Merry SITSmas to YOU!

Merry SITSmas to You!

Here is a little video to make you laugh.

If you aren't in the SITStahood, what are you waiting for? We've got a prize EVERY hour, plus the Grand prize which includes bloggy fame and a $200 Target Gift card!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards
So I couldn't resist.  Yep.  That's me, Heather and Lula.
(That look on Lula's face is CRACKING me up.)

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Festivus ("for the rest of us"),  I wish you all a ton of joy and happiness in 2009.

Let the comments roll.

(Crazy Italian Momma is after me in the linky, so click here to go straight to her)


Kristin said…
Merry SITSmas my SITSta.
Shannon said…
Yes, your little video so made me laugh! It's AWESOME!

Merry SITSmas! Let the comments roll, indeed.
WheresMyAngels said…
Someone was red faced in that video!! lol

Merry Sitsmas!
Swirl Girl said…
Lula looks like she's crossed between a purr and a pout!

Kelsey said…
I'm addicted to those elf yourself videos..I think my friends and family MAY want me to stop sending them!
Merry SITSmas!
jori-o said…
Your kind comment totally made my, my WEEK!
BTW, you, Heather and Lula make some SAUCY, sassy elves, banjo and all!! ;)
Casey's trio said…
Now that is a fun SITSmas card!! Can't wait to participate in all the fun:)
Mamarazzi said…
we totally tried doing the same thing but i could not get the darn thing to embed! so i gave up. i didn't want to be late posting my card. oh well next time!


Merry SITSmas!!
Lori said…
the elf thing just never gets old! love it!
Michelle said…
Thanks for having another great SITs get together!
I could watch that elf thing 100 times and still crack up!

Ho Ho Ho Merrrrrrrrrrrrry SITSmas!

- Margaret
cat said…
Merry SITSmas to you too and thanks for SITS. Love from Africa.
Tracy P. said…
Total riot! You girls are WAY too cute. :-)

Merry SITSmas, and thanks so much for everything!
Valerie said…
Love the Elfyourself video! Merry SITSmas!!
tara @ kidz said…
LOL! The elf dance is hilarious! Merry Christmas to you!
Anna Lefler said…
That. Is. Awesome.

Not everyone can pull off green velvet, but on you: it works.

Merry SITSmas and big hugs all around!


tam said…
Have a happy merry SITSmas!
Rachael said…
Freaking hilarious! Love it! Merry SITSmas!
That is hysterical! I spent about 20 minutes elfing my kids today and then stupidly deleted it :9

Merry SITSmas and Merry Christmas!
Anonymous said…
You Guys Make Cute Elves ;)

MERRY SITSmas!!!!!
Pam said…
haha too cute :) merry sitsmas
flickrlovr said…
Haha-what a cute video! I love those. Well, after 5 I might get a little cranky, but...(just kidding, sort of).

Thank you so much for such a wonderful community. I'm just jumping in full on, and it's been incredible. All thanks to you and Heather.

Merry SITSmas!
Sandy said…
That video is too funny! Merry SITSmas!
Merry SITSmas. Today is sure to be so much fun. And the video......I think I might pee my pants b/c I know what to expect....I did found this last year. :)
Anonymous said…
been refreshing and reloading still I can't see it :( but I won't give up until I see it :D

Merry SITSmas ~
Jen said…
I had no idea what a talented dancer you guys were. Great! Merry SITSmas to you.
Michelle said…
Merry SITSmas.

Have a fun and busy day.
Ash said…
My 6-year-old loves it!!

And the look on Lula's face, yeah, a little soft porn. Awesome.

Becky W said…
Merry SITSmas! May your comments be many today!
Heather said…
Holy crap, I'm about to pee my pajama pants right now! You're right, Lula's expression is priceless!

Y'all make cute little hoedown elves...and I do mean "ho" :)

Merry SITSmas!
Laura Marchant said…
What a great idea!
Merry Sitsmas!
Anonymous said…
Merry SITSmas! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season
Anonymous said…
Woo-hoo! Now that's what I call a knee slappin good time! Rope em cow girl!
Aunt Julie said…
And a Merry SITSmas to you, too! Hey, I'm Sharing Some Linky Love with you over at my place...please come Check. It. Out!
Amy said…
Hilarious! That was perfect.

Merry SITSmas! :D
Heather said…
Nothin' like a little country SITSmas! Merry SITSmas to you!
Ginny said…
I forgot all about Festivus this year, thanks for the reminder!
Shelley said…
That is too funny. Lula is loving life isn't she?

Merry SITSmas
Rebecca Jo said…
Love those videos!!

Merry SITSmas!

Merry Sitsmas to you!
Diane said…
Damn. Thought I was over my elf fetish and then ya had to go and post that.


Merry SITSmas anyway.
Lula! said…
Heather in Ohio summed it up...we are getting our HOEDOWN on.

I will be watching this 1958 times today. And tomorrow.

Girl, you crack me up!!!!
Oh my. Lula's pout. And Heather's shimmy. I am just crackin' up! Merry Sitsmas to you :-)
Jenners said…
Merry SITSmas! Great great post! I think I found my Christmas card for this least for the ones that have a computer and know how to use it! (The over 70 crowd will have to get the paper kind!) I'll be back to check out your blog on a less busy day...anyone who mentions Festivus has got to be a SITSa to me!
S Club Mama said…
so funny! you're adorable.
Kori said…
Awesome. Loved it. You girls crack me up.
Heather said…
Lula is a sex kitten that way, but did you see me shakin' my money makers??
Live.Love.Eat said…
Oh what fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry SITSmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AngiDe said…
Merry SITSmas!! Happy commenting!

"Nana's Box"
Fifi Flowers said…
GREAT dance! Merry SITSmas!
Anonymous said…
MERRY SITSMAS! Love the video! Hope you have a great holiday season!
Merry sitsmas. Happy Holidays
April said…
Merry SITSmas! Your video made my morning!
BloggessJ said…
Merry SITSmas! Great video!
Unknown said…
LOL...i LOVED it TY for all that you do...Merry SITSmas to you!(thats my attempt at rhyming ;-)
Beth said…
What a fun video!

Merry SITSmas!!
Suzi said…
Merry SITSmas!! :) Cute video.
Aubrey said…
I love the shimmy Heather does across the dance floor! LOL This is crackin' me up!
How did you get that pic of Lula??? She's got the sexy pout perfected!
You ROCK Tiffany!
Merry SITSmas to you!
Ashley said…
Hehe! You girls are CRAZY!!!! Merry SITSmas!
jennifersusan said…
Too cute! Nice elf dancin' there. ;p
Merry SITSmas!!!
Jen Sue Wild said…
Too fun!!
Merry SITSmas To all..
Vic said…
Haha! Merry SITSmas! That was too funny! Wonderful idea.
Briya said…
I love to get elfed!
Karol said…
That's awesome! You're right, Lula's face is priceless!!

Merry SITSmas! Thank you for putting together such an awesome site.
Tabitha Blue said…
Loved it, what a riot!! Merry SITSmas!! :)
Anonymous said…
That was great.....Z liked it too...he likes banjos I think....he said "WOW"!!!

Merry SITSmas!!!
Allison said…
Merry SITSmas! I would have loved to have seen the video but it said it had been deleted! Oh, well.
Tiffany said…
Elf yourself is so funny! Merry SITSmas.
Mandy said…
I love Elf Yourself and Festivus! Thanks for making me smile!
Heather said…
Oh heck, I've been spreading holiday greetings all around the blogosphere and I'd utterly forgotten about Festivus!

So, Merry SITSmas, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Solstice and Merry Festivus! :D

I love elf yourself - it's a great way to spend (waste? not me!) time on the internet this time of year!!

Jennifer said…
Great video! Merry SITSmas to you!!
Cute! Love those JibJab videos! hehehe Merry SITSmas!
nikkicrumpet said…
You girls are pretty good dancers for having such BIG heads...I'm surprised you didn't just tip over! LOVED IT...have a wonderful SITSMAS...and thanks for going to sooooo much work....especially since mr. linky is cheating on you with another blog! YOU GUYS ROCK!
Unknown said…
Love the elves! Happy SITSmas!
Annie said…
Merry SITSmas to you!
Anonymous said…
Merry SITSmas! Sorry you're having to spend all day typing links :(
Curse that Mr. Linky!!!
sassy stephanie said…
Dang it. Too tied up to participate today. Love the video!! You are right. Lula's look is priceless. Looks like she is taking some pleasure is slapping someone with the rake!!
Mammatalk said…
OK, ya got me giggling!
Femin Susan said…
This is amazing!! I am so glad I found your blog!
Welcome to my blog…….
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
Super cute video Tiffany!
Thanks for all your hard work with the SITSmas day! You've made it special for us!
Anonymous said…
That video is crackin' me up!
It's my first time over to your site. So cute!
I'm really enjoying SITSmas on your site. I'm a first-timer! My daughter (pretty paper book)is showing me the ropes today.
Merry Christmas!
MaricrisG said…
HA HA! so funny!!! It's like watching the spin off of SNL! ANyway, Merry SITSmas! I hope you and Heather doesn't have CPT due to Mr. Linky! what a bummer...Thanks u for putting this together though :) Brilliant!
Unknown said…
Merry SITSmas! Filled with lots of love!
Unknown said…
PS thanks for making Sits Fun!
Melanie said…
That is too funny!
Merry SITSmas to you!!! THANK YOU!
DiPaola Momma said…
LMAO.. you have no shame in going for the giggles girlie! I DIG IT!! Merry SITSmas
Letti said…
Merry SITSmas. I love your card it made me giggle and thats a good thing.
feather k said…
elfing is so funny!!! thanks for SITS!!! Merry SITSmas!
Brandy said…
LMAO!! This is too funny...and what kind of face is that exactly? Was she looking at the men behind the cash register when this was taken?
Christy said…
Merry SITSmas to the original gangsta SITSter!!
Merry SITSmas!!

Totally cute video - you gals rock!!
Anonymous said…
LOVE those elf yourself video. They always crack me up. Merry SITSmas!
Carrie said…
It's a Christmas Elf Hoedown! I love it!!

Merry SITSmas!!

p.s. Lula looks like she means business in that pic and by business, I mean "business!!" RAWR!
Nicki said…
Thanks for all your hard work to make today happen!! Merry SITSmas!!!!
Vickie said…
Love those Elf cards!!

Thank you for your wonderful blog and thanks for a great SITS day.

Merry SITSmas
Pseudo said…
I'm enjoying all the fun and the cards you SITStas put up today, but the elf cards are a major favorite. I crack up everytime.

Thanks for all you do.
Anonymous said…
You Elfed yourself! Merry SITSmas!
Well, it's been a FUN day!!! Love your elvin' selves!! Cheers and MERRRRRRRRY SITS-mas! Haha
What a fun video, and a generous offer for the letters!
momma said…
i've GOT to get an elf card. they are so cute!!!
Jaime said…
That is fantastic. Merry SITSmas. You're almost there. Have you started couting down yet?
Shan G said…
Merry SITSmas, Tiffany!

Thank you for doing this for all of us SITSTas!

This has been fun, but exhausting...who knew???? LOL
AndreaLeigh said…
love it! merry sitsmas!
Thanks for such an awesome day! I know you and Heather wore yourselves out today!

Merry SITSmas!
Cammie said…
Hi Tiffany! Can you (or someone) help? I want to know how to get my blog on your site and I know you have to do something like comment on the featured blogger but I cannot find that person? How do I get my link on? Im a new blogger who would love to get my blog out there
Rhea said…
That was awesome. You girls really know how to move. The look on Lula's face IS hilarious. lol

I'm so sad I missed out on all the fun yesterday. I need an iPhone or something so I can keep up with things while on the road. HOURS and HOURS in the car sucked yesterday.
I hate I missed it yesterday. But it seems like it went great! And that elf card is awesome.
Cammie said…
THANK YOU Tiffany! You will be seeing a lot more of me! Im excited to make some new bloggy friends! (PS...I am flipping obsessed with the Twilight series...I love me some
Carla said…
LOL! Merry SITSmas to you and yours:)
Soulflower said…
helarious! That lasso routine is CLASSIC!
Unknown said…
Loved the video!! Still trying to get through all of the links =) Merry belated SITSmas!!

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