I'm baaackkkk

First of all, Welcome to my place SITtas!

Let me introduce you to Ava, my blog.  Isn't she pretty?

Next let me thank the 14 wonderful bloggers who babysat Ava the past two weeks... scroll down for some great posts.  You ladies were awesome.

Take a look around and let me know what you think.

A while back, I wrote a 3 part story about a crazy lady in my book club and her abuse of the term "LOL".  You might find it entertaining.  That's Here.

Besides being the co-founder of SITS, I am known for something else in bloggyland... the term Crackliture.  Initially, I coined the term to describe the Twilight Series and it caught on quite quick... google it if you don't believe me... but don't steal it... {I.copyright.everything. }

And, if that's not enough, check out "My Best Posts" over there to the left.

Have fun and come back and see me again... I mean if you like what you see, why not follow me?
Right?  Right.


Happy SITS Day! How fabu that it falls on a MONDAY! Looking forward to reading your posts - your blog is lovely!

Cheers :)
Jen Sue Wild said…
Happy SITS day to you happy SITS day to you happy sits day dear Tiffany Happy SITS day to you!!
OK, so I couldn't resisit and did google crackliture, and whadayouknow, you were right!!! Hehehe. So, then I looked over at your sidebar and had to read all your posts about crackliture, and I totally agree. You make me wanna go get my Twilight books and read them again, right this minute! Especially Breaking Dawn.

Anywho, yay for you for finally being a feature!!! And Happy late Birthday!!! :o)
Mamarazzi said…
first of all Happy Belated Birthday!

secondly congrats on your day in the SITStahood Spotlight

and third...email me, i want to talk shop about the NY thing...i miiiiight be there too!
Anonymous said…
Glad to see you back!
MsTypo said…
Happy belated birthday! And happy SITS day!! :) Off to read yoru posts now. :)
April said…
Happy SITS Day...ENJOY!!!
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad your today's Featured Blogger, am loving your blog!!
Unknown said…
jumping over from sits to say hi! pleasedtameetcha as they say where i come from :)... the blog looks great :)
Green said…
Congrats on your SITS day, SITSta :)
Susie said…
Welcome back and Happy SiTs day:-)
Aunt Julie said…
And I'm told you had a recent b-day, too? Congrats on that, galfriend! I was sooooooo proud to help you take care of Ava...anytime you need a "guester," I'm here! BTW, I'm still signed on as one of Ava's admins...do ya want to change that?
Amanda in GA said…
Happy SITS day!
Happy Birthday ( a little late)Wishing you a blessed year to come
Rochelle said…
Happy SITS! This is simply the cutest blog!!!
Good Morning...came from Sits...enjoy your day..what a sweet little blog!
-sandy toe
Rhea said…
You know I love your blog. LOVE it. And SITS. Love that too.
Kristin said…
Happy belated B day my dear. Ava look lovely as usual. Congrats on your day in the spotlight.
RebeccaMom said…
Tiffany, thanks for all you do at SITS and congrats on being featured today :) I'm off to take a look around and yes, your blog is beautiful!
Jingle said…
Happy Birthday! Congrats on your feature today! YOu have a great blog! I really love your header and your labels! Gorgeous! Did you design those?
Queenie Jeannie said…
I'm already a follower because I already know where to find the "good stuff"! =) Enjoy your special, fabulous day!!
Heather said…
Welcome back, Tiffany! We missed you!
Tiffany said…
Happy Birthday and congrats on your very own SITS day!
Debie Napoleon said…
Happy SITS day and you really crack me up....thanks for the laughs.
Your guest bloggers were cool-- I had some good times when you were gone. Not too good mind you, but still fun:) Welcome back, and Happy SITS day!

Yeah, that Crackliture thing was right on-- I'm reading Twlight again right now. I can't help it, plus it is partially YOUR fault. So, I'm blaming you.
Shelley said…
Happy SITS day. Yeah, thanks for the Crackliture too.
Knit Purl Gurl said…
Congrats on your SITS feature! Loving that you have named your blog AVA! :D
Lora said…
Happy Sits-day!
I'm looking forward to checking out more of your blog :)
Heather said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Well, a few days late. Love you!
Anonymous said…
Hope you had a wonderful birthday. I am new to SITS and so far so good....Anyways, I love reading all these blogs everyone is so witty. I wish I was like that!!
Unknown said…
Welcome back Tiffany! and Happy Belated Birthday!!!
Rebecca said…
You have been missed, but Ava was taken care of well!
Mandy said…
Tiffany, you are one amazing, funny, talented, super-funky woman. I love that you named your blog. Ava definitely fits.:) I totally remember your OB post, it is still one of my all-time favorites. HAPPY SITS DAY, you saucy lady! Thanks to you and Heather for all the great work you do for the SITStahood!
Christina Lee said…
My first time here! Happy Birthday and happy SITS day!
Pseudo said…
Happy SITS day times infinity to the cocreator of SITS. And apparently it is belated happy birthday too!
Anonymous said…
lovin your layout, so cute! Have a great day!
Lisa said…
Also my first visit from SITS. Happy birthday!
I love how your blog has a name! Happy SITS day....looking forward to checking out your other posts!
Anonymous said…
Welcome Back! I love your blog design. I too am a SITS lady visiting as many as I can today.
Amy said…
Welcome back. I have been in SITS for a short time now. When I came here you had all of your great baby sitters here. I have enjoyed reading their post. I can't wait to get to learn more about you. Happy SITS Day.
Unknown said…
Hey Tiff!
Good to see you back. Happy belated b-day and Happy SITS day!
Cassie said…
Welcome back. And Happy belated Birthday :-)
Happy SITS day! Hope it's great!
Unknown said…
Happy belated birthday & Happy SITS day to you!
Ali said…
Happy SITS day and I hope you had a great birthday! I'm just finishing up the last Twilight book--crackliture, indeed! I don't want it to end!
Kate said…
Happy SITS Day and Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a great one!
Dina said…
happy sits day!!!
Becca said…
Following! Just found you :) Love Ava, she's beautiful!
Megan said…
Well happy Belated birthday! Hope you had a great one!!!

i love SITS and would be so lonely without it. I have made some of the best bloggy friends ever through y'all!
Anonymous said…
Hi! Stopped by from SITS!

Love your blog!

Ava is a hottie who is naughty.

I'll be back SITSta!

(Oh, I almost forgot. What great freinds you have to guest post for you! I bet you'd have fun playing Bunco with at least one of them? You should try it sometime. Everyone is doing it.)
Anonymous said…
I've had you on my follow list for quite a while... now everyone else is in on my secret!
Happy SITS day! Isn't it nice to be showered with comments all day long?!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on being featured! Happy Sits Day!!
Anonymous said…
OK, I now see that you are a Twilight addict. Isn't it great? I am starting Hunger Games this week. I am also in a super FAB book club.
Unknown said…
I always get a kick out of your posts...and I've read the featured ones with many giggles. Especially the hot doctor one. I call my guy Dr. McSmooth...'cause he really is. Not sure how I will feel when I have to get him to look at my girl bits, though. I'm working up to it.
Anti-Supermom said…
Heather deserves a day and so do you, Tiffany.

Relish in it.

Happy SITS day!

And I am following ya now!!!
Kristen said…
Hey SITSta! Sharing the love!
Reeni said…
Happy Belated Birthday, SITS-er!!!
Tenakim said…
I was wondering if you and Ava were going to make up? Glad you're back and trying to make it work.
Vickie said…
Congrats on your feature, Tiffany!! Happy Belated birthday as well.

Ava cracks me up. I enjoyed reading her. I am gonna start following her. Go Ava, Go Ava!!
Helene said…
Happy SITS day!!! I love the look of your blog! Gonna go take a look around!
Alison said…
A fellow SITS gal here! Just poking around, checking it out. :)
S Club Mama said…
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY SITS DAY! No wonder the sun is so sunshiny today!
debi9kids said…

congrats on your special day. :) i'm going to look some more now!
Nana said…
Congratulations! Hava a special day. Boot camp? I really don't think I could do it, unless it involves a lot of eating.
Kelly said…
Congrats on being featured!!
mommy4life said…
congrats on your birthday and feature!!

Thanks for SITS too!
Anonymous said…
Ava is pretty.

Love your signature in each post. What font is that?
Unknown said…
Happy birthday to you, Tiffany!! Hope it was a great one! I'm off to read some more of your posts now. Have a super day!
Unknown said…
Happy belated Birthday!!! Love your blog!
Jen said…
Yeah its your day in the sun. Yippeee!
jori-o said…
I've pawed through most of your archives because I ;love your style so much, but I must say I REALLY like your Bliss post. Fantastic! And Happy SITS day!! =)
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your SITS day :) Love your blog :)
shawn said…
Happy Belated Birthday.
This is my first time here-I'm new at your sitsa site too. I love what you're doing. I'm having fun finding Wenda too- I see she's been here !!!!
angi_b72 said…
Congrats....girl you are awesome!
happy feature day over at SITS tiffany...and thanks for letting me guest post last week, it was so fun!
Mandy said…
Welcome back and Happy FB day! :)
Lucia said…
Happy sits to a true original. I love the harlequin desngns on the blog too!
Happy (late) Birthday! Thanks for creating SITS--I have found some wonderful blogs through it and my blog traffic and comments are picking up!
Summer said…
You rock! Congrats saucy mama!
Angie said…
Happy Belated Birthday! I am loving your posts..totally cracking me up!!!
nikkicrumpet said…
RamblingMother said…
Love the blog. Happy SITS day.
Brooke said…
checking in from SITS and off to read about tampax.
Rachel said…
Welcome back Tiff! Ava is one funny blog. I know everyone will love her.
Coming by from SITS! I am now a follower!

Spreading the comment love :)
Julie said…
'Bout time you get to be featured...thanks for all you do :)
Marrdy said…
Wow, I can't believe you haven't been a featured SISTA yet! I have watched you from afar too scared to ever leave a comment. (Is that stalking??)
Suzanne C said…
Now that I have picked myself up off the floor! Congrats on your day and for just putting it all out there. Love the post about the OB. Have a great day!
Ashley said…
Yay! I'm glad you're back. I really enjoyed all of your lovely guest hosts but Ava and the rest of us are so happy you're back! :)
Shanda said…
Loving Ava! It's nice to finally check out your blog! Off to check out your hot OB!!
Pat said…
hello from sits
You are SUCH the trendsetter. I don't even know anyone who names their blog, but you can bet it will catch on and you'll be the one to say "I did that" too!

Love your blog! I'm off to read more of your posts!

Happy TIFFANY Day!

- Margaret
Suzi said…
Aren't you lucky? SITS and a birthday all rolled up into one. Happy day for you!
Amanda said…
Already a follower and a reader of your blog!

Thanks for all the hard work you (and Heather) do for SITS!
Courtney said…
Getting ready to look around. Thanks for all your work on SITS, you deserve this day!
Michelle said…
Happy belated birthday! Thanks for being the co-creator of SITS...I can't believe how many great blogs I've discovered from your great site!

Have a fab day, and I can't wait to come back again to see you!
Leah said…
Happy SITS day!!! :)
Christy said…
Happy SITS day and Happy Birthday, I just went back and read the Shannon saga and remembered why sometimes the internet scares me. But I do love SITS. =)
Rachel Ann said…
Happy SITS day...what would SITS be if not for you! Hope you had a fantastic birthday!
Wep said…
Welcome back :) Happy SITS DAY!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy SITS day! I love reading your blog!

I also love the layout!
Alison said…
Happy birthday and happy SITS day! I didn't realize until Heather's birthday that y'all hadn't featured yourselves--you are too unselfish!
Tara said…
So glad I made it over....can't wait to dive in!
Anonymous said…
Happy belated Birthday!

Love Ava and what you do for SITS.
Hi, Tiffany! Stopping by from SITs... loved your posts about the crazy Shannon!
Jen said…
Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day!! I am a new SITSta and LOVE it!! Thanks for creating a wonderful community!!
amy & lisa said…
Congrats on you SITS day!!

Very nice blog...I'll have to keep checking it out. :)
Stephanie said…
Glad you are back! ive enjoyed the guest bloggers, though i am sorry i havent commented much but I am back too!! :0)
Leslie said…
Happy belated birthday! Happy SITS day!
Just Lisa said…
Happy SITS day, Tiffany! Hope you had a good birthday!
angie said…
Hope you had a great birthday!

Btw, thanks for SITS!!
Shannon said…
Oh, yes... Ava is pretty!

Glad you're back! And what a day to come back to, huh? :)
Kaylee said…
Happy SITS day! Your blog is awesome, I LOVED your post to new mothers, I myself am a new mom and REALLY needed that...So I'm now following your blog and will be back often!
Stacy said…
Stopping by from Sits to say hello!
Kathy B! said…
Congrats on your SITS Day! I loved reading through all of your recommended posts, and I really enjoy your blog. I have to say that I had quite a giggle surfing through your best posts ever!
I enjoyed your Ungrateful Child Post :-) Happy SITS day and thanks for starting such a great group!
You invented "crackliture" - I hear that word everywhere! I feel so honored to be in your presence
Suzanne C said…
Hello Ava! Happy SITs Day!
bj said…
xo bj
Sarah said…
Happy (belated) SITS day!
Honey Mommy said…
I love that you got babysitters for your blog! How fun is that?
Leanne said…
Nice to meet ya! Now, I'm off to browse your site.... :)
Carla said…
I'm one hundred and thirty six! (commenter that is:)
Sending you some SISTA love!!!
(and I see you recently had a birthday! Happy Birthday too:)
So glad someone shares my hatred of LOL. Did I say hatred? Oops.
Brandy said…
Your wish is my command. But only this one time. Sorry.

I clicked while I was here too!
Laura said…
Ava has been very kind to us all...
Teresa jane said…
Ava is very pretty indeed! Visiting you from SITS. :)
Star Forbis said…
I hope you had a great Sits day and a great Birthday! sorry I'm late, I've been under the weather, but wanted to come by anyway to leave my wishes.
Welcome back!! :) I'm glad to see you writing again, although I did enjoy your guest bloggers very much.
Jamiedidit said…
This is GREAT. I'm new to SITS and just found your blog. Wonderful, snarky, hysterical.

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