
After a very looooong 2 weeks of camp enrollment and a long day of camp tours, my oldest, best and closest girlfriends showed up.

All together.

To surprise me.

To honor and celebrate my birthday.

It was truly incredible.

That these women who I love so much, thought of me, planned for me, celebrated me.

I am humbled.

I am grateful.

I am touched.

The night was amazing.  

The surprise was surreal.

The food was delicious.

The drinks were delightful.

The letters of love where incredible.

The fabulous shoes, the to die for bag, the glamorous make up, the balloons and confetti, the ice cream cake, the princess tiara, the feather boa, and the hotel rooms were the things birthday dreams are made of.

The company was perfect.

To Erica, Shanell, Ginger, Kim, Rachel, Dani and Kai- my deepest gratitude.

You really did add a year to my life and memories and happiness to last a life time.

To the girls who couldn't be there but wanted to- all my love.

To my husband who had a hand in the plan and called ahead to pay for the amazing dinner, you never cease to amaze me.

Thank for you making this thirty-something girl feel like something special.

PS- To the weird guy with the smooth chest, the fake tan and the odd dance moves...yuck.


Stephanie said…
that sounds wonderful!! I am glad you had such a great birthday!
CaraBee said…
What a wonderful birthday surprise! You are indeed blessed to have such special people in your life.

PS - How is the weird guy ALWAYS there?
Kori said…
Sounds amazing. One of these days we will have a celebration together. I sure have missed you. Love ya bunches and I am so glad your Birthday was splendid.
Anonymous said…
Gotta love true friends!
Jen said…
Oh that is just so cool. I am so glad that you had a great time.
Ritch in Love said…
How fun! I love friends that do cool things like that!
Sounds like you had a great birthday!
Julie said…
Wow...sounds awesome. Glad you had a great one!
Anonymous said…
Love you for life! Had such a great time. You are the most fun birthday girl a gal could ever ask for!

Nicole said…
What great friends your have to make your day so special!
Rhea said…
Sounds like you have some awesome friends! What fun!!
S Club Mama said…
You know, only amazing people get amazing friends who throw an amazing party like that.

I really hope I have even 1 great friend...well...soon. lol One who will throw me a great birthday party.
Vickie said…
Oh that is so cool! Friends are swesome. So is the husband, can't forget him.
KatBouska said…
Awwwww....why does it make me sad to think I KNOW my girlfriends could never and would never put something like that together.

That's awesome for you...and next year I want an invite. Tell them all to start reading my blog...I'm tagging along.
Suzann said…
Happy belated birthday. What a wonderful surprise!
Unknown said…
how wonderful!! happy belated birthday!!! :)
Amy said…
What a great way to have a Birthday. Congrats.
awwwww that is so sweet! You are blessed in your life. :) Happy birthday!
Happy birthday *Ü* !!! So nice have really good friends close...
Sarah said…
Sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday!

What a wonderful birthday you had! Such a blessing.

{visiting from Welcomistas}
shortmama said…
Awww how great to have such awesome friends.
Christina said…
Wow, that sounds like the perfect birthday. I'm totally jealous! :)
Soulflower said…
Muah. The size of that smile was one for the books!
Shannon said…
Sounds like you not only had an awesome night... but you have some awesome friends, as well.
Aunt Julie said…
What a special time for you...and what wonderful friends you have!
Unknown said…
Sounds like an amazing birthday!! How awesome for you! :)
bernthis said…
Makes me want to move back home even more. Sounds like such a great night. Happy Birthday
Jennifer P. said…
Your husband has been pulling out all the stops this year! You must be doing something ever-so-right girl ;)!

SO glad you had a happy birthday surrounded by loved friends!
mommytoalot said…
Now that sounds just perfect!
Annelie said…
What a wonderful birthday! Sounds absolutely fabulous. Minus the guy with the smooth chest, face tan and odd dance movies... :)
Gaspegirl said…
Sounds GREAT! Happy belated birthday!
Donnetta said…
Got chills! What wonderful girlfriends and what a FAB hubby!

Happy Belated Birthday!
debi9kids said…
Sounds absolutely perfect (right down to the bad dancing fake tan smooth-chested man! LOL)
Live.Love.Eat said…
what an awesome way to celebrate your birthday!!! you deserve it!! glad it was special for you!!!!
Heather said…
I am so sorry I missed your birhday!

I'm glad it was a great one! Good friends are the best.
Lula! said…
Why don't I have friends like this? Oh wait...I totally do...they just live in California...Colorado...Ohio...Florida...Georgia...Alabama...Pennsylvannia...etc...

You deserve MANY days like this. So do I. We're 34, girl!!!
Anonymous said…
My sorry to have missed it but glad you had a blast. As soon as Isabella is done with these boobies, I'll take you out myself!
Love ya and Happy Bday!
Fifi Flowers said…
Happy belated birthday!
sassy stephanie said…
How very cool. Glad you had such a great time.
Kathy G said…
It's wonderful to have loving friends , a good friend is really worth more than gold, and more than one well....that is what you call wealth
Brittany said…
Girlfriends are the BEST!

What fun!!!

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