I'm On To Your Little Game, Gymboree.

Got a little girl?  Then you know all about Gymboree - the overpriced children's boutique that sells perfectly coordinated "collections" with corny names.  (Just so you know...it's owned by satan.) 

You walk in and find - oh, let's say a sweater with a pink butterfly on it - and surprise! there's a matching cordory skirt and - ooh! look at the darling tiny butterfly tights and - oh my gosh, look at those butterfly hair bows! and before you know it you have $80 invested in one crappy pink butterfly outfit that's carefully stored in your daughter's closet waiting for THE perfect opportunity to be shown off.  (Like a family holiday where your offspring has to one-up your sister's kids.) 

When that far off day finally arrives, you hover over your daughter protecting The Precious (the outfit, of course, not the kid...who cares about the kid?) and scream whenever your daughter goes near a Crayola product or dares to reach for a condiment.  She's miserable, but she looks good, right?!?

Alright - I was the idiot who bought the butterfly crap.  After Elizabeth ate spagheti broke it in, that outfit worked off it's $80 debt.  I'm sure the playgroup moms sneered, "Jaci has her in that sweater again.  What, does she only have one Gymboree outfit?"  *snooty middle class laugh* 

Gymboree just isn't in my budget.  I would love to dress Elizabeth in those perfect little collections, but when Target is selling a similar sweater for $9....it's stupid to fork over $40.  She's only going to wear the thing for 5 months!  Sometimes I hit their clearance racks, but the clothes lose their shine when all that's left are picked over puppy dog pants and a 0-3 month Christmas onsie.

But this time I hit clearance gold.  I found a kitty cat collection on the clearance rack IN TACT.  It was incredible!  A kitty cat shirt for $2.99!  The tights for $3.99!  A leopard print skirt for $5.99!  OH. MY. GOSH.  It's a Gymboree miracle.

I snatched it, drug it home, and hung it up in my daughter's closet.  Ha!  Just wait until fall!  My little Elizabeth will have a cute GYMBOREE outfit!  Mmm-hmmm!  Normally I wouldn't go for leopard print, but whatever, it will look cute with her....um...red hair, and...

Oh no.  She's going to look like--

Oh, thanks a lot, stupid Gymboree clearance rack! 

*You must go and read one of my favorite Tiffany posts:  Circling Dreams.  Hmmm...I wonder what ever happened to my Caboodles?*

You can also find me at Ravings of a Mad Housewife.


Doublebanker said…
We always by Gymboree stuff at the "Once upon a Child" type places.

Check out my gif blog just started a contest for a $50 Gift Card.
Sera said…
That is so funny! I was just in a Gymboree on Saturday, and let me say that I agree with you 100%. I'd never pay full price, no matter how stinkin' CUTE that stuff is. And even their clearance prices are crap half the time. She'll look cute in it, I'm sure.
Amy said…
Great story. I do the same thing. I did that with an outfit I found at the gap. Guess what my little one never wore it. Oops :)
Anonymous said…
I just can't seem to bring myslef to buy Gymboree stuff. I know they have those bucks thingys right? And The Children's Place too right? Can't do it.

Walmart and Target work for me baby.
Lesley said…
makes me glad I don't have a girl....boys don't really care about matching so much...but wait....I could have a girl soon....hmmmm....if she doesn't match would that lead to self image issues later???>...
Kristie R said…
makes me glad my girls have out grown Gymboree...maybe not, now they want American Eagle, Hollister, Abercrombie, Aeropostal
LOL. Too funny!!! Yeah, I can't afford Gymboree either. I am much more of a Children's Place sales girl myself. heh.
angi_b72 said…
Greatpost!! You should try Ebay for their clothes...i hear of alot of people that buy up the clearance and sell it on there.. Their clothes are really cute, but they are expensive.
natalie said…
You're dead-on no matter whose blog you're on ;)

So true! I failed and bought some of that pricey stuff early on, but after 6 years, I wouldn't go near that! Target is perfect for me.
S Club Mama said…
At least you get to dress up your daughter. What is there for boys? Polo shirts? Ties? Boo!!! haha
And she so will not look like Peg Bundy, although I will admit the picture dragged me over here. ha
And she can wear clothes for 5 months!!!???!!! Holy cow. I was lucky to keep Moose in clothes for 2 months at the beginning. Now it's closer to 5-6 months. Yeash
Karol said…
Oh, the Bundee's. Nice job, Jaci on dressing her up like her! (lol..just joking! )

Atleast you scored a deal!
Amy said…
When I see a gymboree dinosaur or monster outfit for my son.

I am a goner.

I usually just stick to buying the sweater, smacking my hands to keep from buying everything in the store.
I HATE Gymboree. Mostly because it is one of those stores that if you visit enough you find every single item on sale. All of them.

Really, moms are checking out my kids clothes at playgroup? Shit!

Oh! And, Peg ain't got nothin' on your daughter!
Anonymous said…
We've been fortunate enough to move from Gymboree to Limited Too.
Same situation, just bigger sizes... I have come to the conculsion that this will never ever end, until EVE gets a college education, and a job, and by then I will be too senile to care what she wears!
Jen said…
I love you Jaci!!!! I have fallen victim to Gymboree so many times, I just can't tell you.
This post is so true! I do the exact same thing when I buy something from Gymboree...there clothes are just so darn cute...I can only imagine the damage that I could do in there if I had a little girl. Carter had the cutest brown overall cords with a daushand and of course the matching onsie and socks.
I can honestly say I have never been able to bring myself to buy Gymboree stuff in the store. I have a secret confession. *looking around for kid spies* I buy tons of Gymboree stuff at yard sales. 0.50 to $1. Coats, pants, tops, the works. I then resell it to a second hand place actually making more than I paid for it. So really its like getting paid a tiny bit for my kids to wear it. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Gymboree! I do love the clothes though, just too expensive for my taste. I also agree that Satan must be CEO of the company.
EC said…
Haha! Satan owns Gymboree - too funny!! I fall in the Gymboree trap every single time... Yikes!!

Lula! said…
Libbey informed me a couple of months ago that she is "too old" for Gymboree. "Only clothes from Target, Old Navy, and Justice, please." Great--cheaper than Gymboree! Woooooooooo!

I love Jaci--brilliantness, girl.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh man, I thought I was the only who felt this way. Have you seen the prices on ebay? USED Gymboree is more than Target!
KatBouska said…
I have similiar issues with Baby Gap...I go straight to the sales rack.
Sandy said…
But it's so hard to resist the cuteness!
I've know people that "get in" with the sales staff so they call right before a sale starts.... pretty crafty, a.
Susie said…
I don't have those problems because we get all hand me downs from my SiL's kids. Seriously, I have maybe bought a grand total of 2 outfits since she has been alive...and she is 5. I'll be in trouble when she passes up her cousins.
Anonymous said…
The Mom that I nanny for will only buy her children gymboree and gap clothing. Only. Actually, I mean, she sends me to the mall with her credit card to do it. Every season all four kids get a brand new wardrobe of clothing from gymboree and gap. It's outrageous the amount of money they spend on clothing for their children when Target has good clothes for so cheap. What is with Moms needing name brands for their kids??
Ann Harrison said…
I go crazy at sale racks too! Thank goodness for blogging. I found I can't pull myself away from the computer to go shopping as much.
(This is such a coincidence because my post today is titled "Blogging is good for OUR economy". It's how blogging is saving us money! :-> )
Mrs. Schaeffer said…
I hear you! I buy on clearance all the time. In fact, I bought my daughter's cheesy Valentine's Day outfit for next year at Target 50% off. It's the only way to go.. especially when she grows so fast!
Wep said…
This was AWESOME!!
Aubrey said…
So true!
They have pretty cute stuff for little boys too. The only time I will EVER go into that store is if it is the outlet Gymboree.
Tiffany said…
So freaking hysterical... would I expect anything less?

Girl, when the book comes out, remember us little wannabes, cause you are SO the real deal.
Ash said…
Hilarious!! The world could use a little Bundy right now.

Lucky me landed two boys - there's only so much dump truck and train stuff one wants to purchase. Oh, and puppy dogs. With no cute hats.


But I've got two nieces!! :-)
Michelle said…
I LOVE that picture. What a comparison, poor girl.

I'm with you on only buying the clearance stuff. And with my 20% off my total purchase coupon. Now I feel the need to go look online at their clearance stuff and see if I can sniff out a coupon somewhere. Dagnabit, Jaci!

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