Sucked In.
So I have always been someone who does things 100%.
When I played Barbies, I played for days. Setting up my dream house in the living room with my sister and not cleaning up until I was completely over it.
Then, I moved on.

When we got our first Intellivision, I played "Pitfall" endlessly.
Seriously, that may still me the BEST video game ever created.
When I got internet access, same thing. Hours of time. I had this really WEIRD infatuation with Mark Macquire.
I would just look for all these sites about him online.

Let it be known, I am a total freak.
And you all know how I DEVOUR books. I.Become.Obsessed.
When this blog started, I was crazy. I would refresh my page hundreds of times and PRAY for comments.
I commit 100% and then I lose interest and move on.
Now, I love you all, and I do love my blog. And, of course, SITS is part of my life.
But, something new and shiny has caught my eye and attention.
I swore I wouldn't get sucked in.
I put it off for YEARS.
Facebook has taken over my life.

I'm on there too. Let's be friends.
I am just like you! I become totally engrossed in things and I too am all about the facebook right now. Totally. In fact, I'm going there right now. :)
My addictive personality is, um, too overwhelmed by it's current Internet addictions to add another.
But one day, one day soon I think I'll cave.
Until then, I'll miss you!
Kidding, I'm on there too. Can't figure out what else to besides status updates though. ;-)
I got a facebook account, but I think I prefer ghetto myspace.
It makes me mad that I can't snoop and view peoples pictures on facebook without being friends with them first.
I quit.
Hang in there on the facebook thing and just enjoy catching up with friends from the past.
Now get off of there and get back to us.
(Love you)
I never had the crush on McGuire, but being in St Louis- knew MANY that did- it was an exciting time for us!!!
And I am soooo like you. I am 100% until I get bored.
I was a Myspace addict and knowing how that took over my life I'm trying hard, VERY HARD, to stay away from facebook...
Oh my gosh, that is SO me! I usually go in 5 year cycles, especially with crafts, so I'm getting to the end of my "stamping" period.
As for Facebook, I just don't "get" it. I did a whole post about it. I'm on there, but I just don't know what to do when I get there.
P.S. Pitfall was the best game ever.
I love Facebook.
Eh, whatcha gonna do?
p.s. I play Pitfall at least once a week--on our new-but-retro Atari. Teaching Libbey. She's mastered Pole Position...Pitfall is next.
SOUL SISTERS...that's me & you.
I was big on Frogger BTW. Slowest damn game but there was just somethin about it.
ok enough of that....another thing, about that barbie dream house!! i wanted one of those sooo bad when i was little but my parents got me one of those stupid little cardboard ones with the elevator on a string.
just like this one:
hope you have a great weekend!
and HAD to comment!
i had a facebook....but being "older" (aka not 18) when i first got on facebook, no one i knew was on there...
so i was a myspace fanatic.....
i loved it, but earlier this year i decided i was done with the drama that came with myspace....
and i realized how many of my friends who were my age were actually on facebook! i love facebook! :)
my husband probably never thought i would say that! :0) being that we used to fight over which was better ... myspace or facebook!
by the way...
love your blog!
Please tell me you are not into food flinging though. Please......
And that barbie house? Totally STILL have it!
fba meeting starting soon ;)
I must admit to ALL your issues. Only problem is, I haven't stopped the first one before starting the next!
Barbies: I have a dayhome- and a strange need for them to NOT mess up their barbie's outfits that I so carefully chose out. Cuz Im fashionable like that.
Intellivision: I was ALL ABOUT DONKEY KONG and BASEBALL!! love me that intellivision.
Mine wasn't Mark MacGuire, but Roberto Alomar.
Blog-- yep, refresh WAY too often. Even got that Google Analytics thing just to double check that people thought I was cool.
Facebook. Heaven help me! brutal.
But, I did play for hours on Atari...the Mad Bomber game. I am...still in the Blogging faze, swearing I just don't have time or an interest in Facebook.
I am like you though and go 100% (until I'm done with it).
I loved pitfall but my real love was the Hamburger game on intellivision (don't remember the actual name.) did you ever get the thumb blister from playing?
I followed your link here from SITs..thanks for sharing. I'll be back.