
My son has been setting these guys up every morning.

Apparently, he is concerned about a potential intruder.

The best part is that the "Dino-Guards" are a more obvious solution to him then shutting the door.  

Man, I love that kid.


Rhea said…
Is that a chihuahuasaurus?
Anonymous said…
Well heck yeah it is! Everyone knows THAT mom!
Anonymous said…
That is SO cute!
We were in Target last week and they had this "demonstration" monster/dinosaur/godzilla thing. It was hilarious. And my girls kept going back to press the button to make it roar. And stomp. And whatever else it did. They wanted to buy it for our hooligan kitties...
Megan said…
Hahaha that's awesome!
Tenakim said…
kids' logic is so cute, isn't it?
CaraBee said…
How funny is that! I wish I had something like that to work on our cats. They are relentless when they want to get into a room.
M.Gunn said…
That is just too cute!!! My son also loves the dinosaurs and tries to chase our dog around too - but she's a german shepherd.
Stephanie said…
THat is AWESOME! :)
Ash said…
I believe your sweet little doggie is giving you the mental bird.

Brilliant, per usual.
suzspeaks said…
So cute!!! One clever boy!!
snort! I love how you can almost feel the loathing from little miss...
Finding Normal said…
That dog is so pissing on your carpet later.
Susan said…
Well, yeah!!! I'd be more hesitant to cross the dinos than open a closed door!
KatBouska said…
What kind of rat dog IS that!?!
Lula! said…
I love him. I just want to kiss his cheeks.
debi9kids said…
How cute is that??? I love boys! They think of everything!
Tina said…
Makes perfect sense to me!
sassy stephanie said…
Closing the door is lame. Dino set up is fun.
Anonymous said…
ha ha ha! I love it! Too hilarious!
Swirl Girl said…
I am suddenly craving tacos.

and the look on the dogs face is priceless!
Anonymous said…
Boys. They are so silly! Their logic is just so funny.
Amy said…
I love that he sets them up. I love the title of your post. I love the look on your dogs face. I love the whole thing.
Anonymous said…
LOL. That's cute
Heather said…
Oh, he and Gabe would so get along! That is what he most looking forward to at Disney: the dinosaur rides and digging up dino bones at Animal Kingdom. Forget Mickey, he wants his t-rex.

So, does it work? To keep the dog out, I mean?
I need some of those for my room! That may cut down on my midnight surprise of a Polly Pocket lounge chair (the one my little "angel" dragged in my room along with the entire Cruise ship)from ripping the bottom of my foot open!

Know where I can get some??? hee hee hee...

Your blog rocks, sister!
Alison said…
That is so funny! I love the look on the dog's face.
Susie said…
Tooooooo funny!!
Unknown said… thats about home security!
Unknown said… thats about home security!
Leanna said…
Don't ya know..if he shuts the door the bad guys can open it but the dino-guards will scare them away, having never step foot into his room! (I know, I have 3 boys & the second one has explained before).
jori-o said…
Dinoguards are WAY more interesting than a shut door.

He's clearly a brilliant, creative think-OUTside-the-box kind of dude!
Holly said…
I love to see their imagination at work. Your home seems well protected!

From SITS--just wanted to say hi. So hi!
LORI said…
mommytoalot said…
omg that is hillarious.
love it
Christy said…
that is HILARIOUS. That dog's look is classic.
Aunt Julie said…
And the Poor Puppy looks Pretty Pertubed, as well!
nikkicrumpet said…
lol the question is.....does it work?
Live.Love.Eat said…
They would look even cooler with my son's D-Rex dinobot standing up with them. That picture is hysterical with your doggie. It seems your son's plan is working!!!!!
my2boyz said…
How funny!!! Does the dog stay out???
cherry said…
Omigosh......that is hilarioius. thanks for the spit out of my drink....his face!
Belle said…
OMG I am so loving your site ('s). Can you come over to mine and re-design my entire site for me? Oh and I REALLY want a cool signature like yours..
So cute! lol. I love that your dog is smaller than the dinosaurs. :)
KimmyJ said…
Too cute! The pooch looks like he could be part of their tribe.
KatieSaysSo said…
I love that idea!!!! Maybe I should set up some dinosaurs outside my apartment!!! haha..So cute!!! Yeah your son knows whats up! Cant ever be to cautious! ;) The look in your dogs eyes are priceless...he is going to take out the dino's any minute!
kelly said…
looks like the dinos are doing their job!
Cherie said…
That is so cute!!! Love that.
Jennifer said… =)
TuTu's Bliss said…
Those dinos are great. My princess would love some like that. I need to find some for her Birthday
Wep said…
AWW the poor puppy :( BUT TOO CUTE!
Anonymous said…
That's hilarious! Did it keep your dog from intruding?
That is hysterical....especially with the dog!

Anonymous said…
That is too cute! Is the dog back up or the intruder? :)
Unknown said…
Hilarious! Does the dog stay out? He looks like he is at bay.
Paula said…
ROFLOL This is the only thing that made me laugh today! Thanks LOL
Mercedes said…
Dinosaurs are way more effective than doors!
Soulflower said…
the best part about this picture is J-dogg...holding it down!
Joanna said…
That's awesome! I love the look of angst from the dog.
Lissaloo said…
I love that :) My son does the same thing! He currently has 2 superheros and an army man guarding his bed. :)

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