who wants to be a writer? anyone? anyone?

Hello all! Jennifer P. here! So happy to be guest blogging for Tiffany while she is out hob-nobbing with the celebs (or at least their assistants...)

This year I am finishing up school to get my degree in English with a Writing emphasis. For as long as I can remember, I have always been a writer. From the first book I won an award for in 1st grade (it was about litter box training my cat and came complete with drawings of stick figures picking up poop...!) till the present day--I have never had a period in my life where I wasn't writing SOMETHING!
Right now I am taking a poetry class taught by a well-known local writer, J.Reuben Appelman. He was on Oprah a few years back as part of her book club review. He wrote a documentary that was produced by George Clooney. One of his movie scripts was a finalist for HBO's Project Greenlight. He was the first Boise State University Master's grad to be published. In other words, he's living off of his writing.

He's a little curious about this whole world of blogging I've tried to expose him to. And I think there are probably quite a few of us bloggers who are a little curious about what it must be like to be a "real writer"---the kind that prints out their pages and puts them in manila envelopes and sends them out with cover letters to publishers, and waits and waits and waits-- with no instant comments to hold them over. Then, hopefully, gets told "yes, you're good enough. In 6-8 months you will be published". Unlike just clicking "Publish Post" and voila! (you're ALWAYS good enough for Blogger! :) ).

Here's my big question to you for today: Do YOU consider yourself a "real writer"? Or is blogging just a warm up for something larger one day?

My two cents on the whole thing would be this.....I would LOVE to see my work on the shelf of a bookstore one day. I would LOVE to make money off of doing something so close to my heart. However, if that never comes to pass---I am accomplishing RIGHT NOW what I have always wanted to with my writing: reaching an audience on a regular basis. Being able to inform, entertain, and/or uplift them in some way. AND I get to read others' writing and make connections with them. **PERFECT!** The Peterson's Go Public! may not be the next For Whom the Bell Tolls, but I think it's a step up from, say... Us Weekly :).

So--have at it. Let me hear if you think blogging is real writing or not! ~and a big THANK YOU to Tiffany for letting me do this, and to you for reading! (wanna send me some money now ;)?! )

~Jennifer P.~

OH YEAH! Let me not forget to mention my fave post of all time that Tiffany has done! I have never looked at the ceiling in my ob-gyn's office the same since reading this (even though my Dr. is small and strange and not so hot.....ya know--the way it should be :) ).


Anonymous said…
I never, ever thought of myself as a writer. Still don't really. But when I started blogging it just started spilling out of me so easily and quickly. And I love it.

I'll send you some money if you send me twice as much back K? It's kind of a pyramid scheme...only, not.
Kristi said…
Definitely not a 'real' writer. And I'm totally (SOB) ok with that! Really, I just kind of fell into it and take it only for what it is!
Sheryl said…
I think you and I are on the exact same page. I have written since I can remember, have always loved. Feel like there is "something bigger" I am supposed to be doing with it. However, I love blog writing, I do feel it's REAL writing and it has its own purpose. Great question and great job filling in.
Heather said…
I know in my heart that I am destined to be published (as in on a bookshelf) but I have no delusions of writing a best seller. It's my goal, but my life will be complete as soon as I see my work bound.

And, yes, I feel like blogging is real writing. I have learned so much about my writing style and gained confidence.
Unknown said…
I am not a writer...I type out such randomness full of typos and my slang...I am lucky anyone even reads me
wenderful said…
I guess it depends on what a real writer is. I write a blog and I write a column. But I don't write anything that I get paid for. So I guess I'm as much a writer as I am an eater, a sleeper, a grocery shopper, and a house cleaner.
I love blogging, but I don't know if I consider myself a "real" writer. I definitely enjoy that blogging is interactive though, whereas a print piece doesn't have the same 2-way communication.
Mama Wheaton said…
I haven't decided if I am a writer(self-doubt mixed with self-talk) but I want to be a writer.
Miki said…
Ya know? I'm a writer wanna be....but not for "want" of being published. Really, I just have such admiration for people who can write so clearly, and who can write feelings perfectly, that it makes me wish I could write better. I enjoy writing, but I don't have delusions of grandure (believe me, mine would be delusions if I had any). I like to watch others....and learn....and then try to copy, just for myself...to see if I could do it. I write purely out of exploration.
Lula! said…
I had a brilliant comment to leave, but then you went and stole my favorite post of Tiff's right out from under me. Darn you.

Kidding. I love you, Jennifer P. And Tiffany. And writing...and...oh, my head hurts.
Oh, how I'd love to see something of mine published. On a shelf. Something more than my little ol' Ensign article.

I think your writing is brillant, Jennifer!
Ashley said…
Although I do happen to like flipping through an US Weekly on the occasion, I read The Peterson's Go Public! much more often... therefore your work is much more important to me. I'm not sure if I consider my blog "real writing" but you are a different case. AND you are right... you are reaching and appealing to the masses (or a lot of us anyways) so I definitely think you are a "real writer"... whatever that is. Haha!
Swirl Girl said…
I have always been a writer too. A diary keeper, poetry writer, song writer, research paper writer...only I don't think anything is good enough to make a living off of it.

So- I'll just stick with blogging as a cathartic way to get my thoughts out.

I wish I could write in ways that evoke such emotion the way I have been touched by so many great novels.
Outnumbered2to1 said…
I won't consider myself a writer until I could support myself financial through writing. Would I like to get to that point? Ab-so-pos-it-tutly!
Tiffany said…
Yeah Jennifer P... I feel like I have a super star on my blog... I am a talker who writes, but deeply appreciates those with the gift (like you).
ManicMandee said…
I think blogging is definitely writing. My favorite kind too.
But no I don't consider myself a good writer. You on the other hand have a God given gift for it.
Just Lisa said…
I blog because I always wanted to be a writer, but I have failed to be successful at it. I'll just keep plugging away at my blog, and maybe one day I'll be discovered! Maybe Stephen King will read my blog one day and think, "this mindless mommy drivel is exactly what my publishers have been looking for! I must notify them at once!"
Susie said…
Great post! I think of blogging as a tool to explore my creative side. So no, I don't think it's real writing however, it may be just as valuable.
Katy said…
Yes, I think blogging is "real writing". I don't necessarily think of myself as a great "writer", but it's practice I suppose. I honestly think I use to be a better writer, I think my multi-mom tasking has taken over my thoughts, grammar, and writing skills.
I think you're a great writer and love reading what you have to say.
Amy said…
Just started at this site. I think I am a writer in a way. I can not write a novel or anything. I just love to talk so why not have a blog page to express what I feel or share things I like. So I say yes to me being a writer.
Jenners said…
I think it is real writing with benefits ... you get to hear what people think and get feedback. "Real" writers don't usually get this kind of instant feedback. Of course, I would prefer to make money somehow doing this but only time will tell.
KatBouska said…
Show me the money. I'm completely with you. This is FUN...REALLY fun. I'm ok with that. However if someone showed up wanting to pay me for an actual book...shoot, I think I could pull something together.
Brian and Staci said…
Jennifer P.----ooh...I had to change to--- because of the P. after your initial :) I'm sooo crazy! YES YES YES!!! Your blog writing is real! And I will elaborate more on your blog my dear :)
WheresMyAngels said…
Well as you know, I can't write! I can't even spell! My grammar is horrible! But I do think that if someone wrote about my nutty life, their would be an audience for it. It would be very risque and entertaining. That is one reason, I would never do it. Trying to keep my stuff shoved in that closet!
Michelle said…
Absolutely I think of blogging as real writing! Especially if people actually leave comments and come back. That means you must be doing something right, right?

Tampon post was excellent, BTW.
Lea said…
I think blogging is really writing. What is it, if not writing? It sure isn't talking!!

And it's not much different than writing an article for a magazine (I've about 20 articles published in a local mag here).

I believe you can't write something, if you haven't experienced it, in some form or another.. even if you're writing something fictional, you need to have some sort of experience... first hand? I don't think for everyone, but for me, I have to have first hand knowledge of what I am writing about... and what better first hand knowledge IS there, when you are blogging about your life...

Yeah, I know.. I ramble. It's that bipolar brain of mine!
LORI said…

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