Holiday Wishes

                  Wishing you a holiday full of hopes and dreams.


KatBouska said…
He's so sweet.

And thank you.

And you too.
The Rambler said…
Merry Merry Christmas EVE! Can I say how many times I just LOVVEEEE you and your SITS site :)

Anywho...don't work too hard..take a break...have a drink..or two... :)
mommytoalot said…
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Unknown said…
Merry Christmas! Enjoy the holiday.
Rhea said…
Aww, thanks, Tiffany! Same to you! Merry Christmas!
Heather said…
He's such a little man. It makes me cry. I love you. I miss you. I'll be closer soon and then think of the road trips we'll take!! It's the way things should be.
Swirl Girl said…
Slugger looks so contemplative (if that's even a word)

Merry Christmas to you and yours!
debi9kids said…
Beautiful picture!

Have a very merry & blessed Christmas!
debi9kids said…
Beautiful picture!

Have a very merry & blessed Christmas!
Heather said…
Don't pictures like that make you wonder what's going on in their little minds? I love it!

Have a blessed Christmas with your little man and your CandyMan. I'm sure you will...
cricketphx said…
Merry Christmas my friend! Love you!
Michelle said…
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas!!
Susie said…
Have a very Merry Christmas:-)
Anonymous said…
Happy Holidays!
Lula! said…
He's so handsome...

I have this same picture up in my kitchen, so thanks.

And Merry Christmas to y'all...we'll talk soon.
sassy stephanie said…
Merry Christmas Tiff and fam!
Amanda in GA said…
Merry Christmas! May your day be full of joy
merry christmas girlie!!! merry christmas!
Shannon said…
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas :)
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas to you too. Happy Holidays
nikkicrumpet said…
I hope you and your family had a marvelous Christmas. Thanks for all you do with SITS and for sharing a piece of your life with us. All the best!
Anonymous said…
Hope you are having a peaceful holiday season!
{S.T.U.F.F.} said…
Happy Christmas + Merry New Year:D
Alison said…
I'm a day late to say Merry Christmas, but I can be early to say Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
I wish you the very same thing!
Aunt Julie said…
Christmas Blessings to you and yours!
Dee said…
Hope you survived christmas ok!
Fifi Flowers said…
Tis the season to ENJOY!
{leah} said…
Hope you had a ggreat holiday!!!
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas!

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