Lets Go Digging!

So we were at a stop sign in our neighborhood and we saw 2 boys walking down the street with shovels.

Full-sized shovels.

My husband says, "I wonder what those boys are doing with those shovels"

The Boy quickly {and confidently} asserts, "Oh, they're on the school digging team."

I seriously almost peed myself.  

Where does that kid get this stuff?

"Digging team"?  Bwaahahahahahahahahahaa.

Winners- of Optimism Pays: $35 gift card- Natalie
                                                    $20 gift card- Kimberly
(Email me! vampmama@gmail.com)


Lula! said…
I love that he was both quick and confident in his response...these are traits I keep my eye on. You know. Since he's going to give me grandchildren one day.

And you and I will be sliding down ginormous, inflatable slides for said grandchildren. You know we will.
Jennifer said…
That's funny. LOL
Congrats to the winners.
Tanielle said…
Too funny. They come up with the greatest things, don't they!
Ash said…
Oh, like the Farm League for the National Funeral Directors Association.

Kind of like 4H?
Congrats to Natalie and Kimberly!

Wonder what would happen if I Googled "school digging team"?
Amy said…
Great post. We are having a digging party. Yeah a family here wants a window dug for their basement. I will not be on that team. I will be out of town.

Congrats to the winners.
Brandy said…
Me thinks the boy knew what was going on and was completely covering up for the other kids. He didn't want to lose out on his chance to find buried treasure with the other pirates...

And maybe my imagination runs amok sometimes. It happens.

Congrats ladies!
KatBouska said…
Well just naturally. That was my first thought. "oh it must be the digging team" and then your son said it and I was all "oh yeah mmhmm naturally."
Anonymous said…
Way to go Natalie and Kimberly...

Tiffany, your timing is impeccable..Natalie's little girl was diagnosed with Sensory Integration Disorder and borderline Asperger's yesterday.

I am confident Natalie's several days of focusing on "Optimism" prepared her to see how bright the future can be now that we have a few answers...we are all very optimistic and hopeful that "Princie's" life will be one of peace and happiness as we help her navigate her way through.

Thank you for inspiring us all!
Unknown said…
Way to go, winners! :)
I love what kids come up with!!
Of course it's the school digging team. And what do they dig for? Gold. Because we've fostered all that optimism :)

Congratulations to both of the winners!
Unknown said…
Too FUNNY!!!!!
Congrats to the winners
CaraBee said…
Well played, boy, well played.
Cecily R said…
Dude, your kid is on TOP of my favorites list.

I LOVE it when my son is that quick on the draw!
Kim said…
I dig funny kids...pun intended.
Crazy Momma said…
What? you mean your school didn't have a digging team?
Jen Sue Wild said…
congrats winners!

Ok that was just way to cute !! The digging team HAA HAA HAA
theUngourmet said…
I just love when my kids pop off with something like that! Too funny!
Crystal Renee said…
The things kids say! Digging team though? What in the world are they digging? LOL! Too cute!
Jen said…
What in the world are they digging for?
MJW said…
This is hilarious!! Stopping by from SITS :)
Mimi said…
Haha! I love the way their quick little brains work!
Sarahviz said…
He's witty like his momma.
sassy stephanie said…
Love that he is so confident in his quick answer!
Swirl Girl said…
from his witty and quick mommy of course!

Rachel said…
Too funny! I love how the little guy's mind works.
He is very witty, tee hee!

congrats to the Optimism winners!

Jamie :-)
Snarky Belle said…
Oh my gosh, I honestly can not believe I won! I actually have tears right now. I apologize for the emotion, but it's been a tough week, and I KNOW that the focus on optimism helped prepare me for my tough day yesterday.

Thanks Tiffany, really thank you!
Snarky Belle said…
Oh, and "digging team"....HILARIOUS!
Digging team - I love kids.

Congrats to Natalie and Kimberly!
Ashley said…
Wow... aim high - or deep I guess, in this case.

Loved Kimberly's 'yellow shoe day'!!
Heather said…
This is brilliant, as usual. The kicker is you guys should see his face when he comes out with this stuff. He's as serious as a they get.
i need to get my b signed up...i caught her an da neighbor kid on the center island digging for china.
Anonymous said…
That's great! I love what comes out of the mouths of kiddos.
Teacher said…
that's awesome. If only there was a digging team, think about how many ditches would get done.
Anonymous said…
2 funny. This makes me laugh just reading about it.
wenderful said…
Send them over to my place. We're putting our garden in this weekend. Either that or building the chicken coop.
What a cute little guy. You'll be glad you got that one down in writing.
Jennifer P. said…
My son's school has a cup stacking team, so maybe a digging team isn't too far off :)!
I want to be on a digging team! LOL!
LOL Digging Team!

Visiting via SITS
Anonymous said…
Yeah dude, you didn't here about the new digging team?

I can't believe I forgot to give you your cookies AGAIN!
catharooni said…
what? if they have underwater basket weaving at college, why not a digging team?? i think they all become certified gave diggers once they graduate ...
Alison said…
If you're going to make up an answer, be quick and confident!
kel said…
how cool would it be if there really was a digging team??? huh??

love your blog! visiting from SITS!
Anonymous said…
That's good stuff!

Good to meet ya! (sits gurl)

Rebecca said…
Seriously? That cracks me up! I have never heard of a "digging team!" hhaaaa
Live.Love.Eat said…
VERY funny!!!! You got a good one there!!! Congrats to your winners. Off to read some wittiness at the circus.
LOL! My kids want to be on the digging team too. They are great lil diggers.


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