Who wants to Guest Post?

So you, know Ava and I have been going through something.

We are working on it, but this coming week also happens to be camp enrollment so my life will be NUTS.

Veggie Mom offered to guest post and I am thinking hell to the yeah!

So, if you'd like to guest post for me next week, please leave a comment here and I will choose randomly (or whoever offers the most money.)

Veggie Mom gets the first spot, cause she's the genius with the idea.

Here's the twist... when you guest post, you have to include a link to your favorite R Family post at the bottom... I'm a pimp, remember?

I think this will really help me out girls.



Anonymous said…
Hmmm...I'd love to do a guest post for you but I'm not sure you want me to :)
Kori said…
Girl you know I love you and all but my blogging skills are slightly lacking. I'm sure someone fantabulous will come along. And I'm broke saving for Disney so offering you money is slim to none. Speaking of Disney. Don't you want to wait and go in March? Ya know you wanna.
Swirl Girl said…
Do you see a blogocologist for this? If so, to you have a good one? Is there blogmone replacement therapy?? I think I am going through Blogopause as well.
Wep said…
I'm in if you want me :)
Lula! said…
Girrrrrl...I already have something in mind. And it will totally laud your fabulousness.

And then I'll link your Hot Ob/Gyn story. And maybe even more...
Lula! said…
Girrrrrl...I already have something in mind. And it will totally laud your fabulousness.

And then I'll link your Hot Ob/Gyn story. And maybe even more...
Lula! said…
So nice I had to say it twice. Sorry!
Aunt Julie said…
Thanks, T! We'll be Living Large on Monday!!
Summer said…
In the words of a crazy bachelorette chick...

Love me. Pick me. Choose me. I won't let you let me go. You can't let me go. Love me. Pick me. Choose me.
Rhea said…
Normally I'd offer in a heartbeat, but I'm in over my head right now with all my obligations and now working 40 hours a week. HELP!
Jen said…
Well now that is a great idea.
Anonymous said…
Ha! You really are a pimp, Tiff. :)

I'll give it a shot. It might not be a good post, but I'm sure it would be something weird and rambling (like all my normal posts).

I hope you get over your case of blog block soon! It's the time of year. It's all cold and disgustingly dark. Ick.

I will totally give you my favorite pair of hooker boots in exchange for a spot guest posting:)

Cuz you da pimp and all!
Oooh I think I want tattoo minivan to do a guest post! C would rock this page!
Jennifer said…
How about you pay ME and I'll do it ;o) jk jk!! That's an awesome idea! Good luck finding someone.. Me, still newby to blogging isn't exactly sure what guest posting entails? Is it a win win for both parties? Do you suggest the topic? Please excuse my ignorance!
Heather said…
I would help but...well, you know.
Susie said…
I'll throw my hat in the ring:-)
Ashley said…
Sounds like fun... though I have no money to slide your way under the table.
Rachel said…
i don't want to insult Ava by suggesting myself, but i sure will be back to read the guest posts!
Jennifer P. said…
You know I can pump out mindless blog fodder with the best of 'em :)!
Sarah said…
Visiting from SITS!
Brandy said…
What a great idea. I loved it when TMM hosted the guest blog thingie. I didn't have to write 2 days that week...it was so awesome!

Dropping by from the WW...I'm trying to say HI! to all the Welcomistas. Even though you are like the original Welcomista...LOL!
Nancy Rosalina said…
Tiffany, I might be interested in the 'job' lord knows...I need one...that pays that is...lol...I can't offer you money, but I can send you a tassel...I'm sure you'll jump on that offer. Hee Hee. I want to thank you for stopping by and visiting with me during my SITS spotlight...I had 380 comments...some of course were the same gals commenting on different post...I thought that was great! Now, if I can just return them all.....Blessings, Nancy
Unknown said…
I'm crazy in love with your header!!
I can't wait to see who gets to guest post. I'd offer, but I really think Lula and Jennifer P would knock our socks off and make you proud. :)
Angie's Spot said…
Oh my, as much as I would be humbled and honored by guest posting here, I know I couldn't do Ava justice. I can't wait to see what brilliance your guests come up with next week!
What a great idea! And I love the twist ;)
Denyse said…
Thanks so much for all the sweet comments on my special SITS day. You sure know how to lead by example!
Fifi Flowers said…
HOW FUN... I'd love to guest post... how does one do that?
Lucia said…
I wouldn't mind being your 'ho...

I just found it and am so loving the Sits blog.
Anonymous said…
Your not alone with the fear of snow. It's pretty I just don't want to be in it. Found you through SITS!

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