New Treats for a New Year.

A new year needs a new bag right?

Well, around here, it's more like a new month needs a new bag, but that's another post.

This little sweetie caught my eye and I feel into deep and abiding lust.

And, it was under $100, which makes me really happy.

Don't think I'll use that longer strap to much, but it'll come in handy for traveling....
I'm going to Vegas AND Idaho this Spring.  And, probably Arizona.

And, of course, a new year needs a new duvet set right?

It's flannel.  I am going to go with crisp, white sheets.. the matching print they show it with is a little busy for my tastes, but I LOVE the green paisley.

Both are coming by mail. 

They should be here shortly.

It'll be a little party.

What about you?  

Any lovelies to bring in the new year?


Amy B said…
Wow I love both of these. The bedding is really pretty.
Stephanie said…
Beautiful!! I LOVE the green paisley!
Kori said…
They are both beautiful Tiffany. Love the duvet. And of course you know I am such a handbag ho. Oops did I say that. Sorry. hehehe
Summer said…
I love. I am busy looking at shoes and purses. Because until I lose the baby weight that's all I can wear. =)
AndreaLeigh said…
Love the purse and love the duvet! Great choices.
Heather said…
Bought a bunch of new scrapbooking stuff, which always makes me happy.

Isabel is getting a room-makeover for her birthday. She chose a light sagey-teal with chocolate brown for the walls. I love that girl.

Oh, and we booked a trip to Disney. Yee-haw!

Love that purse. It'll look great in Ida-hoe.
Kelsey said…
Where did you find that bedding? It's beautiful!
Rhea said…
Really nice, Tiffany! I love the bag, and white sheets will go beautifully with that green duvet. LOVE it!!!

And, what a coincidence, I seem to be going to Idaho also, but I have no idea where in Idaho...
Lula! said…'re not going to Vegas without me. No, you're not.

I MUST have that purse. I must. I'm getting a bit tired of big purple--been toting her since I was in Vegas, which was where I bought her.

Speaking of Vegas...let's speak of Vegas. And Idaho. You know...
Susie said…
Those are lovelies!!
Mandy said…
I love the duvet!! BEAUTIFUL!
Anonymous said…
I have a handbag obsession ... and that's a cute one! Love the duvet! Two great finds on your part! :)
KatBouska said…
LOVE the paisley...where'd you get it??

My latest obsession is with aprons. I've decided to collect them.

I just ordered this one in pink:
I just bought a new backpack purse. Which is rather unusual for me. And four new pillows for my bed. Does that count?
mommytoalot said…
Gorgeous. Love the purse..
nope nothing new here..cept a newly painted room for a new lad we have staying with us..
Unknown said…
I love the purse. The only thing I purchased were a couple of pair of earrings.
Anonymous said…
Cu-UTE purse! Happy New Year to you!;)
I love that green paisley!!!!!!!!! I got some new reusable bags the other day. Does that count?


Anonymous said…
I was gonna say I like your lamp but it's not yours is it?

Why do I like the term crisp, white sheets so much?
LOVE the bag and the duvet set. I got this awesome pair of Rock and Republic jeans. Oh boy do I love them. Now I just need an excuse to wear them. They are a little too much for house work, you know? :)
Tenakim said…
I just want to hop in that bed! AND cute bag- you'll look great AND well rested!
Jen said…
Oooo, those are some nice pretties! love them!!!!
Oh, I SO want that purse. I've got a pretty silver one now, but I think I like GOLD much better!

Guilty confession. We did the low budget Christmas thing this year - at least THEY did - I kind of bought as much stuff as usual for THEM, but I ended up with a digital picture frame, a blanket, and a label maker - oh and a coffee cup from my sons. No perfume, no clothes, no books, movies, or CD's. Basically none of the stuff I really love (gosh, I sound like a big whiner, don't I?)

But the day after Christmas, I was feeling a little "unfulfilled", so I went to one of the after Christmas sales and I came home with two new sweaters, two scarves, and a new scrapbook. Boy do I feel guilty! But my husband hasn't even noticed and I don't think I'm going to tell him - so shhhh!

I guess if I really felt that guilty, I'd take some of it back, but you know that ain't gonna happen! We'll just enjoy our little guilty surprises in peace, won't we?
CaraBee said…
About 10 years late, I just discovered Ebay and now I'm addicted. I just "won" two pairs of boots for my daughter. Somebody stop me.
Aunt Julie said…
This is the time of year when it's all about US and OUR NEEDS, right? Love your selections!
KimmyJ said…
Nothing new here, yet - my b-day is this month though - so maybe I'll buy something for myself. Love your choices!
John Deere Mom said…
LOVE them know what a sucker I am for a new bag.
nikkicrumpet said…
really cute bedding and a great bag! I've been LUSTING after a Karen Wilson bag for months now...but the dang things are only sold in Canada! NO FAIR CANADA!
I love both, but especially the bag. No, no new treats this Jan, you know spent too much at Christmas.

Came by from SITS!!
hebba said…
Oooooo...flannel! Love it.
Alison said…
Hello, gorgeous!

We're remodeling the house so that is the only thing new around here for me. It's looking great, though (pictures on my blog soon). I am going to spend my Christmas money on some jeans at Nordstrom as soon as I can get a free day.
Ash said…
Oh, a girl after my own heart - I love paisley!!

Almost as much as I love madras.

But not together.

That would be tacky.
Unknown said…
Great taste you've got. I can so see that crisp white with the paisley.
My funds- well spoiled the crap outta the family then bought myself 3 new village pieces and 3 new trees (let's just say very colorful, glittery and sparkly) some new ornaments on clearance (they don't count as for ME because you know it's all about the family and dammit they'll go in the family room) and many deelish meals out so my splurges will come next month. ;-)
I am so going to need The. Perfect. Purse. for my trip to New Hampshire and Florida in April and May though, thanks for reminding me.
Lo said…
Flannel is my fav! I'm currently in love with my shoes, but I just won a gift certificate for As a born again shopper, I will enjoy that! Thanks for my Saucy visit! I'm lovin' it, btw! It's bright like the sun!
Anonymous said…
The green paisley is lovely!
Anonymous said…
Where did you find that bag??? It's DIVINE!!! I want one :-)

Love the DUVET too...and I agree with you on the white sheets!
Anonymous said…
I didn't have any new gifts to myself for the new year, but I think I'm inspired now.
Ooooo I especially love the duvet set! We need flannel up north here. heh.

I brought in the new year with new bras! That makes a woman feel almost brand new. ;)
Aubrey said…
Wow-zah! Great stuff. The purse is fab and that duvet set is screaming my name! LOL
I'm due my annual splurge on a handbag. Just waiting until I find that perfect one!
Anonymous said…
well...i got a new washing machine. it came on new years eve day!! i'm in love with it. only...i'm still not thrilled with the folding part of doing laundry!!
and...i ordered some really nifty stuff that i found at a gift shop...and when it comes, i'm having a bloggy giveaway!! yay!
Rebecca Jo said…
That purse in INCREDIBLE!!!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Good for you! Christmas pretty much set me up for the New Year but now I'll take a new job :)
Unknown said…
Very nice !

I love paisley designs as long as they only have a couple of colours in them. Your one is lovely.

I think a computer cart is probably going to be our next buy. The bro-in-law gave us a new computer for Xmas and we really don't have the room for two desks, so a cart it is..
sassy stephanie said…
Oh, love it and love it.

I agree. Crisp white sheets would be much betta.

I'm trying to manipulate hubs into a "yes" still for the bag I have my eye on. He's giving me this whole "you just had your bday and Christmas" bullshit. And?
debi9kids said…
WOOHOO! Love both! The duvet is very pretty and that!
WheresMyAngels said…
No, I have nuthing, nuthing I tell ya. I just live thru you :(
Tara said…
Oh, that purse is PURRTY!!!!! woo-wee...i think i need it!
Cherie said…
Love the bag and the print on the duvet! I haven't had time to think about anything new this year yet. Hope to get there!
Have a blessed day!!
Pseudo said…
Ah, I'm jealous. Very cool stuff.
Jessica said…
Hi there! I am a new SITs and came over to see your blog. I LOVE that duvet. Green Paisley is my favorite design. Now I have to convince my hubby to let me get that. :)
KatBouska said…
1.) Where's your archive??

2.) Didn't you do a post on how to attach an email address to your blog for easy email responses to comments?

Did that make ANY sense??
Anonymous said…
Greetings! I love your new pretty. I don't have a Facebook yet, which is a good thing as I'm totally enamored (obsessed) with my blog.
Anonymous said…
love your new fun!
There's a ridiculous amounts of things for me to "bring in the New Year", I'm afraid.

First, you may have seen the commercials for them. "Strap Perfect". In the mail, on its way to me already. Ordered the 1st time I saw the dang commercial. I couldn't help it, my bra straps drive me crazy.

We hit up Steve & Barry's..okay twice now for their going out of business sale. 4 bags of clothing. Hangers too, $80ish. I was beyond giddy.

My newest purse was purchased just before the New Year, but I'm still going to count it. Though I never spend more than $30 on a purse {my husband thanks me, I'm sure}. Sunglasses as well.

I love new things! We are about due for a new bedset too...hmmm!
cricketphx said…
So, when are you going to travel to North Carolina? And why do you have to wait until I leave Arizona to go there? :)

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