Optimism Pays.

The "Optimism Pays" link up and contest.

With so much drama in the blog world {and the real world} let's focus on something fun.

So here is how Friday's link up/contest will work.

The theme is Optimism. You can write about anything, a story, a poem, your thoughts, why it's imporant, one line under a photograph, etc.

The prize. $30 gift card {winner's choice}.

How to enter:

1. Write a post about Optimism.

2. Link it up to the Mister Linky {will appear on Friday}. Be sure to use the link of the post.

3. Include a photo and you get linked here AND at My Chaos, My Bliss's Friday Photostory {this will get you some nice additional traffic}. I will also be mentioning it on SITS.

4. The post does not have to be new! You may have something in your archives that just needs some tweaking.

5. Links must be relevant to Optimism and cannot contain profanity or anything else I deem rude. {Muuuuhahahahahaha.}

Winner will be chosen by me and my crazy methods and announced on Wed, 3/24.

Let me know below if you are participating, link up are a great way to get new visitors!


Mamarazzi said…
LOVE this...i can't wait to play along!
Unknown said…
oh this looks like lots of fun!
Anonymous said…
Ok, I'll get to work writing!
Anonymous said…
We all need some more optimism in our lives! I'll definitely be playing along. :)
Oh man I will so be participating!! Sounds like so much fun!
Tenakim said…
so I guess I have to go and find my positivity hat? Wish me luck- it's burried under all the profanity.(-;
Amy said…
I may have to check this out. If so I will be back. Happy Sunday.
Kim said…
I better bring on my "A" game. Any particular type of photo?
Summer said…
I love this idea...

drama be gone!

I'm in!
Donnetta said…
Gonna start thinking!
Lula! said…
If I can get past this sinus infection and the horrible case of vertigo that is keeping me stuck in bed, watching Jason Statham movies (the only upside to all this), I will play along...because I'm being OPTIMISTIC it will happen. I WILL feel better soon, dangit.

Love you.
Jen said…
what a super cool idea and I have always been a glass half full kinds girl.
Anonymous said…
Hmmmm.....I bet I have a post that will work for this! Or, maybe I'll just write a new one! Keep on the sunny side. . .
i will definitely play along, i am all about looking on the bright side of things!
lynette355 said…
Well apparently your optimism paid off! Because...

Okay it is time to jump up, dance around and sing out loud!

I know you have been waiting with baited breath for this announcement. Right?

Well, I am here to tell you that your a winner over at

Anonymous said…
I'm in yo...even w/out profanity...

P.S. You missed some gooooooood mai-tais if I do say so myself. The ghost was lit by the end of the night. We've got pictures.
This sounds like some fun, let me see if I can share a little story this week!

StampinMom :-)
Heather said…
Great idea! After spending a week in the Optimistic capital of the world AKA Disney, I should be able to muster something up...
oooh...I better get writing!
AP Mommy said…
I love this idea! Very excited for Friday.
Fun idea - and I already have one in my archives so I'll totally participate. I am (positively) looking forward to reading all of the posts. :)
Aunt Julie said…
I'm in! I've always been a glass half-full kinda person anyway!
Mammatalk said…
Love it! Just posted about optimism today. Great idea!
Amy said…
I plan to do this!
Anonymous said…
What a great idea. I would love to post.
I am SO in on this - Optimism is my name... well, okay, half of it. ;) Love this fun idea!
nikkicrumpet said…
HAH my glass is always half full...unless it's brimming over...so this should be fun!
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful idea! I'll start writing now.
I'm there with bells on.
Connie said…
What a great topic! I'll work on mine.....
Sounds exciting! I'm in. Did you love Cecily as much in person as I do online? :)
Live.Love.Eat said…
So inspiring! What a great idea for posts!!! I think everyone will be blogging about happily on Friday!!!!!!
Sera said…
I'm excited about this - what a fun idea! Gotta start thinkin' about my post...
Diva Scrapper said…
This sounds like fun. I'll be back tonight to work on it. Plus I have to learn what "linking up" and who is Mister Linky...got a lot of searching to do.
I'll be playing along.
Anonymous said…
I've written mine so I'm ready. Not sure I completely understand Mr Linky yet or how to insert a photo...but hey if y'all can do it...how hard can it be???

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