim said…
That's wonderful... if I were more eloquent and just a smidge more intellegent, I could have written that, Maybe not, it's really well said!!!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Wow. So sweet and perfect!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing that. Now, I go google Red Tent.
Kori said…
Lovely and so you.

Love you!
nikkicrumpet said…
Well blessings right back at you! It is a blessing to me to have found blogland. I'm looking forward to a whole new year of meeting new people and being inspired and filled with laughter. You ladies all ROCK!
Heather said…

I so need to read it again; it's been a few years.

What a great wish for the new year. I wish the same thing for you and your family.
Anonymous said…
how beautiful! Thank you I love it!
Ashley said…
What an excellent quote for bloggers. I love it!
Jen said…
that really just sums it all up.
Jen Sue Wild said…
I am going to ahve to check this book out!!
Great quote!!!!
jori-o said…
What a beautiful passage! That title is going on my "to read" list.

And what a sweet and kind sentiment to share with all of your fans! You are one classy lady.
Isn't that just the best book? It was one of the first books we read in the book club I started way back when. It was also when I decided that I prefered a women only bookclub :-)
Shannon said…
That is one of my fave books, too... I think it should be required reading for all women!

Blessings to you this Christmas and throughout the new year!
Jenni said…
That is a wonderful book and a beautiful quote!
Anonymous said…
I love that book, too. It made me go back and read the Bible to see how much of it "really happened" :)
debi9kids said…
How lovely. beautiful sentiment, esp for the holiday season.
LORI said…
Hi sweetie!
thanks for the loving words! Haven't seen you this week on the blog and all my give aways???? Have a beautiful week and a loving holiday! xo...deb
That is just perfect. Blessings to you and your family too.
Heather said…
I LOVE love love that book, as you well know. And that quote is strikingly beautiful.
Jenners said…
I've had this book on my book shelf FOREVER -- my mom had given it to me awhile ago but I've never picked it up. You've just inspired me to. Thanks !
Sarah said…
Those blessings to you and yours as well!
Lisa Marie said…
wow that is beautiful, I will have to look up that book hugs, Lisa
That's a beautiful passage. Thank you for sharing it. I haven't read The Red Tent but I will have to put it on my list.
Sandy said…
Thank you for sharing. That was beautiful:)
Tabitha Blue said…
That is truly beautiful!!!!! I love it, thanks for sharing that sentiment, made my heart leap!!!!

Paula said…
One of my favorites! Thanks for sharing.
Naye said…
I never heard of the book but that was a very nice passage, thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
What a nice passage..I'll have to check out this book!

Thanks for a great year, Tiffay. Its been a pleasure getting to know you through your blog. Thanks for SITS so I can meet others as well!!! And thanks for introducing me to the Twilight Phenomenon!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
CreativeMish said…
What a great passage. TFS!
antibloggedy said…
That is a perfect Blessing. Thank you for sharing it.
momma said…
what a beautiful quote.
Elyse said…
Blessings to you Tiffany! Found you through SITS and your blog is wonderful!
Anonymous said…
I have this book and haven't read it yet. Guess what I'm doing tomorrow?
Anonymous said…
The Red Tent was a fabulous book! I need to re-read it!

Thank You a nd Merry Christmas!


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