What's up


I know.

It's been for.ev.er.

I've missed you.

I've been having some fun.

Played BUNCO with tattoed minivan mom (jealous?).

Saw John Edwards talk to dead people (it was awesome.)

Tried to get back in time to meet up with her, but didn't make it. :( 

And, I gave up my addiction to facebook.

Only to be replaced with an addiction to Webkinz.

Yes.  Webkinz.

My son asked me to help him earn some money.

Sure, I say.  I'll play a game or 2 while you do your homework.

Cash Cow 2.



Susie said…
Ahhhh and I was just starting to play on Facebook:-)
John.Freaking.Edwards! Jeeeealous. If you could see me, you'd know I was pouting. But, whatever. I mean, did my mom say hi?
Anonymous said…
You gave up facebook? I am in awe of your willpower.
Tenakim said…
I enjoy myself some Cash Cow. Don't do the trivia! You'll feel very smart and get a very big head (at least I did!)
Jenni said…
Oooh webkinz is fun! I got all into it helping my kids get points, too!
Rhea said…
I've had Webkinz addictions also. To help Remy earn money.

I loved Go Go Googles and the mad scientist dog's laboratory game (can't remember the name right now).

And our Crown of Wonder is only missing one jewel!!

Good to hear from you. :o)
Live.Love.Eat said…
I have had a hard time keeping up these days myself. Not visiting the people I miss. But at least checking in is always so much fun.
Ash said…
I'm right behind you on jumping off the Facebook wagon.

And Goobers Lab - check it out.

The Oldest has close to 60,000 points because of me and the Hubs.
Sandy said…
I'm dieing to meet John Edwards! Ha, I might have to die to meet him;0)
sassy stephanie said…
My hubs is always "helping earn money" on Webkinz too. LOL
John Deere Mom said…
My students are all about the Webkinz. Me? I have no freaking clue. I guess that's good...I don't need one more obsession.
Crazy Momma said…
I am SO ready to give up Facebook...DRAMA!!

Webkinz...Goober's Lab is a fav and the word game...with Quizzy (can't get the name). So silly :)

Glad you are back!!
Heather said…
I saw John Edwards five years ago, when I was pregnant with Gabe. Michelle convinced me to go with her. I was skeptical.

He was amazing.

I'm glad you gave up Facebook. We missed you.

Don't you know Goober's Lab is where the money's at?

Yep, I have my own Webkinz account. Until Gabe is old enough, then I'm giving it to him.

Doublebanker said…
Welcome back...just started facebook here. Trying not to get obsessed with it...my wife might be though.

Check out the girl rolling her tongue...it's freaky
Wep said…
I love John Edward too :)
Anonymous said…
HA! Webkinz! My game was Zingoz Pop. I think that and the word one make you the most money. Oh, and Booger gets an A. Love that one! How old are we?
Anonymous said…
Haha, yes, those Webkinz games are addicting!
Anonymous said…
What is Bunco?
debi9kids said…
I just became a Facebook junkie. I could never understand the draw before, but now i get it. LOL

Glad you have been off having "fun" though :)
Kay Bratt said…
I was being a slacker on blogging but I had a surge of insomnia and have just posted probably a very disjointed, insane story about my day yesterday. I wonder if I'll get any comments....or just silent prayers....
Kay Bratt said…
....or therapy counselor referrals....any of the above would work..
Tiffany said…
hee hee. I just got on facebook for the first time a few weeks ago and can see how addicting it could become. And Webkinz? My older daughter asked me for the same thing- some money assistance so I am now doing the same thing as you. I LOVE Cash Cow AND Cash Cow 2. Isn't it sad?
Shannon said…
Oh, I am so glad I am not the only adult with a Webkinz obsession.

"Sure, honey! Mama will earn some money for you!"

Um... my current fave game is the new Bamboo Break-or-whatever-its-called... it's just like Tetris!
Lesley said…
Sounds like you have been having one rip roaring time....and I think going Cross Country with John Edwards. would be a blast....
Beware of CASH COW!!! I am totally freakishly addicted to that dumb Webkinz game!

My kids take full advantage of that so I can earn their stupid kinz cash....oy!

Have fun on Webkinz...mwooohahahaha!
S Club Mama said…
why would you give up Facebook? And why aren't we friends on there? lol

I've missed you! Glad you've had some fun.
Heather said…
LOVE Cash Cow and will play it for. ever. So did John speak to anyone that you know?
Sunshine said…
John Edwards! You must tell us MORE.

And get back on Facebook! What are you thinking?! :)
I love bunco and I love Tattooed Minivan Mom.

Had a double take about the dead people. I was like John Edwards - the politician??? I didn't know he spoke to dead people. Then I remember that the other guy is named John Edwards too. Ha ha! Guess I've been too politically inclined lately.
You've been missed. Webkinz has pulled me in a few times, too.

We'll have to plan a new time to meet one of these days!

Did John tell you anything?
Lula! said…
And this is exactly why I'm glad Libbey could care less about the computer or a DS or such as that. Oh, we have some Webkinz...put we play with them once or twice. That poor horse and cat are stuck in a plain, empty room, starving. Wait...they're dead by now.

Oh well.
BAHAHAHAHA I have over 100 things to approve or do something with on facebook. What is up with that? If I'm asked to join one more app I'm going to vomit.

Webkinz huh? Haven't done that yet:) From your warning I might have to stay away!
Jennifer P. said…
You were missed FOH SHO, but I kept telling everyone you were at John Edwards and we all agreed that was creepy cool:)!

Glad you're back in the blogging saddle and I'll see ya in April---we'll do lunch then!
Nicole said…
Hahaha. I love that you admit to your new addiction and are able to give another one up.
Aunt Julie said…
I saw Slum Dog largely based on your recommendation, T. Totally blew me away! To say I was riveted from the beginning to the end is to understate the case. Hope it wins all the Oscars!
Jen said…
I don't know this game. From the sounds of it, I hope I never will.
Alison said…
Miss Pink just got her first Webkin. Because she can't read much yet, I have to help her do the games. I really wish we hadn't had to go down this road!
WheresMyAngels said…
Webkins was my addiction last year. Cash cow 2 was a huge one of mine. BUT, I really liked to play checkers on the "hard" setting, which isn't hard. You earn like 60 dollars every win. So I could go buy more stuff. Finally all three of the girls are addicted so I don't get much putor time.

I bought mini webkins before Christmas. Buy one at 6.99 get one free. You know I walked out with 20.
WheresMyAngels said…
Oh I am really lost on the John Edwards and dead people thing. I think I would rather of met up with JP myself even though she has sucky taste in music and men!
Anonymous said…
your web addictions crack up my shiz. aaaaaah girl!
Tara said…
Lol! I needed a good laugh this morning....seriously....glad you're back!
Wait. You can earn money with Webkins???

*steps away from the computer*
ok I have a Webkinz addiction to that game where you add up to 11? Love it. :)
Anonymous said…
I am addicted to Facebook also! lol
Anna Marie said…
I got started on FB back in '05...wasn't good for me because I was supposed to be studying (I was in college). But here it is 4 years later and I am still addicted. It really is fun to "stalk" your friends isn't it? :o)
Willnnabel said…
Well I know nothing of Facebook, or webkinz (my youngest is 19 and highly "allergic" to my presence at this time in her life, with the exception when she "exposes" herself to me long enough to ask for money, laundry, or food). I am having a difficult enough time keeping up with Blogger and SITS! Nice blog, and yes Slumlord Millionaire, good movie!
CB said…
Giving up Facebook may free up alot of time for you:)

I always wanted to learn to play Bunco - can the Sauce girls do an online Bunco party?
KatieSaysSo said…
ive missed you!!! i am just finally getting caught up on my reader but i havent had internet except for at school so it has been tough! i cant believe you gave up your facebook addiction! teach me how!!!! ;)
Jewel Allen said…
My husband is like you. He *helps* the kids get points, too, and before long, he's on Webkinz longer than the kids...
Tracy P. said…
Been there with the Webkinz! Atomicolicious!

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