
I'm here, not sure what is going on, but I've lost my blog-jo... (as in mojo).

I have every confidence that Ava (that's the name of my blog) and I will work this out.  She's a wonderful blog... I just think maybe we're going through something.

Afterall, I have been paying a lot more attention to my pink and leopard print girlfriend.  But I love her too.  I mean she doesn't hold all my thoughts and dreams like Ava, but it is always a party over there.  

Not that Ava isn't social, she is.  Just not a few thousand hits a day social... and, she doesn't generate any income.  Maybe I am nothing more than a blog pimp.  Obsessed with delusions of blog grandeur.

Maybe it's not Ava or SITS at all.   Maybe it's my total lack of motivation.  I really haven't had much interesting going on.  

I'd love any suggestions.  Blogerapy?  How do Ava and I get our groove back?  


S Club Mama said…
I think a new Stephanie Meyer novel would help out. haha

I understand what you're going through...except I don't have a blog that is pink & leopard print and generates income. haha But I hope you know I look forward to your posts and I think they're always great!
Rhea said…
I didn't know your blog was named Ava. That's hilarious.

Ava (or Tiffany) needs a new hairdo or a manicure or something special to kick-start things.
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Is it Ava's time of the month or something? That might explain it.

Do you do meme's? I was thinking of making up my own meme and asking others to make up their own unique meme and I'd (you) put a link up so we could steal each others memes for situations such as these where we need a little help getting our bloggy juices flowing. (That didn't sound right.)
Angie's Spot said…
There must be something in the air because this condition is rampant among my blog and many of the wonderful ones that I read consistently. I hope you & Ava get your groove back soon! And you just gave me an idea for a post. I need to name my blog!
Kristin said…
Explain to Ava that while you love SITS she is still special and SITS could never replace her. You and Ava need to have some special private time together without SITS. Then take lots of pics. Then tell us all about it. See problem solved. Maybe a vacation to Mexico. Me and my (un-named) blog can join you.
Nicole said…

Ava - everybodu has such times with no motivation. perhabs chocolate helps.
Heather said…
Does Ava need a makeover?

How's about some pics of the boy? Something personal. A story of your childhood. Something sappy.

You know me, I'm the sappy one.

C'mon, make us cry...
My Blo-Jo is missing too. God, not like that, get your mind out of the gutter.

Maybe Ava needs a new pair of hooker boots or something.
Tami said…
It happens to the best of us...I know you'll be back soon!
CaraBee said…
Wine. Then some more wine.
Susie said…
Maybe you just need a break:-)
Unknown said…
I don't know anything shopping therapy can't cure. Not sure what you buy for a blog though- new font? new header? oh well buy yourself someting fabulous in leather and it'll seem better even if it's not.
I know the feeling though, that's why I'm doing a giveaway. Hopefully that will spark some interest in our keeping it up.
I LOVE that you named your blog! We are huge nicknamers in our family and my husband just asked me today what my beloved bloggy's name was:) I did an entire post about our bizarre nicknaming ritual!

Ava seems like an understanding gal...maybe you could write her a bloggy letter telling her how much you appreciate her:)
Tenakim said…
memes do help me get going. Or just wait until something happens that inspires you or pisses you off so much you HAVE to write- I've always found it's not good when I force it. Good luck
Jennifer said…
hahahaha!!!! That's probably one of my worst fears right now... Running out of things to blog about! I'm kind of pathetic. I started blogging a few months ago and I'm thinking this way... what is wrong with me?!?

Oh, but I did have a family blog. I say did but I still do. It's neglected now though, so I know how you feel.
My problem is that I think of post ideas all the time, but then I don't remember them when I actually sit down to blog. I've started adding a section to my to do list for blog post ideas and that seems to be helping.

I also found some ideas about mind-mapping. You know those kind of word association maps that you put together for projects and stuff? You put your last few post titles on there and then think of posts you could do to expand on them. I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds good to me.
Lula! said…
Carne Asada Nachos.

Seriously, I think half the world's problems could be served with food from Rosa's.

It's what you need. It's what I need. We need it TOGETHER. Then we'd have major blogerapy.
(You've invented yet another fab word, by the way...hurry, get it copyrighted!)
I love that your blog has a name. :) That is fabulous. I have been forcing myself to write stuff on my blog lately. Some of the themed ideas from other people (Wordful Wednesdays, etc.) help by giving me something to post. Winter is tough.
Anonymous said…
Aw so sorry you and "ava" have lost ur groove .... LOL ... maybe mix it up for some new meme's ... sometimes my word expansion leads to pure MUSH on the page ! lol... and i end up goin for a good ol Wordless Wednesday or something !!
Kelly said…
You crack me up! IF I named my blog, my hubby would have me committed!! :o( Have a good week!
Sarah Bee said…
No motivation sucks! But the new makeover sounds like a winning idea, or you could write about what you had for breakfast, how your foot fell asleep during that movie last night, how many bobby pins you use in your hair...I personally think the random things always branch off into inspiring blogs...Hope that helps! =] I'm sure you and Ava will work things out eventually though.

Happy Monday!
Rachel said…
so weird, i was having these same thoughts last week. i feel like its become a little overwhelming trying to be clever and come up with interesting stuff. then this weekend, i went out on a girl's night. i feel better and ready to post again. maybe Ava doesn't need the mojo. Maybe Tiff does!
Take some time off and go play!

My blog and I are going through a bit of a funk, too. I blame it on the drain it has taken on my life. :) The blog (I haven't named her yet) is such a commitment freak, you know? :)
Wep said…
We'll be here when your blog-jo returns :) Blogging should be fun not a whole bunch of work...
Heather said…
Girl, I feel you. I really do. I've lost it and I. can't. find. it.
Jewel Allen said…
Just be yourself. :-)
So are you going to stay married to Ava and still date SITS on the side? Or will you divorce Ava, spend most of your time with SITS, and just send Ava alamony? Bad analogy. Sorry. Wherever your blog-jo went, I think it will return, and you'll love being back. We'll be patient.
Aunt Julie said…
I can totally see how you've becomed burned out. But instead of two-timing Ava, why don't you take a little Bloggy Break and let some of the rest of us Clever Souls "guess blog" for you? I'd kindly volunteer...please let me know!
Poor Ava - maybe there is something in Siblings Without Rivalry that would help?

I heart Ava and visit her regularly - tell her that for me - would you? Might be bolstering. :)
Poor Ava - maybe there is something in Siblings Without Rivalry that would help?

I heart Ava and visit her regularly - tell her that for me - would you? Might be bolstering. :)
Alison said…
We all have blog slumps now and then. We'll be here when you get your blog-jo back.
Live.Love.Eat said…
Oh I am SO feeling it too. But then again, I just have less time now so it's been difficult. Maybe you just need to go with it and then the mojo will come back when it's good and ready!
Aunt Spicy said…
Ohhhh...when that happens I change things up...the background...the logo, add some new spice!
Honey Mommy said…
I think we all go through blog slumps. I have a private blog that I have to remember to pay attention to because I don't get nearly as many comments over there!

Not that I get bazillions of comments on my public blog, nor do I make tons of moolah... but I sure get more attention!
Anonymous said…
Wow, Ava huh? I didn't know your blog had a name, how cool is that. Ava sounds so mysterious...
I hear you, my blog is languishing while I sit on the couch and play Wii (sigh). I'm not motivated either, so if you get any good ideas pass them along. I always get these crazy ideas like a whole week of photos from high school, or a week of my favorite things from Trader Joes. What do you think? Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Anonymous said…
I so love that your blog has a name. You know how love can be, maybe you just need to take her out to dinner? ;) Here's hoping you get your blo-jo back. Maybe a meme to kick things off again?
Anonymous said…
I think we all feel this way at times. Sometime you need to take a little break - I think the guest posting idea rocks. I've got something similar going on myself right now.

Just wanted to say HI to a fellow welcome wagonista! I hope you get your blog-jo back on soon.
Anonymous said…
Gave up Facebook addiction? That was fast. I am still in the thick of it and loving it. Found a friend from 7th grade that I haven't seen/heard from since then. I loved her. We were 2 peas in a pod. Now she's a punk skater...nothing like me. Funny!
Connie said…
I've got nothin'.
{leah} said…
I'm right there with you. Sometimes {alot of times} it's funner to read everyone else's blog rather than post on my own.

Thanks for the love about my "poopy" day with the carpets.
Dee said…
maybe you could do some social commentry (serious or funny) on the news of the day...????
I hear ya! I think I just posted my most boring post ever - pictures of my desk at work. I think I'm definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel. I hope I get my blog-jo back soon too!

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