My Big News and a $100.

It just dawned on me that I have had some super exciting news that I haven't officially shared!

You all know how I feel about the importance of optimism and resiliency in the successes I've had in my life and how important it is to pass those on to my son.

Did you know my company is named "Bright Future Managment"? Doesn't get more optimistic than that!

A few months ago, I was contacted by a PR firm representing Pepperidge Farm.

They were interested in interviewing me for a faculty position for Fishful Thinking, an initiative that offers parents tools for fostering optimism in kids.

Now, as the director of one of LA's largest and oldest private summer camps, I get contacted to participate in all kinds of things for kids... usually, I pass, as I want to spend all my free time with my boys.

But in this case, the message and the presentation was so incredible, I jumped at the chance and agreed to the interview.

Within the first 5 minutes of the interview I was out of my mind excited. Fishful Thinking headed by Dr. Karen Reivich , was new, innovative and well executed.

I LOVED that they were looking to moms to send the message.

When I got the call a few weeks ago that I would be one of 10 moms flying to NY to learn more about the program and meet Dr. Reivich in person, I beyond was thrilled.

So, I leave this weekend to embark on an exciting new journey and can't wait to share the info with you.

I can absolutely say, without a doubt, that my optimism and faith that I can achieve amazing things has been the key to living the life I love.

You all know how much I LOVE a good contest.

And, I feel so strongly about the Fishful Thinking Initiative, that I am giving away a TWO $100 gift cards to Target.

Yes, two people will win a $100. each {I've had these cards sitting around from our credit card points and was waiting to do something special...}

Head over to Fishful Thinking and take a look. Then come back here and tell me the best feature. I will know if you really went over there, so do this right!

Post about the contest, linking back here and to Fishful Thinking for an additional FIVE entries.

Contest ends Sunday, March 7th at midnight.


Sarahviz said…
I look forward to meeting you this weekend!
Unknown said…
thats great!! congrats!
Laura said…
I LOVE THE IDEA OF THE ACTIVITY TO PHOTOGRAPH HOPE! This is a great way to teach your child to visualize their goals, as well as give you an activity that you can do together. I just bought my daughter a kids camra, to encourage her to find the beauty in everything through her camra lense, now I hope to show her how to find the hope with it as well! Koodos!
Anonymous said…
I'm in! Be right back.
Anonymous said…
Okay, I like the activities for parents to do with their kids. I can read and read about what to do but I want steps as to what to do in certain situations. Good stuff.
Donnetta said…
I can't wait to hear all of the fabulous ideas you come back with!

I loved the link with Activities for Parents & Kids. My 11 year old has MAJOR issues with optimism. We are constantly working with him. Tonight after baseball practice, we are going to start the treasure box activity. I'm going to have him write down one good thing that happened at practice and how that made him feel versus the negativity that envelopes him when something goes wrong.

Give me a day or two and I will ABSOLUTELY write a post!
Anonymous said…
I blogged it too!
Lianne said…
Thanks for the giveaway. I love the section that encourages parents and kids to be active together. There are a lot of really great rainy (and not-so-rainy) day activities on that list!
Anonymous said…
What a GREAT thrill! Have a fantastic time and we can't wait to hear all about it!
Kristi said…
I like the quiz to find out if your child uses optimism and the tips you get after you answer each question!
koopermom said…
I've seen this, and it's got me intrigued!!
I love the Positive Frustration activities. It can be hard to get it through my sons head to not give up after one try!!
jori-o said…
I like the kids' site. My kids have played a little bit on it and they're big fans.

I also like the quizzes to help you, as a parent, figure out how to foster resiliency in your kid. This is a great site!
Brandy said…
I like the activities for parents and kids...

I should use some of their techniques for ME. I mean dancing off frustration is right up my alley.
Unknown said…
I love the idea for emotional charades. I have been talking to my students about controlling emotions, and this would be a great way to do some hands on activity.
Brandy said…
Shout out located here:
jori-o said…
I just posted about it--

Have fun this weekend! =)
Unknown said…
I posted about this awesome giveaway here
Mimi said…
I'm thrilled that the focus of this is opitmism. I'm off to my blog to post why.

I'll be back with the link.
Michelle said…
Wow, congratulations for being asked to be a part of this project.

I found the expert advise interesting!

Have a great weekend!
Island Girl said…
I'm loving all the optimism on this site! I was surprised to find that men that were more optimist were 50% less likely to have heart problems, wow!

Side note: I'm really glad they are making their fish with whole grains now :)
Lauren said…
Wow, you know you hear all about "The Secret" and Louise Hay, and just how important thinking positive really is for yourself, but never for kids. I have always tried to keep a journal with the fun things about the day, and never thought of it for a child. What a great thing to teach them! Also, it's great to know that children can be taught optimism and how much it can effect them. I'm so excited for you!
Cecily R said…
Tiffany, you ROCK. I'm not entering the contest, but I am super excited to meet you this weekend!!
Sandy said…
There are so many things I love about this program! The activities for parents and kids are great!

Congrats on being part of this:0)
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! That's exciting news! I love that site and how it shows kids how to use positive thinking! Awesome!
Liz said…
I love the idea of the Fishful Thinking program! I like the online resources for parents,and the way they promote optimism amongst children and self-esteem!
Unknown said…
What a neat site!!! I love the activities they give for both parents and children to do together.
Mimi said…
I blogged about this here.
Amy said…
I like the activities for kids. The statue maker and 5 things are creative ideas to do with the kids!
Brenden's Mommy said…
I liked the "Goal Road Map — One Step at a Time" idea. And all the Parents' Questions and Answers.
Sandy said…
I wrote a post about it here!
DiPaola Momma said…
I love the activities section but even better is the quiz. My oldest daughter is sort of the middle child of our four. She is turning 10 next week and dealing more now with social issues and body image. For me it's not just a great idea to know how to show her how to be possitive it's a tool to help her through the times ahead and understand how what I say and do affects her. That a company like Pep-farm ... who has been a staple in my life since my grandma would send goldfish in every goodie box I got as a child, would take this issue to heart just says so much about how a business model can include posstive outreach as a compliment to great products.. they are the hilt of brand loyality to me with this new endevor.
Lori said…
My fave feature is the activity daughter gets frustrated easily, wuite the perfectionist, so I found the ideas on how to diffuse frustration very helpful!
Amy said…
O.k. I posted about it on my blog here:
Rayna said…
I like the great info under the Keeping Kids Positive tab. Their activities really aren't set up for littler ones (my son is only 2) but it is great to look forward to these great activities we can do together in a while.
Mandy said…
What a great site! I am totally supportive of anything that enourages kids' self esteem and caring for themselves.
My favorite part was actually the quiz, I had several different answers (depending on the five situations)--obviously my daughter worries about different things. She had some good advice on how to help her cope with things that are hard for her. I will definitely be sharing about this. Thank you!
Michelle said…
I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet you!
Rachel Lundy said…
I like all of the different activities under "Activities for Parents and Kids." I especially like the sub category called "Keeping Kids Active." They broke the activities down into differet age groups, making it is easy to find a new activity for your child that is age appropriate.
Wow, that is excellent! Congrats and good luck!!! I honestly think the positive frusteration is such a good thing. I think these days that kids get used to just getting their way or not learning to work through a problem. They either ignore it or have someone just fix it for them. Whooo thats so exciting!
Jacki said…
I love this site! since my son and his wife both seem to suffer from some depression, it's a great place for them to learn to teach my grandaughter to be positive!

Congrats on the invite!
Kalei said…
I love this new website. I saw it on Sits in the right sidebar and went over to it this weekend. I like the activities for the young ones.....I also found my self perusing the Q&A's...I am posting about it now. I hope I win! Have a safe trip to NY and have a great time. Can't wait to see what you learn from the visit.
This also reminds me to buy some goldfish crackers next time I am in the grocery store =)
Brooke said…
I love that they have an "optimism expert" she and i should have a chat! :)
Heather said…
First of all, I hadn't heard of this Fishful Thinking thing until I saw this, so THANK YOU for sharing it. What a cool, great idea! I popped over there and saw the word "quiz" on the front page and I cannot resist a good internet quiz (laundry? what laundry?), so I took it right away. :D Love the whole concept and I blogged about it for you here:

Good luck with this endeavor, I'm sure you'll be great!! Also, enjoy NY - sorry it's so cold here right now! Brrrrrrrr...
Unknown said…
The best feature, well there are many, but I especially liked that they have activities for parents and kids to do together. I liked the positive frustration activities and am going to try the Shake it off Frustration Dance with my almost 5 year old to help her find a good way to let off steam!
Kristen said…
I have seen their logo/ad on a few sites but I didn't realize what it was. This is amazing. This is so needed, especially at a time when parents are emotionally on edge and stressed as it is (economy). Our children will definitely be affected by these unsure time...anything to soften the blow.

I like that they have activities to reinforce/build positive thinking and dealing with emotions. I think I'll be checking out the bookclub. Do they have a blog? They need a blog...
Leslie said…
I loved the Fishful Thinking quiz. I loved it! Even when I thought my son't response would have been considered a negative response, Dr. Reivich had a way of finding the positive in his responses. I need to make sure that I also point out the positive aspects of Jeff's responses...TO HIM. He'd know I was listening AND that I care how the outcome comes out.
Leslie said…
OH! And I posted about this page and the Fishful Thinking page at
Mamarazzi said…
so...can i play if i am on the faculty? or does that disqualify me? I made my post days ago, when i too was hired as member of the 10 women faculty.

looking forward to seeing you in NY. I hope this contest helps get the word out there.
My favorite feature is the interactive tools and activities for kids.

And, I just have to get this off my chest. I'm so happy for you, but wish I was in YOUR company. I know 4 or 5 of you now that are ambassadors (you, Jyl with Mom it Forward, Cheryl with Twinfatuation, Cecily with My Chaos my Bliss) and since I *HEART* all of you I would have loved to be able to be apart of this with you. Alas, I'm not, so I'm going to wholeheartedly support your campaign. It sounds wonderful.

I'm heading to my blog now to post about it. It will publish on Friday.

And, as always, you are beyond generous with this giveaway!
Christina said…
Wow. First of all, I'm super impressed with this whole Fishful Thinking website and concept. Tons of congrats!

Secondly, what a generous giveaway.

I like the Treasure Box idea. I actually don't have any kids myself. But, often, I find myself dwelling on negative, rather than positive things, as well. Maybe I should try this myself?!?

I'm definitely gonna post about this on my blog, too!!!
Amy said…
I really liked this site. I want to book mark this site for sure. I found the activity with "Emotion Awareness" I like how they define what this word means. Then went into different activities. Like "Grateful Saying" poster. You get a piece of poster board and write what you are grateful for. You can have everyone join in. I also liked the feelings collage. This could help children really understand their feelings. I also like that you can print out everything. Congrats to you.
Amanda in GA said…
What a great website! Wish it had been around when my kids were younger. I love all the ideas they have for keeping kids active. The book club is another great idea.

In the new products they have the Goldfish and Starfish for the citywalk charity I love it I love that story! What a great cause
Jennie said…
I had never heard of this before, but what a great idea.... I went over there and I liked the activities and how they broke them up by age .. .we will most definitley be trying those on the next rainy day.....
kristin said…
I am SO making a "I am grateful for" poster for my kitchen.

I think this will be great for my husband and me, too!

Looking forward to delving deeper into the site.\
That the initiative and the website EXISTS is pretty darn cool. In this day and age of jaded cynicism, we need positivity promoted as much as possible to us and our kids.

I've even read their latest book selection - The Secret Life of Bees! And I'm going to check out The Glass Castle. So I guess I'd say that I liked the book recommendations the most.
Unknown said…
I like that they have activities not only to keep kids active, but also to keep kids positive... coming from an ex-pessimist who turned herself around in her 20's, I wish I had had this when I was younger.
April said…
Congrats on being chosen! I love all the activities that encourage parents and kids to be active! Great ideas!
Like many posters before me, I thought the activities for kids were great.
Mammatalk said…
Congratulations. What an honor. My years teaching elementary school always left me frustrated with the lack of emotional intelligence type instruction in the curriculum. What a fabulous resource. I liked the "Shake off the grumpies" dance myself!
Shannon said…
I think the activities to do with your kids would be most helpful... especially the "emotion awareness" ones... I think my 8 yr old could benefit from doing those.

Congrats again on getting chosen!
Anonymous said…
I like all of the activities to encourage positivity for parents and children to do together!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! That is amazing!
I stopped by the sight and loved everything! I like how everything is kept positive and of course the bright color! I think parents learn more when they are taught and not told! The activities are amazing!
I work for a preschool and will be passing this link on to my parents!!
Have a great week!
Shannon said…
I blogged:
free indeed said…
Congrats on your big news! Great! I had no idea what this was all about, and really like the positive influence they want to teach children; that optimism is a learned skill. I like the activities they showcase for parents with their kids and also other tools for parents to incorporate. I'm going to send a link to my daughter for her new family...and I can use this with my grandchildren too! Thanks for sharing this!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Congratulations, what an exciting time for you!!!!! The website looks so positive and wonderful. I specifically like the activities for keeping kids positive. Right now, the positive frustration is very helpful!!!!

Good luck with everything!!!
I love the interactive kids site. What a fun thing for the kids!

I posted about Fishful Thinking and your giveaway about 2 minutes ago!
Anonymous said…
Great site! I can't wait to share it with my PTO group. Very important stuff.

Christy said…
as a teacher, I can totally identify and completely agree with the statement that optimistic kids are more successful at school. It seems so obvious, but so many kids are not optimistic at all, especially where I teach at. This would be cool to adapt to older kids as well.
April said…
I love the list of age appropriate activity ideas to keep kids active :-)

Great contest! Sure hope I win!!!
Wanda said…
Wow...Tiffany that is so awesome! I am a mom to 3 teens....and I've worked very hard to create productive and loving people out of them. I agree that feeding them positive and helping them to learn how to solve their problems really is a key.
I love the activities offered...and the access to newsletters and more.
Diva Scrapper said…
Thanks for sharing the awesome site. I went over and checked it out..I need to spend more time over there looking at everything..there is just so much. My fav so far is the Goldfish Central for kids (
I've blogged about it and linked back to you and to Fishful Thinking. Please stop by and drop me a note. Thanks again.
CaraBee said…
What a wonderful concept! I truly believe that my optimism is part of what has brought me such good things in life. Have a great time in NYC!
Susie said…
Congratulations!! What an exciting opportunity for you!!
oh I love this site- great ideas for activies..very nice site
Sandra said…
I interviewed with them as well, and after seeing who made it... NOW i GET it, AND WHY I didn't get the job.

You gals kick butt!

My kids are out of the demographic and I don't work with kids....

Stephanie said…
Im so glad you have such a wonderful opportunity that is inspiring you and you feel so passionately about!

Your words today were exactly what I needed to hear and struck me to the core, thank you
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! Y'all are gonna have a fun weekend!

I've searched their site a few times now and I'm really impressed by the activities for kids and parents. I was just looking again and am especially liking the emotional awareness activities. I think for us doing the foster-to-adopt process this information will be useful.

PS I need a giftcard! ;)
OH... I just had a blast playing the bubble fish game. It is SO cute. My boys will love playing those games so I'll show them to them this weekend. They love goldfish crackers and pretzles, so they'll be happy to see them talking to them!
Anonymous said…
I love how they break activities down by age bracket, instead of clumping it all together. It gave me a range of things to do to keep him active.
Jen said…
I too think this is a great program and I too was interviewed for one of the positions but sadly I did not get selected. But I still think this program is a great thing and will do what I can to support it.
I hope that is weekend you enjoy the conference and learn lots. I can't wait to here about it.
Rhea said…
Awesome giveaway, great opportunity, and congrats for being chosen!!

I like their site. I love parent question areas. Always informative and entertaining.

I'll link back to your site.
Rachel Ann said…
What a great today definitely needs to know they can accomplish anything! How sad that the study they cite states that only 42% of kids feel as if they can do what they want, accomplish goals, etc. I'm curious to know the ages of these kids!

Way to go! Have fun
Carma Sez said…
I like that the program has activities to help kids channel their frustrations and teach them to persist despite setbacks. This is such an important lesson to learn at an early age that will come in useful years later when the going gets tough!
Parent and Kids activities...the one on the scavenger hunt looked like a lot of fun. I also liked the other tags. There was so much useful information there. The downloads were cute too. Especially the first one...the orange one about fishful thinking.
Rachel Ann said…

I blogged about it!
Aubrey said…
What an amazing opportunity! I just came over from Michelle @ Outnumbered and am so excited for you to. A little jealous that I will not be meeting the both of you BUT thrilled that you lovely ladies were chosen!

I am a big of the Q&A with Dr. Reivich. Also, the from the Experts section with the different articles. I have read through the 'How Not to Talk to Your Kids' piece and can't wait to read some others! GREAT site!
Heather said…
I loved all the activity ideas. Since cabin fever has been if full force for weeks, these are some new games for the kids!
I like the activity section best. There are a lot of cool ideas. I signed up for the newsletter too.
Carrie said…
OMGosh! I am so excited for you. I was visiting the site just the other day. I love the Activities for parents and kids The keeping kids active is so very important not only for their bodies but their minds. My 3 yr old loves to interact and keep her juices flowing. She loves Leap "FISH" or leap Frog as we call it.
I can't wait to hear more about your interview. Good Luck!
Carrie said…
Oh Yeah! I am posting about this contest too. Thanks!
shawn said…
Congrats... I like that site. I mostly like the activities for parents & kids
Michelle said…
I love the idea to make a "What am I greatful for" poster. I think we will do this next weekend for my son's room. There are some neat emotional activities on there!
Kebi Cedawna said…
Awesome giveaway!
I read the mission of "Fishful Thinking" and the comment that I most identified with was:
"By teaching kids Optimism today, we are equipping them with the skills and strategies they can rely on to shine in the face of adversity for the rest of their lives."
Optimism is such a valuable virtue to teach. Many kids that are born into negative situations believe that there is no better path. They have no hope.
This project by Pepperidge Farm is perfect for teaching these values. I think this program can really make a difference in society.
Anonymous said…
Looks like a great site!
I can't wait to sit this weekend and read all the articles as I sit in a nice, relaxing hotel with a nice, relaxing cup of tea... I'm positively excited!!
Anonymous said…
I love the activity section. I especially love the emotion awareness activity! Thank you for sharing!
Erika Jean said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erika Jean said…
I liked the quiz, it was short yet informative... and especially fun becuase I had to use an imaginary kid! I'm a single 24 yr old with no kids, lol... and the little girl I nanny is one... so she wouldn't have any of the experiences in the quiz yet :-)

I will post about this contest either tonight or tomorrow! Thanks!!! I'm crossing my fingers ;-)

Janelle said…
What a wonderful concept!!!! I like that the site offers the activities to keep children positive AND active. I also particularly liked this statement: The Fishful Thinking program provides the tools parents need to teach their kids how to think optimistically about themselves and how to use their Optimism to overcome life's obstacles, persist in the face of adversity, and transform setbacks into manageable challenges. great is it for kids to learn that message??

I'm going to fully check out this site - congrats on being part of it!!!!
Michelle said…
Oh this is so an intitiative that I'd love to get involved in. I spent some time with the Q&A and could see Mister Man (someday) in so many of them. AND I'm going to get him a squishy ball to play with instead of biting his nails tomorrow!
Janelle said…
I blogged about it here:
Just Lisa said…
Awesome possum! I loved the activity idea of an indoor scavenger hunt!

Good luck in New York, and have fun!
jennifersusan said…
How cool is that!?! Mamarazzi is a part of this too!! Wow! The web really does make this a smaller world, eh? Congratulations! That is so very exciting!
Okay so my favorite thing over at the Fishful Thinking, and this was hard because the whole Child/Family Development thing is what I went to school for and I tend to be a snob when it comes to sites like this, but.....I like the tips on positive thinking. It was really well done. A lot of sites geared towards families don't include tips on positive thinking. I mean REAL tips. I'm impressed!
Carolyn G said…
I find this program something that will really make a difference. THe fact that they provide parents the tools to teach is key because it's with parents that kids learn. ANd it is the parent's responsibility to nurture their children.

I think it's more then just teaching kids optimism. All this teaches kids self esteem and gives them the tools to go out into the world and make a difference. A lot of people think you can't make a difference because you are one person but I believe that is where it starts. If one person touches another and then so on and so on. Just think of the impact. Thanks for spreading the word on this.
Laura said…
I checked it out and I really like the activities for kids and parents. It had neat ideas on hope to inspire hope and positive emotions. I like that. Laura
Kiezie said…
What a neat giveaway and what a great site. As a new stepmom to a very unhappy high school student I cannot tell you how happy I was to have you introduce me to the Fishful site. I particularly love the Q&A, I'm going to buy the book tomorrow, and I've already signed up for the updates. I can't wait to check out the rest of the site. I'm a really positive person, but even I need some back-up and support! This is great! A lot of damage has been done but I know, above all else, that we can make life better!! Thanks!
KatieSaysSo said…
That was a really great site. I watched a couple videos they had. The "Success Box" was a really neat idea I thought. I like creative stuff like that.

That is really cool that you are involved in this. I bet that just feels awesome! You sound like such a great mom too =)

And what a great giveaway! Woohoo!
Laura said…
What a great cause. I love the activities that are for parents and children. Have fun, can't wait to hear more about it.
Angie's Spot said…
As someone who also interviewed for this, I'm so glad I "know" someone who made it into the group. I know you'll do a great job!

My fave feature of the site is the Q&A with Dr. Reivich. I'm a sucker for advice from the professionals and usually manage to glean some helpful tips from the issues that others bring up.
Congratulations! Sounds exciting!!

I like the Keeping Kids Active feature on that site. Our kids today just don't MOVE much like we did when I was a kid and there are some neat activities to get kids out of the house and away from the computers, video games and text messaging.

Unknown said…
I think Goldfish Central is a great idea and I'm sure alot of kids will have fun on that site. My kids love goldfish, and admittedly, so do I. I even ate them as an adult, before I had kids lol.
Roxane said…
I love the shake off the grumpies dance! Heck I could use to dance around a bit myself... Thank you for being so generous with your giveaway, i'm sure whomever wins it will be very grateful!
Kathryn said…
Before I read your blog I had no idea Goldfish crackers even had such an initiative (even though we go through a least a bag a month of their product).

While the articles are useful, I liked the quiz the best as it gave me more a gauge where my child was coping well and areas where improvement is needed.

What I would think would be even better if there were more interactive things for grade-schoolers through teens to do and maybe more self-assessment for them to take and things that are on their level that they can read and do as the older kids get, the more independent they strive to be and having Mom tell them what to do, or worse yet, feeling the need to have the parent tell them what to do when lowers their self-esteem.

My son is a freshmen in high school although he is very independent and well adjusted and confident in many areas, he still looks to adults too much to keep him on task and follow up to make sure he is doing what he should instead of keeping himself organized and on task. He hates chore charts and although they work, at 15 he needs to me more self motivated. Things that would help with stuff like this would be very helpful.
S Club Mama said…
Shake off the grumpies!!! How much fun! I am definitely going to try this with Moose - he's been having temper tantrums lately. Great idea...thanks for this site.

I will be praying for your plane trip and all the fun stuff in NY. Please keep us updated on what's going on.
Anonymous said…
What an awesome site!!! I love the Activities for Parents and Kids! Such great ways to teach your children important lessons!!!
I love that site. I found it through SITS. My favorite feature is the little advice column. My son was having some bullying problems and it is nice to see some positive suggestions instead of the usual just tell the Principal advice.
Eve said…
I think it's interesting that there is a book club link. I'm not sure that I would ever think to look for a book club online at a Pepperidge Farm site, but I liked their current book - The Secret Life Of Bees (one of my all time favorites)!
Unknown said…
I really enjoyed the Activities for Parents especially the segment on Positive Frustration Activities. The idea of a "Shake off the Grumpies" dance is such a clever idea, I might even use that for me!

I know with my daughter there are certain times, especially when she's tired, that it just overwhelms her into a melt-down. By that time, I'm ready for one, too. I'd bet a Grumpies dance would make both of us feel a whole lot lighter.

shel704 at aol dot com
Unknown said…
I blogged:

shel704 at aol dot com
Tim said…
Hey there! Just came across your blog and love it. I hope you wont mind if i follow along.

Please feel free to visit us at Fort Thompson anytime. You are always welcome!

Love and Prayers,

Rachael said…
I like the section about positive activities for parents & kids, especially positive frustration activities. What a great way to get on a positive path first thing!
Karenladd said…
How awesome that you were chosen!! My husband and son are both teachers and so we really see the value in this program. I firmly believe that the abililty to be optomistic and positive makes the difference between failure and success over a lifetime. I love the activities that parents can do with their children (as I also believe that families who participate together will get the best results). The resiliance quiz was very valuable and thought provoking!
Karenladd said…
Tweeted on twitter about your contest and about Fistful Thinking as karenladd, here:

karenladdFistful thinking..check this out! http://www.fishfulthinking....
less than 5 seconds ago from web

and here:
Erika Jean said…
Just wanted to let you know did I post about your contest on my blog!

I also gave u a "thumbs up" on stumble, in hopes to increase your traffic ;-)
Dee said…
my dialup doesn't like Fishful thinking at prrsent.... but judging by the comments left here, I should head over there when I am at work next.

Congrats on getting the NY gig.
i am so excited for you tiffany. i posted about it
i am loving the fishful thinking site more + more each time i visit. today, my favorite activity is the in your shoes. it is a great tool to help little ones see that they aren't the only one out there and to develop empathy.
Queenie Jeannie said…
I love this!! I already have a "Fishful Thinking" button on my blog. Mamarazzi hooked me up on that great site.

CONGRATULATIONS on working with them and I know you will share all the great info they pass on to you!

I love that the site offers real advice and activities that you can do with your child. I love the "shake off the frustration dance"!!!! I think Mommy needs that too!!!!

I hope I win! Target rocks my face off!!!!
I am perplexed at the opposition, but that is the way some people are. I really like the idea that this company is trying to go the extra mile to ensure happiness. Life is hard and any extra boost is welcoming.
Congrats to you! That sounds like a great opportunity!

Fishful Thinking has some really great stuff on their site. I really like the Activities for Kids & Parents. I will definitely be trying the "Shake Off the Frustration Dance" and I love the activities under the Savoring and Positive Emotion Activities. I will definitely do the "Finding Meaning" activity with my little guy when he gets just a little bit older.

Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom sent me over here. :)
I posted about your cause and giveaway! Have fun and we look forward to some great info upon your return.
Anonymous said…
First of all, congrats on this opportunity!

I like the section of activities for parents and kids. It is so important for children to learn resiliency - they will need it their entire lives!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Lesley said…
Count me in....I think its a fabulous idea....I love how it is easy to navigate...and the article on how to be a happier mom....amazing.....I love the videos and so many different ways to get with your kids....with so many kids just stuck in front of video games and tvs....this is what parents need...
Anonymous said…
Hi Tiffany, congratulations on your opportunity to be involved with 'Fishful Thinking' an awesome program to promote optimism in children. I am so thankful Joy sent me over here.
Our children deserve every opportunity to lead a life that will allow them to have positive feelings about themselves which leads to success in life. Go Goldfish Company!

I would be thrilled to win a gift card. Thank you for such good works and the opportunity to win such a generous gift.

Heather said…
What a great group to be a part of!

I liked the activities page, and I love that they separated the activities by age.

I read a book called "The power of a positive mom" a few years ago. It is amazing how much your attitude affects that of your children. So important to remember that every minute of every day.

Great idea, Tiffany!
Gaspegirl said…
I have recently commented on another SITS lady who will also be participating in this great initiative! Congratulations on being part of a potential eye-opening experience for many parents!!

As for the website - I have signed up for the newsletter because I do not think that there is anything that I do not LOVE about the entire program!

I will post about the contest tomorrow as I have already posted today and I want everyone to read the love note that I got from my dd... and I fear that adding another post may drown that one which means so much to me :)

Make it a great day!
Ash said…
Post is up and running (but officially taking myself out of the running for the cards - I wanted to post because I LOVE this initiative!!!)

Positive thinking is something we could all use. Em
*Just Jen* said…
I love the positive frustration bits, this can be VERY helpful!
This is the second post in a row I read on going to NYC for Fishful Thinking. SO cool!

The whole program seems awesome. I like the activities they list out on the website.

I'll be curious to hear about your weekend!
Vodka Mom said…
This sounds like an incredible adventure!! GOod luck to you- and I'm off to browse.
Debbie said…
I love the Q&A with Dr. Reivich. Great info on there. I love this initiative.
Nancy said…
Personally I like the activites for kids, especially the ones that are geared towards keeping them active. I don't have any kids but I work for a school district and have an intrest in health happy kids. Thanks for introducing me to this program and for the fun giveaway.
Cheryl said…
I love the whole concept. It is so hard to keep a positive attitude, at times, as an adult, with kids its harder. This is a wonderful site.
Bar-b said…
Tiffany, thank you for hipping me to this research project and website. I think it is fantastic. I especially enjoyed the quiz by the dr. for helping your child in specific situations. Optimism. So simple yet so difficult. I think this si going to be great for us and our kids. Hope! I love that this year's theme is this and I pray it continues. I can't wait to hear about your trip!!!!!!! What an honour to have been asked to attend.
Anonymous said…
I like that there are tips for parents including professional advice. I only wish this was around when I was a kid... my parents really could have used the help.
Congrats on the great opportunity!
Okay, I posted about this wonderful, Fishful site, hehe...but I didn't use the create a link, so here it is...

Have fun this weekend...woo hoo! You go mama!

Jamie :-)
Oh & I meant to say I love the 'Five things' indoor/outdoor game they posted...what a great take on a scavenger hunt. My four-year-old and I played and she has the best time! I did link to Fishful Thinking too! What a great thing, so glad you got chosen!!

Jamie :-)
Tricia said…
I like the keeping kids positive activities.
TuTu's Bliss said…
How exciting! I like that the activities have older and younger activities to choose from. Interesting sight..I hope to hear more from you about it soon.
Sturgmom said…
I'm so glad it has actual activities you can do with your children rather than a bunch of vague promises. Very nice! Congrats to you!
I blogged about this at
Anonymous said…
Congrats - this is very exciting news.

I really like the part about postive frustration. I live with a toddler so I can appreciate the benefits of that.
Anonymous said…
This is a great site that I'll be sharing with all the parents I know. I think what I like best is the pathways thinking idea. When you teach kids early on to look for solutions themselves, it will really help them achieve a lot later on. Thanks for letting us know about this great site.
Tamara said…
I would first like to say that I stumbled upon your blog by accident and I LOVE IT!!! Of course I don't believe in accidents. There was a reason for me finding you! The fishful thinking website is fabulous!! I love that it has such wonderful reinforcement for parenting. The adivce given about kids frustration, critical thinking and how to help kids deal and understand emotion is GREAT! I also really LOVE that they have an interactive kids area. I can't wait to get my kids logged on and let them explore this! Thank you for sharing!!
I like the fishful thinking quiz. It was sometimes difficult to choose between some of the options offered but the tips after each answer were very helpful!!
4BabyAndMom said…
I love the "Activities for parents and kids".. the ideas suggested are *real* solutions for *real* problems.. and a great way to work through your childs problem together. I also had no idea they had a Goldfish central that kids could play on- my son LOVES playing online. Thanks for the entry!

I can't wait to read more about your experience with Fishful Thinking! Have fun in NY!
Swirl Girl said…
WOW! We know someone famous!! Congratulations !

and I went to the site , looking for some ways on helping me deal with my 9 year old. There was a 'quiz' to see if your child has a positive self image. Pleased to say mine does.
daytoncat said…
I like the family activities section. I read through them and looked lang and hard at the positive emotions activity list. It's those little thing that make such an impression on my kids, someone really put a lot of thought into making thatlist. I like the idea of a good/happy feeling scavenger hunt. That doesn't cost anything and would bring a lot of joy into the day!

daytoncat said…
I like the family activities section. I read through them and looked lang and hard at the positive emotions activity list. It's those little thing that make such an impression on my kids, someone really put a lot of thought into making thatlist. I like the idea of a good/happy feeling scavenger hunt. That doesn't cost anything and would bring a lot of joy into the day!

Cheryl Lage said…
I am so looking forward to meeting you too, Tiffany!

Should be a really exciting weekend...can hardly wait! :)
Unknown said…
found you thanks to Rachael at LBOH. I had heard about FIshful thinking at another blog, too. I plan to spend some more time later looking at the site more but right away, I love that it breaks down fun ideas of things to do with the kids at different ages! That will be useful for home and work (teacher).
Karen said…
I really liked the Scavenger hunt story time, sounds like a fun activity!
Beth said…
I had no idea about the site and I think it's just marvelous!! I like the Positive Frustration Activities. That gave me some good ideas on how to get my kids to loosen up and try again.

I'm bookmarking it as a great reference!

And I'll be mentioning the site in my blog tomorrow!
Amy said…
Not trying to copy off of Beth -- honestly I came her to comment on Positive Frustration before I saw her comment. I think it's so hard to help kids understand that frustration/anger is not bad, but that there are appropriate ways to express it. The other thing I like is that darn fish -- he's so cute!
Lisa Samples said…
This sounds fun:


A fun variation on a scavenger hunt that requires little preparation and can be played both indoors and outdoors.

Choose a color or letter and then challenge the children to find five things that are that color or begin with that letter. Set a time limit to keep the game moving and fun.

For Example: Choose the color green. Then tell the kids they have two minutes to find five green things. Or choose the letter Y, and they have two minutes to find five things that start with Y.
Lisa Samples said…
Site and link to contest in right hand sidebar on my blog of giveaways to enter:
Lisa Samples said…
Site and link to contest in right hand sidebar on my blog of giveaways to enter:
Lisa Samples said…
Site and link to contest in right hand sidebar on my blog of giveaways to enter:
Unknown said…
How cool! I love the articles - especially the Positive Frustration. I have a perfectionist 6 year old boy and this is a must read for me! I love that we can raise a whole new generation of optimists. This world could use some more!
Very cool; what an honor for you.

The site looks great. Some of it feels much too in-your-face Goldfish for me, but I appreciate the overall idea and the positivity. I like that Goldfish has partnered to support City Year, which is a GREAT program, and the Goldfish Starfish are, of course, adorable. I'm also a big fan of the "optimism facts." I don't have kids, but my mom's a children's librarian, and I just sent this site along to her because I think she'll really like it.

Speaking of optimism, I am optimistic that I'll be a winner of one of your $100 Target cards. I could use the break. Thanks for sponsoring such a cool giveaway and for being involved with such a neat site!

Dr. Reivich's seminar on the Video section is awesome!
John Deere Mom said…
I am so annoyed! These people contacted me awhile back and I thought it was spam and deleted it. I am always getting random things people want me to put on my blog. Now I wish I had done it! Hmpf.
But, I am happy you are going to get involved. It sounds very exciting! I love the activities on the site that you can to do help kids stay positive and active.
auntrene said…
I love the activity section. We played Five Things yesterday. I think we will be playing Statue today.
Thanks for leading me to the great site.
I will be back.
Tiffany, this is a really great opportunity and what a cool site Fishful thinking is.
I like the kids staying active part and especially the Free Wheelin' Obstacle Course...I realized that we have NEVER done a bicycle course for our kids...and it is SOOOO easy.
When we FINALLY get rid of the cold temps and snow I am DOIN' it!!!
Anonymous said…
I love this... I like the tips for parents section, and I love the part where it talks about children who are optimistic have better health, better relationships, etc... it really brings out the importance of keeping them optimistic and active.
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
Lori said…
I love the Kids Site! My kids will have fun playing and learning♥
BBPartyGirl said…
Posted about Fishful Thinking and your giveaway!

Christina Strickland
BBPartyGirl said…
My first comment didn't save so here it is again:
The part of Fishful Thinking that I like is the Activities for Parents & Children. I think it is great that they not only tell the importance of the activity or idea but they also give options of activities to do. I also like that it is broken down by age appropriate groups!
Christina Strickland
Lori said…
I posted and linked on my blog :)

entry #1
Lori said…
Posted and linked on my blog :)

Entry #2
Lori said…
Posted and linked on my blog :)

Entry #3
Lori said…
Posted and linked on my blog :)

Entry #4
Lori said…
Posted and linked on my blog :)

Entry #5
Megan said…
Congrats to you. What a fantastic site. My favorite feature is activities from parents and kids to stay optimistic. Savoring and positive emotion was my fave section.
Megan said…
Blogged here:

Megan said…
Blogged here:

Megan said…
Blogged here:

Megan said…
Blogged here:

Megan said…
Blogged here:

Anonymous said…
I don't have any kids but i think programs to help children stay postitive are a great idea. Sometimes there's a lot of negativity in the world with the media and all, so it's good to teach how to be positive.

I think the activities that parents can do with their children are a great way to get the message across and spend valuable family time together.

Yay for Goldfish!
Anonymous said…
And i blogged it, too!
Shauna said…
I l♥ve the tips for the parents on that site! And I love goldfish crackers :)
Shauna said…
I posted about this on the top right corner of my blog!
Shauna said…
YAHOO!!! Please count me in on this! I would love to win this!!! I posted about this on my blog for the extra 5 entries :)
Shauna said…
Goldfish crackers rock! And I posted about this on my blog :)
Shauna said…
Thanks so much for doing this giveaway how awesome! I posted about this on my blog...
Shauna said…
Wow! This is great being able to enter this so many times for posting about it on my blog!
Anonymous said…
I like that they have a section for parents. We could use this as inspiration to come up with ideas on how to show our children positive thinking! stef4916 @ gmail . com
Nana said…
I like the Fishful Thinking site. I zoned in on the how to help your child with frustration category right away.

My youngest son, who is grown now has A.D.D. We dealt with a lot of frustration with him as a child.

We spent a lot of time at the gym and his father got him into football. His father also helped coach him in football until he graduated from high school.

My son learned to overcome many challenges. He was the last one allowed to walk on as a football player at one of our state colleges. This was after the coach told him he was not interested.

We now have a grandson living w/ us who has some of the same personality traits as our son and, wow I can't wait to do the little dance w/ him to make the grumpies and frustrations go away. I hope it works.
Teresa said…
I like the Fishful Thinking Video's, all three of them! One is seen on My favorite was the 30 sec. End of Summer Party. TRigell at aol dot com
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